2013, 11-12 Permit App: BLD-2013-2341 Egress WindowsCommunity Development DepartmentLPERMIT aff Use Only) „'��t' Permit Center ��••.,,,.ry of, 11703 East Sprague Avenue, Suite B-3 MBER: C(('��► Spokane Valley, WA 99206 k- <,I&re Tel: (509) 688-0036 E: '176-V 11 � Fax: (509) 688-0037 K eV Perm itcenter@spokSTTanevalley,orci �l Z� J _ ( i RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION Ea 0 NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITION/ REMODEL ACCESSORY BUILDING ! j DECK Q OTHER SITE ADDRESS: V P�T/ CENTER � �! i j �. 2 �'�- �� jr0 �ntt. �! � �,. �/ -, ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BUILDING OWNER NAME: 1-C2E-A1r4/4 A"uz- A NAME: —J—CZCM/A" aNJ AMISEE ADDRESS: 1 I q j :�' F— A of - �1 CITY: ca PHONE: Z CONTACT NAME: (JW&Xi PHONE: CONTRACTOR NAME: STATE: (NA ZIP: FAX: CELL: FAX: CELL: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FAX: CELL: CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO.: EXPIRES: CY6 BUSINESS LICENSE NO.: DESCRIBE THE SCOPE OF WORK IN DETAIL AND INDICATE USE & PROPOSED USE: I..,57-Acc 'Twc7 Ca ESS WiMDotrS IN T AS An "T AN•4 [34-r4zo•OA-, t "i 9AS E SENT. ****YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING**** MARK N /A IF NOT APPLICARLF Height to Peak:13 TOTAL Dimensions: 7 3� x 22- No. of Stories: 1 Total Habitable Space: ', ? 5AFT Main Floor SQ FT: Upper Floor SQ FT: �J/G Unfinished Basement SQ FT• Z r Finished Basement SQ FT• j 4 �lFT Garage SQ FT: L�i ' Deck/Covered Patio SQ FT: t S ,,, "w.a �: I- Impervious Surface Area: t4l& 30% Slopes on Property: -/A No. of Bedrooms: Construction Type: a=^:D Heat Source: j, r1 S Sewer or Septic: &061Z- LJE/Z TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: $ 2-2aU DISCLAIMER The permitted verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) if this permit is for construction or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) The City of Spokane Valley permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. Effective October 28, 2007 Page 1 of 2 P:\Community Development\02 Administration\03 Forms - Official Versions\Permit Center\Residential Construction Permit App 10.28.07.doc Signature Date: ?/ e ` l �5 Method of payment: ❑ Cash ❑ Check ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard Bankcard #: EXP: VIN#: Authorized Siqnature: tttective October 28, 2007 Page 2 of 2 P:\Community Development\02 Administration\03 Forms - Official Versions\Permit Center\Residential Construction Permit App 10.28.07.doc gi,v Atencio Remodel 11415 East 28TH Avenue Spokane Valley, Washington Structural Calculations for: Amber Atencio October 11, 2013 Project No.: 2013098 �C, DANy �� of wA ssO � r Y 29013 `0 1 NAL Inland Northwest Engineering Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building 104 South Freya Street, Suite 110-F Spokane, Washington 99202 (509) 532-1532 Voice and Cell, (509) 534-0664 maims M41 Atencio Remodel Date: 10/ 11/2013 `4brt`i,sy it By: Brett Danielson NEW- 11415 East 28TH AvenuePa e: 1 of 17 Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building g (50 South Freya Street, Suite 11 , (509 Spokane, Fax 99202 Project No.: 2013098 Design Data (509) 532-1532 Voice and Celt, (509) 534-0664 Fax ,� Building Dimensions: Main Roof: Length = 40.5 ft. x Width = 25 ft. with 2 ft. rakes and 2 ft. overhangs Main Floor: Length = 40.5 ft. x Width = 25 ft. with 0 ft. balconies Code: 2012 IBC Category II: Buildings and other structures except those listed in Occupancy Catagories I, III or IV. Roof Loads: Ground Snow Load, Pg = 0.017 x 2020 = 34.34 psf (per Snow Load Manual) Exposure, Ce = 1.2 Importance Factor, ISNOW = 1 Thermal Factor, Ct = 1 Basic Snow Load, Pf = 0.7CeCt(ISNOw)Pg = 28.8456 psf (ASCE-7 Equation 7-1) Minimum Uniform Roof Load, Pu = 20 psf (per 2012 IBC reduced for over 200 square feet) Proiected Snow Loads: Less than R-30 unventilnteri_ R -9.n ventilatPrl ? ivn Vallrwc (' = 1 Slope Angle, a Slope Factor, CS (ASCE-7: Design Snow Load _ g sL - CS P Rain on 2.745 5 " Loose Insulation = Fi ure 7-2 Miscellaneous Snow 4 /121 18.4 °1 - (18.43 - 18.43) /70 = .1 1x 28.85 = 28.85 psf _0psf 4 / 12 18.4 1 - (18.43 - 18.43) /70 = 1 1 x 28.85 = 28.85 psf 0 psf ouuw Lrut: upperxooj wtdtn, wB = 28.5 it., hd = 0.43(WB)"'(Pg+10)"- 1.5= 1.889 ft. (Equation 44-1) D = 0.13Pg + 14.0 s 35 = 18.4642 pcf 10' hb = PfID = 1.56 ft. (Equations 44-2 and 44-3) Wd = 4h s 4(h, - hb) = 7.557376 ft. for h, _> 3.4516 ft. Pd = D(hd) = 34.885 psf (Equation 44-4) With Sliding: Pd. = 1.4D(h d ) = 48.83932 psf Maximum Total Load= 92.69 psf (Paraaraph 1644.5) Note: Composition shingles, 2 ply are used in the calculations instead of lighter or slippery roofing shown on the drawings to allow for reroofing or snow brake installation. Heavier roofing, such as Clay Tile, require redesign. Projected oof Dead Loads: rame Wall 0eadLoads: Composition shingles, 2 ply 6.3246 psf 5/8 " Plywood = 1.8666 5/8 " Gypsum = 2.745 5 " Loose Insulation = 1.0541 Miscellaneous 1.0097 QDLROOF - 13 psf 2 x 6 Number Two Douglas Fir -Larch Chord Trusses at 24" on center: = 2.0052 psf Wood Shingles 2.25 psf 5/8 " Plywood = 1.77 5/8 " Gypsum = 2.6 3 " Loose Insulation = 0.6 Miscellaneous 