2017, 05-02 Study SessionAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, May 2, 2017 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL ACTION ITEMS: 1. Gloria Mantz 2. Mayor Higgins Bid Award, Sullivan and Euclid Project Motion Consideration [public comment] Re -appointment TPA Commission Motion Consideration [public comment] NON -ACTION ITEMS: 3. Gloria Mantz, and Brian Roundabout Presentation Walsh, Larry Frostad, and Glenn Wagemann from Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WSDOT) Discussion/Information 4. Robert Lochmiller, Gloria Mantz Saltese Preservation Project Discussion/Information 5. Chelsie Taylor Surplus Items Discussion/Information 6. Doug Powell, Jenny City Hall Update Discussion/Information Nickerson 7. Mayor Higgins Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 8. Information Only (The following item will not be reported or discussed): Draft 2018-2023 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 9. Mayor Higgins Council Check in Discussion/Information 10. Mark Calhoun City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Study Session Agenda, May 2, 2017 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 2, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ['admin. report Department Director Approval: ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Sullivan -Euclid PCC Intersection Project, CIP # 141 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 — Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval to submit the Sullivan -Euclid PCC Concrete Intersection Project, Surface Transportation Program Urban (STP(U)) Grant Application, September 15, 2010, (Grant funds were received for the PE phase); Approval to submit Grant Application for construction phase on April 30, 2014, (project placed on SRTC's STP Contingency Project List); Project placed back into the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan for 2016- 2021 which was adopted by Resolution No. 15-005 on June 23, 2015. Approval to accept federal STP grant funds from SRTC on February 16, 2016. Admin Report to seek Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funding for the project on July 26, 2016. BACKGROUND: The Sullivan -Euclid PCC intersection project will reconstruct the intersection of Sullivan and Euclid with concrete pavement, improve storm drainage facilities and update pedestrian ramps. The project is funded by a STP(U) grant, TIB grant and city funds. Public works staff designed the project and received permission from the funding agencies to advertise for bids. Bids were advertised on March 3 and were opened on March 24, 2017. The engineer's estimate is $1,917,945. Three bids were received and were all below the engineer's estimate. The lowest bid was from Cameron -Reilly in the amount of $1,401,035.50, approximately 27% below the engineer's estimate. The second low bidder was W.M. Winkler. Co. (Winkler). Exhibit A includes the bid tabulations. The City sent the bid documentation to WSDOT for their concurrence that Cameron-Reilly's bid was responsive, including review of the disadvantage business enterprise (DBE) mandatory goal of 7%. Winkler submitted a protest letter to the City on March 27, 2017 indicating that Cameron- Reilly's bid had irregularities that made the bid non-responsive (Exhibit B). WSDOT reviewed the bid documentation and protest letter and concurred in the award to the apparent low bidder, Cameron Reilly on April 10, 2017 (See email dated April 10 in Attachment C). However, Winkler protested the award to Cameron based on the DBE subcontractors qualifications on April 10, 2017 (Attachment D). WSDOT requested additional information and concluded again on April 19, 2017 that Cameron-Reilly's bid was responsive (See email dated April 19, 2017 in Attachment C). OPTIONS: Award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder or take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the Sullivan -Euclid PCC Intersection Project #0141 to Cameron Reilly in the amount of $1,401,035.50 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Project budget is $2,330,475. It is funded with a $1,351,600 federal STP grant, a $657,750 TIB grant, with local matches of $321,125 (Fund 302 REET). There are sufficient funds to cover this project. STAFF CONTACTS: Gloria Mantz, PE - Capital Improvement Program Manager Attachments: Bid Tabulations, Exhibit A Winkler protest letter Exhibit B WSDOT determinations, sent via e-mails, Exhibit C Winkler protest letter, Exhibit D BID TABULATION Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Project CIP No. 0141- Bid Opening Date 03/24/2017 S nem Valley. WSDOT 1J Item 0 Units Quantity Engineers Estimate Cameron -Reilly, LLC. WM Winkler Acme Concrete Paving Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost - / 0002 100 MOBILIZATION L.5. 1 5186,000.00 5186,000.00 563,029.00 $63,029.00 $99,980.00 $99,980.00 6125,000.00 5125,000.00 101 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING L.5. 1 $20,000.00 520,00000 543,791.00 543,791.00 523,000.03 523,000.00 59,200,00 59,200.00 7736 102 SPCC PLAN LS. 1 5500,00 5500.00 5750.00 5750.00 $950.00 $950.00 $1,050.00 51,050.00 103 EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 51,500.00 51,500.00 54,590.00 54,590.00 $5,200.00 $5,200.00 514,500.00 514,500.00 6971 104 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $105,000.00 5105,000.00 558,269.00 558,269.00 $108,000.00 5108,000.00 5182,00000 5182,000.00 105 PORTABLE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL L.S. 1 540,000.00 $40,000.00 $53,350.00 $53,350.00 $48,500.00 548,500.00 582,500.00 582,500.00 6993 106 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR. 1830 $3.00 55,490.00 $3.75 56,862.50 53.60 $6,588.00 $3.50 56,405.00 7728 107 MINOR CHANGE CALC 1 $13,000.00 513,000.00 513,000.00 513,000.00 513,000.00 513,000.00 $13,000.00 513,000.00 108 SAWCUT ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1.1-I11 6300 $2.00 $12,600.00 50.90 55,670.00 51.75 511,025.00 $1.50 $9,450.00 0120 109 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT 5.Y. 7510 $10.00 575,100.00 54.00 530,040.00 54.30 532,293.00 $3.00 522,530.00 0110 110 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB L.F. 1100 510.00 511,000.00 510.00 511,000.00 52.55 52,805.00 $6.50 57,150.00 0100 111 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ DRIVEWAY APPROACH S.V. 420 515.00 56,300.00 512.00 55,040.00 57.00 $2,940.00 $16.25 $6,825.00 112 REMOVE 24 IN. WIDE ISLAND L.E. 840 $10.00 58,400.00 510.00 $8,400.00 53.00 52,520.00 55.00 54,620.00 113 REMOVEJUNCTION 800 EACH 4 5150.00 5600.00 5125.00 $500.00 5110.00 5440.00 5109.00 5436.00 0310 114 ROADWAY E5000. INCL. HAUL C.V. 2160 $35.00 575,600.00 527.00 558,320.00 521.00 $45,360.00 $27.00 $58,320.00 0432 115 GRAVEL BORROW INCL. HAUL CY 65 $40.00 52,600.00 550.00 $3,250.00 $32.20 52,093.00 540.00 52,600.00 116 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE, 2 IN. DEPTH S.Y. 190 515.00 $2,850.00 $12.00 $2,280.00 $16.10 53,059.00 53.00 5570.30 117 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE, 4IN. DEPTH S.Y. 1300 $15.00 519,500.00 510.00 513,000.00 510.10 513,130.00 $4.30 55,590.00 118 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE, 6IN. DEPTH 5.0. 10 530.00 $305.00 $30.00 $300.00 $31.20 5312.00 $8.70 $87,00 119 CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE, 4IN. DEPTH S.Y. 7800 $15.00 5117,000.00 $12.00 593,600.00 $5.55 543,290,00 56.50 550,700.00 5-04 120 HMA CL. 1/2" PG 64-28 0.17 FT. DEPTH 5.0. 630 $40.00 525,200.00 $12.65 57,969.50 512.75 $8,032.50 512.50 57,875.00 121 HMA Cl. 1/2" PG 70-28 MISCELLANEOUS AREAS S.Y. 10 590.00 $900.00 $200.00 $2,000.00 $205.00 $2,050.00 $195.00 51,950.00 122 HMA 01. 1/2" PG 70-280.58 FT. DEPTH S.Y. 1300 560.00 578,000.00 $48.00 $62,400.00 $47.00 561,100.00 $46.60 560,580.00 123 JOINT ADHESIVE L.F. 350 $2.50 $875.00 55.00 $1,750.00 54.50 51,575.00 513.80 $4,830.00 5830 124 10B MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALL 1 $1.00 $1.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 $1.00 51.00 $1.00 5835 125 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 51.00 51.00 $1.00 $1.00 51.00 6700 126 CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 1440 $40.00 557,600.00 524,00 534,560.00 $24.80 535,712.00 530.00 $43,200.00 7055 127 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5.0. 380 565.00 524,700.00 $95.00 517,100,00 557.90 $22,002.00 $55.00 520,900.00 5625 128 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT C.Y. 2000 5350.00 5700,000.00 $242.75 5485,500.00 5259.00 5518,000.60 5270.00 5540,000.00 5638 129 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE COMPLIANCE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 $1.00 130 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 1 5600.00 $600.00 5600.00 $600.00 $950.00 5950.00 5700.00 5700.00 131 ADJUST EXISTING GAS VALVE - EACH 1 $400.00 $400.00 5500,00 5500.00 $650.00 $650.00 $700.00 $700.00 132 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE CUSTOM PERPENDICULAR A EACH 1 $1,500.00 51,500.00 51,600.00 51,600.00 $2,123.00 52,123.00 $2,450.00 52,450.00 133 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE CUSTOM PARALLEL A EACH 1 51,500.00 51,500.00 51,600.00 51,600.00 50,600.00 51,600,00 52,563.00 $2,209.00 52,563.00 52,209.00 52,450.00 $2,450.00 52,450.00 $2,450.00 134 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE CUSTOM PARALLEL 8 EACH 1 51,500.00 51,000.00 7058 135 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE CUSTOM SINGLE DIRECTION A EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 51,600.00 51,600.00 51,288.00 51,288.00 $1,630.00 $1,630.00 6707 136 CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB L,F, 130 525.00 $3,250.00 $22.00 52,860.00 518,20 52,366.00 517.30 $2,249.00 137 CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC ISLAND 24 IN. WIDE L.F, 830 $110.00 591,300.00 $21.00 517,430.00 523.00 519,050.00 532.00 $26,560.00 138 RIVER ROCK S.Y. 25 $25.00 5625.00 512.00 $300.00 532.00 5800.00 520.00 5500.00 6555 139 SOD INSTALLATION 5,7. 160 520.00 53,200.00 515.00 52,400.00 $17.00 52,720.00 $12.50 $2,000.00 140 TOPSOIL, TYPE C S.Y. 160 510.00 51,600.00 $10.00 $1,600.00 515.50 52,480.00 510,70 51,712.00 141 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REVISION EACH 2 51,200,00 52,400.00 52,500.00 $5,000.00 51,850.00 $3,700.00 5812.00 51,624.00 142 JUNCTION BOX, TYPE 1 EACH 3 51,900.00 54,50000 5620.00 51,860.00 5546.00 51,638.00 $545.00 $1,635.00 143 JUNCTION BOX, TYPE 2 EACH 3 51,700.00 $5,100.00 $900.00 52,705.00 5710.00 52,130.00 5705.00 52,115.00 144 JUNCTION 800,TYPF. 8 EACH 7 52,000.00 514,000.00 52,250.00 515,750.00 51,856.00 $12,992.00 51,850.00 $12,950.00 BID TABULATION Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Stiolive 11ey, Project CIP No. 0141 - n10 Opening Date 32/441[011 WSDOT # Item # Units Quantity Engineers Estimate Cameron -Reilly, LIC. WM Winkler Acme Concrete Paving Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost 145 PULL BOX EACH EACH 1 9 $3,000,00 0600.00 $3,000.00 $5,400.00 036,000.00 020,000.00 03,300.00 $625.00 $78,650.00 $35,200.00 $3,300.00 $5,625.00 078,650.00 $35,200.00 $3,385.00 $546.00 $78,100.00 $34,942.00 $3,385.00 $4,914.00 $78,100.00 $34,942.00 $3,360.00 $540.00 $77,500.00 $35,000.00 $3,360.00 $4,860.00 $77,500.00 $35,000.00 146 INDUCTION LOOP, TYPE 3 147 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM MODIFICATION L.S. L.S. 1 1 $36,000.00 $25,000.00 148 NON -INTRUSIVE VEHICLE DETECTION SENSOR SYSTEM 149 CONDUIT PIPE 2 M. DIA, L.F. 430 $13,00 $5,590.00 $15,400.00 $17.05 $15.00 07,331.50 $16,500.00 $16.90 $14.90 $7,267.00 $16,390.00 $16.80 $15.00 $7,224.00 $16,500.00 6945 6947 150 CONDUIT PIPE 3 IN. DIA. L.F. 1100 $14.00 151 REMOVING PLASTIC LINE L.F. 24 $3.00 $72.00 015.00 $360.00 010.90 $261.60 $11.00 $264.00 6895 152 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKING- SHORT DURATION L.F. 4100 02.00 08,200.00 $1.00 $4,100.00 $1.00 $4,100.00 01.65 $6,765.00 PLASTIC LINE L.F. 2250 $4.00 $9,000.00 $4.00 $9,000.00 03.80 $11.50 017.50 $355.00 027.30 $250.00 $165.00 $8,550.00 $12,650.00 $12,250.00 $3,905.00 $4,095.00 $4,000.00 $330.00 03.80 $31.50 $17.50 $355.00 $27.00 $245.00 $163.00 $8,550.00 $12,650.00 $12,250.00 03,905.00 04,050.00 $3,920.00 $326.00 6807 6828 153 154 PLASTIC WIDE IANE LINE L.F. 1100 $7.00 $7,700.00 012.50 $18.00 $375.00 $30.00 0275.00 0175.00 $13,750.00 012,600.00 $4,125.00 04,500.00 $4,400.00 $350.00 6857 155 PLASTIC C005SWALK LINE S.F. 700 $12.00 $200.00 $8,400.00 $2,200.00 $3,000.00 $3,200.00 $300.00 6833 156 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW EACH 11 6859 157 PLASTIC STOP LINE L.F. EACH EACH 150 16 2 $20.00 $200.00 $150.00 6871 158 PLASTIC TRAFFIC LETTER DELINEATOR AND CORE HOLE 159 160 BULLNOSE MARKER EACH 1 $400.00 $400.00 $500.00 $500.00 0495.00 $495.00 5500.00 $1,625.00 0000.00 51,625_00 6890 161 PERMANENT SIGNING L.S. 1 $1,500.00 51,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 02,000.00 52,000.00 7045 162 MONUMENT CASE AND COVER EACH 1 050000 $500.00 530000 530000 $95000 595000 5120000 51200.00 Total SchecIA . _.. ,- ti - . - _$};85845509:x: __.