1975, 07-10 Permit: D9319 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division No. D SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT County Court House, Spokane, Washington Property Address---.-- PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, 30th --- Av*nuerf -fit---109.18- ------ -- ----- ALTERATION AND OR REPAIR Permit for ----- pLUMRING ... I.NSTALLAT--IONS ----- - -- (Res. ---X------) (Corn- ­ Owner.----- ----- -R*13#rt ... T-jwt-­ ...... ­­­ ------------------------------------- Address ---------- ............... 111M- ---------­--------------- - Phone ------------------------ Contractor-.... ----- aim --- Pjj1jxBjNG--&-,9UT:ENG --------------------- Address-. ....Feet, - AM— Trelit ----- 9-92-16 ---- Phone. ... 924-9057 NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets ----- 2. -------- Bath Tubs -...I ---- ---- Sinks ----1----__ Slop Sinks.___-___._-_- Wash Basins ----- Z-- t�o Laundry Trays - ---- 1 ------ Urinals__..._____-- Separate Shower Baths ------ I -------- ­ Rain Leaders__________________- Garbage Disposal Units......... -_---___- a m i Floor nits..... ------------- Floor Drains -- --- 1 Fountains__-________ Bar Connections.--______-__. .­ Dental Cuspidor......___-__. - Automatic Washing Machines --- -.-I. ------ Mechanical Dishwasher. ----I L ---------- Refrigerators_______________ Sumps________..___ Water Softeners..._____.._... Hot Water Tanks -------- I ----------------- SprinklerSystem---------- ------------- ............. --------­----- ----------------------------------- .......... .............. ­-­------------------ ------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- I ----------- ­ ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------ ------------- -- ­ -------- ------------- ­ � ------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ................................. ------------ --- ...................................................... Fee Paid ...... ----------------- Authorized by Building Official Date Issued -------- 71191-7 -------- PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION dd �, InspectionCalled- -3 -------------------- By ----- "' "w���.-z.-�-� -- ----------------------------------------------- - s - - Inspector r Inspected By & Date- -------- 19 (Test) (Fina -1) --------------------------------------------------