1.78 QDLWALLS = 9 psf 2 x 4 Number Two Douglas Fir - 1.5875 Larch Studs at 24" on center: = 1 psf Floor Dead Loads: Deflection Limits: 1/4 " Ceramic or quarry tile = 3.3333 psf AmAx = L / x; x = 240 total load 3/4 " Plywood = 2.125 ALS = L / x; x = 360 live load 5/8 " Gypsum = 2.6042 AJOIST = L / x; x = 480 live load 63/4 " Loose Insulation = 1.35 Floor Live Loads: Miscellaneous 1.5875 Residential Floor Areas, QLL FLOOR = 40 psf QDL_FLOOR = 11 psf Exit Facilities, PST,IR = 300 lbs. 2 x 8 Number Two Douglas Fir -Larch Residential Decks (With Joists at 16" on center: or 9 1/2" TJI Direct Support), QLLFLOOR = 40 psf 110 Joists at 19.2" on center: = 2.1077 psf 121MIN41 Atencio Remodel Date: 10/ 11/2013 By: Brett Danielson `���������'■'i■■��+ lose. 11415 East 28TH Avenue Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building Page: 2 of 17 10 Fa South Freya Street, Suite 110-9, Spokane, 99202 Project No.: 2013098 Design Data (509) 532-1532 Voice and Cell, (509) 534-0664 Fax Main Roof Height: Average Roof. 12.25 ft. @ 4/12 = 2.0417 ft. Roof: Bearing Depth = 5.797509 " = 0.4831 ft. Top Story Height = 8'- 0" = 8 ft. Lower Floor: Depth = 0'- 8" = 0.6667 ft. Story Height = 7'- 4" = 7.3333 ft. Lower Floor to Grade = -6'- 10" _ -6.833 ft. Top Diaphragm Height Above Grade = 11.691 ft. Material Properties: Concrete: Design Strength, f = 2500 psi, Unit Weight, YCONC = 155 pcf Young's Modulus, ECONC = 2,850,000 psi Reinforcing: Design Strength, fy = 60,000 psi, Young's Modulus, ESTEEL = 29,000,000 psi Structural Steel: Design Strength, fy = 36,000 psi, Unit Weight, ysTEEL = 490 pcf Soil Parameters: Table 1804.2 Soil Classification 5, Clay, Sandy Clay, Silty Clay and Clayey Silt (CL, ML, MH and CH) soils. Frost Penetration Depth, DFRosr = 24 inches Wet Unit Weight of Soil, YSOIL = 110 psf Allowable Foundation Pressure, QALLOwABLE = 1500 psf ( + 0 psf/ft. per footnote 2) Minimum Depth of Footing, DFm-MIN = 2 feet below grade, bFro MIN = 1 feet Lateral Pressures: Passive, YPAssrvE = 100 psf per foot of depth below grade (pcf) Active, YAcTrvE = 40 pcf (Assumed) At Rest, YAT_REST = 70 pcf (Assumed) Coefficient of friction for Lateral Sliding resistance, pt = 0 to 130 psf (Maximum) Seismic Loads: 0.2 Sec = 0.4045, Sds = 0.398;1.0 Sec = 0. 11374, Sd1 = 0.186 ; Site Class: D Light framed walls with shear panels -wood structural panels/sheet steel panels Importance Factor: Global, IsEIsMIc = l; Portions: I r =1 ; Seismic Design Catagory: C Structural Response Factor, R = 6 Ct = 0.02 Period, T = Ct(hn)1/4 = 0.13 sec. Base Shear, V=(ISEISMIC)WI S DS /R= 0.066356 x W WTor = 1154.25 x 15.005+ 966.67 x 10.003 = 26988.946 ; VToP = 1790.9 lbs. at 12 WI = 992.25 x 13.108+ 1030.7 x 10.003 = 23315.513 ; VI = 1547.1 lbs. at 1.2 WTOTAL = 50304.459 VTOTAL - 3338 lbs. Wind Loads: Design Wind Speed = 85 mph, 3 Second Gust; Exposure B End Zone = 3 ft. Importance Factor, IwIND = 1 Design Wind Pressures, QWIND = Ce(CQ)gs(IWIND) Primary Frame Wind Loads: Exposure, CP = 1 Q. 11.7 ft. C T.,,a.;-, = 1.5 Element Roof Horizontal I Walls Roof Vertical Wind Direction Longitudinal I Transverse Transverse I Longitudinal Windward Leeward End Zone Pressure, ps 0 1 0 15.44092 11.5 -13.8 -9.41219 Interior Zone Pressure 0 1 0 1 10.28699 7.6 -9.6 1 -7.1748 plan4l Date: 10/11/2013 `�orf6�r�-tr Atencio Remodel By: Brett Danielson lose. 11415 East 28TH Avenue Page: 3 of 17 Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building '048 04 Suth Freya Street, Suite 110-F. Spokane, WA 99202 Pro ect No.: 2013098 Framing Design l5..).0 32-1532 Voice and Cell (509) 534.0664 Fax Headers: The following calculations use the superposition principle to sum moments and displacements at a selected location. The moments are calculated by adding the effects of the reaction at one end of the member and the applied loads between that end and the selected location: Rix - cD1(x-a)2/2 - (wZ - (ot)(x-a)3/6; where Rl is the start reaction, x is the distance from the start of the member to the selected location, o)1 is the starting value of the trapezoidal load, (o, is the ending value of the trapezoidal load,, and, a is the distance from the start of the member to the start of the load. For points beyond the end of the load the formula is simply: R2(1 -x). Deflection calculations are based on the conjugate beam theorum: the deflection at a point on the beam is equal to the moment at the corresponding point on an equivalent beam under the moment diagram as a load. The conjugate reaction at the start, Rlc, is: [R1b2(1-2b/3)/2 + R2(1 -b)3/3 - o)t (b -a)3(1 -b -(b -a)/4)/6 - ((02 - (o1)(b-a)3(1-b-(b-a)/5)/24]/l where b is the distance from the start of the member to the end of the load. The deflection of a point within the loaded area is then: R1Cx - R1x3/6 + (or(x-a)4/24 + (()1- (o2)(x-a)5/120(b-a). Typical Truss Start Cantilever: Snan = 2' - 1 3 /4" = 2.146 ft. Tributary Width: Start = 2'. - 0" = 2 ft End=2'-0"= 2 f Distributed Start Axial Lateral End Axial Wind Load Forces 0 Axial Lateral Moment Distance from Tip Shear of Tip Moment Moment of Moment Distance from Load Type Location (plf) (pit) Location (pl0 Lateral (pit) Reaction Reaction (ft -lbs.) Support Moment , of Moment Moment (ft -lbs.) start Dead 0 ft. 0 30.0104 2.15 ft. 0 30.01042 0 64.4 69.09299 @ 0 ft. 49.42068 79.53641 53.02427 69.09299 @ 0 ft. Snow 0 ft. 0 .57.6912 2.15 ft. 0 57.6912 1 0 123.8 132.8225 @ 0 ft. 95.00496 152.8986 101.9324 132.8225 @ Oft. Wind 0 ft. 0 -22.116 2.15 ft. 0 -22.116 0 -47.46 -50.9177 @ 0 ft. -36.4203 -58.6139 -39.0759 -50.9177 @ Oft. Typical Truss End Cantilever: Snan = 2'- 13/4" = 2.146 ft. Dead Load Forces 0 64.4 69.09299 Snow Load Forces 0 123.8 132.8225 Wind Load Forces 0 -47.46 -50.9177 0 1 188.2 1201.91551 Tributary Width: Start = 2' - 0" = 2 ft 49.42068 79.53641 53.02427 69.09299 95.00496 152.8986 101.9324 132.8225 -36.4203 1 -58.6139 -39.0759 -50.9177 1144.42561 232.435 1154.95671201.9155 Load Type End = 2' - 0 = 2 ft. Distributed Start Axial Lateral End Axial Wind Load Forces 0 Axial Lateral Moment Distance from Tip Shear of Tip Moment Moment of Moment Distance f viii Load Type Location (plf) (plfl Location (pifl Lateral (pit) Reaction Reaction (ft -lbs.) Support Moment of Moment Moment (ft -lbs.) start Dead 0 ft. 0 30.0104 12.15 ft. 1 0 0 64.4 69.09299 Oft. 79.53641 53.02427 69:09299 @ 0 ft. Snow 0 ft. 0 57.6912 1 ft. 0 130.010421 57.6912 0 123.8 1 1 132.8225 J@ @ 0 ft. 149.42068 95.00496 152.8986 101.9324 132.8225 @ Oft. Wind 0 ft. 0 -22.116 12.15 2.15 ft. 1 0 -22.116 0 -47.46 -50.9177 @ 0 ft. -36.4203 -58.6139 -39.0759 -50.9177 @ Oft. Dead Load Forces 0_ 64.4 169.092991 Snow Load Forces 0 123.8 132.8225 Wind Load Forces 0 -47.46-50.9177 0188.2 201.9155 49AIZU06 /9.030'+1 1 J3.U6'tG / I oy-U7Lyy 95.00496 1152.8986 1101.9324 132.82 25 36.4203 1 -58.6139 1 -39.0759 -50.9177 744.42561 232.435 1154.95671201.91bbi Typical Truss. Snow Load Case: Balanced Span = 24' - 2 1/2'' = 24.21 ft. Tributary Width: Start = 2' - 0" = 2 ft. End= 2'-0" = 2 ft. ai0nd orth,www'l;;it \13ng Atencio Remodel Date: 10/11/2013 End Location I ` mine. 11415 East 28TH Avenue By: Brett Danielson yinCwr11§41, Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building 104 South Freye Street, Suite 110-F, Spokane, WA 99202 (509) 532-1532 Volce and Ce it, (509) 534-0664 Fax Project No.: 2013098 Page: 5 of 17 Framing Design Use 2 x 4 Number Two Douglas Fir -Larch Studs at 24" on center: O.K. Moment of Quantity = 1 b= 1.5 inches, d = 3.5 inches, CR = 1.15 CF = 1.5 CFU1 = 1 CFU2 A= b(d) = 5.25 in.2 ; S = (b)d2/6 = 3.0625 in .3; I1 = (b)d3/ 12 = 5.359375 in.4; S2 = 1.3125 in. 3; I2 = 0.984375 in.4 fV = 1.5RM,ix/A = 31.406 psi, fB1 = M/S = 861.4138776 psi, ATDTAL = 0.207in. < L/240, ALIVE = 0.207in. < L/240 c'= 0.8 FB = 875 psi FBI' = FB(CF)CR(CD)CFUI = 2013 psi, FB2' = FB(CF)CR(CD)CFU2 = 2213.75 psi fB2 = 0 psi FV = 95 psi Fv' = FV(CD)CH = 126.667 asi, E = 1,600,000 psi, Fci i = 1300 psi LU1/d = 27 11U2/d = 8 KcEl = 0.3 KcE2 = 0.3 FcE1 = 638.02si F P cE2 = 7500 psi Fc = Fc(CF)CD[(l+(FcEmin/(F'C(CF)CD))/2c')-[(1+(FcEmin/(FC(CF)CD))/2c)2-(F(E,.in/(Fc(CF)CD))/C]1/2] = 595.0372 psi, fc = 268.5314 psi Rb1 = 6.2 KbE1 = 0.44 FbE1 = 18224.69 psi, Fc = 601.8 psi,[fc/Fc']2+fBl/(FB1'(1-(fc/F,cE1)))+fB2/(F'B2'(1-(fC/FcE2)-(fB1/FbEI)) = 0.8245907 Use 2 x 6 Stud Grade Spruce -Pine -Fir Studs at 24" on center: O.K. 226.0986 Quantity = 1 b= 1.5 inches, d = 5.5 inches, CR = 1.15 CF = 1.3 CFU1 = 1 CFU2 = 1.15 A = b(d) = 8.25 in .2 ; S = (b)d2/6 = 7.5625 in. 3; I1 = (b)d3/12 = 20.79688 in.4; S2 = 2.0625 in. 3; I2 = 1.546875 in fV = 1.5RM,x/A = 19.985 psi, fB1 = M/S = 348.8370248 psi, ATOTAL = 0.071in. < L/240, .4 OLIVE = 0.071in. < L/240 c' = 0.8 FB = 675 psi lzl- FBI' = FB(CF)CR(CD)CFU1 = 1346 psi, FB2' = FB(CF)CR(CD)CFU2 = 1547.325 psi fB2 = 0 psi FV = 70 psi"" FV' = FV(CD)CH = 93.3333 psi, E = 1,200,000 psi, Fci I = 675 psi LU1/d = 17 LU2/d = 8 KcEl = 0.3 KcE2 = 0.3 FcE1 = 1181.6 psi, FcE2 = 5625 psi Fc' = FC(CF)CD[(l+(FcEmin/(FCICF)CD))/2c')-[(l+(FcEmin/(FC(CF)CD))/2C')2-(F,cErnin/(F,C(CF)CD))/C']1/2] / / = 749.3432 psi, fe = 170.8836 psi Rb1 = 7.8 KbE1 = 0.44 FbE1 = 8698.147 psi, Fc = 812.4 psi,[fc/Fc']2+fB1/(FB1'(1-(fc/FcE1)))+fat/(FB2'(1-(fc/FcE2)-(fB1/l,'bE1)) = 0.33504333 Bay Window Opening Beam: Snan = 10'- 6" = 10.5 ft. Trihntary Width. Ctnrt = n' _ n" = n ft Ll a Distributed Start Location Start Value I End Location I End Value Start End I Moment Distance from Start Shear FndShear of Moment of Moment Distance from Load Type (lbs./ft) (Ibs./ft) I Reaction Reaction (ft -lbs.) start of Moment I Moment Moment (ft -lbs.) stmt Dead 0 ft. 16.4063 10.5 ft. 16.40625 86.1328 86.13 226.0986 @ 5.25 ft. 791.3452 791.3452 2596.601 223.3073 @ 4.667 ft. Point Load First Load First Load Second Load Second Load StarttEnd Moment Distance from Start Shear End Shear of Moment of Moment Distance frons Tyne Location (Ibs.) Location Obs.) Reaction ,Reaction (ft -lbs.) start ofMonlent Moment Monlent (ft -lbs.) start 1)ead 0.666667 ft. 428 2.6666667 ft. 428 719.535 135.8 712.7474 n 5.25 ft. 3504.404 2363.883 9136.201 791.9416 @ 4.667 ft. Dead 4.666667 ft. 428 6.6666667 ft. 428 393.708 461.6 1817.506 @ 5.25 ft. 5504.622 5780.545 19418.28 1837.304 @ 4.667 ft. Dead 8.666667 ft. 428 10.5 ft. 0 74.6688 353 392.0111 @ 5.25 ft. 1330.21 2067.219 5182.804 348.4543 @ 4.667 ft. Snoii 0.666667 ft. 822 2.6666667 ft. 822 1383.22 261 