2017, 04-25 Formal Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Skis Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun,City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor John Holtman, Deputy City Manager Caleb Collier, Councilmember Caty DriskelI, City Attorney Pam Haley, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Mike Munch, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Rec Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, CIP Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION Pastor Joe Pursch of Valley Fourth Memorial Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council,staff and the audience stood as members of Boy Scout Troop 423 led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY Councilmembers Collier,Munch, and Wood: no report. Councilmember Haley: said she attended an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) Board meeting regarding their new route on Indiana and the CHAS Clinic, and mentioned a possible grand opening of May 22; said they discussed ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) at the STA meeting and how service animals are regarded by the transportation association; said it is difficult for drivers to do anything about it. Councilmember Pace: mentioned the STA Board meeting and the opening of several clinics along Indiana; sad the STA meeting also discussed planning for the celebration,with free coffee and doughnuts. Deputy Mayor Woodard: stated that he attended the 615 anniversary of Let Freedom Ring, which honors the military throughout the region, said they held a breakfast with Brigadier General Roger H. Watkins, a retired Air Force Commander who will be moving to our area; said he attended a ribbon cutting of a Big 5 Sporting Goods store on Sullivan and Broadway,and that regional manager told him he was impressed with our City's service in helping him meet all necessary requirements for the store; and that he also attended a Chamber of Commerce Business Connections luncheon, with speaker Michael Schumacher of Pixar Animated Studios. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that he attended a GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) Board meeting where School Superintendent Ben Small gave a presentation on what's happening in the school district, along with future plans; said it was impressive but changes depend on money; he mentioned the groundbreaking of the Riverbend Elementary School at Mission and Long; mentioned the Chamber of Commerce Business Minutes Regular Council Meeting:04-25-2017 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council:05-09-2017 Meeting; the Workforce Memorial at Mission Park, which honors those who have died on the job, or because of their job, and said it was a very somber affair; went to a North/South Freeway Advisory Commission meeting where the Departments of Ecology and Transportation finally got together with Burlington Northern Railroad and reached an agreement on how to address the oil spill in Hillyard; said they were not so much worried about the process as they were about the performance of how they are going to do it; said this was a giant oil spill and this simple agreement will shorten the time span for taking care of that, moving it from an estimated 50-100 years, to about 20 years; which is still a long time but it is attainable. PROCLAMATION: Lemonade Day Mayor Higgins read the proclamation on Lemonade Day, which was accepted with thanks from Katherine Morgan of the Chamber of Commerce. PUBLIC COMMENTS: After Mayor Higgins explained the process,he invited public comment. Laura Reitz, Spokane, Wa: said she is with NW Service Dog Alliance and that today she is angry with the ADA (Americans with Disability Act), and agrees with Councilmember Haley that the Act is poorly written; said she was accosted in a business in Spokane Valley by the business owner's dog; said she is tired of her own dog being attacked;that last night she was trying to save her dog and she was injured and is scheduled to see her own surgeon in a few days; said she wants to know if there is a way to get those Department of Justice regulations better defined so people can understand them; said the ADA rules aren't even able to tell people on a bus what the rules are,and that business owners don't know either. Wanda Smith, Spokane Valley: said she is also with the NW Service Dog Alliance;said she wants to know if Spokane Valley can enact some requirements for animals in public places;like they must be house broken, not in shopping carts or seated in restaurants or places of businesses; said she hopes for future dialogue; and mentioned their upcoming meeting this Friday at the downtown City Hall, from 4:00 p.m.to 5:30 p.m., and she invited Council and the public. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on April 25,2017 Request for Council Action Form, Total: $2,534,227.01 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending April 15, 2017: $358,993.25 c. Approval of April 4, 2017 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session d. Approval of April 11,2017 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal Meeting Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. First Reading Ordinance 17-006 Wilbur Rd Street Vacation—John Hohman After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title,it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to advance Ordinance 17-006 to a second reading at the May 9, 2017 Council meeting. Mr.Hohman went through the PowerPoint presentation explaining the street vacation, and said that any additional needed information can be brought back for the second reading. Mr. Hohman also brought Council's attention to the table showing the past street vacations. Concerning the drywell, Mr. Holtman said that is a City owned drywell in a portion of the right-of-way, and said they are working with the property owner for either an easement where the City will maintain the drywell, or the owner can relocate that at his expense. Mr. Hohman noted that although the slide shows"appraised"value,as previously discussed,this is actually the assessed value; lie also noted the estimated value does not subtract the application fee; he said on the four past occasions where compensation was required on a street vacation, subtracting the application fee was not included in the calculation; and said that it is Council's decision on whether to require compensation. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:04-25-2017 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council:05-09-2017 Mr. Jay Rambo: said he owns the three parcels and Ms. Kendall asked him to come speak before Council; said he is fine paying 50% of the assessed value, although given a choice, he would rather not; or even if the amount of the application fee doesn't get credited toward the total,he said he is okay with that too; and regarding the drywell, said he has no intention of modifying or moving it and is fine leaving it in place and making sure the City has access to it so the City can maintain the drywell; or he can maintain it if the City wants him to. There were no other public comments. Councilmember Munch said the issue of paying back property taxes was raised previously,and he asked if we know how much that might be.Mr.Hohman said he does not know and will bring that information back for the second reading. It was moved by Cowicilnlember Pace and seconded to amend the motion to not charge a fee for this street vacation. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked about waiving the processing fee and Mr. Calhoun said he is not sure we can waive that fee, and Councilmember Pace said his intent was not to waive the processing fee.Mayor Higgins invited public comment on the amended motion,and no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation on the amendment to the motion:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposer:None. Motion carried. Vote by acclamation on the main motion as amended: In Favor:' Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 3.Motion Consideration: Indiana Preservation Bid Award—Craig Aldworth, Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award the Indiana Avenue Street Preservation Project, CUP 0255 to Inland Asphalt Company in the amount of 8455,868.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. After Ms. Mantz explained the project and the results of the bid,Mayor Higgins invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: 9th Ave Sidewalk Project Bid Award—Robert Lochmiller, Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award 9`a' Avenue Sidewalk project #0250 to Bacon Concrete,Inc., in the amount of$170,658.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract.After Ms. Mantz explained the project and the results of the bid, Mayor Higgins invited public comment;no continents were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Ms.Nina Fingal, Spokane Valley: she spoke about the issue of removing snow from sidewalks; said since we use taxpayer funds to remove snow from the public streets,she feels the City has a responsibility to the citizens to provide safe passages for the kids to get to school; said she realizes we don't have the funds budgeted, but that she thinks we need to find those funds, especially for areas like Adams, Evergreen, Bowdish, Pines, and University to 32°d; she suggested clearing just those areas, or maybe even take the necessary funds from the street fund,and to get a bid out to find contractors who can clear those sidewalks. There were no other public comments. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5.Appleway Trail Update—Mike Stone Parks and Recreation Director Stone introduced Mr. Maft Willis, Senior Project Manager with Welch Comer, and Bernardo-Wills Landscape Architect Ms.Julia Culp,to give the final update on the Sullivan to Corbin section of the Trail. Mr. Willis explained that there is still time to make design changes, but they are working toward being ready to advertise for bids sometime in June. Ms. Culp added that they are working with City staff and Spokane Valley Museum Director Ms.Jayne Singleton. Mr. Willis mentioned that the distinction with this phase and other phases is the budget is slightly healthier now and he thinks we can do the landscaping and the signs, adding that the entire length will not be manicured. He mentioned safety concerns and said they were working with the City's traffic engineer for each crossing to keep people Minutes Regular Council Meeting:04-25-2017 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council:05-09-2017 safe, whether walking, or in bikes or cars, and he went over the various road crossing designs. Councilmember