1974, 12-09 Permit: K6459 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT A'M 7-11177 A NUMBER K 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Residential 6459 A Land Use or Structure Perm -it Property Address.. -------- -------_------- --- Group ...... ---Type------. .. V .... Zone ------ AgricuTtural . -Sub-. Permit for .... Ae9U6nCe,--9&r-&9*.-AttaCh*d --------------­ 34Y­7M owner ..... R.S.V.P...UnStjrUCtj0jj,___1nc . . ...------.Address-----. -Spokow ----------- Phone.M-.-9.4 Architect--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address ......... ------------- ------- Contractor.]L ... --- .-Address ... ---- SPOkAn*,--.WashingtOU2 I _99M ------- . Phone.HU .. 947319 ------ Location ----- P&MOLL-MA1111111tr .. 286.414411 - ----- W...45'.. -Of .-Lo.t--61 --- E•__...Of 10 .0 .. 8L*Ck--3L4,_.XOkW* ------------------- Townitte .......... HIMMUM-20ftiAg --- Set -!!hacks Front..yard.-of --- side --- y9rd--of ... at-l"st--54-111 10.1 .... for-.2..stary .. bullding,.-AS" ---- f.laniLing..strests.-and..25'-.-rw-.-yards.-sre.--v.*wir*d - -------------------------------- ................ ........................................................... ............ ............................................................... .............................................................................. -9 1 .1 Bldg. Zone-----------I--.Fire Zone-----------3--Size of Lot---85--' ot --- 85-1 - — --------------------------------------------------------- Sewage.S*pt1Ic._t&Ak. --- Stories ------ lh ..... 01M Material.------.ft1111111111*1 -------------------------- ------- Dimensions --- U.102 --- 21 ___ 'x23_'__...TotaI Sq. Ft. -_--2245 ------------ Valuation 434, ,00 ...... Rooms ------ .j6__&_.2_baLths__ .... Basement ---- 1u.1-1l'oundation...-C(Mrtte ....... Chimney ............ Fireplace ---- .?,.-.Heating System --------- 9"--.f Certificate of Occupancy. Issued f or-- see- above - - j-n"P1 umbiho. .&M. -b"t.ng--X1#.5-.8!k .-requirad - ----- F"-STME ----- LL Remarks ----- OF...COtIS-TRUCTIM-.MST.-HAVI---ItiSPiCTIOliS..-jCALLED-.FOR,..AS-.REQUIRED.-BY ... CWE - ----- MMT .. CONFM TO.-ALL-MUNTY ... CODE__REQUIAEMENT�S S. ..... FINAL. -INSPECT Ift - JOT --BE XALLED .. FOR,-.UP0U..00MPLETM--AN0 ... PRIOR ... M.01=11PANCY --- OF--RESI.DCL.-.cALL.."3675 ...... ------ •-------- ------------------ -------------------------- ...... ----------- ------ ---------­------ ------------------------------------------------­---­-------------- : --------------- --------- THIS PERMIT Spokane, granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of of Spokane , regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. the grantee must place the said signs where directed by Court e In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs ty Officials and shall remove the said sign at th expiration of the permit unless ess regu I art y r:newed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within .... 1_y"r. from this date; after which time this permit will be id. Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 0*40Mb4W 9s 1975 Permit Expires.... ............................................. ....... ....................................... By ...... ... ..... INSPECTOR Fee Paid $ ... Date Issued.. -..1.2./9---/--7.4 --------------- Building .. .. . ..... ....... t 1. FOUNDATION Z. STEEL .... ..._..�.�//......�..�... 3. FRAMING I.,�..:57 4. LATHING.'..' ....... .......... ._._.......... 5.FINAL 6. CHI?viTcY....._.. .... ..... !. 1. FIREPLACES ...... ..._.......................... o0 ! 8. GARAGE .................. 3. HEATING IN SYSTEM.......... ...................Ew..w..�ww . MISC..c ............�....