PC APPROVED Minutes 06-08-17 APPROVED Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall June 8,2017 I. Chair Graham called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Deanna Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: Heather Graham Cary Driskell, City Attorney James Johnson Jenny Nickerson,Asst. Building Official Tim Kelley Micki Harnois,Planner Mike Phillips Marty Palaniuk,Planner Michelle Rasmussen Suzanne Stathos Matt Walton Deanna Horton, Secretary for the Commission H. AGENDA: Commissioner Johnson moved to accept the June 8, 2017 agenda as presented. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motion passed. III. MINUTES: Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the May 25, 2017 minutes as presented. Commissioner Kelley noted he did not feel the Good of the Order reflected the point he was trying to convey. However, he would not request a change to the minutes. Subject of the May 25 Good of the Order: Commissioner Kelley had earlier expressed his concern over allowing bees on lots less than 40,000 square feet, and it becoming a potential health hazard to community members. Commissioner Walton had called for a Point of Clarification. He inquired if the debate had strayed too far from the topic of the motion on the beekeeping. The motion on beekeeping regulation change was requiring movable framed hives and Washington State beekeepers certification. Commissioner Kelley stated he felt others discussed the general topic of beekeeping and so he gave his opinion on it,but recognized the need to return the topic of motion. The vote to approve the motion to approve the minutes was seven in favor, zero against, the motion passes. IV. COMMISSION REPORTS: The Commissioners had no reports V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: There was no administrative report. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a) Commission Findings of Fact: CTA-2017-0001, Proposed changes to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19.65.020, 19.78 Urban Farming and Animal Keeping, and other associated changes. Planner Micki Harnois presented the Commission's Findings of Fact. Ms. Harnois stated the findings represented the changes the Commission had requested after the public hearing held on May 25,2016. The Commissioners reviewed the findings and Commissioner Phillips asked if the enclosures in the amendment applied to dogs. City Attorney Cary Driskell clarified the rules for cats and dogs are different from those in the proposed amendments. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the Planning Commission findings and recommendation to the City Council. The vote on the motion was seven iii favor, zero against, the motion passed. • b) Public Hearing: CTA-2017-0002,A proposed amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code regarding storage containers in residential zones. Planner Marty Palaniuk gave a presentation to the Commission and audience of the proposed changes to the SVMC regarding the allowance of storage containers in residential zones. Storage containers are currently not allowed in residential zones. The proposed amendment would: • allow them as an accessory structure, 2017-06-08 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 • restrict them to being placed on a level, solid surface of concrete or asphalt, • a building permit will be required if the container is to be altered in any way, • restrict them from being stacked • allowed as an accessory structure on legally established residential uses in mixed use zones, • allowed as an appurtenance to a primary residential use, • containers shall be painted to match or compliment the primary structure, • all requirements of Title 19 pertaining to accessory structures but not limited to setbacks, lot coverage and paving must be met, and • containers shall not be located between the residence and front property line. Commissioners clarified the reason for having a solid surface requirement is based on the weight of the container, and the desire to make sure the container is level in order to keep it from tipping over. Commissioner Stathos asked if there were many inquiries to have these storage containers. Mr. Palaniuk said the amendment was a direction from Council, so he was certain there had been an inquiry. Commissioner Walton asked about surrounding jurisdictions and the city of Spokane allows them, Spokane County and Liberty Lake do not. Commissioner Stathos clarified there are no regulating standards for the containers or any contents that are shipped in them. Mr. Driskell said there would be no way for the City to police which containers might have had hazardous chemicals since there are no regulations to enforce. Chair Graham opened the public hearing at 6:32 p.m. Seeing no one who wished to testi then closed the hearing at 6:33 p.m. Commissioner Phillips stated he would not have a problem if the container were set on a bed of gravel instead of on concrete or asphalt. He said a solid surface was expensive, and gravel would not allow the container to sink. Commissioner Walton stated he was not convinced this change was necessary. He stated there did not seem to be a flux people wanting one in their back yard, they appeared to be expensive, a person can't be sure of the quality, or how if it will be welcome by the neighborhood. Commissioner Kelley said he agreed.If we are,unable to verify where they came from or what has been in them, lie is against allowing them as residential structures. Commissioner Stathos stated she was concerned about the lack of standards for the containers. She was concerned the containers might have held chemicals, they might not have been cleaned properly,which could lead to hazardous material clean up after the container has been placed on a residential property. She said unless there is some kind of safety net for the consumer and the surrounding properties she was not in favor of the amendment. Commissioner Johnson said the points raised were valid and he was in agreement with them. Commissioner Phillips stated the points raised were valid however,he felt worrying about what the contents shipped in the container was getting too much. He would not have a concern putting one in his own yard, because they were sturdy and could handle snow. Commissioner Graham said the previous amendment required keeping animals enclosures to be kept clean, she would want one of these containers clean of chemicals if there were any in them. Commissioner Walton moved to close debate. The vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against,the motion passed. Commissioner Johnson moved to n0t recommend approval CTA-2017-0002 t0 the City Council. The vote on the motion was six in favor; one against, with Commissioner Phillips dissenting. VIII. GOOD OF THE ORDER: The Commissioners discussed the point of clarification from the previous meeting. 2017-06-08 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3(4'3 IX. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor, motion passed. " 01 94 Cd(VA/vi_ IP/2,7—frb/ Heather Graham, Chair Date signed Deanna Horton, Secretary