1991, 06-28 Permit: 91003608 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, VASHINt-TON 99260 (509)456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate orcancel the Arovi ' ns of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION /� OWNER OR AGENT r DATE (v i"C':C:!,.!#:::{::-! ±'dt.tMI:jE;•,---: 0003608 I;ti.UEfi PERMIT DATE= t:.=- 1,^,:.:.1.,;>' •%j-!{•.±: =.. 01 PERMIT .t.Nh-ORMATIOi a SITE STREET= 140i9 E 26TH AVE PARCELO= 26543—GiO2PTN ADDRESS= VERADALE WA 99037 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE W/GARAGr.-�: PLATO= tf ii• i+i i+: i+: i+i ti )+; 3G n: n:.J, .,�..n: �,: y,, p:.y,; .1, .y,..y,..n: n: 1r 1r r•; r.': 'r.: k n; i, 000000 PLAT i Nell"t ::.= UNKNOWN VALUATION ...J., R-3 ,. 8',., ------------ rJr 79.00 GARAGE s M ---i VN 480 00000+: 007 E' F" WIDTH= 8 DEPTH= t 0 0 ±µ+t" i:l±...�1(:r,t'::- r.t:�.jf;r%'A= j i 0 DWELLINGS= i WATER DIST :::: '',{E:.F'•'.A sitar-?!::.ri= ba #"; t r,; r•iS,t.t.yt.:.!.r.:r!E::,:> I!•?k.: F'#•,!.?±',,-.= 509 922 0702 STREET= P 0 BOX 14004 ..........—.................. ---- ------------- s`:26 .: ,.:),..) STATE SURCHARGE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99214 CONTACT NAME= BILL SMITH PHONE NUMBER= 509 922 07R? BUILDING SETBACKS: f•t.: isS: E:•Rt.it':J!:::: :ti!? LEFT= i5 RIGHT= i7 R#:::r:tF.;= 43 STREET= P 0 BOX i4084 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 9904 BUILDING PERMIT hi )G n; k :u. •i,: )+; r: x n: a,:.1,..�r n: n: 1 r n; it a n h: )G n: i+i 3{ fi: n: n: PHONE= 509 977 0782 A i D .!. ± .!.t i.? N = CHANCE OFt. i ;. r•.:: CRITICAL MAT- NBLDG DESCRIPTION GROUP .. 1 P J,.• •'Jr 9k 9l •)!- f:. �:. 9?. pt..y..,,. �..::+:: ;: - �• . r :,i. j!. i?. r�. r�. N. _,,. jF.:12- il- TYPE ,t. i.:,+ FT VALUATION ...J., R-3 ,. 8',., ------------ rJr 79.00 GARAGE s M ---i VN 480 3360.0000 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 1461 64284. 2ND FLOOR R-3 VN 930 20460.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION ------------------------- QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT f'•.±:..Ih.#.i?::N T.AL VALUATION RESIDENTIAL -------- r ..........—.................. ---- ------------- s`:26 .: ,.:),..) STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.0.) MECHANICAL t.:t_.t`!"t... •}f- )t• -k• li• :k• 1!• 9k 9t .il..H. jt..t!. ;t It 1: i!• Y• J` is 9?. �} jr. �w :1t iY •lE CONTRACTOR= ALLIED "EATING INC STREET= •: 'i 'i E TRENT AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 ITEM DESCRIPTION ------------------------- GAS ...................._..............................................-----.......................... GAS Fi•I G E"Qt.!IPr-. 1 _;?+•:. 0(:)0 >BTi..i GAS PIPING AIR CONDITIONER 0-3 TONS GAS LOG PHONE= 509 92B 825? QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT' ........................................................................ i 1 ? 0 £ K' i!' 1+i'J?• it 9k 'Jr 'tr •J+. ��. :1:.:y:. :,c •i` 1'i •ii' -)G ')+: S7 '12- i+(. j}. j(. }:. .i}- i'r t}• 3!- PLUMBING !..!::.R! t.,., N• �?' 9r P='.t �2. 3?' 4t' )t 1h a- 1:- Jt 9t- -ii• ;,,i �Jh J?!f- -i+.- 7+: c+i. !:. c+S- i++.- :+' )i• i+t i+7 +r CONTRACTOR= MJB PLUMBING STREET= i624 E LONGFELLOW ST ADDRESS= :: SF`C1#<r•``NE ;:.iii 99207 E t E:.M DESCRIPTION TOILETS 1N K SHOWERS BATH TUBE KITCHEN SINKS DISH WASHERS GARBAGE DISPOSAI CLOTHES FLOOR DRAINE PHONE= 509 489 347i QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT 4 24 "; 2. Q.) SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, i have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE — . •....... •..:.:... s...,. a ..,..�y..�l.. !.... •,..n. ,y . �.. �.. ,..,(.: (.: t.: ,::.[..tt..}(..jj. ��::rf P. 1. A.AR. P. P. f. .. .t 1. .. ..1.1.9.....1.,.1...1.1.1....... PAYMENT f M.aS"'Pr if .i'l �j$ 'Nr •Pr •j4 •j7 •jsr 4 •)4 �It: •A: 'Pr a� 9i• 'Nr Sir 3�r $t• 'jG 'j$ hr .j( .j{. inr :pj .jt. PAYMENT DATE t REt.r1::..l.P t :y. PAYMENT AMOUNT 06/28/91 4222 TOTAL ..:1 R:: ± t., e 1•'±?... DUE::::•..rT%:,L PAID= ', PERMIT T,'!F C.AMOUNT At+±NPAID -tI-:3_v OWING r,i.x is %1•it DING PERMIT 730.66 73'j.t {:? loc.) MECHANICAL PRMT 47.00 47.0(-) PLUMBING PERMIT iG2.00 PROCESSED BY: jULIE SHATTC."i PRINTED BY, WENDEL, GLORIA :y.:�t.::.:,t.:,j.:::F_..: g�:: t.: t.:,(..t(.: ¢ : t.:,,: y::,�::d. -.: •.. t.:: • • ::¢ ::: {.: ;.::: t..et- A :j i,. ...i .n? .j;• .p:.j�; ji: •1?• •N.• •jar •JE Ser 'J6 hr ;n• 9?- i`r :h;• •Ar •Pr 'Pi jar :P; •Ar 9tr •J�r :R..P: •jM1 •jar :7 •}i..t�..yt..j(. .. .. .:. i t.j •..� -4 � 1* SPECIAL CONDITION CHECKLIST Project Address: Project# Use: Dept: Date: Condition: mit: Appr: (in) (out) Dept.of Bldgs. Special InspFinal Report Hydrant( ) ' | Lock Box | i ' | -- snoinoors RID/CRP Easements Road Plans/Improvements Bonds | --! | --/ Planning Bonds •' Utilities / __` Double Plumbing --` ULID - -- -- - ( -- _-' Other -- -- ~—^'`~``~~```~`~`^```~THIS SPACE FOR COMMERCIAL PLANS TRACKING,CERTIFICATE OrOCCUPANCY ONLY`~^~^```~``~`~``~``````` Date received for C/O processing: -- . Plans pulled for final processing: Temporary C/O issued:. Certificate ol Occupancy issued: Office file review by: _ . Date: Filed insp finaled by: �Date- Ninety days after C/O issuance: am-winetydaysahe,C/0inovonoe Owner/contractor called regarding the return of plans: Date: Plans returned: neceivouuy- '