2002, 05-08 Permit App: 02003482 RemodelM it PROJECT APPLICATION WORK SHEET SPOKANE COUNTY I)IVISION OF BUILDING & CODF. ENFORCEMENT T1026 \NEST BROAD\V.AY ,AVFNUF. X sPoi�,vNE, W.\ 99260 509-477-3675 SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION Street .Address: I Assessor's Tax Parcel Numbcr(s): Legal Description: I _ Project Description: -1-N S1' At 1 '3t G L4 USWWW 12 IPJCX nji-4 (- ris7 T-) i . 9-^,c l/- nf- \-VA.,3z Building Permit ❑ Change in Use ❑ Grading O Manufactured Home Permit ❑ Relocation ❑ Sign ❑ Tenant (New/Change) 1 ❑ Other Department Use Only Water District/Purveyoe Sewer District/Purveyor Road width Setbacks 2 • LA • Q) (-)( F t?5ovi Fax: Mailing Address: 13 9 io E . a 6TH AVE Front: Rear. School District Fire District: Zoning Contractor Phone o�3L 13 :Architect,'Frignncer Phone Left: Right: OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION P/ d;,>,r,- nd,r, h,,Il h,•,,,,a,,•r,•.1.....d;,,,, Mi, nrd,-, 10 Om ner: Phone 70 � 2 2 I;t;, ❑ Applicant: Phone: 0 k VN n 1 cP 2 • LA • Q) (-)( F t?5ovi Fax: Mailing Address: 13 9 io E . a 6TH AVE Mailing Address: 3 '9) 1 AL Man f7v f: Cih', State, 'Zip 6 �N W4, q� po Cit), State, 'Lip I a o S, Poles 9 C Contractor Phone o�3L 13 :Architect,'Frignncer Phone 'c t lrs vs ON Fax Pas Mailing address 3'112- N. ovlaoE Mailing address Cit" State rip S 0r-A,v`- W/A, cls? U ctr, Stntc rip \C :A State Contractor license # Contact name W PROJECT INFORMATION Building Information Building height to peak # of stories "'lain floor sq. ft. Unfinished basemcnt sq. R. Dimensions "Total habitable space 2-1 floor sq. ft. Finished basement sq. ft. (>ccupancy group Construction tvpc Gar,igc Sy. ft. Dcck sq. ft. Cost of proicct I Icet Source (electric, gas, etc.) Manufactured Horne Sim \Ci�lth: Length: What is=thr, square footage of th( sign face? I low high is the sign? Year. \lake: # of signs Area of existing signs O Don't know O Yes O No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? Are or will there be wells located on the property? Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler Tent _ jPaint booth _ Fire Alarm Fireworks display Proposed use Value Special Inspections Required? Non -Residential Energy Code Compliance? Firm Name Phone Plans I(samincr Phone Inspectors: Address Ifyes, identi# on site plan O Yes O No Inspector Phone O Concrete O Welding O Bolting O Reinforcement Address ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION Are there structures on the property? O Yes O No What is the current property size? Ifyes, identib on site plan (square feet or acres Is any part of the property within 250 feet of a shoreline? What is the current use of this property? Ifyes, identi# on site plan O Yes O No O No Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat area? Will the site be served by a septic system? O Yes O No O Don't know O Yes O No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? Are or will there be wells located on the property? Ifyes, ident!�, on site plan Ifyes, identij on the site plan O Yes 0 No O Maybe O Don't know O Yes O No O Yes C3 No Are there any wetlands, streams or ponds within 200 feet of the property? Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? Ifyes, identi on site plan O Yes O No O Yes O No Are there slopes greater than 30% on the property? (30 ft rise in 100 ft) ire critical or hazardous materials used or stored on site? �% O Yes O No O Yes O No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Storrnwater Control Area? Is public sewer available to the site? O Yes O No O Yes O No Is the property inside the ASA? 0 Yes O No Is public water available to the site? O Yes O No O Yes C3 No Is the property inside the PSSA? O Yes O No Is the property located within 1000 feet of a Natural Resource Area? O Yes C3 No Date Iteceived: Staff Rcprescntatic-e: METHOD OF PAYMENT vo,! ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK ❑ � ❑ ❑ FAXED PERMITS WILL ONLY BE ACEPTED WITH PAYMENT OF A MAJOR CREDIT CARD DA"I'E: BAN KCARD NUMBER: AU'l`HORIZED SIGNATURE: EXPIRES: SUK170'I7:11. TOTAL FEE MINIMUM PERMIT FEE IS 05.Q7PLFASE AfAKE CHL.CK,S PAYABLE TO SPOKANE COUNTY PERMIT CENTER