08-170.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague/Bowdish PCCP Intersection w t , ~ , • ~ . Federal Aid Project No,: STPUS -3846(007) cal Agency Aqreement LA-6673 Lo kane Locai Aqency Projec# No.: SRTC 06-9 Spao Vaft~ CHANGE ORDER TO CDIVSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 08-018 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: 3praguel8owdish PCCP Intersection ProJect CONTRACT DATE: 101212008 CONTRACTOR: Acme Concrete Pavlng, Inc. CHANGE ORDER N4: 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0092 BID NO.: 08-023 . . DESCR(PTION OF CHANGES ' This Change Order deietes: . Item 49, Plastic Crosswalk line, and Item 64, Plastic Stop Llne, Th9s Change Order adds: Item 64, Painted Cross Walk Line and Item 65, Pafnted Stop Llne TotaE Amount of this Change Orded incl. Tax): ($2,775•12)~ SUBSTANT(AL COMPLETION Original Date: 10i31l2008 Prior to thts Change Order. 10/31/2008 Inciuding this Change Order. 1113/2008 ~Inal Working Days: 25 Warkina Days Added by thls CO: 1 Working Davs includina this CO: ~ 27 THESE CHANOES RESUI.T IN THE FOILOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL COPITRACT HArSOUNT 760,380.75 ..................._~................w.........W.........~._._....._._.,....._..,....w.~....._.~........~...~. TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 15,560.00 TOTAI CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 776,940.75 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER ................................~...~..........,......~....,...w....,.~......_.......................~..,..,......»... -2,775.12 TOTAI. CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 773,165.63 1 This change order adds 0 days to contract time. CONTRACTOR ACCEP7ANCE: ~ DATE: The contractor hereby acoepts this adjustment under the terms of the original contract for all waric perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 0 / Q v APPROVED BY: DATE:-// Nefl Keraten, Publlc Wo wo U APPROVED BY: / v A DATE: Davtd Merder, Ctty Manager i ~ ATTACHMENTS: F1eid Statement 9A Dlstrlbutlon: ORIGINALS TO: Conlractor, Cfty oi Spokane Valley Clerk's Offlcs, PW ProJeci FUe COPIES 70: PYV ProleCt Ffie . F:Publlc WorksfPurcha(n9tC0 (9M2007) Ca8- ( 70 • i ~ , S ffioilm'~ne OF Publ ic Works Ccrpital lmprovement Program ,;wOValley 11707 E SPrague Ave Suite 106 ♦ 5pokane ValleY WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallCspokanevalley.org FIELD STATEMENT No. 9A Project: Sprague / Bowdish PCCP Intersection Project CIP No.: 0092 Date: October 31, 2008 Issued By: Craig Aldworth, P.E., COSV Project Manager Plan Ref: Plan Sheet 10 Specification Ref: 8-22 TOPIC: Revising Plastic Pavement Markings with Painted Pavement Markings ACTION: The plastic crosswalk and stop bar pavement markings shown on Sheet 10 of the plans cannot be applied unti128 days after the PCC pavement has been placed per the manufacturer's application instructions. This would require installation on or after Monday, November 24th. Since the minimum application temperature of 40 Degrees F and rising, may not occur at this late date, it is desirable to replace the plastic pavement markings with painted stop bars and crosswalks. The following work unit bid work will be deleted from the contract: Existing Contract Unit Bid Work Bid Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Item Cost 49 ~ PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE ~ 768 ~ SF $7.00 ~$5,376.00 54 ~ PLASTIC STOP LINE ~ 150 ~ LF ~$11.00 ~$1,650.00 ~$7,026.00 The following unit cost work will be added to the contract: New Unit Bid Item Work Bid Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Item Cost 64 ~ PAINTED CROSS WALK LINE ~ 768 ~ SF ~$4.41 ~$3,386.88 65 ~ PAINTED STOP LINE ~ 150 ~ LF ~$5.76 ~$864.00 Total ~ $4,250.88 ` • ~ . CS 1TY 0F Public Works Department pollane Capital lmprovement Program ,,;;0OValley 0 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: November 5, 2008 To: Steve Worley, Neil Kersten From: Craig Aldworth Re: Change Order 4 for Sprague / Bowdish PCCP Intersection Project, C I P No. 0092 Budget Account No: 303.303.092.595.30.63.00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 08-023 The Contract plans contain bid items for installing methylmethacrylate (MMA) crosswalk lines and stopbars. The specifications state that these pavement markings shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommendations. The MMA manufacturer recommends that Duraset MMA be installed 28 days after portland cement concrete pavement has been placed with a minimum 40 Degree F surface and ambient air temperature . This would require installation on or after November 24th. The 15 day weather outlook predicts daily highs below 40 degrees and snow by November 19th. Rather than potentially not install the crosswalk and stop bars this year due to weather, the change order changes the contract to provide painted crosswalk and stopbars. Total cost for this Change Order work is a$2,775.12 credit. The project is paid for by the City of Spokane Valley and a STA Grant. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover these costs. Original Contract amount = $760,380.75 Previous Change Order Cost (1,2 &3)) _ $ 15,560.00 Change Order 3 Cost = $ -2,775.12 Project Cost including Change Order 3= $7731165.63 15% of Original Contract amount = $114,057.11 Max Public Works Director Contract authority = $75,000.00 Change Order 1, 2, 3& 4 Cost = $12.784.88 Required Public Works Director Contract Authority after C04 = $62,215.12 Remaining Public Works Director Contract Authority after C03 =$59,440.00 Proj ect anager