1370.166 @ 5.25 ft. 6736.77 4544.263 17563.18 1522.407 @ 4.667 ft. Snoiy 4.666667 ft. 822 6.6666667 ft. 822 756.854 887.3 3493.923 @ 5.25 ft. 10581.93 11112.36 37329.17 3531.983 @ 4.667 ft. Snoi% 8.666667 ft. 822 10.5 ft. 0 143.541 678.6 753.5913 @ 5.25 ft. 2557.16 3973.965 9963.279 669.8589 @ 4.667 ft. Wind 0.666667 ft. -315 2.6666667 ft. -315 -530.26 -100 -525.255 @ 5.25 ft. -2582.55 -1742.05 -6732.87 -583.617 @ 4.667 ft. Wind 4.666667 ft. -315 6.6666667 ft. -315 -290.14 -340.2 -1339.4 @ 5.25 ft. -4056.6 -4259.94 -14310.2 -1353.99 @ 4.667 ft. NVintl 18.666667 ft. 1 -315 110.5 ft. 0 -55.027 -260.1 -288.89 @ 5.25 ft. -980.291 -1523.42 -3819.44 -256.791 @ 4.667 ft. Redundant? N o Uead Load Forces 1274.05 1036 3148.363 11130.5811 11002.99 36333.89 3201.008 Snow Load Forces 2283.61 1827 5617.681 19875.86 19630.59 64855.63 5724.249 Wind Load Forces -875.43 -700.3 -2153.55 7619.44 7525.41 724862.5 -2194.4 Load Duration Factor = 1.15 Shear, 1.15 Moment 3557.66 2863 8766.044 31006.45 30633.58 1 101189.5 8925.257 Distributed Loads: Vary from: 16.406 plf at 0 feet to 16.406 plf at 10.5 and from 16.406 plf at 0 feet to 16.406 plf at 10.5 feet Minimum Depth = 7.5 inches, Weight = 16.406 plf, Maximum Shear, V = 3547.401 lbs., Maximum Moment, M = 8925.257 ft -lbs Date: 10/11/2013 By: Brett Danielson page: 7 of 17 Atencio Remodel Framing Design St 28TH Avenue -11.4115 Eas8 at flush framing) n��od project No.: 201309on gU91dax .`o�'fN��!•!ir ■OC. with Simes BuQin�y riv Seam, �'K' ( 4 9szo2 Ok LVL 0136 = 1 in. 4x066. W A or 1.9E 1Vlicrollam CV _ (12 / d) ioasouin Fiala lsi�e suicea9t6uFasv Versa-Lam 11.25 inches in.3 1 = (b)ds / 12 207.6416016 509) 532-1532 Voice and Cell. (509) 534-0664 Fax , 2.0 2800 inches, d = 1 3/4" x 11 114 b = 1.75 2 36.9140625 use uantity = 1 in? ; S = (b)d /6- 2901.42 psi < L / 360 1 900,000 psi A = 19.6875 270. sl, fB MIS = 0.284 In. 2990 Psi, E _ _ si b(d) = 28 p 40 6LNE - p 327.75 p wd)/A = < L / 2 1 285 x 1.2 flush framing) 1.5(RMnx x FV = cJT6 at fl fv = 0.44321 m 1.15 _ Seam: 0•K• (with Simpson TOTAL 2600 x 750 psi 0 111 = 1 4 FPERP - PSL 12/d) ' g404948 ln. FB 2310 psi or 2.0E Para]1am in 3,1(12/d)' (b)d3 / 12 = 230. Fcii = 00 Versa-Lam 9.25 inches, Use 3 1/2 x 9 1/ 4„ 2 0 3 b- 3.5 inches' d= 49.c)1145833 Quantity = in2 ; S = (b)d /6 S = 2145.86 psi in < L / 360 2 000,000 psi p, = b(d) _ �d�/A = 164.36 psi, fB 240 �LtvE = ().243 3220 Psi, E1.2 _ 327.75 psi f� = 1.5(RMAxO 37874 in• < L / x 1 Fv = 285 Disruice from 1.15 50 psi 6, _ Y = 6.25 ft. Moment _ 2800 x 6 End = start FB 2900 psi FPERP - = 6.25 ft. Start Shear I;nd Shear of Mc» hent i,t (ft-lbs.l 6 3„ Moment 0 C 4 ft. Fell - Start = Moment (ii o f Moment Moment 0 @ 4 ft. Tributary width: End tilxl Arial (ft-lbs.) 0 635 Window Jamb= Start 0 4233.333 Ba Wisdan _ 8 0.. = 8 ft. Axial Lateral Reaction 0 4 333 1693.333 Moment Distance from End Reaction 0 490.0391 4 1693. Moment e f start Lateral (Ibs.lftl 0 0 635 End Shear n1 (Pt-lbs.) Start Axial Location (Pit) 0 5 317.5 Start Shear Moment 0 @ 4 ft. (Ibs.(ft1 61 3 79 375 317. Moment Vii; of Moment Moment 0 t. Distributed 8 ft. 0 0 Load T)'pe Location 1pltl 0 0 Lnd Fiat (ft-ibs.l p @ 4 ft. 61 79 375 g ft. Start End A. 4 0 0 ft. 0 Axial Load Reaction 0 0 0 0 0 Dead p ft. Axial Load (Ibs.1 Reaction 2311 4 0 0 \\ iwl Lateral 0 0 0 0 0 Lateral Load Location 2311 0 4110 0 4 0 0 point Load Load (lbs.) p -1576 0 0 0 333 635 Location 0 p ft. 4110 0 0 0 0 f`•pe 0 ft. _1576 0 2800.547 4233. p It. p p 1693.333 1693.333 0 2963.333 635 Dead 0 it. 0 p ft. 0 4110.h98 635 1185.333 D�Lo;td l Drees 0 1185.333 sno" 317.5 -1575.77 \\ tml 5 1 oad Forces 317.5 375 p1f at 8 feet 635 Redundant? NO 317.5 6911.045 feet to 7 mum Dlloment> M = 635 ft-lbs 1 \\�� Load Forces ent 317.5 79 375 plf at 0 �, 13 Mom 1f at 8 and from 294 3491bs., Major Buckling Factor = 1.33 Shear, 1.15 A 371 M mum Shear, V = 79.375 p1f at 0 feet to 79 Ile ing Factor = Load Duration Factor ary from: 5.005 p Weight = Transverse B Dads: Depth = 3.5 inches 1 0„ = 1 ft. 1 is,61119cdiMinimum Transverse Support Spacing 0101nd ,ortb'%Vi%t ■oc. suodi 2, ice CeMer' G111n Flag � 11,111,111,11111111 104 5532-151' Voice andu- it, (509) 504ite 1`10-F. 1k0664 Fax 99202 1)- 509) Atencio Remodel 11415 East 28T11 Avenue o...:pat No.: 2013- 0 28.76 23.67056 ,l, n� 2A Start = 1' - 4" = 1.333 ft. Tributary Width: �•1un,ent T ical Joist: 12 1 ft. Start L-nd Span = 12' - 1 1/4"_ End V atue ft-Ibs.) Start V aloe Reaction Reaction End Locati<m (lbs./ft) 105.8 320.0712 Distributed Start Location (Ibs./ft) 17.477 105.772 10 976.739 Load'L`'Pe 17.477 12.104167 ft. 32 53 33333 322.778 M nient cad 0ft. 53.33 33 104167 ft. 12• Moment at Start End ft_lbs.) 0 ft. Moment at Shear at End End tip-Ibsl Reaction Reaction _11.8353 Cantilcrer Shear at Start Start ui-(b>) 0 30.7198 -1.956 -36.1169 Forces 28.7642235 -23.671 0 0 0 93.7455 136. 492 -5.968 103.8 308.235 )cad 87 7777778 -72.234 p_e�dLoadForces 523 316.8 940.622"' Date: 10/11/2013 By: Brett Danielson page: 9 of 17 Framing Design 10 686341 23.67056 ��� 1 F, 02951 72 2338 ll ya59 to �2 61Ulnl 4 i.'c t? Yes 1248.85u hat 1'Z•iv * " " Redundan ►_ i�'c ►-°"`'r 41 420.6 1248.858 ft -lbs 553.015 70 81 plf at 0 feet t0 mum Moment, M = 1.00 Shear, 1.00 Moment d from if at 12.104 an 393.692 lbs.