PC036 Keith Stracchino 09-17-2015From:Keith Stracchino To:Christina Janssen Subject:in re: SUB-2015-0011/PRD-2015-0001 Date:Thursday, September 17, 2015 12:07:02 PM I wish to register my strong objection to the planned high-density housing development to be constructed at the current Painted Hills golf course site. I have lived in the Ponderosa area since the Fall of 1983, in the elapsed time I have seen 'development' after development rammed through by local and county government over the objections of the local residents. In each case the population density of the area has been increased, with little or no consideration being given to the effects of greatly increased road traffic, increased fire evacuation difficulty due to restricted access, school over-crowding, all despite the obvious need. I have watched as a seasonal wetland was converted into a golf course, and now it is to be converted into yet more paved over environmental degradation. A creek, which at one time ran through my property, vanished long ago when it was blocked off during the Painted Hills golf course construction. It would appear that in the minds of local and county government officials the wishes of the so-called property developers are, per se. superior to the wishes of the local population, the same local population which inevitably inherits the incidental costs of providing the support infrastructure for the new development via taxes. It is my understanding of democratic government that it represents the interests of ALL of the populace of a nation, state on locality, not just a favoured sub-set. Kindly consider in a fair and balanced manner, the interests of the general public in this case. Good town and country planning requires a sensible balance between built-up area and open space, our local and county government appears to consider open space to be nothing other than vacant building land.