08-169.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague/Bowdish PCCP Intersection 1 Federai Ald ProJect No.: STPUS -3846(007) S O^MCMX Locat Agency Agreement LA-6673 pok:ane Laca1 A9ency Praject No,: SR7C 06-9 ~ ,;o0%11ey CHANGE ORDER TO C4NSTRUCTiON CONTRAGT NO: 08-018 bEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PR4JECT: Sprague/Bowdtah PCCP Intersectlon ProJeat CONTRACT DATE: 10/212008 ~ C4HTRACTOR: Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. CHANGE ORDER N0: 3 CAPITAL 1MPROVEMENT PROJECT NO; 0092 B1D NO.: 08-023 ~ DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE9 ~ ThIs Change Order extends the eastbound HMA approach transftion sectlon on the S. aide of Sprague Ave an add(tlonal 20 feet. The extenslon wtl[ provtde a smcother Vansttlon from tha existing asphelt surface to the new PCC pavement. The Change Order incorporafes revtslons to unlt bid qunatitles per Ffeld Statement 6. ~ Total Amount of thls Chanqe Order( (ncl. Tax): $9,620.00 SU83TANTIAL COMPLETION ~ ONglnal Dete: 10/31/2008 Priorto thfs Change Order: 10/3112008 !ncluding fhls Change Order: 91/3/2048 rci [nal Worklnp Davs: 25 Worklng Days Added bv thls C0: 1 Work(ng Days Includirtq this CO: 27 ~ . , THESE CHANOE3 RESULT IN THE FOLIOWING ADJU3TMENT8 OF TOTAL CONTRACT PR1CE: ORIOINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 764,380.75 ..I.. 1~1~ ~1~N ~11...H~~~~ TOTAL PR10R CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT . 6,040.00 T07AL CON7RACT PRICE PR10R TO THIS CHANGE ORDER 766,420.76 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER ».....»...,,.,,.,.~.y.,.....,,..,~ .................W...M............... 9,620.00 TOTAl. CONTRACTAMOUNT INCLUDt[VO THIS CHANQE ORDERwu.y...~..._~...__._..ww........~.~....~ 775,940.76 Thls Qhange order adds 1 day to oontract lime. CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: Yhe cantractor hereby accepte this adJustment under the tetms of the origlnal contract tor af{ work,periomed. RECOMMENDED BY: ~ DATE: /D '~7 DATE: APPROVED BY: C~ 4,0DIr ffelrKersten, Publl~ . V ' APPROVED BY: A 1 DATE: Davtd Merolsf; ClAr MVg0 r ATTACHMEHTS: Field Statement 8 ~ DlsMbullon: ORIC3INALS TO; Contraclor. City ot Spokane Vapey Cierk'e Office, PW ProJect Fite C0P1ES TO: PW Prolect Flle P:RuDIfcWaksfPurchainglCO(9126r2007) cvs- i G ~ ~ ci,-,Pub(ic Works pOkane S Capital Improvement Program ,;00OValley 11707 E 5Prague Ave Suite 106 ♦ 5Pokane ValleY WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallCspokanevalley.org FIELD STATEMENT No. 6 Project: Sprague / Bowdish PCCP Intersection Project CIP No.: 0092 Date: October 27, 2008 Issued By: Craig Aldworth, P.E., COSV Project Manager Plan Ref: Plan Sheet 3 and 5 Specification Ref: 2-02, 2-03, 4-04, 5-04 TOPIC: Sta 24+35 to Sta 24+55, 11' LT to 28' RT Additional removal of existing ACP and PCP and Roadway Excavation Additional CSTC and HMA Information for Change Order 3 ACTION: The attached Sketch shows additional work to be included into the contract by Change Order 3. This Field Statement establishes pricing information required to prepare Change Order 3 authorizing the additional work. The following work is covered by existing contract unit bid prices: Schedule A: Existing Contract Unit Bid Work Bid Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Item Cost 6 ~ Sawcut AC or PCC Pavement ~ 259 LF-IN ~$0.80 ~ $207.20 7 ~ Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement ~ 83 ~ SY ~$3.00 ~ $249.00 8 ~ Remove PCC Pavement 45 ~ SY ~$6.00 ~ $270.00 14 ~ Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul ~ 19 ~ CY ~$28.00 ~ $532.00 15 ~ Crushed Surfacing Top Course ~ 33 ~ TON ~$21.00 ~ $693.00 17 ~ HMA Cl 1/2" PG 64-28 136 1 TON 1 $165.801 $5,968.80 ~ 1 1 i 1 $7,920.00 The proposed work also includes 15% Mobilization for your subcontractor, Red Diamond, since the excavation equipment has been mobbed offsite. Summar.y ~ ~ Work Type ~ Cost ~ ~ Existing Contract Unit Bid Work ~$7,920.00 ~ Mobilization Cost A 15% ~ $1,600.00 Total ~ $95520.00 If you agree to the work and pricing shown, I will incorporate them into Change Order 3. ~ ~ . C1TY Public Works Department a 3p6 neN%N` Capita/ Improvement Program ,,;00V91ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: ~0 c~1ober 27, 2008 I To: toe Worley, Neil Kersten From: vCraig Aldworth Re: Change Order 3 for Sprague/Bowdish PCCP Intersection Project, C I P No. 0092 Budget Account No: 303.303.092.595.30.63.00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 08-023 The Contract plans show a 16 foot long transition from the existing asphalt surface to the new PCC pavement for the east bound traffic on the south side of Sprague Avenue. This change order extends the transition section an additional 20 feet to provide a smoother ride an eliminate a sudden change in grade. Total credit cost (incl. tax) for this Change Order work is $9,520.00, paid for by the City of Spokane Valley and a STA Grant. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover these costs. Original Contract amount = $760,380.75 Previous Change Order Cost (1 &2) _ $ 6,040.00 Change Order 3 Cost = $ 9,520.00 Project Cost including Change Order 3= $775,940.75 15% of Original Contract amount = $114,057.11 Max Public Works Director Contract authority = $75,000.00 Change Order 1, 2& 3 Cost = $15,560.00 Remaining Public Wor Director Contract Authority after C03 =$59,440.00 Public Works ctor\ Yoject Manager