> Maxi framing) Load Duration Factor = if at 0 feet to 70.81 pf Maximum Shear, V = Vary from: 70.81 p Weight = 2.81 p son LUS24 at flush 7.25 inches, oII center: O•K• (with Simp 1,15 llistrihuted Loads: um Depth = 1 CR = 1.2 Mlnun inches, CFU = 4 CF - < L 360 Number Two Douglas Fir -Larch Joists at 16' 7.25 47 63477 in• = 0.323in. / Use 2 x 8 Num _ 1.5 inches, d = 3. I = (b)d3 / 12 = OLIVE - _ 1 > b z13.1406 in. , < L 240, - 0.429in. / Quantity b(d) 10.875 in? , S = (b)d /6= S = 1140.455372 psi, MOTE _ 1,600,000 psi A = b(d) = A = 54.302 psi, fB = M/ C C CFu = 1208 Psi, fV = 1.5RMAx/ Psi � FB = FB(CF) R( D) FB = 875 P � F , - FV(CD)CH = 95 psi 0.135in. > L/ 180 (up) 95 psi V - OLIVE - Fv = - 0.179in. > L/ 120 (UP) with Simpson LS70 at flush framing Cantilever: &TOTAL' - 2" on center: O•K• ( - 1 CR = 1.15 _ 1.1 Left Can inches, CFU = 4 CF < L 360 ber Two Douglas Fir -Larch Joists at 1 9.25 82.44303 in. _ 0.187in. / Use 2 x 10 Num 1 5 inches, d = s. = b d3 / 12 = OLIVE - 0.83333 > b = 17.8255 in. , I () < 1 240, Quantity = z • S = (b)d'/6 = Psi, OroTAL = 0 248in. A = b(d) = 11.5625 In. , _ 840.721374 p _ 1,600,000 psi - 1.5RMAx/p' = 51.074 psi, fB = M/S FB(CF)CR(CD)CFU = 1107 psi, E fV - si � FB = FB(CF) Psi FB = 875 Psi F� = FV(CD)CH = 95 P ALrvE = 0.078in. < L/ 180 (up) 2.3 plf Fv = 95 P < 1 120 (UP) Weight = inLlbs AroTAL = 0.104in. / son IUS1.81/9.5 at flush framing) inches, 140,000,000 Left Cantilever: with Simpson 1.75 inches, i - 1220 lbs, EI = ' on center: O.K. ( b = - Use 9 1/2" TJI 110 Joists at 19.2' 110 = 1220 x 1 0.83333 Series: Til ft -lbs, VALLOWABLE < L/ 360 = 2380 Quantity = 2380 X 1 = 0.211 in. 240 ALIVE - < L 180 (up) MALLOWABLE < L / ALIVE = p.0H81n. / &TOTAL = 0.28013 iii• p.117in. < I,/ 120 (up) arOTAL Left Cantilever. = End = 1' - 4" = 1.333 ft. VNlomuitt Moment Distance from start Distance Boni Start Shear End Shear of (ft-Ibs.) a 0 ft. 0 Q start of Moment 1291.398 1291.398 4884.782 14906.55 0 ft. 0 6.0521 ft. 6.0521 ft. 39 40.871 3940.871 oment of fir It�cirt Distance fro"' Start Distance tion' Start Shear End Shear of Moment Mrn77ent (ft-lbs.l 6706 @ 0 ft. start of N10111c tt -95.5041 47.7521 -216.75 _23 -72.2338 @ 0 ft. u In 6.0521 It. 6.0521 ft. -291.443 -145.722 , nc R 4 1243.646 -66144 4668.032 - , 1 -23.6706 -72.2338 i.'c t? Yes 1248.85u hat 1'Z•iv * " " Redundan ►_ i�'c ►-°"`'r 41 420.6 1248.858 ft -lbs 553.015 70 81 plf at 0 feet t0 mum Moment, M = 1.00 Shear, 1.00 Moment d from if at 12.104 an 393.692 lbs.> Maxi framing) Load Duration Factor = if at 0 feet to 70.81 pf Maximum Shear, V = Vary from: 70.81 p Weight = 2.81 p son LUS24 at flush 7.25 inches, oII center: O•K• (with Simp 1,15 llistrihuted Loads: um Depth = 1 CR = 1.2 Mlnun inches, CFU = 4 CF - < L 360 Number Two Douglas Fir -Larch Joists at 16' 7.25 47 63477 in• = 0.323in. / Use 2 x 8 Num _ 1.5 inches, d = 3. I = (b)d3 / 12 = OLIVE - _ 1 > b z13.1406 in. , < L 240, - 0.429in. / Quantity b(d) 10.875 in? , S = (b)d /6= S = 1140.455372 psi, MOTE _ 1,600,000 psi A = b(d) = A = 54.302 psi, fB = M/ C C CFu = 1208 Psi, fV = 1.5RMAx/ Psi � FB = FB(CF) R( D) FB = 875 P � F , - FV(CD)CH = 95 psi 0.135in. > L/ 180 (up) 95 psi V - OLIVE - Fv = - 0.179in. > L/ 120 (UP) with Simpson LS70 at flush framing Cantilever: &TOTAL' - 2" on center: O•K• ( - 1 CR = 1.15 _ 1.1 Left Can inches, CFU = 4 CF < L 360 ber Two Douglas Fir -Larch Joists at 1 9.25 82.44303 in. _ 0.187in. / Use 2 x 10 Num 1 5 inches, d = s. = b d3 / 12 = OLIVE - 0.83333 > b = 17.8255 in. , I () < 1 240, Quantity = z • S = (b)d'/6 = Psi, OroTAL = 0 248in. A = b(d) = 11.5625 In. , _ 840.721374 p _ 1,600,000 psi - 1.5RMAx/p' = 51.074 psi, fB = M/S FB(CF)CR(CD)CFU = 1107 psi, E fV - si � FB = FB(CF) Psi FB = 875 Psi F� = FV(CD)CH = 95 P ALrvE = 0.078in. < L/ 180 (up) 2.3 plf Fv = 95 P < 1 120 (UP) Weight = inLlbs AroTAL = 0.104in. / son IUS1.81/9.5 at flush framing) inches, 140,000,000 Left Cantilever: with Simpson 1.75 inches, i - 1220 lbs, EI = ' on center: O.K. ( b = - Use 9 1/2" TJI 110 Joists at 19.2' 110 = 1220 x 1 0.83333 Series: Til ft -lbs, VALLOWABLE < L/ 360 = 2380 Quantity = 2380 X 1 = 0.211 in. 240 ALIVE - < L 180 (up) MALLOWABLE < L / ALIVE = p.0H81n. / &TOTAL = 0.28013 iii• p.117in. < I,/ 120 (up) arOTAL Left Cantilever. = Atencio Remodel Date: 10/11/2013 `ort6�v��t \ Bwgiuixilding ■uc- Center, Green Flag Building 11415 East 28TH Avenue By: Brett Danielson Page: 11 of 17 10 SuthOffice 104 South Freya Street, Suite 110-F, Spokane, WA 98202 (509) 532-1532 Voice and Cell, (509) 534-0664 Fax Project No.: 2013098 Framing Design Use 3 1/2" x 9 1/4" 1.3E TimberstrandOO LSL Beam: O.K. (with Simpson HGUS48 at flush framing) Quantity = 1 , b = 3.5 inches, d = 9.25 inches, CV = (12/d)°'092 = 1 A = b(d) = 32.375 in.2 ; S = (b)d2/6 = 49.9115 in.3; I = (b)d3/ 12 = 230.8405 in.4 fV = 1.5(RM,x-cod)/A = 302.73 psi, fB = M/S = 1310.05 psi OTOTAL = 0.05385 in. < L / 240 OLIVE = 0.034 in. < L/ 360 FB = 1700 x 1.15 x 1 = 1955 psi, E = 1,300,000 psi Fci 1= 1400 psi FPERP = 650 psi FV = 285 x 1.2 = 327.75 psi Use 3 1/8" x 18" 24F-V3, DF/DF Glu-Lam Beam: O.K. (with Simpson HGUS3.25/10 