PC034 Charlene Knight 09-16-2016From:charlene.k.knight@comcast.net To:Christina Janssen Subject:Painted Hills project SUB-2015-0011/PRD-2015-0001 Date:Wednesday, September 16, 2015 9:37:16 PM Ms Janssen, I am a Painted Hills resident and have been for 18 years. I love our area and want it protected. I very much object to a high density housing area being developed in what was the Painted Hill Golf Course. We already have new homes going up in the Chester Creek subdivision and to add more homes on these roads will cause a a huge increase in traffic without any improvements to the roads. I'm also concerned in the event of an evacuation because of wild fires (which this year is a big concern for all of us) there will be problems just getting out of the area because of the increased cars on the road. Five hundred new residencies will put an average of 1000 more vehicles on our roads. In the past few years we have had 2 areas developed, Alderwood and Chester Creek. To add into this mix over 500 more residencies will put a tremendous strain on the existing services further overcrowding the schools, not to mention increased mail service, garbage service and maintenance of the existing roads needed. Please let our voices be heard concerning this development. We do not object to progress but at what cost to our community. I would not object to some development in the area but adding 580 homes including apartments, row houses and low end housing units is not the way to do it. I realize that the whole thing is about MONEY. The developer making money, the city having an increased tax revenue but there are other considerations, will the city be able to provide the services necessary to support this increase in housing? These are just issues I think should be addressed. Charlene Knight 5315 S Mohawk Drive