- 1346i?1550 - . ,_ $1;3.69i24310 _ :.$1544945(00 BID TABULATION Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection Project CIP No. 0141 - Bid Opening Date 03/24/2017 S o' ane 'alley• WSDOT II Item 6 Units Quantity Engineers Estimate Cameron -Reilly, ILC. WM Winkler Acme Concrete Paving Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost S4hed B 0002 200 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $500.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 51,500.00 $7,500.00 57,500.00 52,800.00 52,800.00 201 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM 1.5. 1 $500.00 5500.00 5400.00 $450.00 $1,075.00 51,075.00 $675.00 5675.08 7728 202 MINOR CHANGE CALL 1 52,000.00 52,000.00 $2,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00 0110 203 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB L.F. 360 $10.00 51,600.00 $12.00 $1,920.00 $3.50 5560.00 $7.60 51,216.00 0100 204 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/ DRIVEWAY APPROACH S.Y. 125 $15.00 $1,875.00 515.00 $1,875.00 $6.50 $812.50 517.50 52,187.50 205 ABANDON EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 1 51,000.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,950.00 52,950.00 5815.00 $815.00 206 REMOVE EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 1 51,500.00 51,500.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 51,600.00 51,600.00 5550.00 $550.00 207 REMOVE CURB INLET, TYPE 1 EACH 5 5200.00 $1,000.00 5200.00 51,000.00 $950.00 54,750.00 $110.00 $550.00 208 REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN EACH 1 $500.00 5500.00 51,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,060.00 51,060.00 5400.00 5400.00 209 REMOVE STORM DRAIN PIPE L.F. 12 $20.00 $240.00 550.00 5600.00 $88.50 51,062.00 513.00 5156.00 210 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE, 21N, DEPTH S.Y. 20 515.00 $300.03 $25.00 5500.00 $15.10 $322.00 53.00 560.00 211 CONCRETE INLET TYPE 1 EACH 2 $300.00 $600.00 $1,800.00 53,600.00 $1,800.00 53,600.00 51,500.00 03,800.00 212 CURB INLET TYPE 1 EACH 4 $400.00 51,600.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 5126.50 5506.00 5162.00 5648.00 213 CATCH BASIN TYPE 2, 48 IN. DIA. EACH 4 $4,000.00 516,000.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 $3,684.00 514,736.00 52,400.00 59,000.00 214 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EACH - 4 $500.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 51,600.00 $350.00 51,400.00 5380.00 51,520.00 3773 215 DUCTILE IRON STORM SEWER PIPE 101N. DIA. L.F. 160 $50.00 $8,000.00 $60.00 59,600.00 581.50 $13,040.00 565.00 510,400.00 216 CONNECTION TO EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 1 5600.00 $600.00 $750.00 $750.00 $2,300.00 52,300.00 51,200.00 $1,200.00 217 TYPE 4 FRAME AND SOLID COVER EACH 1 5650.00 5600.00 5750.00 5750.00 5975.00 $975.00 $545.00 5545.00 218 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL TYPE 3 WITH SOLID COVER EACH 1 54,500.00 54,500.00 $3,500.00 53,500.00 55,975.00 $5,975.00 $3,800.00 53,800.00 219 REPLACE EXISTING CONE EACII 1 5700.00 5700.00 $750.00 $750.00 51,400.00 51,400.00 51,500.00 $1,500.00 6700 220 CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 160 540.00 56,400.00 525.00 54,000.05 $23.40 $3,744.00 $27.10 54,336.00 7055 221 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5.1. 115 $65.00 57,475.00 $55.00 $6,325.00 549.50 55,692.50 $55.00 $6,325.00 TotalSched fi • .r; ,.. .. :.:;. .:..;; `- :- --...,,.._$59,29000 56402000-$7706000_- -_ _ $5.,081 0 TOTA[i(AllscheduleS) =.; :� . _ '. _ .,. _ ;� <>� ,..-Rim ' ,$1y917,945O0: .. ,5L$1,401,03550 ;. 1.:3$1,4.4.6001310 z :: . •.$1,594,128,50 Note:Acme s Total for S hedule Awas corrected from the bid proposal form total of 1,045,545.00 to$ 1,5,14,045.00. The total for AR chedules was also co rected from 51,600,628,50 to $1,599,128.50. Federal Debarment Checked DBE Confirmation from WSDOT r Wm. WINKLER CO. Exhibit B A .f` iKum.nr CONCRETE CONTRACTOR SINCE 1919 WA REG. NO. WMWINC*935LA ID REG. NO. PWC -C -10110 -UNLIMITED 1-2-4 MT REG. Number 53384 5516 N. Starr Rd. — PO Box 430 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Phone: (509) 489-6100 - Fax: (509) 484-0646 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Attn: Erica Amsden, P.E. 11707 E. Sprague AVE, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Sullivan & Euclid PCC Intersection Project Bid No. 16-098 March 27, 2017 Dear Erica: Thank you for the opportunity to review the bidding documents submitted for the above referenced project. The review of the bid submitted by Cameron -Reilly, LLC appears to contains irregularities that make the bid non-responsive. Specification 1-02.13 1h. "The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantage Business Enterprise Certification, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6." Cameron-Reilly's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification lists Spokane Traffic Control (STC) as a subcontractor for several items. (see attachment) STC is listed to perform the work in its entirety for the Item "Portable Temp Traffic Control Signal". A review of the specification and RCW's and WAC's for this item require the company / person installing the Portable Temporary Traffic Control Signal to be a licensed Electrical Contractor and employ a licensed electrician. The special provisions supplement section 1-10.3(3)K Portable Temporary Traffic Control Signal (see attached), and clearly call for work requiring a licensed electrician. The supplemented specification (attached) requires: "The system shall be capable of utilizing the existing pole and mast structures that currently support the signal system on all four legs of this intersection. Separate controllers capable of being mounted to an existing mast arm need to be installed at each location. The contractor shall provide and install the wiring and ground mounted 12VDC battery system with solar recharging system, external wiring from each controller to each polycarbonate Tight head for the control of the signal indicators, and 12VDC LED signal indications to replace the existing 120VAC LED Lights in each polycarbonate light head. The permanent signal system will remain operational until all of the pre -wire is completed. Upon completion of pre -wire, the contractor shall set one controller as a master and configure all of the controllers and run a simulated program for 18-24 hours to ensure everything is operating per the City's expectations. After the simulation and pre -wire the permanent signal system would be turned off and the existing 120VAC LED Lights replaced with the new 12VDC Lights and finalize the wiring connections. Upon completion of the LED replacement and wiring, the temporary signal system can be turned on...." Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 19.28 includes the requirements for licensing of an electrical contractor / electrician. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Section 296-46B requires the wiring and mounting of the equipment to be performed by a licensed electrical contractor. Even low voltage solar panels require the use of a licensed electrician, see WAC 296-46B-908. A search of the Labor and Industries database for STC (attached) indicates they are not a licensed electrical contractor, A review of the OMWBE information for STC (attached) does not list the installation of Portable Temporary Traffic Control Signals or electrical work in their work description or NAICS codes. This work must be done by a licensed electrician so STC cannot perform this work. Thus form 272-056 (DBE Utilization Certification) submitted by Cameron -Reilly is not accurate and thus their bid is non- responsive. Additionally, (based upon the quote Winkler received from STC, attached) it appears Cameron -Reilly may not intend to sublet to STC the Traffic Control Supervisor and Flagging portion of the work. The quote provided by STC includes additional hourly rates for Traffic Control Supervisor and Flagging that were not included in the DBE Utilization Certificate submitted by Cameron -Reilly. Section 1-07.11 of the speciation's states "...If the DBE firm is being utilized in the capacity of "Traffic Control Services", the DBE firm must provide a TCS, flaggers, and traffic control items (e.g. cones, barrels, signs, etc.) and be in total control of all items in implementing the traffic control for the project....". The dollar amount listed on the Utilization Certificate includes Mobilization and Temporary Traffic Control (cones, but does not include monies for Traffic Control Supervisor or Flagger. Finally, the DBE Utilization Certificate includes the item "Plastic Crosswalk Line" — Permanent paving marking is not included in the OMWBE work scope for STC. When the items outside of the scope of work to be performed by the DBE are removed from the Utilization Certificate Cameron -Reilly fails to meet the Condition of Award requirements for Disadvantaged Business Utilization and their bid should be rejected as non-responsive. If you have questions or need addition information, please e-mail me at chris@wmwinkler.com or call me at 509-489-6100. Respectively Submitted. Chris J. Winkler. P.E. Wm. Winkler Company 1-09.13(3)A Administration of Arbitration (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Revise the third paragraph to read: The Contracting Agency and the Contractor mutually agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in the Superior Court of the county in which the Contracting Agency's headquarters is located, provided that where claims subject to arbitration are asserted against a county, RCW 36.01,05 shall control venue and jurisdiction of the Superior Court. The decision of the arbitrator and the specific basis for the decision shall be in writing. The arbitrator shall use the Contract as a basis for decisions. 