1992, 12-03 Permit: 92009794 Carports- �� SP�����E COUNTY K�EPART��ENT��F BU4�0U�GS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON S92$0 (509)45G -3g75 [certify that / have exam mvum.opmm/uunnnvunon.state that the information contained muand submitted uvmoomvagent mcompile said permit/application /utmo and vo,mm and uumo,/zo Spokane County to u with processing. In addition,/ have read and understand the /wapsonow nsou/nswswTSuwoncs provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals orCertificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions ofany state or local law regulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions ofany stateor local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT �ROJECT NUMBE�= 92OO97�4 I%%UED PERMIT **************************** PERMIT INFORMATION ******************** It" ** it. **** %ITE %TREET= i332O E 28TH AVEPA�CEL�= 45274.23O2 ADDRE%%= %POKANE WA 992i6 PERMIT U%E= CARPORT% FGR BUILDINiCY i PLATAtit E= HILL VIEW E%TATE% BLOCK= 2O LOT= i ZONE= UR -22 DI�T�= F AREA= O0023111)48 WIDTH= i48 DEPTH= �2O R/W= 6O � OF BLD�%= i � DWELLIN�%= 4 WATER DI%T = OWNER= MOORE, CARL J PHONE= 5O� 924 O252 %TREET= 49i0 N REE% RD ADDRE%%= %POKANE WA 992i6 ------------ PAID= 78.84 CONTACT NAME= CARL MOORE PHONE NUMBER= 5O9 924 O252 BUILDIN� %ETBACK%� FRONT= i5 LEFT= 4O RIkyHT= NA REAR= NA OWIN� **************************** .... .... —.... .... PERMIT .... —.... CGNTRACTO�= OWNER P�ONE= N W= X REMODEL= D TION= CHAN�E OF U%E= LL U I %= O U = .... .... .... .... 78.84 = 8 %TORIE%= BLD� W X D = 2O X 25 %Q FT= 5OO %PRINKLER= N REQ PARKIN�= �HAND�CAP= CRITICAL MAT= N DE%CRIPTION �ROU� TYPE %Q FT VALUATION ----------- ----- ---- CARPORT M—i VN ----- 50O --------- 35O0.00 ITEM DE%CRIPTION QUA�TITY FEE AMOUNT ------------------------- OMiv, R IAL V L�ATION -------- .... Y .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... — %TATE %URCHARG,E Y 4.5O CGMMERCIAL %URCHAR�E Y ii.34 **************************** �A�MENT DATE RECEI�T� PAYME�T 3/92 889 78.84 TOTAL Di TAL ------------ PAID= 78.84 PERMIT --------------- TYPE FEE .... AMOUNT AMOUHT PAID AMOUNT OWIN� BUILDIN� .... .... —.... .... PERMIT .... —.... .... .... .... .... .... 78.84 .... .... .... ------------ ------------- 78.84 .O0 --- .... .... .... .... 78.84 .... .... ------------ ------------- 78.84 .00 �RGCE%%ED BY� FORRY, JEFF PRINTED B JULIE %HATTO ******************************** THAi _4K YOU *********************************