PC103 Gary Lake 09-18-2015From:Gary Lake To:Christina Janssen Subject:Painted Hills Project-SUB2015-0011/PRD-2015-01 Date:Friday, September 18, 2015 7:57:14 AM I am writing to request that the above PRD be rejected. This PRD will infringe on the property rights current owners, impacts the neighborhood, and is not conducive with the geography of the neighborhood. My family have been residents of the Spokane Valley area since 1990 (before it was a city), and moved to the Midilome neighborhood in 2002. We previously lived near 19th & Pines. The Painted Hill golf course played into the decision to move into the Midilome neighborhood. We knew what the zoning was and felt comfortable about the future of the neighborhood, and that the zoning would protect the neighborhood. The definition of zoning in the "Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal: by the Appraisal Institute” is: “The public regulation of the character and extent of real estate through police power; accomplished by establishing districts or areas with uniform restrictions to improvements, structural heights, area, bulk; density of population; and other aspect of the use and development of private property". To change the zoning and allow the above PRD is in violation and contrary of the current R-3 zoning. The above PRD does not protect the property rights of the current owners, and shows no respect for the current property owners. The most glaring example is in the proposed PRD, a multi-story apartment complex that to be built next to a convent of a cloistered sect of nuns. The previous owner of the Painted Hills golf course downzoned the parcel and other parcels that were part of the course to the current R-3 designation. This was done in order to develop a limited number of golf course home sites on the western side of the property. His proposed plans showed a limited number home sites would be consistent with existing neighborhood. Due to this, there was little protest. These homes would have enhanced the value of the neighborhood and been in harmony with the existing homes and infrastructure. However, to change the existing R-3 zoning to the proposed PRD would destroy the nature of the neighborhood forever, and devalue many of the existing homes. Some homes, such as those in the Midilome Greens development, and the view properties to the east, have likely seen, or will see some loss of market value of their homes due to the loss of the golf course. The Painted Hills golf course was established in a low level flood zone area that collects and disperses runoff water. The majority of the course is in a designated FEMA flood zone area AE, and is a Compensatory Storage Area for runoff water per FEMA. This area has flooded in the past to the extent of flooding and the closing of Thorpe Road on the southern boundary. To allow the intense housing that is planned by the proposed PRD has the potential to destroy the neighborhood as we know it. It is not conducive with the existing use of the neighborhood and would infringe of the rights of the existing property owners. There are only two streets leading in and out of the neighborhood, both two lanes streets. The streets are already very busy during the peak times in the mornings and afternoons, around work and school hours. In summary, to change or downzone the golf course site from R-3 to the proposed PRD should not be allowed. It is not the intent of the R-3 zoning to allow such a use as the proposed PRD. The current infrastructure cannot handle the number of proposed new households, multi- family housing, mixed use retail and commercial areas in the above PRD. The geography is not conducive to a development like this. The vast majority of the current property owners do not want this development. In the end, if this is approved, the current property owners will end up paying in the future for damage done to the infrastructure in the neighborhood after the developer has moved on, while their property values are deteriorating due to this development. I realize that a property owner can do, at times, what he wants to do with his property. But the zoning laws were put in place to protect existing and future property owners, and give them certain rights. To allow this type of development will fringe in the inalienable property rights of the current owners and should not be allowed. It is the government's job, your job, to protect the rights of the current owners. This PRD should be rejected. Thank you. Gary Lake Gary Lake Appraisals 11912 E 40th Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Cell: 509-991-3034 Tele: 509-921-0828 Serving Spokane County since 1992