09-132.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines Mansfield Congestion Relief ~ Washington State W/ Department of Transportation C h a n g e O rd e r- M i n o r C h a n g e Contract Number Contract Title Federal Aid-Number TA-2942 Pines - Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project CM-9932(032) Change Order Number . Change Description Date 29 1V.Iiscellaneous Signing Revisions Jul 29, 2009 Region Project Engineer Phone Number Eastern Region Steven M. Worley , 509-688-0198, Prime Contractor / Design-Builder Inland Asahalt Companv . , Z Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications or the RFP ❑ Change proposed by Contractor / Design-Builder Change Description ' The General Special Provisions for this project are supplemented as follows: . , D'escription This Change Qrder conmpensates the Contractor for costs associated with revisions to Item #69, Permanent . Signing. _ Payment The lump sum amount of $2,961.81 shall be fiill pay for all labor, equipment, and materials to perform the work as specifi,ed. . Contract Time Contract time will iiot be adjusted as a result of this Change Order. , • . - s . All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Contract for the type of construction involved unless stated otherwise in this document. , Original Contract Amount Current Contract Amount Est. Net Change This C.O. Est. Revised Contract Amount $ 3,061,916.95 $ 3,272,245.96 - $ 2,961.81 $ 3,275,207.77 Prime Contractor / Design-Builder Q~ Signature or Method of Concurrence: ~'Date ~.o Project Engineer's Signature for Execution: . Date O~ Distribution: Copy w/Attachments - Steven M. Worley . Copy of page 1 only w/o Attachments - PrimeContractor / Design-Builder Page 1 ' Copy w/o Attachments - ER Construction Office DOTForm 421-005A EF Original w/o Attachments - State Construction Office , (?j2- Revised 2/08 .