2013, 06-03 Permit: BLD-2013-1013 Re-RoofCity of Spokane Valley SpoRane Community Development 11703 E. Sprague Ave., Suite B-3 jValley, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5240 permitcenter(a)spokanevalley.org BLD -2013-1013 BLD -RES PROJECT NAME: ISSUED: 06/03/2013 SITE ADDRESS: 13621 E 30TH AVE SPOKANE VALLEY EXPIRES: 06/03/2015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: TEAR OFF/REROOF PARCEL: 45274.0916 APPLICANT: INLAND HOME IMPROVEMENTS OWNER: GEISER, ROBT L 1710 E. TRENT #3 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 13621 E 30TH AVE 99202 SPOKANE, WA 99216-0281 509-444-0123 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INLAND HOME IMPROVEMENTS License: INLANH1957DC 1710 E. TRENT #3 Expires: 04/18/2015 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99202 509-444-0123 VALUATIONS: FEES: Paid Due Entered Valuation 10128.00 $10,128.00 Washington State Building Code $4.50 $0.00 Council Surcharge Building Permit $195.25 $0.00 Total: $10,128.00 Totals : $199.75 $0.00 Rough Framing REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Final Building Inspection The ownership of a Spokane Valley Development Permit will inure to the property owner. The permit applicant, by definition, is the property owner or an authorized agent of the property owner. It is the responsibility of the applicant / permittee that the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes and that required inspections are requested. Failure to request inspections as listed below and obtain the necessary approvals before progressing beyond the point where inspections are required and may necessitate removal of ce ain p s of the construction are the applicant's / permittee's or property owner's expertse. Owner/Agent Date: ;711 r Staff Approval Date: Printed by: Heather Morris on: 06/03/2013 02:44 PM Page 1 of 1