1986, 11-23 Permit: 80-6888 ROW DeedSTATE OF WASHINGTON. tics. County of Spokane. vn .... 23rdNovelrber 66 _day of ........_._...................................................I A. D. 19......... , before me personally appeared Russell S.Hubbard Bishop of the ... .. ...__......--__....._......_..I ..... . . .............. .__ ......._.......... personally known to we to be the......... .__.. .................................. Episcopal al Diocese of S okane..Inc. that ......... �.... I.......P. ........ ..............._..... ._who l executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the BaCorora P. Bald Instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said .................. .........ti...on............ ........... ........ .... . for the uses and purposes herein mentioned, and on oatli each stated that............ he is ..........authorized to execute this instrument and that seal alllxed is the..........................................seal of said ........ Corporation ............. ......._..........._... ttIL) nes■ Whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ol�,a seal the da and ar t above written. �. fieri '�„v '�,�4) ......... .�... ..L... �.., ...... .. ...... �..ls.; c"..(:�. .... i Notary Public In and for the Stigee of Washington, y 7 o ane residingat. ............. ... . ..... ..................... _ .. .............. Pr rr ° C1 0 0 CD m a $ to •i!7 ..s. L y iD o G/� —.. 09 c. f..a m 0rry M RIGHT OF WAY DEED 24! 1376C 1/111. S79 PAGE514 IN l'Ill Al A'1"I'II of the..._...... ..........................................• --.....-_-No .... ............................. hNO1V :11,1, MI;N 1iY'1'1�1?til; l'ltl;tii:N'1'S,That ..... yJ'.iac.ulw,l i)� 'c ui Sj>ol.:an........................ ­)d_I,v_ ltussis11..S....11ub.6ar.d--1ita1joL;;L ._... ........ ... ............................. his wife, of the County of Spokane, III the State. of 11'ashington, in consideration of the benefits and other valuable considerations, and the sum of. _.0" .11o.Llar Uld. VC/lu0.... ........ .Dollars, paid_..them.....by the County of Spokane, the rcrcipt wbcrcof i, bcreby acknuwledf;cd, Lave granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these prescnts do giant, bargain, sell soul convey unto -;:,id Spokane County, the following described parcel of land, situated in Spokanc County, in the Stale of \% a,hington, to -wit: A strip of land.. _ N.. .... ..... feet wide on .... ................side of and parallel with ............................ line of said _ ........ ...... ........................................road or So inuch of the property of the grantor as }ies-within said ..foot strip, as surveyed.. ..... ..................................... for the above mentioned road, as shown in the field notes and on the official plat thereof on file in the mffice of the Spokane County Fnginecr, over and across .....�'1.10... wut}1 10. ... 1©et Or Lots 7��.,.1trt.. ??d.....• 1' c,:. U10ch 'i3 (),, 1 OL,, .., tllJ�': i fu ............... _..... _...._.......... ......... .................... ....... _.................... ...... ................... ...... ..................... ..... ................ .............. ....... .... ...... ....... ...... ............ ....... ..... ............ ..................................................................... ......._..................... ........of Section......`'.L...., Township .......North, Range_................ R.W.M. TO IIAVL AND TO MOLD the sante, unto the said Spokane County for the purposes of a public road forever. .J In witness wherrof............!J.. ....have hereunto set..................?!......hand.... and seal.... this..%?:3................... dayof...... .s1 , ................................ 19. y. !;'t.... ............ ..4`:!.'1-�...4.A.`` 4<..!r�� ..l 'k''' �►�%. (Seal) t (NOTE: If married, u►ust be signed by both husband and wife.) raT CR ess ............. ............................... ....................................... (Seal)