Collier said that crossing all the streets makes him nervous, and Sullivan, Pines, and Evergreen will create problems where people can potentially get hurt; said he is not sure this is the best way to cross those streets; and Mayor Higgins said that topic will be addressed at a future meeting. Mr. Willis explained the restroom design, and said they are working with the idea of maybe having automatic Iocks, so the facility would be automatically locked for example, between 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., and he mentioned that there would not be a way for someone to get locked inside. Mr. Willis mentioned supplemental lighting, funding, and interpretive signs and/or benches, all with the goal of trying to maximize the use of funds as efficiently as possible. Mayor Higgins called for a recess at 7:17 p.m.; he reconvened the meeting at 7:25 p.m. 6. City Initiated Street Vacation—John Hohman As noted in the April 25, Request for Council Action form, Mr. Holman said this is a city-initiated street vacation in the northeast section of the industrial area,south of Trent;said it is really two old rights-of-way, unimproved and not maintained, and there is no need for either of these rights-of-way; said we are trying to open the area for potential development and these rights-of-way are constraints for any future development;said the Planning Commission approved this proposal,with conditions similar to the previous street vacation. Mr. Holtman stated that staff recommends not requiring compensation; that he is unsure how the area will develop, but we want to remove any potential restrictions. Councilmember Collier said the read through the Planning Commission minutes and didn't notice inclusion of the one public comment. Mr. Holtman said he will research that and bring that information back with the ordinance first reading. There were no objections to moving this forward for a first ordinance reading. 7. Mission Street Preservation Project—Gloria Mantz Ms. Mantz explained the Mission Avenue, Pines to McDonald preservation project, including the existing conditions, project design, traffic control, budget and funding, and schedule, after which Councilmember Munch asked how often the ramp codes are updated. Ms. Mantz said we replace the ramps that are not compliant,and the current ramps were probably installed by the developer; and said it happens pretty often that we have to replace them; some don't have the correct slopes or a rest area/landing on top;she said staff is reviewing the projects now to make sure the ramps are ADA compliant, and said she would not be able to comment on ramps done in the past. City Attorney Driskell said the ones we replaced were almost all done under Spokane County and they are older than they look;said ADA requirements change periodically, and as a federal government constraint,we have to adopt those changes when they occur, Councilmember Munch asked if the Pines and Mission area will get a concrete intersection in the future, and Ms. Martz said she doesn't believe that is in the plans and she can research that, but that this current project is part of the six-year TIP process. Mr. Calhoun also noted that he doesn't believe the concrete intersection is a current project. There were no Council objections to moving this project forward. 8. Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Wood read the section of the Governance Manual addressing the process to have something put on a future agenda; and said based on that process,he wants term limits on an agenda within a month; and Councilmembers Pace and Collier agreed. Mayor Higgins mentioned that an administrative report has been prepared. Councilmember Wood also asked that the issue of water banking be included on an upcoming agenda;said he is very concerned with what is going on in the County and what they are doing concerning their position on water banking and government control of our water rights; and Councilmembers Collier and Pace agreed.Councilmember Munch said he has started a process of gathering information on sheltering places to put on the City's website,and asked that anyone with input to come see him. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:04-25-2017 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council:05-09-2017 INFORMATION ONLY(will not be reported or discussed): The(9)Department Reports, and(JO)First Quarter 2017,Ferrari!Center Surrey,were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun mentioned the new informational report included in tonight's agenda packet; said we started tracking customer service comments last Jaru.taty, and this is the result from the first quarter;that we encourage members of the public to let us know how we're doing with our permitting process; and said this report will be included quarterly in Council packets. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m. /4 L.R. Higt-rt'',- ayt4 A E it +t f 6 t iii Christine Bainbridge, City Cler f,___ Minutes Regular Council Meeting:04-25-2017 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council:05-09-2017 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, April 25, 2017 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT fe y w t� R ROPCD wlPGAlcr-) grv,—*' a Ni 3 Please Mole that once information is entered on!Itis town, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure.