09-145.00 Skyline Contractors: Valley Mission Park Improvements Ph 1 ~ a • } s Q~~ p ~ ValWo ~ 40; CHANGE ORDER TO CO~lSTRIJ'C~'ION CO'~T~C1 NOe ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLI~ WORKS . e. . . , , - ~ F'RO,JECT: VALLFY MiSSlON pARK iMPRCaVEMEN7S ~ PHASF I CONTRACT DATE: 44212009 - ~ONYRACTOR: Skyline. Cvratractorst, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO: .1 - ~ ; PFtOJECfi NO: 09-019 . . . . . . . _ DESCRIFT~ON OF C"ANGES - Final Change ~Ord~~r'~or tY~e Projec~, See .r~ttachmen~ "N' Tota! Amount of this Ghange Ordier: S ~ - - - - - - - I SUBSTANTIAL GONEPLETIC?1V---___ - - - - - - - . . I Origina[ Date. 6I29~009 Pdortothis Change Order: 6f2917009 Irtcfuding €h[s Change Order: 612912049 ' , THESE CHANGES 1~~SULT IN "THE, FDLLOWING ADJUSTMEN TS OF CO'NTRACT PRICE: ~~IG[NAL GONTRAC7'AMOUhlT rr-•ref+ i - I ...a.u.a~ia~~~~~~rL~ai~r~Y~~~YY~~1iiIwr4~iy.a~~4l~IE~T~a~.yvnaa~~w~~+r~~_ o_ a.~s~ar~eu~~ e TOTAL PRIOR CHANGE ORDER AI~~UNT . ~ 0 a uh ~u~ ani ~na~~~r~~~ ~~~Tri~ 4o rtr~=r 1«+.Y++~~ F+~tR~+4 i4Fr itt~i{F.i 4aa a.i.a..u a.m c~~ ~ ~ONTRACT F'RICE PRIOR TO T~~~ CHANGE ORDER (ihro11g1"I CC}ft~.~.........~...a..~..a......._.._.. s, 1~~,~173. N5 NE~ TH1S CHANGE ORGER ~ 23,374.90 ...,.,...,.,,.~.i~-s,-.,i-~,i.w.~,~....F..,.w~.w~...r~..:r.n.a...:,e:.......a.u,e~..~ve...-..~e,-..a:~r,rrai.~c~-~#ii~-r~• r- . ~~NTRACr AMoUNIT INCLuDE~G THIS CHAi~GE- ORDcR $ 179,548.05 ~ ~ m . . . - - - .....o.. ~ONTRACTOR ACCEPT~~CE; DA [ E: /05 2 clcl The contractafi hereby accepLt th1~ ~~jusfiment un-eer the 1erms of the oriai~~l oorttrack foT aA tiimk perfarhad. 4 - 0 A f~~COMMENDED BY, DATE:, - APPROVED BY: I~oil Kersten, Rub5cV~a s e~tor DATE. ~ APPROVED UY; . _ , ~~~r~: A~'~ ~1II9f~I$G, ~it~ dl~anagar f _ i - - - - . - _ . • - - i F'~~TA.5.rHlY1EIV i s7. I - . ORIC:INALS TO: C~~traCl4r, CiRy of SpoRarte Valley Clerk's Offlcc, P1A4f ProjeGt FiTe COPIES TO; ~ coq ~ q ~3 a Attachment A . COP.# - . ~ . . • ~ ` . , f DESCRIP~'ION _AMOI~tVT k^t . . _ . . _ , . • ' • ' . . , • . . - 009 Move Dedication Piaque au►rdy fro;n new sidevialk ta avold fill from $ 337.21 required grading of new sidewialk, 402 Connect existing 1rrlgaUon heat{ to new irrigation system per addifive $ 500.04 alfernate #1 and sidewalk'°B". ExisUng head not noted on p(Gns to be connected to addiEive altemate #1 . 003 Playgtound: Add 30 IMft of new 6" sleeve and 1 112" plpina, artd replace $ 981.88 ' existing head to fx area at addltiona( new siab. By adding addibonal concrete slab at playground vde found existing 1 112" frrigation ilne under slab during excavation that was required to be fixed, sleaved I, and refocated for appropdate coverage. 004 Addittonal concrete slab to extend arourid playgraund on SW side of S 1,686.00 play area. 005 Remove 40' fnJft of exisUng 1 1f2" PVC irr'igaiion line under netiv picntc $ 371.94 shelter siap znd cap off. Line not shovin oR drawings, unforeseen oondition. 006 Drinking Fountain next to nirl's restroom was being fed by the old existing $ 355.78 drinking fountain at the p6cnic sheitor. Had to dig up, focate, and retionnect to keep drinking fountain operable at restrooms_ 007 Remova 100 cu/yds of Unsuitable Soi1s under existing and new s3ab area $ 1,500A0 for the picnIc sheltet. Removed 80 curyrds of sandy Iflam and replaced with 50 culyds of oompactable tailings from Spokane Rock Products and 50 culyds from onsite material. Compacted in lifts to 95% compactlan. Haul and dispose of unsultable soils, rockS, and boulders. 