__._ � Oharles E. Compeau 11120' E. 26 Avenue Spokane, Wa. 99206 The following is a list of things at 11126 E. 26 Ave. which were brought to the attention of R S V P Contractors over the frl:st .10 months of our occupancy -which began October 10, 197. These things have not been taken care of . 1. Paint washes off walls inside of nuase. 2. Eves opening up (white paint showing through). 3. Eves opei.-ling up (cracks). 4. Front doir seal missing. (Fixed January" 14, 1977). 5. Furnace cold air return In basement installed improperly. (referance K6hler Tower & United). 6. Furnace hot air ducts west of furnace Inadequate. (refeiance Kohler Tower & United.) 7. Garage backdoor frame separating out slide. Garage rood above front garage door sages about 4 inches. 9. Garage floor craci"L-ed.' 10.Driveuay cracked. 11.Foundation leaks nirth wall of recroom. 12. Lower level f1bors Cracked. ENTRY HALLIYrAY: I. Nails lifting north, -wall oto many places to count). 2. Nails lifting East mall (6 places). 3. Needs paint over repaires west side. 4. :Rail loose. 5. Paint washes off walls. LIVINGROOk: 1. Morter around fireplace cracking fo(3rd Dtime. 2. Nails lifting vest wall (7 places). 3. Nails lifting northwall ("T places). 4. Corner cracked by handrail. 5. Nails lifting sjuth -wall (2 P14ces). 6 No paint ground thermostat. DINNINGROOR: 1. Counter top bubbledup. 2. Nails lifting west . wall (7 places). 3. Nails lifting northwall (7 places) 4. Nails lifting west wall (6 places), KITCHEN: 1'. Paint flaking above sink area. 2. Outcropping crackinL-, in curnerabove back door. 3. outcropping cracking over refrigerator. 4. Sealant around countertop deteriorating. Dior frame separatin� (outside). washes ashes -Q,,ff mal s. kASTERBEDROOPA 1. Nails lifting east wall (3 places). 2. Paint repair east -wall. 3. Nall lifting south wall (1 place) north east). 4. Corner cracked (sou�-hVest corner and A iviASTER BEDROOM CONT. ✓'� '. . Nails lifting west wall (3 plates)., i�`.�ASTER B11'H . A. Counter top cracked. V-2. Sealant around tub deteriorating. <; 3. Paint repair (1 place). T V. ROOM : 1. Paint fepair (1 place). 2. Nails lifting west wall (8 places). 3. Nails lifting north wall (4 places). 4.' Nails lifting east will (6 places). 5. Naffs lifting south wall (9 places). 6. All corners cracking. 7. Door binds when almost closed. 8. Heater duct against floor and clicks when steped upon. UPSTAIRS HALL: 1. Nails lifting (11 places). 2. corners cracking. 3. Paint repairs (2 places). FURNACE ROOM: 1A ' Hot and cold water pipes touching each other. 2. Foundation cracked behing dryer(2 places). 3. Foundation dracked east will (3 places). DC`41NSTAIRS BEDROOM: 1. West wall nails lifting (5 places) north side of door. 2. mails lifting south side of door (2 places). 3. Nailslifting south side of clotret door (2 places). 4. Nails lifting above clothet door (2 plees). 5. Nails lifting north side of clothet door (5 places). 6. Nailsilifting north wall ( 9 places). 7. Nails lifting east wall (10 places). 8. Nails 'Lifting south wall (8 places). 9. Northwest wall peparatin. at corner of out cropping. DOWNSTAIRS HALL: 1. Nails lifting north wall (3places). 2. Nails lifting south wall (9 places). DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM: 1. Nails lifting east wall (3 places). 2. repaint repair needed east wall. 3. Nails lifting west wall (11 places). 4. Southwest c'orner cracked. 5. Calking around shower deteriorating. REORU iiia; : 1.Nails lifting south wall too numinous too count. 2.Nails lifting west wall too numinous to count. _ 3 -Nails lifting north wall (8 places). 4 1pain4 repair needed northwest corner. 5. e_a n repair needed norlthuast corner. Nails lifting east wall (3 places). (2) GAhAGI;: 1.1' Floor cracking. 2. South wall cracked (2 pl-ces. Charles B. Co.i.peau 0 1 . 4 Na,[ s d �✓e c�..�. may, 02,��: J J 12 c Gas mac/ ��r�� Dil fePf 7�o GaY�, Q �Ge y cel ���c�r X64 A7 Q Rl