2017, 04-04 Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington April 4, 2017 AtteI:rknrce: Councilmembers Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Caleb Collier, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Pam Haley, Councilmember Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Mike Munch, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, CIP Manager Ed Pace, Councilmember Robert Lockmiller, Senior Engineer Sam Wood, Councilmember Craig Aldworth, Senior Engineer Henry Allen, Development Engineer Jenny Nickerson, Senior Plans Examiner Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk - Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. ACTION ITEM: 1. Selection of Provider, Solid Waste Collection—Erik Lamb,Morgan Koudelka Mayor Higgins explained the process for taking public comments,followed by Mr.Lamb and Mr.Koudelka giving an explanation of our solid waste services; they said that this would be a ten-year contract and tonight's efforts are as a result of the culmination of about one and a half years' effort by the City, from hiring a consultant for the development of an RFP (request for proposal), to the actual RFP development, the scenarios, and the alternatives; said this was a four-month process in soliciting vendors for our solid waste collection, and we received four responses, although one response was determined non-responsive. Mr. Lamb said we have received three outstanding proposals from three very outstanding haulers,who are all very qualified and capable,and that any of them could provide the services for the City.Mr. Lamb said that staff recommends Waste Management as the exclusive single family, multifamily, and commercial solid waste provider; and that Waste Management, Waste Connections, and Sunshine be selected as the solid waste haulers to provide non-exclusive drop box solid waste collection services. Mr. Koudelka commended the haulers for the time they put into this process. In going through the alternative options, he noted that the household cleanup has two options: once a year and on-call; he • explained that the special yard debris clean-up is also a once-a-year event, which would allow up to 192 gallons, or the equivalent of two additional 96 gallon carts, to be collected without additional charge; said that Councihnember Collier had previously asked about survey results regarding some of these options and about special item days; said answers ranged from 1 as not important to 5 as very important, and the most popular response was 1 with 209 responses of"not important; said there was some interest and there were also some comments at the end of the survey; 24 favored special item pickups twice a year. Mr.Koudelka went over the additional information submitted by Sunshine, as noted in his Request for Council Action form; he explained the interview process and said when they met with Sunshine, they provided a proposal that would reduce rates per ton at the transfer station by $3.00. Mr. Koudelka said staff had not seen that information prior to the interview; Sunshine said they would keep the $15.00 minimum charge for 36 months; however,staff felt that because this information came in after the deadline for submitting the RFP, Council Study Session:04-04-2017 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council:04-25-2017 that it would not be included in the rate calculations; although he said that staff did look at what the impact would be,and said the difference between Sunshine and the lowest rate of Waste Management, that Waste Management would still be the lowest. Mr. Lamb said Council would make the final determination of this matter, after which staff will move forward with contract finalization, and that the contract would cone back to Council for approval later. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to select Waste Management as the solid waste hauler to provide exclusive single family, multifamily, and commercial solid waste, recycling, and compostables collection services to include the following alternatives listed on the Rate Proposal Evaluation: 1: universal carts; 3: household cleanup program on call; and 9: special yard debris clean- up;as part of the contract, and to authorize the City Man ager to finalize a contract with the selected hauler for City Council approval;and to select Sunshine, Waste Connections, and Waste Management as the solid waste haulers to provide non-exclusive drop box solid waste collection services and to authorize the City Manager to finalize a contract with the selected haulers for City Council approval. After Council discussion, it was moved by Cowicilmember Munch and seconded to amend the motion to only include the alternative of the universal cart. Councilmember Collier voiced his opposition to all the alternatives. Council discussed the alternatives, including safety factors for truck drivers and that there would be no increase to the customer for using the universal cart. Vote by acclamation on the motion to amend. In favor: Councihnembers Munch, Haley, Pace and Collier; Opposed: Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Connccihnember Wood. The amendment passed After further Council discussion, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to amend the current motion to also include alternative 3 as per the list,for the household cleanup on-call program. After Council discussion,vote by acclamation:In Favor:Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councihnembers Haley and Munch. Opposed: Councihnembers Pace, Wood and Collier. The amendment passed. Mayor Higgins invited comment from the hauler companies,and as he previously explained,each company would be given a maximum of ten minutes to comment, either individually or as a group. Comments were heard from representatives from Sunshine Disposal, followed by Waste Connections, and then by Waste Management. A representative from Sunshine Disposal and from Waste Management gave the Clerk additional information for distribution to Council. Mayor Higgins then opened the floor for general public comment, again as he previously explained, with a limit of three minutes per comment. Ms. Joy Linn spoke in favor of Waste Management; Ms. Nina Fluegal said she likes the current company we have;Mr.Tony Lazanis had a question about private hauler,but said lie hopes the current company gets the contract; Mr. Doug Folkins, co-owner of Eljay Oil Company spoke favorably of Sunshine, said they are outstanding to work with and very accessible; Mr.Larry Damm,General Manager of Western Systems in Spokane Valley: thanked Sunshine for supporting local businesses and supporting his business. There were no further public comments. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked Mr. Lamb to comment on Mr. Lazanis' comments about any conflict with a self-hauler. Mr. Lamb said if Council adopts this with the annual on- call clean-up, it would not impact any other private company to come clean up a private residence or company, as the proposal is for one cubic yard once a year. At the behest of the Mayor,the City Clerk Bainbridge re-stated the amended main motion currently before Council: to select Waste Management as the solid waste hauler to provide exclusive single family, multifamily, and commercial solid waste, recycling, and compostables collection services to include the following alternatives listed on the Rate Proposal Evaluation: 1: universal carts, and 3:household cleanup program on call; as part of the contract, and to authorize the City Manager to finalize a contract with the selected hauler for City Council approval; and to select Sunshine, Waste Connections, and Waste Management as the solid im'aste haulers to provide non-exclusive drop box solid ii'aste collection services, and to authorize the City Manager to finalize a contract with the selected haulers for City Council approval. Council Study Session:04-04-2017 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council:04-25-2017 Prior to the vote, it was moved by Conncihnember Wood to suspend this motion for two weeks in order to give Council time to read the material just given to Council tonight. Council discussion included mention that two weeks wouldn't have an effect on this process, and that each vendor had opportunity to submit all materials on time,and this additional information carne in after the deadline to submit. Vote by acclamation on the motion to suspend this for two weeks:In favor:Connclhnember:s Wood and Collier; Opposed'Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmeurber:s Pace, Haley, and Munch. The motion failed. Returning back to the main motion; vote by acclamation on the main motion as pr'evi0usly stated naming the vendors and the alternatives:In Favor:Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councihnembers Collier, Pace, Haley and Munch. Opposed.' Councilmember Wood. The motion passed. At 7:36 p.m. Mayor Higgins called for a recess. He reconvened the meeting at 7:46 p.m. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2. Indiana Preservation Project—Craig Aldworth, Gloria Mantz Ms.Mantz and Mr.Aldworth explained the Indiana Preservation Project,including the existing conditions, project design,traffic control,and budget and funding; after which Deputy Mayor Woodard suggested staff bring Council a future report on the various aspects of the ITS (Intelligent Transportation System). There were no objections. 3. 9t'Avenue Sidewalk Project Robert Lockmiller, Gloria Mantz Ms. Mantz and Mr. Lockmiller explained the 9th Avenue Sidewalk Project, Raymond Road to University Road, including 9'E' Avenue's current conditions, such as varying pavement width and missing curb; said that this project would complete a missing link of sidewalk and therefore provide pedestrians safe access to the existing STA (Spokane Transit Authority) bus stop; they mentioned the public outreach where property owners were notified of this upcoming project; they went over the proposed improvements such as ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act)ramps,and concrete curb,and finished by explaining the project budget and funding availability. Councilmember Wood asked about having greenspace so when snow plows cleared the roads,the greenspace would be an available area to dump the snow. Ms.Mantz explained that this is an existing well-established residential area,and buying right-of-way would be cost-prohibitive; also since this is a collector, this would not get plowed with the same frequency as an arterial. 4. City Hall Update—Doug Powell,Jenny Nickerson Senior Plans Examiner Nickerson went through the PowerPoint showing the various sections of the city hall building, and noting we are still on schedule. 5.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Pace said he would like to begin the process of reviewing our sign ordinances; that businesses bring up that topic, and he would like to radically revise those regulations to have minimal requirements, especially concerning temporary signs, and to let the businesses make their own decisions. Four councilmembers nodded in agreement and Mr. Calhoun said he would add that to the advance agenda. Deputy Mayor Woodard said he was made aware of a person who called 9-1-1 because a manhole cover was off, but the person making the call was told by the 9-1-1 operator that didn't present an imminent danger. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked who a person would call after hours for an emergency. Mr.Calhoun said he would initiate follow-up on the situation. 6. Council Check-in Mayor Higgins Councilmember Wood asked if a staff member spoke to someone concerning the condition of the McDonald's parking lot,and Mr. Calhoun replied that since that is private property,we do not have control on what they do as that would be their business decision, but we can let the property owner know of the recent concerns and comments. Council Study Session:04-04-2017 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:04-25-2017 7. City Manager Comments—Mark Calhoun City Manager Calhoun mentioned that construction started yesterday on the Pines to Evergreen stretch of the Appleway Trail, and that Council will hear an administrative report April 25 on the Sullivan to Corbin section. Mr. Calhoun noted that one of our Legislative Agenda items is the amenities on the Appleway Trail, and said that$545,000 has been included in the Senate's Capital Budget, and will be included in the House budget scheduled to be released tomorrow. Mr. Calhoun extended thanks to our legislative representatives for their work on this issue. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. raw A "T L.R.Higgm.; aT' X\A._ - "1u istiue Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session:04-04-2017 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council:04-25-2017