at flush framing) Quantity = 1 CV = 0.96(12/d)0'1(5.125/b)o"(21/L)0'1<_1.0 = 1 b = 3.125 inches, d = 18 inches, A = b(d) = 56.25 in.2 ; S = (b)d2/6 = 168.75 in.3 I= (b)d3/12 = 1518.8 in.' fV = 1.5(RMA.,-cod)/A = 174.235221 psi, fB = M/S = 387.4753 psi ALIVE = 0.00369 in. < L / 360 (Camber = None ) FB = 2400 x 1.15 x 1 = 2760 psi, E = 1,800,000 psi FcI i = 1600 psi FT= 1100 psi FV = 165 x 1.2 = 189.75 psi Use 5 1/8" x 10 1/2" 24F-V3, DF/DF Glu-Lam Beam: O.K. (with Simpson HGUQ28-3-SDS4.5 at flush framing) Quantity = 1 CV = 0.96(12/d)01(5.125/b)°'1(21/L)0-1<1.0 = 1 b = 5.125 inches, d = 10.5 inches, A = b(d) = 53.8125 in.2 ; S = (b)d2/6 = 94.17188 in? I = (b)d3/12 = 494.4 in.4 fV = 1.5(RMAx-(od)/A 182.1274087 psi, fB = M/S = 694.3311 psi ALIVE = 0.01134 in. < L / 360 (Camber = None ) FB = 2400 x 1.15 x 1 = 2760 psi, E = 1,800,000 psi Fci 1 1600 psi FT= 1100 psi FV = 165 x 1.2 = 189.75 psi Use 2 - 1 3/4" x 9 1/4" 2.0 2800 Versa-Lam or 1.9E Microllamll LVL Beam: O.K. (with Simpson CJT5 at flush framing) Quantity = 2 , b = 1.75 inches, d = 9.25 inches, CV = (12/d)0.131 = 1 A = b(d) = 32.375 in.2 ; S = (b)d2/6 = 49.91145833 in.3; I = (b)d3/ 12 = 230.8404948 in .4 fV = 1.5(RmAx-(od)/A = 302.73 psi, fB = M/S = 1310.05 psi AToTAL = 0.03684 in. < L / 240 OLIVE = 0.023 in. < L/ 360 FB = 2600 x 1.15 x 1 = 2990 psi, E = 1,900,000 psi Fci i = 2310 psi FPERP = 750 psi FV = 285 x 1.2 = 327.75 psi Use 5 1/4" x 7 1/4" 2.0 3100 Versa-Lam or 2.0E Parallam© PSL Beam: O.K. (with Simpson HHUS5.50/10 at flush framing) Quantity = 1 , b = 5.25 inches, d = 7.25 inches, CV = (12/d)0.111 = 1 A= b(d) = 38.0625 in.2 ; S = (b)d2/6 = 45.9921875 in.3; I = (b)d3/ 12 = 166.7216797 in.' fV = 1.5(RMAx-cod)/A = 257.49 psi, f3 = M/S = 1421.69 psi OTOTAL = 0.04846 in. < L / 240 OLIVE = 0.03 in. < L/ 360 FB = 2800 x 1.15 x 1 = 3220 psi, E = 2,000,000 psi Fcj i = 2900 psi FPERP = 650 psi FV = 285 x 1.2 = 327.75 psi Basement Window Jamb: Span= 7' - 4" = 7.333 ft. Tributary Width: Start = 3'- 0" = 3 ft. End = 3'- 0" = 3 ft. n1Un41 Atencio Remodel Date: 10/11/2013 By: Brett Danielson `,40rith"14"Ne j6ngint!�erinq, ■nc. 11415 East 28TH Avenue Page: 13 of 17 Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building 104 South Freya Street; Suite 110-F, Spokane, WA 99202 Project No.: 2013098 Framing Design (509) 532-1532 Voice and Cell, (509) 534-0664 Fax Use 5 1/4" x 5 1/4" 1.8E Parallaml2 PSL: O.K. Quantity = 1 , b = 5.25 inches, d = 5.25 inches, Cv = (12/d)°'111 = 1 C�2 = (12/b)o.11l = 1 A= b(d) = 27.5625 in .2 ; S = (b)d2A = 24.1172 in.'; I,= (b)d3/ 12 = 63.30762 in.4; S2 = (d)b2/6 = 24.11719 ins I2 = (d)b3/ 12 = 63.308 in .4; e = 1.5(RMAx-(od)/A = 85.77 psi, fBl = M/S = 2182.92 psi, fB2 = M/S = 0 psi TOTAL = 0.37129 in. < L / 120 ALIVE = 0.371 in. < L / 120 c' = 0.9 FB = 2400 x 1.15 x 1 = 2760 psi, E = 1,800,000 psi, FB2 = 2760 psi Fcjj = 2500 psi FPERP = 650 psi Fv = 290 x 1.2' = 333.5 psi LUl/d = 17 LU2/d = 8.38 KnEl = 0.418 KcE2 = 0.418 F,EI = 2677.9 psi, FcE2 = 10711.79 psi Fc = Fc(CD)[(1+(FcEmia/(Fc(CD)))/2c')-[(1+(FcEmin/(I'c(CD)))/2c)2-(FEmin/(FC(CD)))/C']1,2] = 2103.905 psi, fc = 247.3811 psi Rbl = 4.1 KbEl = 0.61 FbEl = 65794.56 psi, Fc = 2104 psi,[fc/Fc']2+fB1/(FB1'(l-(fc/FcEl)))+fB2/(FB2'(1-(fc/FcE2)-(fBl/FbEl)) = 0.8738192 Use: TS4x4x3/ 16 O.K.: (S = 3.3 in', I = 6.59 in4) Fy = 46 ksi; Compression flange braced at: 3.666666667 ft. > 1.8676 1�rT = 22 ;Cb = 1 c� FBx = 0.60 Fy = 27.6 ksi; fBx = 15.96581 ksi, Fsy = 1 0.60 Fy = 27.6 ksi; fBy = 0 ksi OTOTAI, = 0.22123 in. < L / 120 ALIVE = 0.221 in. < L/ 120 E= `29,000 ksi Cc= 112 (K1U/r)x = 56.06 (KlU/r)y = 27.9609 - FA=[1-(Kl/r)2/2Cc2]Fy/[5/3+3K1/r/8Cc-(Kl/r)'/8Cc'] = 21.85204 ksi fA= 2.54764 ksi F'Ex = 47.51622 ksi, F'EY = 191 ksi, CMX = 1 , Chn _ 1 fa/Fa+fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby = 0.695057 Atencio Remodel Date: 10/11/2013 By: Brett Danielson `���•r`�`•Ly�� lose. 11415 East 28TH Avenue Page: 15 of 17 Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building 104 South Freya Street, Suite 110-F, Spokane, WA 99202 Fax project No.: 2013098 Lateral Forces (509) 532-1532 Voice and Cell, (509) 534-0664 Wall Identification: End Wall End Wall Wind Reactions: 1018.12 lbs. 1018.12 lbs. Seismic Reactions: 809.282 lbs. 809.282 lbs. Total Length: 24.5 feet 24.5 feet Sum of Openings: 6 feet 8 feet Net Length: 18.5 feet 16.5 feet Wind Shear: 55.03 plf 61.70 plf Seismic Shear: 43.74 plf 49.05 plf Sheathing Type: Wallboard Wallboard 5d Wallboard @ 5d Wallboard @ Panel Edge Nailing: 7" o.c. 7" o.c. Overall Height: 8 feet 8 feet Portion Length: 9.25 feet 8.25 feet Portion Height: 7 feet 7 feet Portion Overturning: 1782 ft -lbs 1782 ft -lbs Jamb Development Force: 198 lbs. 223 lbs. Jamb Development Shear: 197.97 plf 222.71 plf 5d Wallboard @ 5d Wallboard @ Panel Edge Nailing: 7' o.c. OR 7 o.c. OR HD2A with 2-2x HD2A with 2-2x Hardware Type: Studs Studs Overall Overturning: 8145 ft -lbs 8145 ft -lbs Tributary Roof Width: 4 feet 4 feet Dead Load Resistance: 26703 ft -lbs 26703 ft -lbs Net Moment at Base: 0 ft -lbs 0 ft -lbs Hardware Force: 0 lbs. 0 lbs. Hardware Type: None Required None Required Atencio Remodel Date: 10/ 11/2013 By: Brett Danielson lose. 11415 East 28TH Avenue Page: 17 of 17 Tapio Office Center, Green Flag Building g 104 South Freya Street, Suite 110-F, Spokane, WA 99202 Foundation Design (509) 532-1532 Voice and Cell, (509) 534-0664 Fax Project No.: 2013098 g Basement Wall Design: Grade Distance below top of Floor System = 14 - Floor System Depth = ho = 6 in. Bottom Reaction, RBOTTOM = (PLAT(ho+2hsOIL/3)-PPAss(ho+hS0IL-hxEY/3))/Span = 866.2 plf VBOTTOM =-YAcTwE[(hsOIL+ho- Span) (Span-ho)+(hsoIL+ho- Span) 2/2]+PPAss = -183 plf MBOTTOM --YACTIVE[(hS0IL+h0-Span)2(Span-ho)/2+(hsOIL+ho-Span)3/3j+PPAss(tsLAB/2+2hxEY/3) _ MBOTTOM = -59.9 ft -lbs. per foot of width Maximum Moment: at 0 =(VBOrrOM+RBOTTOM)-YACTrvE[(Span-ho)X-X2/2) ®' X = 3.147 feet Mx = (VBOTTOM+RBorroM)X-YAT-IZEsT[(Span-ho)X2/2-X3/6]+MBOrrOM = 911.1 ft-lbs./foot of width Mu = 1.7 x 911.1 = 1549 ft -lbs. per foot of width Wall Reinforcing: Use: 6 inch thick wall with inner reinforcing at 2.5 inch cover Factored Axial Load, PU = YDEAD(0)DEAD LOAD) + YLIVE((OLIVE LOAD) (Section 1909.2.1, Equation 9-1) 1.4 x 1070 + 1.7 x 656 = 2613.751 plf Pu_MIN = 963.3 plf Po = 0.10(f JAG = 0.1 x 2500 x 6 x 12 = 18000 lbs. per foot of width Strength -reduction factor, � = 0.9 - 0.2 (Pu)/Po (Section 1909.3.2) 0.9 - 0.2 x 2613.751 / 18000 = 0.871 Use: # 4 reinforcing -AB,R = 0.2 sq. in. = 0.133 sq. in./ft. dBA = 0.5 in- d= n.d= 6 - 2.5 - 0.5 / 2 = 3.25 in., Bar spacing, b = 18 in. a= (PU_MIN+ABAR/F-rfY)/ 10.2f c (1 Curtains) = ( 963.3 + 0.133 x 60000 ) /( 10.2 x 2500 ) = 0.352 in. Factored Nominal Moment Capacity, OMN = WU_MIN+(ABAR)fy(12)/b)[d - a/21 = 0.871 x ( 963.3 + 0.133 x 60000) x ( 3.25 - 0.352 / 2 ) = 23999.62 inch -lbs. = 1999.968 ft.lbs. per foot of width O.K. Column Footings: Axial Column Force, PCOLUMN = 6818.442 lbs. Dead Load = 2821 lbs. Uplift = -1284 lbs. Required Width, bFTG = (PCOLUMN/QALLOWABLE)I/2 = ( 6818 / 1500 ) I/2= 2.132 feet Use: 2.17 ft. x 2.17 ft. x 6 inch deep footing at 24 inches below grade with bottom reinforcing at 3.5 inch cover O.K. Maximum Design Moment, Mu = 1.4 PCOLUMN/8 = 1193.227 ft.lbs. per foot of width Strength -reduction factor, 0 = 0.9 (Section 1909.3.2) Use: # 4 reinforcing -ABAR= 0.2 sq. in. = 0.277 sq. in./ft. dBAR = 0.5 in. d = 6 - 3.5 - 0.5 / 2 = 2.25 in., Bar spacing, b = 8.67 in. a = ABARfY/ 0.85f cb = 0.2 x 60000 /( 0.85 x 2500 x 8.667 ) = 0.652 in. Factored Nominal Moment Capacity, OMN = O(ABARM(12)[d - a/21/b 0.9 x 0.2 x 60000 x 12 x ( 2.25 - 0.652 / 2 ) / 8.667 28774.31 inch -lbs. = 2397.859 ft.lbs. per foot of width O.K. Mimimum Area of Bottom Reinforcing, AMIN = 4/3(12AB,R/b)MMMN (Section 1910.5.2) = 1.333 x 0.277 x 1193 / 2397.859 = 0.1837 square inches per foot of width GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES GENERAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND TESTING STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS, DO NOT PENETRATE ANY STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SUCH AS BEAMS, COLUMNS, WALLS, SLABS, ETCETERA WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE DESIGNER, CODE, 2012 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE DESIGN LOADS, NORMALIZED GROUND SNOW LOAD = 0,017 PSF (MINIMUM BASE ELEVATION = 2020 FEET, GROUND SNOW LOAD CPg] = 34,4 PSF, EXPOSURE FACTOR, Me] = 1.2, IMPORTANCE FACTOR [Is] = 10, THERMAL FACTOR [Ct1 =1.0, ROOF LOAD CONVERSION FACTOR = 0.7, FLAT ROOF BASE LOAD [P11 = 28.9 PSF), NON -SNOW ROOF LOAD = 20 PSF. ROOF DEAD LOAD = 15 PSF. FLOOR DEAD LOAD = 14 PSF, FLOOR LIVE LOAD = 40 PSF, WIND, BASIC WIND SPEED = 85 MPH THREE SECOND GUST; EXPOSURE °B'; IMPORTANCE FACTOR [Iw1 = 1.01 OCCUPANCY CATEGORY II; MINIMUM INTERNAL PRESSURE CO] = 5 PSF; EXTERIOR CLADDING PRESSURE CQp] = 11.1 PSF ROOF AND 13,8 PSF WALL. SEISMIC, 33610g AT 0,2 SECOND, 11,42g AT 1.0 SECOND SPECTRAL RESPONSE; IMPORTANCE FACTOR [1e] = 1,0; OCCUPANCY CATAGORY I1; Sds = 0.343 AND Shc = 0,187; SITE CLASS D; SEISMIC DESIGN CATAGORY 1i EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE; BASE SHEAR V = 2.9 KIPS, WOOD, GENERAL, DO NOT NOTCH DR DRILL JOISTS, BEAMS OR LOAD BEARING STUDS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE DESIGNER ALL NAILING NOT NOTED SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE /304,9,1 OF THE LATEST EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. ALL FRAMING ANCHORS AND CONNECTORS SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY 018/30N COMPANY OR OTHER APPROVED EQUAL WITH ICC CERTIFICATION. ALL NAIL HOLES IN FRAMING ANCHORS AND CONNECTORS SHALL BE FILLED WITH NAILS PER MANUFACTURERS PUBLISHED NAIL SIZES. WOOD STUD WALLS, USE 2X6 EXTERIOR WALL STUDS AND 204 INTERIOR WALL STUDS AT 2'-0° ON CENTER TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS GABLE END WALLS MUST BE FRAMED WITH CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT STUDS FROM FLOOR, TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING, WOOD PLATE ANCHORS SHALL BE SIMPSON LMA4, LMA6, MASS OR 1/2' DIAMETER A307 J -BOLTS EMBEDDED 5° MINIMUM PLACED NOT TO EXCEED 6'-0' ON CENTER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ANCHORS SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL JAMBS, CORNERS, INTERSECTIONS AND WALL