1-10.3(3)K Portable Temporary Traffic Control Signal Replace the last sentence of paragraph 1 of section 1-10.3(3)K with the following: The system shall be designed so that it can be easily transported and implemented at the intersection. Supplement Section 1-10.3(3)K with the following: The system shall be capable of utilizing the existing pole and mast structures that currently support the signal system on all four legs of this intersection. Separate controllers capable of being mounted to an existing mast arm need to be installed at each location. The contractor shall provide and install the wiring and ground mounted 12VDC battery system with solar recharging system, external wiring from each controller to each polycarbonate light head for the control of the signal indicators, and 12VDC LED signal indications to replace the existing 120VAC LED Lights in each polycarbonate light head. The permanent signal system will remain operational until all of the pre -wire is completed. Upon completion of pre -wire, the contractor shall set one controller as a master and configure all of the controllers and run a simulated program for 18-24 hours to ensure everything is operating per the City's expectations. After the simulation and pre -wire the permanent signal system would be turned off and the existing 120VAC LED Lights replaced with the new 12VDC Lights and finalize the wiring connections. Upon completion of the LED replacement and wiring, the temporary signal system can be turned on. The system shall include two (2) Pedestal mounted Pedestrian crossing indicators for pedestrian crossing at each leg of the intersection and as shown on the traffic control plans. Portable temporary traffic control signals on this project shall provide the following functions: • Capable of operating one pedestrian phase and eight vehicular phases • Redundant wireless communication between controllers • Capable of programming a minimum of two rings CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY GENERAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS SULLIVAN AND EUCLID PCC INTERSECTION PROJECT 206 BID NO: 16-098 • Capable of operating in a NEMA TS 1 or NEMA TS 2 Type 2 environment • Clocks shall not drift more than 1 second in a 24 hour period • Clocks shall be synchronized by remote command a minimum of once every 24 hours • Transitions between timing plans shall not exceed three cycles to establish and maintain coordination • Capable of operating programmed flash • Capable of manual on site overide • Redundant video and radar vehicle detection • Supporting personnel capable of mitigating system issues shall be physically on site within 30 minutes of a request for support • Timing plan revisions for events shall be programmed within 1 hour of initial request 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control 1-10.2 Temporary Traffic Control Section 1 - 10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2017) Only training with WSDOT TCS card and WSDOT training curriculum is recognized in the State of Washington. The Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: The Northwest Laborers - Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Ave. Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 297-3035 Evergreen Safety Council 12545 135th Ave. NE Kirkland, WA 98034-8709 1-800-521-0778 The American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-1022 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642-4637 Phone: (540) 368-1701 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY GENERAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS SULLIVAN AND EUCLID PCC INTERSECTION PROJECT 207 BID NO: 16-098 ifi Washington StateDisadvanta ed Business i Department of Transportation Enterprise Utilization Certification lb be eligible for Award of this Contract the Bidder shall fill out and submit, as a supplement to its sealed laid Proposal, u Oisadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Utilization Certification, The Contracting Agency shall consider as non- responsive and shall reject any Bid Proposal that does not contain a DBE Utilization Certification which properly demonstrates that the Bidder will meet the DBE participation requirements In ono of the manners provided for in the proposed Contract. Refer to the instructions on Page 2 when filling out this form or the Bid may be refected. An example form has been provided on Page 3. The successful Bidder's DBE Utilization Certification shall bo deemed a part of the resulting Contract. Box 1: targe ren-lteill3; 1.I (' certifies that the DBE firsts listed below have been contacted regarding participation en this pre -act. If this Bidder is successful on this project and is awarded the Contract, it shall assure that subcontracts or supply agreements are executed with named DBEs. (If necessary, use: cidditional sheets.) Box 2: Sullivan t&r 1:ue-tid PCC Intersection Project Column 1 Name of DBE (See Insttuctlons) Column 2 Protect Role (See Instructions) Column 3 Description of Work (See Instructions) Column 4 Amount Subcontracted to DBE (See instructions) 47,622,00 Column 5 Amount to be Applied Towards Goal (See instructions) 47,622.00 Spokane Traffic Control Subcontractor Subcontractor Temporary Traffic Control Spokane Tmnic Control Portable Temp Traffic Control Signal 48,500.00 48,500,00 Spokane Traffic Control Subcontractor Portable Changeable Traffic Sign 3,997.50 5,997.50 Spokane Traffic Control Subcontractor Plastic Crosswalk Line 3,280.00 3,280.00 Spokane Traffic Control Subcontractor Arrow Sign 6,000.00 6.000,00 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise 98,072.45 Total DBE Commitment 111,399.50 Condition of Award Contract Goal lox s Box 4 5B checking Box 5 the Bidder Is stating that their attempts to solicit sufficient DBE participation to meet the OA Contract goal has been unsuccessful and good faith effort will be submitted in accordance with Section 1-02.9 of the Contract DOT Form 272-056 Revised 07/2016 From: 1 03/23/'. : 0e:02 Noah P.001/001 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) VinshInsten Unto Deganrituunt Theruportiatian Written Confirmation Document See Contract Provisions; DBE Document Sabmlltal Requirements Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Condition ofAward Participation THIS FORM SHALL ONLY BE SUBMITTED TO ADBE THAT 18 LISTED ON THE CONTRACTOR'S DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION CERTIFICA'ITON. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE PART PRIOR TO SENDING TO 'THE DBE, PAKTALT.a )nativist l by ilia ltldtlrtr The entries below shall Ise consistent with what is shown on the Bidder's Disadvantaged Staines. Enterprise Utilisation Certification. Failure to do so will result in Bid refection. Contract Title: _.1 Ii/Arptl fi• ..Lt�L ti iJ4- 4 J7 _ Bidder's BuainessName: _fr a L. r DBE's Busineu Name: .411 !.t 1' 1j(&) / 4 .r.' i 6 Description of DBE's Work: /././ Amount to be Applied Towards DBE Goal: y_„9_,rQ7 475 Amount to be Subcontracted to DBE': 'Optimal risk 14..99, tee) PART B= Toir 'rlinit!£4. thr_F .Ti'4 11LOMI It etpAic As an authonud tetnesvmative ofthe DIsadvantiged Fivainess Fnterprise, I confine that we have been contacted by the Bidder with regard to the referenced project for the purpose of performing the Work described above If the Btddcr ie awarded the Contrata, v.c will enter into an agreement with the Bidder to participle in the project constatent, with the information provided in the Bidder's l isa,dvantagcd l3urrinesa Enterprise Uriliaattan Ccniftcation. Name (printed): ...'rase sy,;� .. _ .46 r�xrr C' Signature. [t4 ,J�► 7"X Title: Address: DOT Form 422-031 114-0440 0712016 'CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SULLIVAN & EUCLID PCC INTERSECTION PROJECT 23 Date: 3 -?'Y -J? BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS BID NO: 16oee STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF MINORITY AND WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES 1110 Capitol Way South, Suite 150 • PO Box 41160 • Olympia, WA 98504-1160 (360) 664-9750 • Toll free 1-866-208-1064 • Fax (360) 586-7079 Contact Information Business Name Doing Business As Name Contact Name Description of Work Street City, State, Zip County Phone Fax E-mail Website UBI Number Owners Information Primary Owner Other Owner(s) Certification Information Certification Type Certification Number Spokane Traffic Control Inc Spokane Traffic Control Inc Tammy Beggs Flagging and traffic control services. Installation of temporary signs and stripping for construction projects. 7415 N Drumheller Spokane, WA, 99208 Spokane County 5099517341 5092906776 BEGGSSPOKANE@COMCAST.NET 602864204 Tammy Beggs Michael Beggs, Tony Beggs State WBE W2F0021480 Federal DBE/SBE D2F0021480 NAICS codes for UCP USE ONLY to determine size standard NAICS Codes (Primary is specified in bold) 561990 - Flagging (i.e., traffic control) services es. Local Agency Subcontractor List Premolar/At complarpr islet RCW 31.30.080 as amended To BM Submttt.d with th Bid Proposal Pnliect Nan* a.il f j�&t,rclr�C 1'.'(.1,8. tattle* to hut acrbconb actors with whom the bidder, if awarded the contract, will directly mu ntract fix performance of tie want of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plunnbtn{1, as dem !bed in Chapter 1B.106 RCW, and eh-ctrrr:ai, as described Mn Chapter 19.71 RCW or naming more than one subcontractor to perform the sante work will result Nr your bid being non responsive end therefore void. Subcantractoi .) with whom the bidder will directly subcontract that ant proposed to perform the wort of heating, ventre on and aw rni onsno, plumbing, as described In Chapter 18,106 RCW, and electric& as described In Chapter 19.26 RCW mot be listed below. The work to be performed Is to be Rated below the a ubca►tnactar(s) name. To the ksjent,the titled xlntdes_vaft QE nee cattctmites of vial k telerenced in RCW 39.,W4.Q60 end no actQLllt_l:tt4.tt ,, ,........• 4 11 L 1111,4 1. r1 , 1 . •.r, 1.• .. •iti. 1 • 11 . • .f,a, 11! .1 a .1 srrf3t+ .bidder. Suboonhsctor Name Lro lii RC1 1 1 1 41 , 1.. ,.1 , . Work b be Performed a Is... w.c,rtiLr Subcontractor Name Work le be Perlon ned Subcontractor Nurse Walk b ba Performed Subcontractor Name Work hr be Performed Subconbactox Name Walt to be Perb/toed • Bidders are notified that N Mie opinion of Me enforcement agency that PVC or metal conduit, junction boxes, etc, are considered electrical equipment and therefore considered pert of electrical work, even If the installation is for fti ore use and no wiring or electrical current is connected during the project. SR DOTFOrm dO12 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS BID NO: 16-098 SUWVAN d EUCLID PCC INTERSECTION PROJECT 14 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3/27/2017 Spokane Traffic Control Inc '4ashing!r,n StItie Departwent of % Labor & Industries 1lunxe i:.,panol Contact A-/. Index help A \ v I.S1 Safety & Health el Claims & Insurance tp Workplace Rights 0 Trades & Licensing ■ Washington State Department of 1,1 Labor & Industries Spokane Traffic Control Inc Owner or tradesperson Principals Beggs, Tammy ANN, PRESIDENT Doing business as Spokane Traffic Control Inc WA UBI No. 602 864 204 7415 N Drumheller St SPOKANE, WA 99208 509-951-7341 SPOKANE County Business type Corporation License Verify the contractor's active registration / license / certification (depending on trade) and any past violations. Construction Contractor Active. Meets current requirements. License specialties GENERAL License no. SPOKATC923PA Effective -- expiration 10/01/2008— 12/16/2018 Bond Travelers Cas and Surety Co of America Bond account no. 106452679 $12,000.00 Received by L&I Effective date 02/10/2016 02/11/2016 Expiration date Until Canceled Insurance WESTERN NATIONAL MUTUAL INS $2,000,000.00 Policy no CPP111485700 Received by L&I Effective date 05/31/2016 06/05/2015 Expiration date 06/05/2017 Insurance history Savings No savings accounts during the previous 6 year period. Lawsuits against the bond or savings No lawsuits against the bond or savings accounts during the previous 6 year period. L&I Tax debts No L&I tax debts are recorded for this contractor license during the previous 6 year period, but some debts may be recorded by other agencies. haps://secure.lni.wa.gov/verify/Detail.aspx?UBI=602884204&LIC=SPOKATC923PA&SAW= 1/2 3/27/2017 License Violations No license violations during the previous 6 year period. Spokane Traffic Control Inc Workers' comp Do you know if the business has employees? If so, verify the business is up-to-date on workers' comp premiums. L&I Account ID Account is current. 