08-168.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague/Bowdish PCCP Intersection . b ~ ~ Federal Aid Project No.: STPUS -3846(007) - S CITY Local Agency Agreement LA-6673 OCT 0 3 2008 pdWane Local Agency Project No.: SRTC 06-9 ,;OOValley- CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTIO~ AC~V1E tJCFptLCTLNP 8 ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: Sprague/Bowdish PCCP Intersection Project CONTRACT DATE: 10/212008 CONTRACTOR: Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0092 BID NO.: 08-023 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order pays for a catchbasin, stormdrain pipe, curbing, driveway approach, sidewalk and associated work per Field Statement 1. The work was added to the contract when an assumed catchbasin was discovered to be a drywell. The work will bring the storm drain design into compliance with current DOE requirements. The work will be paid under Schedule A and is funded by an STA grant and by the City. Total Amount of this Change Order( incl. Tax): $7,510.00 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ~ Original Date: 10/31/2008 Prior to this Change Order: 10/31/2008 Including this Change Order: 10/31/2008 )riginal Working Days: 25 Working Days Added by this CO: 1 Worlcing Days including this CO: 26 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMIOUNT $ 760,380.75 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 760,380.75 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 7,510.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 767,890.75 This change order adds 1 day to contract time. 24 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: ~ DATE: JO The contractor hereby accepts this ad~vei"~` unc.Lr the terms of the original contract for all woric perfomed. i RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: Z 'O ;J APPROVED BY: ~ DATE: .06 Neil Kersten, Public Work ' ectcl~ . r , APPROVED BY: ~ DATE: David Mercier, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Acme 10-02-08 Field Statement 1 Response Dlstribufion: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office, PW Project File COPIES TO: PW ProjeCt File P.Pubfic WorkslPur:fiainglCO (9/2612007) , CoB- l G8 J Crn Public Works ita( lmprovement Program s Cap pValle ~ . y 11747 E Sprague Ave Sulte 406 ♦ SpoKane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhafl@spokaneva(ley.org FYELD STATEMENT No, l Project; Sprague / Bowdish PCCP Intexsection Project CIP No.: 0492 Date: September 10, 2008 Issued By; Craig Aldworth, P.E., COSV Projecf Managea• Pian Ref: Plan Sheet 3 Specification Ref: 7-04, 7-05 TOPIC: Addition of Catch Basin 3, Stozxn Drain Pipe 3, and Misc, Concrete Flatwork Request for :Tnformation for Change Order l. ACTION: . The attached Confoxmed Plan Sheet 3 shows additional work to be included into the - contract by Change Order 1, This Field Statement xequests pricing information required to prepare Change Oxder 1 authorizing the additional work. The following work is covexed by existing contract uriit bid pr7ces: Schedule A: Existing Contract Unit Bid Work Bid Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Item Cost 10 ~ Remove PCC G`urb and Gutter N 34 1 LF J$6.50 1 $221.00 11 Remove PCC Sidewalk 121 N SY J$6.00 N $126.00 12 I'Remove PCC Driveway Approach 16 N SY J$11.00 I $66.00 25 ~ Adjusti Existing MH, CB or DVV I 1 I EA J$650,0 $650.00 27 Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, 10 LF $38.00 $380.00 10 In, Diam. 28 ~ Catch Basin Type 1L 1 1 EA 1$2,000.00 $2r000.00 29 ~SpiI1 Conhol Separator ~ 1 LA N$550.00 1 $550.00 30 1 Bxisting Drywell Connection ~ 1 EA J$520.00 $520.00 33 ~ Cement Concrete Curb M 21 1 LF N$17.00 - $357.00 34 ~ Cement Concrete Sidewalk 113 1 SY J$34.00 1 $442.00 ~ ~ ~ N N $5,312.00 Field Statement No. 1 October 2, 2008 Page 2 The proposed work also includes the following bid items that are not part of the existing contract. Please provide a unit cost for each of the bid items listed below. The following work is described by the attached Change Order 1 Supplemental Qeneral Speclal Provisions. Please provide a unit cost fox each of the bid items listed below; Schedule B; rtew Unit Bid Xtem Work Pxop. Description Quantit; Unit Unit Cost Bid Cast . Item w, 56 Abandon Exlsting Drywell 1 N EA Oo oo - 57 Remove/Abandon Ex, Ca#ch Basin 1 N EA 58 ~ R e p l a c e E x. D r y w e l l F r a m e 8 c G r a t e 1 N E A 59 I Dxiveway A,pproach Curb 14 ~ LF 77. 3 e~ 60 ~ Driveway Approach , .8 N SY r Tofal ~Ae Please fill in the cost for Schedules B and C in the following summary schedule, , Summar.y Schedule I Work Type Cost A ~ Existing Contract Unit Bid Work $54312,00 B I New Unit Bid Item Work z_r~~ 2, Total o/ o ~ ~ ~ ' I will review, fhe tmit costs you provide, and if they are reasonable, I will incorporate them into Change 4rder 1. --~r'1V4 3(o CC A~ r I 2 - 5 c'~ , T1.~°tZ-s ► 'f 5-~~~ -z . . - ' • , , ' . • _ , Field Statement No. 1 October 2, 2008 Page 3 Change Order I Suppleraental General Special Provisfons 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obsfructfons Section 2-02,5 Payment Add tha following: "Remove/Abandon Existing Ca.tch Basin", per each; shsll be full paymant for furnishing tools, labor, equipment and materials required to perform tha tivork psr Sectton 2-02.3(2). Section 7-05 Manholes, Inlets, CatchBasins, and DryweIls Section 7 05,4 Measurement Add the follow3ng; "Rvplace Existing Drytivell Frame and Grate", Nvill be measured per each. Section 7-05.5 Payment Add the following; "Replaca Existing Drytivell Frame and Grrate", per each sball be fuli pay for fiirnishing the tools,labor, equipment and materials necessary or 3ncidental to remove the existing grate and curb inlet and fiirnish and install a frame and a solid lid conforming to 9-05.15(2) with the Ietters "STORM" cast into the lid. Section 8-04 Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways Secnon 8-04.4 Measurement Add the following; "Driveway Approach Curb" shall be measured per lineal foot, parallel #o face of curb, mcluding drop and transition. Section 8-04.5 Payment Add the follon►ing: ~ E "Driveway Approach Curb", per Iineal foot, shall be full pay for furnishing tha tools, labor, equipment and materials necessary ox incidental to install the steel reinforced curb in accordanca -with Section 8-04 and the plans. Section $-06 Cement Concrete DrIveway Entrances Section 8-06.4 Measurement Add the following: "Driveway Approach " shall ba measured per square yard. ; Sectlon 8-06.5 Payment Add the follo-wing: i , "DriveNvay Approach", per squm-e yard, shall bs fu11 pay for furnishing the toals, labor, ~ equipment and materials necessary or incldental to install the portland cement concrete ' driveNvay In accordance Nvith Section 8-06 and the plans.