008 Remflve unforeseen old existing concrote footings underneaLh nevrer existing $ 2,608A0 fofltings at o!d plcnic sheiter. Approximately 4 culyds each. iNe found 80 In/ft of 24"-30" thick conrete footings on each slde o€ the 3' shelter, undeTground. Nad to break out and haui off approxima#ely 98 culyds of concrete. 009 Moved the new picnic shelter 7' to the north and 2' to the vrest to avo3d the $ 1,944.00 existing tree raots in the foundation area, tree limbs on the new roof, and to ~ avoid having to raise the buflding an additional 6" for drainage corrections on the far SW Corner. In addition, we had to remove a 20' x 30' piece of grass, raats, and dlrt for drainage et the SV11 Corner. 010 Sanding and staining Picnic Shelter $ 4,941.00 ` 011 Crztiit- being givsn for the ne,r,r irrigation vafves, All existing valves wip remaln. $ (216.56) 012 Unforseen otd concrete and large boulders in play area where excavation $ 400.00 ocurred. ~ - ~ , ' - . , . - ' ' " . - - " COP DESCRtPTtOtil . . . _ AMQUNT - - . . • ' - _ - - . , . . • . .u . ; ~ 413 Securiry fence rental tor one month $ 780.03 , 014 Remove an additional picnic bench and eoncrete pad at playground area 2nd $ 400.00 , sidewralk "A". Bench interfe;ed With new sldewalK, not called ou# ta be remaved per plans. 015 Add 85 tn/ft of #4 rebar in new 64 Inlit of playground curb. Rebar not called out $ 295.49 to be lnstalfed. 016 Existing sub-grade underneath pea gravef was higher than the allofted 9" to be $ 11500.00 excavated per pfans. Addjtional 100 cv/yds was excavated (10 dump truck loads), hau1ed across the street, and sdock-pilsd untf[ end of project. After ~ removal of pea araval we enc,ountered the exfsting sub grad0 #o vay throughovt ~ 3" to 6" higber fhan showm. : 018 Additio;ial seedlsod requfreo to repair areas in cOnstruction zone not delineated on the plants to be fepaired. - TO BE DETERMINEb 020 Addi#i4na) repairs to existing drinking fountain line and existing irrigation line S 842.69 by the boys restroflm, 7he lines were an unforeseen condition. 1st couple of repairs were et picnic shelter. These repairs are by fhe restroorns and new sidewalks, the feed line to this fountain fs 8" undergtoUnd, caasing these issues. 021 F2epalrs to the 4" maln Ilne betrvezn the trees where the nevr waterline tivas $ 1,03 -1.25 supposed to be run. The valves to be uncovered and replaced were wrapped in massiue raots. The raots had brol:en the main line, and it needed to be ropa(red. The area needed to be excavated down 4' to repair main Ilne. "MAJOR REPAIR" 023 One of tne slides provided was 1ncorrect, needed to uninstall and reinstall new slide. $ 682.28 Sfide delivereo to Senske on 5,20I09, oid slide delivered bacc to Senske 5t21l09. 024 Additional unforeseen irrigataort breaks and repairs. Locatiot-i A: NGtiv vraterline ta $ 2,400.00 p(ayground ditch 230 Inlft - 4breaks and repairs. Location B: Ba11 fields 800 InJft of electrical ditch - 8 breaks and repairs. Lacation C: SW Side of playground eSecfirical ditch - 6 breaks and repairs. 025 30' of 6" ooncrete sidewalk at sidevvalk "8" for fu'ture access. Concrete thickness ~ 833.89 , added so luture maintenance vehicles vAll noE break new sidewaiks TOTALS $ 23,374.90