154.161-01 Doing business as SPOKANE TRAFFIC CONTROL INC Estimated workers reported Quarter 4 of Year 2016 "21 to 30 Workers" L&I account representative T41 CASSANDRA SMITH (360)902-5632 - Email: SMCA235@lni.wa.gov Workplace safety and health Check for any past safety and health violations found on jobsites this business was responsible for. Inspection results date 10/1112013 Inspection no. 316878040 Location Main St. Deer Park, WA 99006 No violations https://secure.) ni.wa.gov/verify/D etai I . as px?U BI=602864204&IJ C = SPO KATC 923PA&SAW = Help us improve 2/2 TRAFF.c CONTROL. IIIYf Mike & Tammy Beggs Phone: (509) 951-7341 Fax: (509) 290-6276 5 7415 N Drumheller Street Spokane, WA 99208 l WBE # W2F0021480 DBE # D2F0021480 Pietnp_ . ass? -r Registration Contractor Number: SPOKATC923PA _. , X To: [a./ !a'1 Li/ r nI ld is Cc EaavoAi 4R S Project: L �S U S Lk\ i ✓OL.N - ; c i Pa_ QUOTE Date 3.2'`x-/ / Item # Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Total iThbC?ih S''' / 6 PJd / 0Y / L .S 'PR, -le i citr ir, p . �osi,E. i $ Y6/9 a I" .4 W:+9724`.' :+ i i �, I 05 I LS ex ,--ii -1 L _cf.,.A J 'I'S Soap 5 1 ii,5oQ. I (pc, i S'36 r oorL PCAS s 3..as SSi47.5o d -SS 411a i.., ik ` &r Prove lity144� 5 . Ot 0. �� - a..1 i _,wito) n',,1/ S 6 'lJo,uc $CL► 06 3 3O a' A da 1 7 y Qa'vn R-6 -r TOTAI. $. Item # M pito include: I All TCd's to according to Tcp's provided Q' (5 V .TCP's provided by STC@$150 each. Labor & equipment to do initial set-up & final take down, One time per location. Rates below for additional trips out to the project, for any additional signage, will be charged at a sq ft price along with labor & vehicle cost below. **** RATES BELOW NOT INCLUDED ABOVE ***** TCS Co t � I per hour reg. time.Overtime &.Saturdays 0$ S.5 f per hour Sundays &Holidays 0$ (0 14 per hour. Flagger/Spotter 0$ `AO per hour reg. time. Overtime & Saturdays 0$ S.C. bier hour. Sundays & Holidays 0 $„(Q 6 per hour. Night time lighting provided by others. Insurance coverage 1 million/2 million aggregate (Additional coverage provided by prime). TMA (if needed) $850/wk PCMS $ rrow board @$5U.00 per day. Based on `working days allowed for this project. Traffic Control Vehicle @$ per day with any Traffic Control duties. Temp. Skip Stripe , Solid Stripe, a ;stent/Affidavit $100. 1 nt...l4.1/446 ct,levvI. ., If STC's TCS is not onsite during working hours all equipment damaged will be replaced at contractors costl Payment is expected within 30 days from date of invoice. 1-Ee.4 7."a I n d LAL, P _1 iak --up c�C� au /a/e4-Dts / 7`c cru., a`\ ('yA.sk a C-1% i cx.Cr6- is T on -Sr�'C For 29 Years Experience - Excellent Safety Record THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Atisg- From: Hendricks, Don [mailto:HendrDRwsdot.wa.gov] Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 6:27 AM To: Erica Amsden Cc: Gloria Mantz; Martin, Keith; Schnebly, Sharon Subject: FW: Sullivan - Euclid DBE Verification Hello Erica, Exhibit C After reviewing all of the documentation submitted by the City (including Winkler's letter dated March 27, 2017) Local programs concurs in the award to the apparent low bidder, Cameron -Reilly Concrete, for the Sullivan & Euclid PCC Intersection project. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Don 1 From: Hendricks, Don [mailto:HendrDR©wsdot.wa.gov] Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 6:25 AM To: Craig Aldworth Cc: John Hohman; Gloria Mantz; Erica Amsden; Martin, Keith Subject: FW: FW: Sullivan - Euclid DBE Verification Hello Craig, After evaluating the information submitted regarding the COA DBE participation for the Sullivan & Euclid PCC Intersection project, HQ Local Programs concurs in the award to the apparent low bidder. Federal Aid No.: STPUL-4103(006) Thanks, Don CONCRETE CONTRACTOR SINCE 1919 WA REG. NO. WMWINC*935LA — ID REG. NO. PWC -C -10110 -UNLIMITED 1-2-4 — MT REG. Number 53384 5516 N. Starr Rd. = PO Box 430 — Newman Lake, WA 99025 — Phone: (509) 489-6100 -- Fax: (509) 484-0646 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Attn: Erica Amsden, P.E. 11707 E. Sprague AVE, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Exhibit D Re Sullivan & Euclid Intersection PCC Intersection Project Bid No. 16-098 April 10, 2017 Dear Erica: Thank you for your e-mail that includes the statement "Local programs concurs in the award to the apparent low bidder, Cameron -Reilly Concrete, for the Sullivan & Euclid PCC Intersection project." We are protesting any planned award of the above bid of Camron Reilly (CR)on the above project since the DBE commitment stated on CR's DBE UTILIZATION Certification does not match the commitment/Amount Applied to DBE on the DBE subcontractor's Confirmation Document. The instructions on the DBE Confirmation Document state: "The entries below shall be consistent with what is shown on the Bidder's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification. Failure to do so will result in the bid rejection." The entry in CR's DBE Utilization Report does not match the entry in the DBE Confirmation Document. CR's DBE Utilization Certification is $111,399.50. However, the DBE subcontractor's Confirmation document states that $98,072.45 is applied to the DBE goal. Per the instructions quoted above the failure of the 2 documents to match requires that CR's bid must be rejected. CR in its documents states it will commit $111,399.50 to the DBE goal. This amount will meet the 7% goal of $98,072.485. The $98,072.45 commitment in the Confirmation Document however will not meet the goal. Thus it appears Spokane Traffic Control and/or CR was/were concerned that entire $111,399.50 amount would not qualify toward the DBE goal. Thus, although Spokane Traffic Control contracted for a larger amount than the actual goal, it or CR required that only the lesser amount to be applied to the DBE goal. Perhaps Spokane Traffic Control would not commit to the full amount of its subcontract due to concerns about the electrical work not qualifying as DBE work. (see our earlier letter). In any event the Spokane Traffic Control commitment does not match CR's commitment and the Spokane Traffic Control commitment does meet the actual goal. Respectfully s_bmitted, Chris J. Winkler, P.E. Wm. Winkler Company CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 2, 2017 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: nconsent n old business ® new business n public hearing n information n admin. report n pending legislation n executive session AGENDA TITLE: Motion Consideration: Reappointment of Jody Sander to the Tourism Promotion Area Commission (TPA) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.101.040(2) and "Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreement for Establishment of Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area" as well as Amendment 1 and 2. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On February 10, 2004, Council approved the above- mentioned Interlocal agreement. Amendment No. 1 to that Interlocal, which approved removal of the December 31, 2008 sunset clause, was approved by Council December 11, 2007. Amendment No. 2 approved by Council August 25, 2009, amended the Special Assessments on operators of Lodging Businesses changing levy rates in Zone A, B, and C to $2.00 per room per day. BACKGROUND: The above -referenced interlocal established a `Tourism Promotion Area' which includes the unincorporated area of Spokane County and the entire area within the corporate limits of Spokane and Spokane Valley. That Agreement also establishes the Spokane Hotel and Motel Commission, the purpose of which is to advise the Board of County Commissioners on the expenditures of Special Assessment revenues by the Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area to fund tourism promotion in Spokane County. Members of this Commission are selected by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Spokane City Council, and Spokane Valley Council from a list of nominees prepared by the Spokane Hotel and Motel Association. All nominees must be operators of lodging businesses or employed by the operator of such a lodging business. Ex -officio members may participate in meeting discussions but shall not have voting rights. The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint two members and one ex -officio member to represent the County; Spokane City shall appoint four members and one ex -officio member; and Spokane Valley Council shall appoint two members and one ex -officio member. Member terms are for three years. Jody Sander's last appointment expired May 1, 2017. Mayor Higgins recommends the re -appointment of Jody Sanders to the TPA for a three-year term. OPTIONS: Move to confirm the appointment; do not confirm the appointment; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to confirm the Mayoral appointment of Jody Sander to the Tourism Promotion Area Commission for a three-year term beginning May 1, 2017. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a COUNCIL/STAFF CONTACT: Mayor Higgins, Chris Bainbridge ATTACHMENTS: Application for Commission Appointment; Letter of recommendation from the Spokane Hotel/Motel Association Spokane Valley. Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave; Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509.688-0194 fax POSITION APPLYING POR:_TPA Commissioner Applicant's name (please print): Jody Sander Applicant's Residence Address: 10110 N College Rd Street Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Street Spokane 99218 City Zip Code City Zip Code Applicant's Email: isander@impressguest.com Home Phone: _.,509-468-4668_ Work Phone: 509-928-6848 ext 535 Cell Phone:_509-868-9923_ Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: Worked in Spokane Valley Hotels for 17 years - NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female am j Male U.S. Citizen? YES._.__ Wa. State Registered voter? ,_YES EMPLOYMENT I-IISTORY: Present or last employer: _Sterling Hospitality/ Quality Inn Valley Suites and Holiday Inn Express Position Held: _Director of Operation Dates of Employment: ,_,August 17, 1998 to current Address: ,_,8923 E Mission Suite 135 Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Phone: 509-928-6848 Previous Employer: `WestCoast I-Iotels/Hotel Lusso and Ridpath Hotel Position Held: _various management positions Dates of Employment: 1988 - 1998 Address: _hotels closed or ownership has changed Phone: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: Mead High School Diploma: Yes im City/State Address Spokane, WA College/University: Spokane Falls Community College Degree Earned: AA General Studies City/State Address: Spokane, WA_ College/University: _ Whitworth University_ ., Degree Earned: BA -- Speech Communication City/State Address: Spokane, WA City of Spokane Valley Application for CommiticesfI3oards/Conmtissions [I/2010] Page 1 of 2 COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Spokane HoteVMotel Association Board Member/Past President, TPA Commissioner, Visit Spokane Board Member/Immediate Past Chair, Community Colleges of Spokane Business Management Department Advisory Committee Member, Spokane Community College Workforce Advisory Committee Member, VOLUNTEER EKPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: _Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels, 2ati Harvest Food Bank, Women and Children's Free Restaurant, Our Sisters Closet with the YMCA, Toys for Tots SPECIAL SKILLSS/ NTERESTS& _Traveling PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CMC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COM:Est TI'FF.S, OR COMMISSIONS: Spokane Hotel/Motel Association Board Member Spokane, WA Visit Spokane Board Member Spokane, WA Spokane TPA Commission Board Member Spokane, WA Committee Name City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? I have worked in Hospitality/Tourism in the Spokane Region for 28+ years in both downtown Spokane and the Spokane Valley. I understand the needs of the visitor and I am passionate about our community. The Spokane Valley has so much to offer tourists in the form of shopping and dining. The Valley is easy to get around and parking is free for our visitors. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? I have a vested interest in the success of my two hotels located in the Spokane Valley representing 231 rooms that I want to see 10096 occupied. Also, I bring 28+ years of previous experience working in the industry and living in the Spokane Region for my whole life. Also, I have been involved in discussions about the TPA since its inception. Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? _No L(Ip(o tn Today's Date City of Spokane Valley Application for Committees/Boards/Commissions [1/2010j Page 2 of 2 mill hill. April 26, 2017 To Whom it May Concern: ro koi tn,e- f40 -tell Mc, -tet, AS s0-0i.Q,a0-1 , It is recommended by the Spokane Hotel Motel Association that Jody Sander, Director of Operations with Sterling Hospitality, be renewed as a Spokane Hotel and Motel Commissioner representing the City of Spokane Valley for an additional term of 3 years. The Spokane Hotel and Motel Commission advises the Board of County Commission of Spokane County on the expenditure of Special Assessment revenues by the Spokane Cour ' 5urism Prc\notion Area to fund tourism promotion in Spokane County. By: Date: 4/26/17 Representing the Spokane Hotel Motel Association Its: Executive Director 1560 N Cirque Lane, Liberty Lake, WA 99016 509-869-0619 thansenshma@msn.com CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 2, 2017 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ['consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ['public hearing ['information ® admin. Report ['pending legislation ['executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Roundabout Case Studies GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Roundabouts are an effective solution when sited and designed properly. The Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) performs community outreach and education about the rules and benefits of roundabouts. In general, we have not received very favorable feedback from citizens concerning roundabouts in the City. However, Council asked staff to coordinate with WSDOT to bring more information. A roundabout is a circular intersection in which traffic flows in one direction around a central island. Some benefits of roundabouts, as compared with stop or signal controlled intersections, are that a roundabout can reduce potential collisions by reducing speeds and minimizing T-bone and head-on collisions; they promote a continuous flow of traffic, and can typically handle more traffic than other controlled intersections since in the roundabout, traffic is only required to yield and not stop. WSDOT will discuss cases studies that illustrate good and bad applications of roundabouts. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mantz, PE, Interim Capital Programs Manager, ATTACHMENTS: Presentation Uouxildaroo0riTiV rrsoc tD©h I& A Washington ,tat; perspective Brian Walsh, P.E., Glenn Wagernann, P.E. and Larry Frostad, P.E. State and Region Traffic Engineers WaRhlnflton Stott) Val Ooputmenl of Trr:tspnrtolton Roger Millar Secretary of Transportation Spokane Valley, WA May 2, 2017 Roundabouts in Washington State 1t9Ine yndc ••:1a %0•Fernda o .•• . e...4.0s rt ••o 0 Bellin�jh .m,•••S•• ,7...,,, nas•••S dr Woolrey OOORt4riington MAunt Vernon pori ? OLai Connor Tpwnsond•4fa OAHar.bor ;;OOSkagitCounty Stiqu'rri� ••• Snohonatsh County RpRArtgares Granite Fars*** •Everett Marysvillo•0.0 0 c S+Sveri 5 •o•0P••Lako&tavans Poll Orolf rd cW••Monroo•Sulian Potash°... `I• •f0•Woodrnvltla i4�I;aP••0 King ••Redmond •Duvall Go r ty 0• Gd ellUe Counl� •Fall Ci! y •!Vr Ito Clr Ni •Sam art Ish G arbor ry"0 O1ssaqudh s,.oWenatchoa 0.00 0.104100 N•North send Ooo OOP edoral Wa ,r • Pouglos Ou�a.w.r • County 0O.O�aC01118 Covington i 0 • ii•Ot%•40• Lacey "'" �`••• ! ltitaltas o • Turntivater •0000 i193 Covniy Ellensburg C7cean9hores i• :i0.0! • r.,, Tbursioriap ><-p,r^•v•i Cpunly • t. r- ' --ApLongvlovr '00t0ioodiand a Dania Grow rid Hldgeflerd ! s O4 0 Vancou or CSO Wash6ugale Selah•• Yakima ••• •0• Union Gap ••Moses Loki) r).f CoW IID 00 Deer Park P Colbert spon2• Spokane Spa •iLIT•/1 y1 liberty Lake• west Riehland• Kennewick Richlandde Btubl •`• Walla WalOa 0•• Clarkston) r ASOti County LEGEND .E.F14;n9 HOund36:u1s (44t4) 2d4 Loral • a~t NI$'4"-C4 tu97 T•a...ol,Prcpov-i noteaabouts UtGmn Nca Short TutoraH on Intersections What does a intersection represent on the system to you? 4 Intersections (cost.) © What do we want from an intersection? — Least amount of delay for ourselves, everyone? — Relative comfort level of the what the rules are? -- Non motorized (pedestrian and bicyle) priority or equal preference to this issue in urban areas — Best balance of motorized and non -motorized uses? — Understanding Freight needs Context • Is this a brand new roadway intersection or existing stop or traffic signal controlled intersection? 5 • If a location has an identified need for safety and mobility, we want to be practical and build what will do the job, not come up with something that spends more money with little additional benefit /, Washington Stet* Dop rtmont of Transportation Answers/Thoughts on Intersections • Access point for vehicles and non motorized movements. How many access points are needed or exist already? • Delay, reduction of your travel time • Crossing opportunities for pedestrians • Integrated bicycle design elements • Added value as an entrance to community • Represents a transition to a higher speed facility (ramp terminal to freeway) Evolving Policy Chapter 1300 Intersection Control Type 1300.01 Generat 1300.02 Intersection Control Objectives 1300.03 Common Types of Intersection Control 1300.04 Modal Considerations 1300.05 Procedures 1300.06 Documentation 1300.07 References 1300.01 General It Is WSDOT practice to analyze potential intersection solutions at all intersection Improvement locations In accordance with E 1082 —Business Practices for Moving Washington and E 1090 — Moving Woshrngton Forward: Procticafulions. The objective is to provide the optimum solution within available limited resources. The analysis may be done for Individual intersections, or on a corridor basis. This chapter provides guidance on preliminary intersection analysis and selection of control type. Intersection design Is completed using Chapter 1310 for the geometries of intersections, Chapter 1320 for roundabouts, and Chapter 1330 for traffic signals. Use the aforementioned chapters In conjunction with chapters 1106, 1230, 1430, 1510, and 1520 to assist with dimensioning design elements. Motorized traffic and driver characteristics, bicycle and pedestrian needs, physical features, and economics are considered In selecting traffic control that facilitates efficient multimodal traffic Flow through Intersections. Signs, signals, channelizaion, and physical geometric layout are the major tools used to establish intersection control. Typically, potential protect locations with safety performance needs will have been Identified 8 Policy (cont.) Intersection Control Evaluation or Analysis will contains • Safety evaluation using tools we have developed that compare safety tradeoffs. • A mobility or volume analysis to see if a scenario is chosen, how will it function from a delay per car standpoint as well as 24 hour operational at the intersection • A benefit/cost calculation • A sustainability analysis (Maintenance/possibly emissions) • Driver workload • Human Factors (Can we incorporate design elements to increase chances of drivers understanding what they need to do (Signing/Striping/Roadside elements) ink WWehtngton stets -'▪ � Dwportm.nt of Ttreraportatlan Policy Procedure Details 1300.05(4) Intersection Control Analysis (ICA) Use the following steps when screening intersection control alternatives for selection, or to support the need for modifications to existing intersection control: • Determine the right of 'ray requirements and feasibility. Discuss the right of way requirements and the feasibility of acquiring, that right of way in the analysis. Include sketches or plan sheets with sufficient detail to identify topography {including util ties►, environmental constraints, drainage, buildings, and other fixed objects. An economic evaluation v.ill be useful if additional right of v.ay is needed. Include the right of way costs in the benefit/cost analysis. IYSOOrDasign htsnuar M 22•01.12 flovenlber201S Page 1,300-1 rnftrseclan Control Type Chapter MOD • Check signal warrants. Evaluate existing peak period counts to determine the need for additional count data. If these counts do not meet a warrant, obtaining 12• or 24-hour count information is likely unnecessary. In some cases, the project may alter traffic patterns at an existing signal enough that it may no longer meet a warrant. See the MUTCD for a list of the traffic signal warrants and information on how to apply them. For new Intersections, protect hourly volumes, and movements using established methodology sea Chapter 320. If signal warrants are mtt, evaluate multi -way stop, roundabout, and signal If warrants are not met, evaluate yield, two-way stop, muItl•eay stop, and roundabout. Please nate, the evaluation of a roundabout option is always required by resolution of the Multimodal Safety Executive Committee {MSECl. This evaluation requirement is based on the measured performance benefits of roundabouts. 9 10 Understanding options with other types of intersections to minimize access points lntfrffaren Control Typo Chapter 1300 State statutes (RCN 46,61 035) require VISDOT approval for the design and location of al conventional traffic signals and for some types of beacons I•xated on city streets farming pacts of state highways. The Traffic Signal Pemtit ([)C1 Form 242-014 EF) is the formal record of the department's approval of the installation and type of signal- Por traffic signal permit guidance, see chapter 1330- 1300.03(7) Alternative Intersections A number of alternative intersections have been de'va!aped to reduce the delay to through traffic, the number cf canfrct points, and the number of signal phases for signalized intersections. Alternative intersections work mainly by rerouting U and left turns, andior separating movements. Alternative Intersections include: Median U-turn Split intersection lug handle Quadrant roadway intersection eowtte Single quadrant interchange Restricted crossing U-turn Echelon Continuous floor intersection Center torn overpass Continuous green tee 41) an.. Washington State W j DopiWmant of Transportation 11 Can we organize the movement of people/pavement better? Detailed Design Guidance Chapter 1320 Roundabouts 1320.01 General 1320.02 References 1320.03 RoludabautTypes 1320.04 Capacity Analysis 1320.05 Geometric Desitar 1320.04 Pedestrians 1320.07 Bicycles 1320.03 Signing and Pavement Marling 1320,09 Illumnination 132010 Road Approach, Parking. and Transit Facilities 132011 Approvals 132012 Documentation 1320.01 General Modem roundabouts are near -circular intersections at grade. They ase an effective iutersectioa type with fewer conflict points and louver speeds, and they protide for easier decision making than convenhcnal intersec how. They also require less woitrtenausce dun traffic signals. Well- designed roundabouts have been found to redu,:e crashes (especially fatal and severe u>;my collisions), tragic delays, fuel consumption, end air pollution_ They also have a traffle-coming effect by reducing vehicle speeds rising £eon)etric design rather than relying solely on traffic control devices. Roundabout design h ate iterative process. A well- designed roundabout achieves a balance of safety and efficiency. Goad design is a process of creating the smooth curvature, channeliration; and deflection required to Roundabout Efficiency Average Delay (slveh) N s N W 03 0 N A Oi 03 0 versus Signals: Cf Signal Warrant Threshold Signal (50% left turns) rel Signal (10% left turns) Roundabout (50% left turns Roundabout (10% left turns) 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 nr C+reef WI I1 trri . 1300 1400 1500 - . Based on MUTCD Warrant 3 (2000 ed.)IWarrant 11 (1988 ed.) wok Weshington State �S Uapartnaent ofTr n$porrulion 13 Exhibit 3-7, p. 63 Safety Total Collisions in WSDOT Study of Nine Round- abouts by Type of Collision &five and After Installation of Roundabout Collisions Collisions I3oforo Aftor Porcont Typo of collision Installation installation Chang° Fatal and disabling 5 12 -80% Evident injury' 15 4 -73% 3•ourco: MOOT Traffic Office 1. Defines an evident Injury 2. Disabling Injury coded arid interpretation in coding 15 Reaching Balance 7 4 ROUNDABOUT AHEAD Policy Example -Deer Park (US 395) Study in a :ate.+-��mrs�c�rrtrs a �ra.111 Washinnton Slate Yr Department of Transportation Traffic&Cameras Projects Business Environment Maps&data >iam�. Planning. 