1980, 12-18 Permit: P80-8452 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK N S E W FINAL INSPECTION: f SET BACKS DATE REMARKS: R - APPLICATION/PERMIT -� SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT I ' NORTH 011 JF Ff EREON / 8POKA11,11SHINGTONeRredit / leoel a9&Oe)6 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES – PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES a • . _ I LEGAL DESCRIPTION –SEE ATTACHED 3. 5771"'1 ._p �� ZIP c uel Su tetra In Feet "mac N�R PHONEjV., Perpeln-1 � F :IP Tvmccnaonoo Ea1ONER PHONCIwtlon au119 na Ane In ao. I':'PE C] NEW 0 ALT. 0 AO'N. 0 RPL 0 0- 0- ' WORK 0 - � -Is. O MECt', 0 M.M. ❑POOL C, OFHER CEflTIPICATE RN ec se of EXEMRION „_ ...a_........ _.._.... _._.. ___.._.. .. ___, FEESCOLLECTED A AT D SOURCE oAa ELIC RIC WA P IIW R ONneump Vel CODE g, UfI LITIES Ic ❑Prlvele ❑ ses gine'. 8 1 hereby Certify that I have reed and examined this eppllCetion and have .ad the "NOTICE" provielom included on men, ride, and know the some to be true and correct. All providons of Iowa and ordinances governing MIF wlmine type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give e-authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the mrforniame of construction, SEE REVERSS 810E FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Pi—bins DATE OF APPLICATION —SD SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN^• RACIAL APPROVALS I�iC1AL OONOITN7MI NAME DATE PIM Geek E—p—n SEPA nine — Ire Mablle Nome _,... y ,Her cher IS -1101 TOTAL A NP PERM1MRiO-8'i��- r 03'P .3300 y3300� A a0D0 3 84S,l 08-13-80 A 071. ___