ENDS. ALL BOTTOM PLATES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO ANCHORS. ALL FOUNDATION PLATES OR SILLS AND SLEEPERS ON A CONCRETE SLAB, WHICH IS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE EARTH, AND SILLS WHICH REST ON CONCRETE OR MASONRY FOUNDATIONS, SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPB SPECIFICATION NUMBER LP -22 FOR ABOVE GROUND CONTACT, CEILING FRAMING, USE 2X6 NUMBER TWO DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH CEILING JOISTS AT 2'-0' ON CENTER SPANNING 8'-4' MAXIMUM WHERE ACCESSIBLE FOR STORAGE, 14'-0' MAXIMUM AT INACCESSIBLE LOCATIONS TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS. ATTACH TO FLUSH FRAMING WITH SIMPSON LUS26 OR BEARING SUPPORTS WITH SIMPSON 115 OR 3-124 COMMON TOENAILS. PREFABRICATED WOOD `I' JOISTS, PROVIDE JOISTS AS MANUFACTURED BY T9US JOIST CORPORATION, BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION OR AN APPROVED SUBSTITUTE WITH A CURRENT ICC APPROVAL DESIGN, FABRICATE AND ERECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE ICC REPORT, FRAMING LUMBER, ALL STUDS, LEDGERS AND PLATES CONSISTING DF 2X, 3X DR 4X MEMBERS -- STUD GRADE SPRUCE -PINE -FIR, HEM -FIR OR DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH, BASIC Fb = 675 PSI, Fv = 70 PSI, E = 1,200,000 PSI, Fc!/ = 675 PSI; ALL JOISTS AND BEAMS CONSISTING OF 2X, 3X 11R 4X MEMBERS -- NUMBER TWO DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH, BASIC Fb = 875 PSI, Fv = 95 PSI, E = 1,600,000 PSI, Fc// = 1300 PSI; ALL JOISTS, BEAMS AND LEDGERS CONSISTING OF 6X OR LARGER MEMBERS -- NUMBER ONE DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH TIMBER, BASIC Fb = 1350 PSI, FY = 85 PSI, E = 1,600,000 PSI, Fc!! = 925 PSI; ALL POSTS, STUDS AND COLUMNS CONSISTING OF 6X OR LARGER MEMBERS -- NUMBER ONE DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH TIMBER, BASIC Fb = 1200 PSI, Fe = 85 PSI, E = 1,600,000 PSI, Fc// _ 1000 PSI. MOISTURE CONTENT SHALL NOT EXCEED 19'/.. FRAMING LUMBER SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE GRADING RULES OF THE WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION OR THE WEST COAST LUMBER INSPECTIONS BUREAU. ALL SAWN LUMBER SHALL BE STAMPED WITH THE GRADE MARK OF AN APPROVED GRADING AGENCY, GLUE -LAMINATED MEMBERS SIMPLE SPAN BEAMS - DF/DF 04F -V3 OR 24F -V4, BASIC Fb = 2400 PSI, FY = 165 PSI, E = 1,800,000 PSI, Fc// = 1650 PSI; CONTINUOUS DR CANTILEVERED BEAMS - DF/DF 24F- V8, BASIC Fb = 2400 PSI, Fv = 165 PSI, E = 1,800,000 PSI, Fc// = 1650 PSI; COLUMNS - DF/DF 24F -V8, BASIC Fb = 2000 PSI, Fs = 165 PSI, E = 1,700,000 PSI, Fc// = 1900 PSI. ALL BEAMS SHALL BE FABRICATED USING WATERPROOF GLUE, FABRICATION AND HANDLING PER LATEST AITC STANDARDS. BEAMS TO BEAR AITC STAMP AND CERTIFICATE AND GRADE STAMP CAMBER AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. STRUCTURAL SHEATHING OR PLYWOOD, FLOOR - APA RATED SHEATHING THICKNESS = 3/4', PLYWOOD THICKNESS = 23/32', SPAN RATING = 40/20, PANEL EDGE NAILING = 1060 AT 6' ON CENTER, INTERMEDIATE MEMBER NAILING = 1060 AT 10' ON CENTER. ALL STRUCTURAL SHEATHING SHALL BE APA RATED SHEATHING WITH AN EXTERIOR OR EXPOSURE ONE DURABILITY CLASSIFICATION AND SHALL BEAR THE STAMP OF AN APPROVED TESTING AGENCY, LAY UP FLOOR WITH THE LONG DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS ON ROOFS WHERE PANE) IS I AID ))P 5.11TH )HF 1 1191, 1)1141 GLIM 0400)11 Li II, 550040', I/.,1 ramie t wtir n ,v 0400', ur I- 1 `/,' r, ,., „r,PAL, ix ,,,., Fp 1,a. _.,. pv-p.. _,.,...,.... . ... ...... .. ..... .. Framing Schedule (Existing framing to be modified, supplemented or remain as needed.), 81 6-2012 Number Two 00493s Fir -Larch, 6x20 Number One Douglas Fir -Lerch Timber, 31/2"x91/4" 1.3E Timberslrand LSL, 31/8"x18" or 51/8"0101/2" 24F03 or 04 DF/010)u-Lem, 2-1314"091)4" 1.9E Microllam LVL or 2.02800 Versa -Lam or 51/4"x71/4" 2.0E Parallam PSL or 2.03100 Versa -Lam Beam. Fasten to flush framing with Simpson 2-1215, 2-HUC212-3Max, 44005.50/10, HGUS48, 00903.250)0 or 000/028-3-0054.5. Fasten to bearing supports with 8-10d common toenails or Simpson LPC4Z, LPC6Z or 2-1-15. 208 Number Two Hem-Flr Timber, 51/8"x5 124F -VB 5114x5 10 1.8E Parallel, PSL or 30/1101 with Simpson A8866 or 2-224 with 1/2"0 or 5/8"0 A307 threaded reds embedded 5' minimum with Simpson AT, ET or SET or WILL HIT 80150 adhesive. -Titan HD embedded 6" minimum. Past Fasten to foundationJoists r 2 10 N at J1 208 Number Two Douglas ffr-Latch Joists al 1,4' on center ar 2x10 Number Two Douglas Fir -Larch, 110 .-9112"BC! 50001.7 Jmsls at I-7.2" on center. Fasten to Flush framing with Simpson LS70, WS24, LSU26, LUC28Z, 1001.81/9.5, LSSU125, 1002.06/9.5 or LSSUI2.06. Fasten to bearing supports with 3102 common ,.snails or Simpson 01 3) canter D r9 H6, 0 Remove Portion of Existing Walt for Egress Window. MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN Remove Portion of Existing Wall for Egress Window, NOTE; THIS PLOT IS 1/2 OF THE INDICATED SCALE Ravislon/Issue Dale l 'FRAMING PLAN, GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS ATENCI❑ REMODEL 11415 East 28TH Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington l 2013098 October 11, 2013 3%8'= 1'-0'