5hdis . US 395• Deer P rk Intersection Improvement Study US 395 Study Home US 395 - Deer Park Intersection Improvement Study N ; ,)Ots !atiw 1 } Email updates i CIO rte• 0. Washington Stoto VW Department of Transportation Case Study #1 Mattawa, WA 20 Need and Purpose — To reduce injuries and fatalities This (1-2) Safety improvement - Colliston Prevention Project built a single lane roundabout on SR 243 in western Grant County at MP 13.94 - the intersection with Road 24 SW in Mattawa. Why is WSDOT improving this intersection? The SR 243 and Road 24 SW intersection handles an average of 5,300 vehicles per day and was experiencing a large number of crashes. During the five years from Jan, 1, 2007 to Jan. 1, 2012 there were twenty one collisions involving forty three vehicles. Nine of those crashes resulted in two fatalities and twenty two serious injuries, The 12 other wrecks were property damage only. This roundabout is anticipated to decrease the frequency and severity of accidents at the Intersection. Warh nglon Mato W,; Ocpartrnei t of riansportotion Initial public perception at Mattawa 21 The majority of the people who gave comments in January told WSDOT engineers they remain unconvinced a roundabout would work with the 60 mph speed limit and large number of trucks utilizing the intersection. Officials say everyone did support improving the intersection to reduce accidents and most attendees reportedly said a roundabout was "better than nothing.° "The first meeting gave us the opportunity to share our ideas for a roundabout, which appears to be the most efficient and cost-effective solution," stated Bob Romine, WSDOT project engineer. "We got a lot of great feedback, but we felt everyone deserved another opportunity to learn more about roundabouts and to see the other alternatives we looked at." About 5,800 vehicles pass through the intersection of SR 243 and Road 24 Southwest each day, 22 hVattawa - BEFORE Mainline — SR 243 1 Washington Stale TM, Department of Transportollon Mattawa — BEFORE Entrance to Town (Road 24) 23 MhsNnyton Eta le lir D pi,t MtltalTranspatial Ian 24 Mattawa —BEFORE (Minor Street Stop Control) hVainline (SR 243) Freight Needs —r Washington Stale Tar Dogartmcnt of Y7an: gca lLtian 26 Mattawa - AFTER Sidenote about Trucks Case Study #2 City Arterial Application — Olympia and Thurston County ng 10 St ii v7.1tae;putmrnt Of Trmisportatron 30 YeIm Highway - Thurston County, WA • Major Arterial through County/Cities • Handles over 25,000 cars a day ▪ Was originally planned as multi -lane signalized corridor • The last Project segment to be widened started new thinking that 24 hour operations/peak hour benefits afforded by roundabout intersection alternative along with better access management would serve as a better balance for all users • 2 roundabouts installed 1/3 mile apart in 2010 timeframe with future plans to look at converting another signal to roundabout Washington Slate W▪ O Deportment of TransporteDon Changes for Yelm Highway CHRISTIAN HILL; Staff writer The long-awaited project aimed at relieving the last urban bottleneck on Yelm Highway is scheduled to begin in April now that Thurston County has secured final funding. County officials announced last week that the state Transportation Improvement Board had warded $3.9 million for the widening project between Rich Road and Henderson Boulevard. The estimated cost is $io million, making it one of the largest road projects undertaken by the county in recent years. Once completed, the n/4 -mile stretch will have two travel lanes in each direction, roundabouts at Boulevard Road and Brassfield Street, center medians, sidewalks and bike lanes. The project is welcome news for drivers caught in long lines of traffic during the morning and evening rush hours. The new center median will restrict left turns to and from driveways and side streets to prevent crashes. Drivers will be able to make U-turns at the two roundabouts and at the Rich Road and Henderson Boulevard intersections. 31 32 YoHm ighway Roundabouts 33 Previous Signal at boulevard Road 34 Case Study # 3 Ramp Terminals in Union Gap, WA (1-82 near Yleimm ) Waehinpton Sligo ®, Department of Transportal1on 35 /, Washington Stole VIC/ Department of Tr.nsporta lion 37 Washington Slate �% Department of Transportation 38 Communfty Aesthetics Roundabouts in some cases have been selected beyond their efficiency and safety benefits for community gateways and the chance to use an intersection as a "gateway" to the community or significant employer in the community .AFP Washtriglon Sluto ,yw Department of Teartspsetatlon 39 Montana State University - 2011 Uetlege ' a rF i CO* Pry r Caberlionr 1.411an HElI Woobfrab Msione Center Ws.Mnplon Stat. V� D.partmNd of Rampoiialion Port Orchard built 1998 Port Orchard "enhanced" 2006 National Perspective SC th International Conference on Roundabouts May 11-10, 2017 Green Hay, Wisconsin "*4; WashIngtonStoto VI/_) primont of Transportation 43 Place -making opportunities - Trails A Trail Roundabout Questions/Comments? Brian Walsh, P.E., - walshb@wsdot.wa.gov Larry Frostad, P.E. - frostal@wsdot.wa.gov Glenn Wagemann, P.E. — wagemag@wsdot.wa.gov Washington State DOT Wathington state Dopartmont of 7r. rz portntian 46 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 2, 2017 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ['new business ['public hearing ['information ® admin. Report ['pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Saltese Road (Houk to 24th) Project GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual Advanced Six -Year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • 2/7/2017: Admin report for amending the 2017 TIP • 2/28/2017: Council passed Resolution 17-006, amending the 2017 TIP BACKGROUND: The Saltese Road (Houk to 24th) project will place a two-inch asphalt overlay on Saltese Road between Houk Road and Vercler Road, and reconstruct Saltese Road with eight -inch cement treated base and four -inch asphalt pavement between Vercler Road and 24th Avenue. The project includes installation of ADA compliant curb ramps and stormwater improvements. This project is funded with City funds. City staff designed the project. Bid advertising started on April 25th, 2017 and bids are scheduled to be opened on Friday, May 2nd, 2017. Council consideration for the award of this bid is currently scheduled for May 23rd OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project budget is $970,000. There are sufficient funds to cover the cost for this project ($920,000 from Fund 311, and $50,000 from Fund 403). STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mantz, PE, Interim Capital Programs Manager Robert Lochmiller, PE, Project Engineer ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Spokane Valley Robert Lochmiller, Project Manager Gloria Mantz, Interim CIP Manager, May 2, 2017 Spokane Valleyu Christ the Savior' 0 hodvk'•s E t,61h7Ave 11E06th 4( `xy Grhicl ik tEierentarYoI piTAv "1fiE:T6th`tAve Fi • Saltese Rd. Current Conditions — Local access street — Pavement width = 24 ft — Pavement depth varies (2-4") — Gravel shoulders — Median/Swale (Vercler to 24th) m'°,111", '°, fQ� f f c� Top Line Food Sales 1 1 • ■ i �� m fl?2 drAve ► 111E4 -22nd Ave dlAve. ' E 23rdrQve}g 4, +e i� m 214ttirAve . f 11E 24t re C y Ra co.; . '�_ •: g Fr r Terrace View P Terrace "1 View Park 2 MIUMMINIMMINIMMIUmmmmmmmmm Spokane Vallee Project Background g — Poor road condition requires major pothole repair and crack sealing each year. 3 Spokane Valley • Saltese Road - Houk Road to Vercler Road 12.0 Typical Section — Looking East • 2" HMA (hot mix asphalt) overlay with pavement repairs • ADA ramps at 16th Ave, Houk Road and McDonald Road i 4 Spokane Valley • Saltese Road - Vercler Road to 20th Ave • Blake Road — 20th Ave to 24th Ave 12.0' 12.0' Typical Section — Looking East • Full Depth Reclamation — 8" Cement Treated Base — 4" HMA • Stormwater improvements 3:1 5 Spokane Valley • Project Budget Design $ 65,000 Construction (Street) $855,000 Construction (Storm) $ 50,000 Total $970,000 • Project Funding City (Fund 311) $920,000 City (Fund 403) $50,000 Total $970,000 6 Spokane ,,•••WValley • Key Construction Items — Six week duration — Requires full closure of Saltese Road • Schedule and Next Steps — First bid advertisement on 4/28/2017 — Bid opening planned for 5/12/2017 — Bid award to Council on 5/23/2017 — Construction to start in mid July 2017 Spokane Valley Saltese Road Reconstruction Project Questions CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 2, 2017 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ['executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report on Resolution 17-010 which declares as surplus furniture and equipment that is inoperable, obsolete or in excess of our needs. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City Code 3.49.020 - Disposition of City property PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The City last declared property surplus to its needs in August 2013, and since that time has accumulated a number of pieces of office furniture and a variety of equipment that have reached the point of being inoperable, obsolete or excess to our current operating needs. These include items such as computer monitors and workstations, file cabinets, chairs, a piano at CenterPlace and three City vehicles. City Code 3.49.020 provides guidance for the disposal of surplus City equipment. A short summary follows: 1. The City Manager provides notice of the potential disposition of property to the other City Departments, and if they desire to acquire any of the surplus property it will be transferred to them if approved by the City Manager. 2. The City Council declares property to be surplus to the City if it has no practical, efficient or appropriate use to the City, or is damaged, inoperable or obsolete, and the cost of repairing the property is uneconomical or impractical. 3. The City Manager is authorized to dispose of remaining surplus equipment via public auction, bid or other method of sale on terms deemed to be in the best interest of the City. 4. If surplus equipment is unsellable it may be discarded as scrap. Our goal is to dispose of the surplus items by selling what we can and discarding what we cannot, in a manner that minimizes the use of City resources. OPTIONS: 1. Authorize staff to sell or otherwise dispose of surplus items in a manner deemed to be in the best interest of the City; or 2. Take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action is required at this time but staff is asking for Council consensus to address this as a formal action item at the May 9, 2017 Council meeting. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: We anticipate some of the items we are recommending for disposal can be sold, but a number of pieces have no apparent value. We anticipate that total revenues received will exceed total costs of disposal STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution 17-010. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 17-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE CITY SURPLUS TO THE NEEDS OF THE CITY, AUTHORIZING DISPOSAL OF THE SAME, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, since the previous declaration of surplus items on August 27, 2013, the City has accumulated various items of personal property necessary for operation of City Hall , such as office furniture and computer equipment, which are no longer useful or usable for their intended purpose; and WHEREAS, the City would like to dispose of these items that are unneeded or not useful to the City; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 3.49.020, which prescribes a process for disposing of surplus City equipment; and WHEREAS, the City has followed the process set forth in SVMC 3.49.020 and now desires to formally declare the items surplus and dispose of them pursuant to City Code. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: Section 1. Declaration of items of personal property surplus to the needs of the City. The City Council hereby declares that the list of items attached hereto as Exhibit 1 are declared surplus to the need of the City, as they have no practical, efficient or appropriate use to the City, or are damaged, inoperable or obsolete, and the cost of repairing the same is uneconomical or impractical. Section 2. Authorization to dispose of surplus property. The City Manager is authorized to dispose of the surplus personal property identified in Exhibit 1 to this Resolution pursuant to SVMC 3.49.020(B): Sale of Property. Following passage of a resolution declaring City property surplus, City property shall be sold or disposed of in accordance with the following: 1. The city manager may dispose of surplus personal property by public auction, bid, or other method of sale on terms deemed to be in the best interests of the City. 2. Surplus personal property which is unsellable because of obsolescence, wear and tear, or other reasons may be dismantled, if necessary, and sold as scrap. 3. For surplus real property, the city manager shall secure a market value appraisal and proceed to sell the same by public auction or through other procedures the city manager deems to be in the best interests of the City. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Resolution 17-010 — Declaring Items as Surplus Page 1 of 2 DRAFT Adopted this day of , 2017. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 17-010 — Declaring Items as Surplus Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Resolution 417-010 Exhibit 1 List of Surplus Equipment iescriptian f :e i Type ; :Dunt N/Alt ID: _ _COSV Asset -Tag #: Crate PSMPB speakers Cabinet w/glass front 30" wide x 24" high x 22" deep Wooden cabinets with cubes - finished ends 29.25 x 75.5 Wooden cabinets with cubes - unfinished ends 37 x 75.5 Carpet mat 36" x 10' Undercounter cash drawers (x 2) Theater seating (KI brand) - Model Lancaster Police Laptop 3 -drawer pedestal 28" deep Cubicle overhead cabinet door 12" x 28" Cubicle panel 48" x 66" Cubicle Tack Board Panel 16" x 24" Cubicle Tile Fabric panel 12" x 48" Cubicle Tile Face fabric 12" x 44" Cubicle Tile Face fabric 24" x 48" Cubicle Tile Face fabric 8" x 24" Cubicle Tile Face fabric 8" x 36" Cubicle Tile Tackable fabric 12" x48' Metal 30" x 12" shelf Metal 36" x 12" shelf Metal 48" x 12" shelf Overhead cabinet door 30" x 12" Overhead cabinet doors 48" x 15" Tile face panel 15" x 24" Tile face panel 15" x 30" Drafting table 30" x 42" (portable) 4 -drawer cabinet 24" high x 16" wide x 22" deep. Lateral size file cabinet Legal -size file cabinet Letter -size file cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet Hon Legal Size 4 -drawer file cabinet (41277) Cold Food Bar (Duke Mfg Co.) model DC-327-254ss-N7 Apple Ipad2 Brother MFC8860 DN Compaq UPS R3000 XR HP 6636 Virtual Library System HP Compaq do 7800 HP dc7800 HP DL 360 G4 HP DL 360 G5 HP DL380 Eden -Wed HP DL 380 G5-SV-BU1 HP DL 380 SV -WEB HP DL140 (SV -security) HP DL380 SV -Helpdesk HP D1380 G5 HP DL380 G5 (SV-LF1) HP DL380 G5 server HP DL380 G5 server HP DL380 G5 SY-PW1 Audio 1 Cabinet 2 Cabinet 2 Cabinet 2 Carpet Mat 2 Cash drawer 2 Chair 6 Computer 1 Cubicle 4 Cubicle 1 Cubicle 22 Cubicle 1 Cubicle 1 Cubicle 2 Cubicle 2 Cubicle 2 Cubicle 2 Cubicle 1 Cubicle 1 Cubicle 10 Cubicle 10 Cubicle 1 Cubicle 10 Cubicle 1 Cubicle 1 Drafting table 1 Filing Cabinet 1 Filing Cabinet 5 Filing Cabinet 2 Filing Cabinet 3 Filing Cabinet 1 Filing Cabinet 1 Filing Cabinet 1 Food Service 1 !pad 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 IT 1 Page 1 of 3 NA NA NA 419 422 5052546 1J61509D71420953 TV 093A1178 005X876 MXL84804F5, Asset 4000271 MXL844QNCH, Asset 4000265 535COSS 722N6V1 ECOMF6253 SV-AV2 SV-FS2 Eden DB2 None None 1085 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Resolution 1117-010 Exhibit 1 List of Surplus Equipment Descnptron , Item;Type taunt:" SN Alt. ED."i COSV'A`sset Tag;.11 HP R3000 UPS HP R3000 UPS HP 83000 UPS HP Storage Works MSA 2000 Mode 2012 fc HP Storagework MSL 2024 tape library HP Storageworks MSA 20 HP Storageworks MSL 5000 Tape Library HP XW 6200 workstation (SV00074) HP XW 6600 workstation (5V00099) HP XW 6600 workstation (5V00099) flPxw 6400 workstation Open Eye DVR Open Eye DVR Ricoh Fax 3310 C StarTech 17" KVM model 1UCABCONS17 General Dynamics GoBookXR-1 GamberJohnson Docking Station Gamber Johnson Docking Station GamberJohnson Docking Station GamberJohnson Docking Station GamberJohnson Docking Station Brother MFD933OCDW (laminator???) General Dynamics GD8000 Laptop General Dynamics 608000 Laptop General Dynamics 008000 Laptop General Dynamics 008000 Laptop General Dynamics 008000 Laptop General Dynamics G08000 Laptop General Dynamics G08000 Laptop General Dynamlcs 008000 Laptop General Dynamics 008000 Laptop General Dynamics G D8000 Laptop General Dynamics GD8000 Laptop Foam mat 6'x3' CD Maker Monitor stands Wire file holders Planar Monitor Planar Monitor Planar Monitor Planar Monitor Planar Monitor Planar Monitor Console Plano - Pearl River model UP108-M HP Desktop printer Samsung Desktop Printer NEC LT265 Projector (from Veradale) NEC Model LT265 Projector ADA Ramp for staging (Stage Right) model ZH D -0-32" ADA V2 Sam4S SER 7040 Sam4S SER 7040 Sam4S SER 7090 IT IT IT Ir IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT lT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT Laminator Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Mat Misc Misc Misc Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Piano Printer Printer Projector Projector Ramp Register Register Register Page 2 of 3 Y04YJTJ54T YOJEJTJ54H Y3ENJTJ515 3C1814C851 236580412-01 50 2UA6201666 2UA83210K2, Asset 00099 2UA83210LB, Asset 4000264 ZUA8070IQT 5006814 5006839 A3539001109 G33412All031 G33412All032 G31712All007 G31712AZZ001 G31712AZZ003 V634801341294037 ZZSJC1174ZZ0029/SOLO G DS9 ZZSJC11512ZO048/SOGOG D79 ZZSJC1152ZZ0046/SOGO0080 ZZSJCI151ZZ0024/SOGOG D81 ZZSJC1151ZZ0016/SOGOG D82 ZZSJC1152ZZ0014/SOGOG D83 ZZSJC1174ZZ0070/SOGOGD91 ZZSJC1174ZZ0040/SOGOG D90 ZZSJC1173ZZ0073/SOGOG D87 ZZSJC1173ZZ0074/SOGOGD88 ZZKHH1118ZZ1798/SOGOGD92 Al523F47240 Al536F70151 Al 523F47233 BD 742F48297 Al 611A09645 Al 536F70150 338840 MY28U1R2PQ Z5ZRBABB90134OW 5600231E1 NA TW 40717-0042 TW 60605-952 TW 60605-955 272 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1129 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1122 1123 1124 1125 1131 140 147 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Resolution 417-010 Exhibit 1 List of Surplus Equipment o@scriptian.. , Item?Typo ount' iN/A1t Ib � :`i HP Flatbed Scanner Scanners (see Oksana's email dated 2/1/17) not locatable Da -Lite Projection Screen 85" x 58" Book Case 5' metal Book Case 7' metal Stage deck 4' x 8' Stage Right Stage deck support Z-80 Stage Right 35" diameter round table Laser level (had been stored in shed, but is missing} Sansui TV w/VHS & DVD Player 2000 Jeep Cherokee Chevy Malibu 2004 Ford F150 Tandberg TTC7-08 Video Camera Whiteboard with doors model CWAWLB56 Corner work surface 4' x 4' Work surface support 30" (2 per box) Scanner Scanner Screen Shelf Shelf Stage Deck Stage Deck Table Tool TV Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Video Camera Whiteboard Work surface Work surface Page 3 of 3 1 3 1 1 1 6 6 1 1• 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 12 boxes CN627A26TG NA NA Model TDC2075 114FF48S8YL170357 161N052153M654639 2FTRF17W14CA26854 30A43368 1629629 COSY Asset Tag ##1 4-006 3-500 5-215 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 2, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: New City Hall — Project Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Multiple meetings, Council retreat 02-17-15; Administrative Report 03-17-15, Motion Consideration 03-24-15, Study Session 09-15-15, Motion Consideration 09-29-15, Interior Discussion 11-18-15, Heating and Cooling Discussions on 12-1- 15 and 12-15-15, Interior and Exterior Discussion 12-29-15, General updates on 01-19-16 and 02-02-16, Final design discussion on 02-16-16 and Approval of City Hall Plan authorization to proceed with bid process on 02-23-16; Admin report on bid results at Council's 4-26-16 meeting; Bid Award on May 3, 2016; Admin Report on Project Update on August, 16, 2016, September 6, 2016, October 4, 2016, November 1, 2016, December 6, 2016, January 3, 2017, February 7, 2017, March 7, 2017, and April 4, 2017. BACKGROUND: City Council and staff have been working since early 2015 on the design of the New City Hall building. Construction of the project began on May 31, 2016. Staff will give a brief update on the current status of the project. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City Hall construction project is anticipated to cost $14.154 million including land acquisition, design services, and construction. STAFF CONTACT: Doug Powell, Building Official Jenny Nickerson, Senior Plans Examiner ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Spokane i�Valley City Hall Update May 2, 2017 Spokane _..Valley • Construction Began Schedule May 31, 2016 • Substantial Completion August 31, 2017 • Final Completion September 30, 2017 Project Still on Schedule Spokane i�Valley i Progress —Week 49 Council Chambers — Front of City Hall 3 Spokane i�Valley Progress —Week 49 North-West Corner West Wing Spokane i�Valley Progress —Week 49 South-West Corner South Wing 5 Spokane i�Valley Progress —Week 49 Roof Top —Council Chambers 6 01 Sijokane 4_� Valley Progress Week 49 Parking Lot Light Pole Base Installation Spokane i�Valley Progress —Week 49 Storage Building — South Parking Lot 8 S`pokane Walley i Progress —Week 49 IT Server Room 3rd Floor Cabinets Spokane ��Valley i Additional Information • 80% Schedule Completed • -$7,436,988 paid to Contractor (75°/o) • Requests for Information (RFIs) 128 Answered - 1 Pending • 239 Submittal Packages Reviewed - 3 Pending Spokane Additional Information Upcoming Activities • Council Chambers — Complete roof and interior framing; mechanical/plumbing/electrical rough in. • Site Work — Storage building slab; North curbing and sidewalk; North landscaping; Southwest parking lot light pole installation. • Rain Gutter Heating Options • Sculpture Art Placement 11 June 13, 2017, Evening 6:00 Formal Meeting Cancelled To: From: Re: DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of April 27, 2017; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative Council & Staff City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings May 9, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue, May 21 Proclamation: Older Americans Month 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 17-006 Wilbur Rd Street Vacation —John Hohman 3. First Reading Ordinance 17-007 for City—initiated Street Vacation — John Hohman 4. Resolution 17-010 Declaring Items as Surplus — Chelsie Taylor 5. Motion Consideration: Mission St. Preservation Bid Award — Eric Amsden, Gloria Mantz 6. Admin Report: Draft 2018-2023 TIP — Mike Basinger 7. Admin Report: ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) — John Hohman 8. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 9. Info Only: Police Dept Monthly Report [*estimated meeting: May 16, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. East Valley Community Coalition for Prevention & Wellness — Mayor Higgins 2. Medical Reserve Corp — David Byrnes, Regional Coordinator 3. Police Officer Recruitment/Retention/Safety — Chief Werner 4. 2017 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor 5. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (20 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes) 100 minutes] [due Tue, May 91 (20 minutes) (20 minutes) (20 minutes) (25 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 90 minutes] Mav 23, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. PUBLIC HEARING: 2017 Budget Amendment — Chelsie Taylor 3. First Reading Ordinance Amending 2017 Budget — Chelsie Taylor 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Draft 2018-2023 TIP — Mike Basinger 5. Draft Resolution 17- Adopting 2018-2023 six-year TIP — Mike Basinger 6. Second Reading Ordinance 17-007 City -initiated Street Vacation — John Hohman 7. Motion Consideration: Award of Pines/Grace Project Bid — Craig Aldworth, Gloria Mantz 8. Motion Consideration: Saltese Preservation Project — Robert Lochmiller, Gloria Mantz 9. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 10. Info Only: Department Reports [due Tue, Mav 161 (5 minutes) (25 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 105 minutes] May 30, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins June 6, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance Amending 2017 Budget — Chelsie Taylor NON -ACTION ITEMS: 3. City Hall Update — Doug Powell, Jenny Nickerson 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins June 13, 2017, Special Mtg, Budget Workshop, 8:30 a.m. Council Chambers Draft Advance Agenda 4/27/2017 11:38:47 AM [due Tue, May 23]. (5 minutes) [due Tue, May 301 (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Mon, June 6] Page 1 of 2 June 20, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Pines/Grace Project — Craig Aldworth, Gloria Mantz 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins June 27, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports July 4, 2017: no meetingHoliday July 11, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins July 18, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins July 25, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Motion: Bid Award, Pines/Grace — Gloria Mantz 3. Info Only: Department Reports August, 1, 2017 no meeting - National Night Out August 8, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins August 15, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins August 22, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: 2018 Budget: Estimated Revenues/Expenditures — Chelsie Taylor 3. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 4. Info Only: Department Reports August 29, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: 8th & McDonald follow-up Parks Master Plan CDBG (Hearing Sept/Oct) Property Crimes Grant Cont. Dept. of Trans. — State Routes Port Districts Farmers' Market SCRAPS Update Fee Resolution Second Amend.Sanctuary City Health District/Parental Rights Sex Trafficking in SV LTAC (Nov/Dec) Sign Ordinance Outside Agencies (Aug/Sept) Solid Waste Contract Approval Draft Advance Agenda 4/27/2017 11:38:47 AM Idue Tue, June 131 (10 minutes) (5 minutes) Idue Tue, June 201 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Mon, July 3] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, July 11] (5 minutes) [due Tue, July 18] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, Aug 1] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, Aug 81 (5 minutes) Idue Tue, Aug 151 (5 minutes) (30 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, Aug 22] (5 minutes) Term Limits Transportation & Infrastructure Undergrounding Utility Facilities in ROW Water Banking Zero Tolerance of Crime Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 2, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® information ['admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft 2018-2023 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after holding a public hearing, adopt a revised and extended comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Department of Transportation by July 1st of each year. The attached draft Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) incorporates comments received from previous Council comments on the City's transportation network. This year's TIP continues with an emphasis on street preservation projects in accordance with Council goals. Street Preservation Projects are included for each year in this TIP. Staff reviewed historical funding levels for federal, state and City funds from the past five years to estimate projected funding levels available during the next six years. The TIP is required to be financially constrained and reflect realistic expectations of annual funding levels. OPTIONS: Information only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Project costs are currently being developed in more detail for each project. The City's match on federal and state funded projects is typically between 13.5% and 20%. A review of the projected REET funds through 2023 will be provided to determine if there are sufficient funds to provide the City's match for the recommended projects. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger — Economic Development Manager Ray Wright, PE — Senior Engineer, Traffic ATTACHMENTS: Draft 2018-2023 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Spokane Valley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 1 Sprague / Barker Intersection Improvements P Intersection capacity improvements. Pending Barker Road Corridor Study Developer + City Partnership 0 28 12 422 462 City 20 211 231 DEV 20 211 231 Project Total 40 422 462 2 Sullivan -Wellesley Intersection Imp Project S Traffic Signal or Roundabout 0.25 0 60 1,052 1,108 City 8 142 150 CMAQ 48 910 958 Project Total 56 1,052 1,108 3 Argonne - Broadway to Indiana S Pavement Preservation - Grind and Overlay Funded with STP(U) funds. 0.8 0 0 570 570 City 77 77 STP(U) 493 493 Project Total 570 570 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 1 Spokane Walley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 4 Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation Project P Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/ Trent (SR290) 0.5 FY09 Federal Earmark for $720K, 20% of CN (up to $10M) received from FMSIB 1,237 2,055 31,144 34,435 City 81 290 729 243 Other 935 3,410 8,577 2,859 Fed Other 41 149 374 125 State Other- 10 79 224 75 RR Other 1,007 2,271 5,045 1,682 Fed FMSIB 1,246 3,737 1,246 1,343 15,781 689 388 10,005 6,229 Project Total 2,074 7,445 18,686 6,230 34,435 5 North Sullivan ITS Project S Extend ITS conduit and controls along Sullivan Corridor CMAQ Funded 1.75 0 0 804 804 City 109 109 CMAQ 695 695 Project Total 804 804 6 Pines (SR27)/ BNSF Grade Seperation Project 0 600 2,250 15,565 18,418 City 68 270 584 p Other 810 3,235 7,004 Fed Other- 68 270 584 RR Pines Road underpass at Pines (SR -27) / BNSF / Trent TIB 405 1,618 3,502 922 11,049 922 5,525 Project Total 1,351 5,393 11,674 18,418 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 2 Spokane Walley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 7 Sprague - Sullivan to Corbin Preservation S Pavement Preservation, ADA upgrade Funded with STP(U) funds. 0.85 0 0 1,502 1,502 City 203 203 STP(U) 1,299 1,299 Project Total 1,502 1,502 8 Sullivan -Trent (SR -290) to Wellesley Corridor 0.3 90 50 600 740 City 12 62 74 p Lighting HSIP 104 562 666 Street lighting, ROW Project Total 116 624 740 9 2018 Street Preservation Projects P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing, yearly 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 Project Total 2,200 2,200 10 Appleway Trail - Evergreen to Sullivan S Construct Shared Use Pathway along abandoned Railroad Right -of -Way 1 110 0 1,535 1,699 City 22 207 229 CMAQ 142 1,328 1,470 Project Total 164 1,535 1,699 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 3 Spokane Walley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 11 Appleway Trail - University Rd. to Balfour Park 0.5 110 120 520 750 City 102 102 S TAP 198 198 CMAQ 450 450 Extend Shared Use pathway to Balfour Park Project Total 750 750 12 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement - 1-90 to 0.25 512 0 3,211 3,723 City 102 642 744 p Montgomery TIB 410 2,569 2,979 Reconstruct pavement in concrete; OCI Mullan to Knox 24, OCI Knox to Montgomery 35 (2014 Rpt) Project Total 512 3,211 3,723 13 Coleman Road Sidewalk, 4th to 2nd Ave's P 0.125 25 0 145 170 City 5 29 34 Other- 20 116 136 FTA Sidewalks on one side of Coleman from 4th to 2nd Ave. Transit Access to STA bus stops. Awaiting Funding Project Total 25 145 170 14 Evergreen Resurfacing - Mission Connector to 0.7 66 0 591 656 City 4 84 88 s Indiana STP(U) 28 540 568 Grind and inlay HMA, Bike Lane Positive Guidance thru the 1-90 EXIT 291-A Project Total 32 624 656 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 4 Spokane Walley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 15 Mission Ave. - Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (CN) s 1 0 0 3,400 3,400 City 680 680 TIB 2,720 2,720 Widen existing rural roadway to an urban street section to include bike lanes, curbs, sidewalks, and stormwater swales. Funded, Awarded 80% TIB Grant Funds in 11/2016. Project Total 3,400 3,400 16 Park Road #2 - Broadway to Indiana (RW & CN) 0.75 0 162 2,877 3,039 City 22 STP(U) 140 Reconstruct to a 3 -lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities PE Funding 6/2009 388 410 2,489 2,629 Project Total 162 2,877 3,039 17 2019 Street Preservation Projects P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing, yearly 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 Project Total 2,200 2,200 18 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete p Intersections (CN Only) Reconstruct intersections in concrete pavement ROW Obligated 11/2013 0 0 0 1,703 1,703 City 230 230 STP(U) 1,473 1,473 Project Total 1,703 1,703 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 5 Spokane Walley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 19 Broadway Improvement Project - Flora to p Barker 0 543 500 4,163 5,206 City 159 883 1,042 TIB 634 3,530 4,164 Extend Broadway arterial to Barker Rd, Realign Broadway connection east of Barker 3 -Lane Urban Section Project Total 793 4,413 5,206 20 Evergreen & Broadway ITS P 2 206 80 1,584 1,870 City 36 217 253 CMAQ 230 1,387 1,617 ITS along Broadway from Pines Rd (SR -27) to Evergreen, along Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Ave. 2018-2020 CMAQ Grant Application funding Project Total 266 1,604 1,870 21 2020 Street Preservation Projects P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing, yearly 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 Project Total 2,200 2,200 22 Barker Rd - Euclid to Trent Road P Reconstruct Barker to 3 -lane urban section 0.75 471 100 3,613 4,184 City 114 723 837 TIB 457 2,890 3,347 Project Total 571 3,613 4,184 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 6 Spokane Walley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 23 Barker Rd Improvement Project -Appleway to I- 0.28 382 1,146 2,397 3,629 City 167 324 491 p 90 STP(U) 1,065 2,073 3,138 Widen and improve to 5 -lane urban section, Roundabout @ Broadway, Realign east leg of Broadway Project Total 1,232 2,397 3,629 24 Barker Rd Improvements - South City Limits to 0.81 326 25 2,502 2,854 City 46 340 386 p Appleway TIB 293 2,175 2,468 Widen and Improve roadway to 3 -lane urban section Project Total 339 2,515 2,854 25 2021 Street Preservation Projects P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing, yearly 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 Project Total 2,200 2,200 26 Argonne Rd &I-90 IC Bridge Widening P Widen Argonne Rd Bridge to 3 Lanes, SB. New 12' sidewalks. 0.1 900 0 7,200 8,100 City 122 144 36 302 FMSIB 634 158 792 STP(U) 778 4,982 1,246 7,006 Project Total 900 5,760 1,440 8,100 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 7 Spokane Walley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 27 Barker Rd Improvement Project - Spokane p River to Euclid Reconstruct and widen to 3 -lane urban section Developer Funds Rec'd 6/2014, $29,500 0.53 378 25 2,899 3,302 City 52 580 632 TIB 322 2,319 2,641 DEV 29 29 Project Total 403 2,899 3,302 28 Mirabeau/Mansfield Intersection Improvements 0 110 100 560 670 City 15 76 91 CMAQ 95 484 579 Intersection Capacity Improvements Project Total 110 560 670 29 Pines 1-90 IC, City Intersection Imp Project P 0 250 300 1,300 1,850 City 54 196 250 CMAQ 346 1,254 1,600 Intersection Capacity Improvement for City Intersections along Pines @ Indiana, EB Ramp & Mission Project Total 400 1,450 1,850 30 2022 Street Preservation Projects P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing, yearly 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 Project Total 2,200 2,200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 8 Spokane ��alley Project / Description / Current Status 2018 - 2023 DRAFT Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 31 2023 Street Preservation Projects P Ongoing, yearly 0 0 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 Project Total 2,200 2,200 Totals: 7,223 6,985 104,003 118,211 13,008 24,628 42,254 21,645 12,869 3,640 118,044 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 3/8/2017 Page 9