1975, 11-25 Permit: E254 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division No E SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT County Court House, Spokane, Washington P roperty Address----- --;wets --- II+.- 9071?--ate---10719 PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND I OR REPAIR Permit for ------ RTJ1j 3M_. -_- _.._ (Res..-,% -- ----) (Com.--_.... ---- ) Owner -------deo- P3sws--ReaGity-------------------------------------------Address.._---$f _30__ - --99-------Phone-- --921344.--- Contractor -- ±.-- ------------------------------------------- Address ----8T,_1. '1... 1 0...---- -------.Phone.....4$7-6.121---- NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets_. ------ 2----- Bath Tubs ----- 2------- Sinks ----- 2----- Slop Sinks_______________ Wash Basins ---- ?.--------- e m Laundry Trays ----- -------- Urinals ............... Separate Shower Baths --------- Rain Leaders ------- ._.__.------- Garbage Disposal Units .___......._-_.. v Floor Drains___ ___________ Fountains. ------------- Bar Connections.. -------------- Dental Cuspidor ----------- _.... Automatic Washing Machines _______.._.____.__. E LL Mechanical Dishwasher ---------- Refrigerators.._-_-- -------- Sumps_..__....___ Water Softeners ................ Hot Water Tanks --------- 2________.....__....__ Sprinkler System------------- ------ ---------------- --------------_------------------------------------------------------ ------ ----------------------- ---------------------------------- --- Fee Paid $- _____.----- A h d b B d' 0 Jam. Date Issued.. ------------ .� dA Inspection Called. Inspected By & Date------------- ---------- ------ ----------=------------ (Test) ut or)ze y u)I )ng ff)cial PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION By-`'� Inspector ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Final)