09-142.00 Cameron-Reilly: Broadway Fancher PCC Intersection . ; . . . . . Scny Federal A(d Project No.: STPUL -3846(008) ~ Va11e ~ y CHANC3E ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT N0: 09•020 DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS PROJECT: 8roadwaylFancher PCC (ntersection ProJect CONTRACT DATE: 418l2009 CONTRACTOR: Cameron•Rell(v. LLC CHANGE ORDER NQ: 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0067 8!D NO.: 09-020 • 1 DEBCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order pays for lowaring top of Flber Optic Conc,rete encasement to a depth of 18" below finsh grade. The 16 inch wide encasement Is located at Fancher Rd station 34+74 and varies from 14 inches deep at csnterline to 6 inches deep at gutterline (efL Total length fram face of curb to face of curb is 88 feet. Total quanllty is -3.5 CY. Work shal( be done wfEh a hand operated jaclc hammer and lncludes removing and dlsposing of nubble. Cost per CY: $420.04 The worlc Is funded by an 86.5% FHWA grant end by the Ciiy. Number of Yards 3.6 Tofal Amount of thls Change Order( incl. Tax): $1,470.00 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETlON . Originai Date: 5i22/2009 Prior to this Change Order: 5122/2009 Includirtg thls Change Order: 5122/2009 ►rfgfnel Warking Days: 25 Working Days Added bY thls C0: 0.5 Workinp Davs fncludin9 this CO: 25.5, THE9E CHANOE3 RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONYRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT w.._.. ......,.w.,..~..........~....,.~.,.__..:..~.~....~.. ,.,...._.,.,_,....w........_........_$.. 582,450.39 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT .q$ 1,800.00 TOTAI. CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO 7NlS CHANGE ORDER $ 664,250.39 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER 1,470.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER ~ 565,720.39 This change order adds 0.5 day to contract time. ~t ~;,~~a,-- ~~E: ~ c~,.~ t a~n . 5~°~^''`'~"~ ~ CONTRACTORACCEPTANC DATE: tt1-2-'7~05 The contractor hereby accepts iws a n erms fthe*gl~ntract far eli wark perfomed. 4 RECOMNIENDED BY: OATE; ~ r AP RO ED DATE: P V BY. fo~ J Neil Kersten, Pudi~}pl6rks DlreCtor U APPROVED BY: K k DATE: Qovid Mcrcter, City Manager - ATTACNMENTS: Distrf6utlon: ORIGIiVALS T0; Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Offioe, PW Project FIle COPfES TO: PW proleCt Flle P.Pubucworks/?urcha'nWC0 (9Y28i200fl caq - I (A Z ~ CO 2 Fiber Optic Encasement lowering Broadway Fancher Intersection C. Aldworth CIP 0067 4/27/2009 Estimated Equipment hr hr cost total Jackhammer 4.00 $30.00 $120.00 Backhoe 0.50 $60.00 $30.00 $150.00 21 % Eq OH & Profit $31.50 Subtotal $181.50 Labor hr hr cost total Operator 1.00 $39.00 $39.00 Laborer 5.00 $33.00 $165.00 Laborer 5.00 $33.00 $165.00 $882.00 29% Eq OH & Profit $255.78 Subtotal $1,137.78 SubTotal $19319.28 12% Subcontractor Markup $158.31 Total $1,477.59 Length 68 Width 16" 1.4 CY 3.5 Cost per CY= $419.07 CS ITY OF 00 Public Works Department po" neCapital Improvement Program a ey0 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: April 27, 2009 To: Steve Worley, Neil Kersten From: Craig Aldworth Re: Change Order 2 for Broadway / Fancher PCC Intersection Project, C I P No. 0067 Federal Aid Project No. STPUL - 3846 (006) Budget Account No: 303.303.067.595.30.63.00 Cameron-Reilly Contract 09-020 During removal of the existing asphalt pavement an existing controlled density fill (CDF) trench over a TimeWarner Fiber Optic Line was uncovered within the proposed roadway section. The fiber optic line is at least 35 inches below finish grade. TimeWarner approved removal of the the CDF within 18 inches of finish grade, provided the removal was done with a hand held jackhammer to minimize the possibility of damage to the fiber optic line. This change order pays for the removal of up to 3.5 cubic yards of CDF trench. Total cost (incl. tax) for this Change Order work is $1,470.00, paid for by an 86.5% FHWA grant up to $702,600 and the City of Spokane Valley. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover these costs. Original Contract amount = $562,450.39 Previous Change Order Cost = $ 1,800.00 Change Order 2 Cost = $ 1,470.00 Project Cost including Change Order 2= $565,720.39 15% of Original Contract amount = $84,367.56 Max Public Works Director Contract authority = $751000.00 Change Order Cost todate = $ 3,270.00 Remaining Pub~ic Works Director Contract Aut orit after C01 =$711730.00 ~ J / A~~ ~ - . Public Works D ector Proct Manager