08-171.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague/Bowdish PCCP Intersection Federai Ald ProJect No.: STPUS -3848(007) Local Agency Aqreament LA-6673 Sffomie Locat Agency Project No.: SRTC 06-9 ~ VA ley s CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 08-098 DEPARTMENT OF PUBl.IC WORKS ~ PROJEC7: SpraguelBowdtsh PCCP Intersectlon Project CONTRACT DATE: 101212008 GONTRACTOR: Acme Concrete Pavtngr Inc. CHANGE ORDER N0: 5 CAPITA! IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0092 BiD NO.: 08-023 ~ DESCRtPTION OF CHANGES Thfs Change Order adds recycled Crushed Surfacing Top Course: Item 66, Recyc(ed Crushed SurFacing Top Course 91 Tns x$15,b4/ Ton = $1,410.50 - Total Amount of this Chanpe Order( Inc1. Tax): $1.410.50 ~ SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETlON Original Date: 10/31/2008 Prior to thts Change Order: 10i3112008 Including this Change Order 1113l2008 ~ri,qinal Workfiq Days: 25 Workfnq DaXs Added W thls CO: 1 Wotking DaYs fncludina thls E0: 27 THESE CHANGES RESULT lN THE FOLLOWING ADJU3TMENT8 OF TpTAL CONTRACT PR(CE: . ORlGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 760,380.75 . ............................~...........,.__..._._..._........w........_............._...e.a...~....... . TOTAL PRfOR CONTftACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 12,784.88 . . TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRlOR TO THIS CHANGE OROER 773,165.63 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER , $ 1,410.50 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT fNCLUDING 7HIS CHANGE ORDER $ 774,576.13 ! This change order adds 0 days to contract time. DATE: / l lZ A0 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: The contractor hereby accepts this adJusiment under fhe terms of ihe arfgtnal contract for a(( work perforned. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 0 ~ ~ i E , , . , ; APPROVED BY: DATE: Nelt Kereten, PuDUC s Dire or , Y • APPROVED BY: DATE: ~ Davtd Mercter, Cf~r anager i A'FTACHMENTS; Field Statement 3 Dlstd6ubon: OR101NAL3 TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Vailey Cferlc's Offloe, PW Project Flle j COPIES TO: PW Prolect Flte R:PuDlc workWurchaWco (snanaol) ~ C~oB - i 71 s CITY OF Publ ic Works 01~ne Capital lmprovement Program p Valley 11707 E 5Prague Ave Suite 106 ♦ 5Pokane ValleY WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallCspokanevalley.org FIELD STATEMENT No. 3 Project: Sprague / Bowdish PCCP Intersection Project CIP No.: 0092 Date: October 22, 2008 Issued By: Craig Aldvvorth, P.E., COSV Project Manager Plan Ref: Plan Sheet 7 Specification Ref: 4-04 TOPIC: Recycling excavated CSTC The existing crushed surfacing top course (CSTC) under the pavement was removed and stockpiled during excavation to subgrade. The 50 CY of salvaged material was tested for gradation and the attached proctor developed by GeoEngineers so that it can be reused. ACTION: The placement and compaction of this material sha11 be measured by neatline and converted to a tonnage quantity by the proctor unit weight for 95% unit density: 50 CY x 27 CF x 134.4# x 1 TN = 91 Tons 1 CY x 1 CF x 2000# Payment for stockpiling, placing and compacting this material shall be $5.50/ ton less than the Schedule A Item CSTC unit bid price of $21.00/Ton. $21.00/ Ton -$5.50/Ton $15.50/Ton Reuse of the material will reduce the estimated cost of the project by: 91 Tons x $5.50/Ton = $500.50 Please review the above proposed cost adjustment. If you agree, I will incorporate this into the contract by issuing a Change Order. ~ , . . " . crr~ W-- Pu#!ic Works Departmenf Spo -ne Capitaf #mprovemen# Program 11707 E 5prague Ave 5uite 106 i 5pakane V'alley Wd 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ F'ax: 504.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevatley.org Memorandum Date: ~ N~v►ember 12, 2008 To: kte Vll~orley, Neil Kersten From: ~ Craig Aldworth Re: Change Orde r 5 for Sprague 1 Bowdish PCCP Intersec#inn Projecfi, C I P Na. 0092 Budget Account No: 303.303.092.59530.63.00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 08-023 Clean crushed surfacing tap caurse (CSTC) was removed and s#ockpiled during excava#ion to subgrade of Bawdish Raad sfluth of Sprague Avenue. The stackpiled material uvas rrreasured, tested and faund to conform to specifications. The CSTC was reused in the project at a reduced price of $15.50 / tan, a$5.50ITon reduction fram the Item 15, Crushed SurFacing Base _ Cvurse. Tatal cost for this Change Order work is $1,41 0.50. Per the attached Field Statement 3, the cast of using the recycled CSTC will be more than affset by the reductian in quantity of the more expensive CSBC for a net project cost reduction of $500.50. The project is paid far by the City of Spokane llalley and aSTA Grant. There are sufficient funds in the project hudget to cavar these costs. Original Contract amount = $760,380.75 Previous Change Order Cost (1,2,3 & 4) _ $ 12,754.88 Change C}rder 5 Cas# = $ 1.410.50 Project Cast including Change Order 5 _ $774}576.13 1 5°fo of Original Cvntraet amount = $1114,057.1 1 Max Public Vllorks Direc#ar Contract authority = $75,000.00 Change Drder 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Cost = $14,195.38 Remaining Public Works Director Contract Au#hority after C05 =$60,804.82 ~ Prajec an,ager