09-141.00 Cameron-Reilly: Broadway Fancher PCC Intersection ~ t ' . . ' . - - Federel Ald Project No.: STPUL -3846(006) S~'~~~ane ~jl s "~ey CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT N0: 09-020 DEPARTNfENT Of PUBLIC WORKS • PROJECT: BraadwayJFancher PCC Intersect(on Project CONTRACT DATE: 41812009 CONTRACTOR: Cameron-Reillv, LLC CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMEIVT PROJECT NO: 0067 BID NO.: 08•020 DESCRIPTION 0F CHAN(3ES This Change Order pays for removal and disposa( of 4 abandonad signal foundations to a depth of 24 inches below finish grade. The conctete for each foundaUon shail ba removed by Jadchammer or haeram to 24 Inches below finish grade. AI( re(nforcing steel and anchor bolts shall be cut and removed. The resulting vold shall be backfiiled with CSTC, campacted to 95% of max density paid under Bfd Item 16, CSTC. Cost per Each: $450.00 The wark Is fundsd by an 86.5°!o FHWA grant and by the City. Number af foundations 4 7otal Amount of this Change Order( lnc1. Tax): $1.800.00 SUBSTAN7IAL COMPLETION ~ Original Date: 6122I2009 Prlor to this Change Order. 5/22/2009 Inciuding this Change Otder: 5/22/2009 )rlqinaE Waricinp Davs: 25 Working Days Added by this C0: 0 Working Days including this CO: 25, THESE CHANOE3 RESULT IN'iHE FOLLOWING ADJUS7MEN7S OF TOTAl. CONTRACT PRICE; ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT w_ $ 562,450.39 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER ADAOUNT $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO 7HIS CHANGE OROER $ 562,450.39 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,800.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT {NCLUDING THfS CHANGE ORDER $ 564,250.38 , ~ This change order adds 0 day to contract tirne. . CONTRACTOR ACCEP7APlCE: '~F-,, DATE: ~ The contrector hereby eccepts this ad~i simeni u~d~~'i~Terms ot nlract for e~ Yrortc perfomed. RECOMMENDEO BY: DATE: . / APPROVEO BY: ° DATE: D~ ~ I Kersien, f'u6cor!cs Direct#" ~ V ' G ~ ~ . ~ APPROVED BY: DATE: Da Merci /rCty Manager . i ATTACHMENTS: ~ Dlstn'bufton: ORIGIHALS T0: Conttectar, Ciry oi Spakene Vflllsy Clerk's Office, PW ProJect File COPIES T0: PVJ Proiect Flte P.PuWc v1orM1Pwcna}nc1c0 (Qnwzoo» Lo9- ly ( . ~ . , . ~ Signal foundation removal cost estimate Broadway Fancher Intersection C. Aldworth CIP 0067 4/23/2009 Estimated Equipment hr hr cost total 320 trackhoe 0.40 $88.50 $35.40 Dumptruck 0.50 $50.00 $25.00 $60.40 21 % Eq OH & Profit $12.68 Subtotal $73.08 Operator 0.40 $39.00 $15.60 Truckdriver 0.50 $38.00 $19.00 Laborer 0.40 $35.00 $14.00 $255.17 29% Eq OH & Profit $74.00 Subtotal $329.17 SubTotal $402.25 12% Subcontractor Markup $48.27 Per Each Total $450.52 a . , . CITY 011-ane S Public Works Department p Capita/ Improvement Program ,,;OoValley 0 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhalt@spokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: April 23, 2009 To: Steve Worley, Neil Kersten From: Craig Aldworth Re: Change Order 1 for Broadway / Fancher PCC Intersection Project, C I P No. 0067 Federal Aid Project No. STPUL - 3846 (006) Budget Account No: 303.303.067.595.30.63.00 Cameron-Reilly Contract 09-020 During removal of the existing asphalt pavement 2 abandoned signal foundations were uncovered, within the proposed roadway section. There is a strong possibility that two more signal foundations will be uncovered when the existing asphalt is removed under Phase 2 of the project. This change order provides for the removal of up to 4 signal foundations, to a depth of 24 inches below finish grade. Total cost (incl. tax) for this Change Order work is $1,800.00, paid for by an 86.5% FHWA grant up to $702,600 and the City of Spokane Valley. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover these costs. Original Contract amount = $562,450.39 Change Order 1 Cost = $ 1,800.00 Project Cost including Change Order 1= $564,250.39 15% of Original Contract amount = $84,367.56 Max Public Works Director Contract authority = $751000.00 Change Order 1 Cost = $ 1,800.00 Re Public Works irector Contract Authority after C01 =$73,200.00 Public orks Director / ~ ` P ect Manager / ~