PC100 Brittany Startzel 09-17-2015From:Brittany Startzel To:Christina Janssen Subject:Painted Hills project - SUB-2015-0011/PRD-2015-0001 Date:Thursday, September 17, 2015 5:53:12 PM Hello Christina, I am writing to share my opinion on the development planned to take place in the Painted Hills area in Spokane Valley. I have lived in Spokane Valley since I was 2 years old. Growing up in Ponderosa then moving up the hill from Horizon Middle School. I went to school at University High School from 2003-2007 and stayed in the valley after graduation. I could not disagree with the planned development more. It will destroy the community, over crowd the streets, displace students, and upset the environment. We have ALREADY hit the maximum capacity for this part of the valley. I honestly can't imagine more people. I have experienced this first hand. My freshman year of high school, the second year the new U- High was running, we already had too many students to fit in the classrooms. I had to take classes outside the school in trailers! We already have too many people in the area for a brand new school to accommodate. Adding hundreds more will cause unbelievable issues. I would like to give consent to share my story and please use my words to explain to those that want to disrupt our homes. Those of us that already live here, DO NOT WANT THIS! Thank you for taking the time to spear head this effort. You are so appreciated by all those that live in the area! Kind regards, Brittany Startzel