PC097 Steve Schmedding 09-17-2015From:Steve Schmedding To:Christina Janssen Subject:Painted Hills Proposed Development Date:Thursday, September 17, 2015 9:48:35 PM Attachments:Painted Hills Objection.pdf Ms. Janssen, please accept my letter regarding the proposed development at the site of the old Painted Hills Golf Course. I was only notified of this proposition today as I prepared to leave town. I wrote this in my hotel room and can only email the document to you. Please feel free to contact me at the numbers provided. Thank you, -- Steve Schmedding To: Christina Janssen From: Steve Schmedding 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 3218 S. Bates Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: The painted hills project Date: September 17, 2015 SUB-2015-0011/PRD-2015-0001 Dear Ms. Janssen: I write you today regarding the subject project proposal stated above. Having lived in the immediate area adjacent to the subject property for almost twenty years I have intimate knowledge of impacts to the existing condition if this proposal is receives approval. For many years I pass three sides of this property as I walk. Over the last five or so I’ve observed an appreciable increase in the traffic on all three perimeter roads. I attribute this increased traffic to the newer developments located directly south of the subject property. How does the proposed project address the traffic impacts of almost five hundred new single family units on the existing infrastructure? What are the limits and results of the comprehensive traffic study conducted for the proposed development? How does the SEPA checklist address traffic issue, and what are the resultant corrections? I’d like to review the traffic study, please direct me to that documents location? I’ve come to understand that in the past changes to the arterial plan have occurred in the south Midilome neighborhood area. My understanding is that the proposed arterial that was planned to connect Bowdish and Pines in/around what would be S. 40th Ave. was eliminated. I have heard that other existing zoning codes are being considered for modification in support of this proposed development. Please provide a link to current/proposed changes to zoning in support of this proposed project. For many years I have observed wildlife as I walk. This area is a haven for deer, pheasant, quail, hawks, many ducks and other waterfowl, and coyotes. I’ve even seen a bear and a few cow elk in this area. Recent housing developments to the east and south have reduced habitat for these populations to the point that this property is the last refuge on the lower Painted Hills Drainage Plain. How does the SEPA checklist address the impact to the wildlife in this area? I would request an electronic copy of the SEPA checklist. The proposed property exists in the floodplain of the Painted Hills drainage basin. Earlier developments have already re-shaped the floodplain, and reduced the available area for stormwater/spring runoff containment. In the last twenty years the golf old course property has flooded many times well into the late spring, early summer time. Two twenty four inch diameter culvert pipes were recently added at the eastern end of Thorpe Rd. to alleviate basin flooding and route flow along the eastern property boundary to attenuate the higher flows. This work was performed years before the most recent sub division was developed directly south of the proposed site. The culverts were added as a solution to a problem, then the upstream problem area is further developed? It appears to me that proper floodplain management methods are not being employed. How does this plat satisfy all elements of the Spokane Regional Storm Water Manual (SWSRM)? Please direct me to the accepted drainage report for the proposed development. The Central Valley School District is faced with an ever expanding student base. Several bond and levy measures have been presented in the past, some of which were passed. The citizens of the district desire a good education for the youth but generally are not in favor of poorly planned expansion into the area. How has the proposed project addressed the impact that this project would have on the existing educational services and what mitigation is to be provided by the project? Upon review of the many issues that arise regarding the proposed development, and the lack of satisfactory mitigation to these impacts it is my opinion that approval for this proposed development be denied and I request that you consider my decision as the board proceeds. I can be reached at 509-714-4696 should you have questions concerning my responses to the subject matter. Thank you very much, Steve Schmedding, P.E. 3218 S. Bates Rd., Spokane Valley, WA 99206