1977, 12-20 Permit: M4441 Residence - -- - - - - - , - - - ---- - - ---- --'7 -- -.,„..,- ----- ----- - - ------'744-1- SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDIN4 CODE DEPARTMENT - - = -"- NUMBER * — ''''----- ... , ... ,..,.i-.:t„..,.,-,, _ gill ft Jefferson, sookeoe,-%owned-11 99201 lehunies# , , . - itgaptices.. ' _ 4 _ 14tiow,ktvor*,_twit 14116 M. 0647 INE__- Property Addresc -, ----,- Lai- Use or Strocturct- Permit . '!--ff? - - . . Type v zee, sialkirmitx10.or_. _ pgina4a.._. ,tAtr:,..t iRritigt and___dierc„,t attackK---,- ,tion . . Arkffetv gigi - , -_...... *,,,,,, _ , , _phone_twasee ----- OvmerPitttOnStg . =, - -. , • - _ _-_.. _,, ____,.. . . ....... Architeet:104.s...ortiftinc - Ackhissi,,.1.. „: 1 -••, .,. --,„,- - mone___9z3,17st .,, „..., .„.‘,., ,. Ceetr....,..ffika,,Lcsity.„ctt,ri:.---rtievany:i. Address Sagge______41 - _ : 1.- _____1.....„,......_.Pl10110-----. ------- 440.- ....,,. \ • , : ( e-Locattork` Parcel Cik Number--26MIZIAM,0-•--LOtJ-1--ietBd4-1.--ilial 4 ',MiB4-4°, , t*;--,,,, -7- --01101-Aidw,-*IRialatt- _frooLik11_,_ __lioes.----Froitt-yri--ot--at-teost.-V4-tr--side-rolt-ot---otitailt-Ve-ii,---TIP-X-7--- , ....,. l.1 t ., iA _statvballtim.,__131_flostirint:streets--ood..W-reao-yorik---qt*--itspioviiroicsoilow- - me— i 1,11 4) A.. ,, . „b7.-.29ofilih__Suirtiog_4,14,tor-Tiro--C4Kkeithr---Stm**-4etictorloi--roScrodw-A---11*-vstott--ftre-wo-1-17-- PL^n,,-,‘b ...16porathoo_roquirect botiotist--rastiktnot--and--gorosto. ( i Bldg. Zorta-._1_Fire Zone____1..Size. of Lot41151 Swage- tic. Const -frig* t- 4' Stories_..1__Dimensions_-_-lit!l3W-22!Xl4-'----1(V214-docit- Tow lq Ft_ mt va4uation_.$41.....mw_ _ : 1 Rms i BatfisiRR 1 Basernent.;_dil Fourxiation-concrotig gegagginey--.. Fireplace 1. lit& System Type of Roofing comp Ext. Finis Int. Waif Finish_ gyp_ board a Certificate of Occupancy Issued for __lee obove__.,pliathlog and-boottog--pormitsor4F row ., -- . Remarks..fACH_S1ASE_0_COISIXICt1011.NM ii4VE,__IISPICTIONS--cAuxysstiAs ior,47 i. -61-- - _PIIST_CONFORP1.10_61j. =M.caou.wirittoris,...rukoL_Disp_orrieg_mmsr_stc.... , -.4, _02".LEXT1011.6101102106__TikOCONACT-Or__PESIDENCL. - Colt - lr ,........ 1..... /. , PO THIS PERISH' is greatenapoa Ike express condition that the building tit land use for ZS the welt Is las$ -•Kunit in an r all th ordinances of tree County of eate. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spoilage County, and asay be revoked a2 any tt • the I of the •*visions of said ordinencss.at failure of plans as approvedto comp* with said ordinances. kt consUkfratian et the Issuairce ot the permit' tor the 'deafen of signs *at (cantle roust Plage ths sand xivw A - .unty Officials and II remove the sat sititt al the , expiration el the permit unless regularly renewed, This permit will be geed only for commencement of,worit within six mdrrthe, and mi,11 entire completion of within----!--1/111-111,M1-1.- from this date; after which time this permit MR be void. Auttldf.,%, 471, c i'' , o' fat BUR.ERNI CODE DEPARTME/iT I Dec. te, 20, 197s Permit Expires. . • 46.00 we 12/20/17 2010, ,,, * Fee Paid $......._........___ _ Date Issued -2-7,;74INSPECTOR , /./. , . - — .3 -- e"..41.- -/, t...,,/ az.)7,--),.....g . _ ..................**...n. es-me...., .... ..wV. j /.- i .- - -7 rUUNAIIUs LD1 , 2 2 t. STEEL "'� //�� vE, '== 'C (7) K Or V j! _ 3. FRAMING- �,, /2,11.., 411.(1‘< n �/ ,4 4. LATHING_______._._, 7,,,,,,,.., 2y�J.,,,,az/d,A.n Ste( / r Ge.--yte C.G� v - - 5. FINAL �- ._�,,;,,..,4 ` 7 . _ , x /,•',,,,, 6. CHIMNEY. - - � , -1/Le._...e..,d2„ oc....-Le.e.c__ cz-,....4.,.., /-4--:-L--f" /2-1•'— " 7. FIREPLACES CLQ y . 4. B. GARAGE .:� / / �7�7, ,,....7, /, ,-/ N 9. HEATING rf ' et 24 . `r//bore SYSTEM ...z4.--779 4 ,- /� 7-4 47,6,."--te ."1"- - 7‹ <7.c,'3,-.1e.-e,,,4 / ,,...5225-c•-: ...K.-.e.-,Z5-- �-„2. �`�'e r �c,Y�r,4, ,dam:, y '/ o>t TJGc ►-- f"r,,> GS