1978, 10-30 Permit: G2287 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND OR REPAIR No.G 2287 Property Address ---- At3th__ AYE"VE.!-. E._ 11111------------------------- Permit for-.- NS --W ING ITALLATION (Res .............) - ------------------------------- XX (Com.--........-) Owner. --------- GERALD- -KOFMEHL----------------------------------- ........... ---Address-- --- P.O.BOX-1.4721---- OPF--99214 --- Phone ---- Contractor---------T.O.B.--ERTEBPRISES-y---INC.------------------Address.....E.---11607--.treat-$--.99206----------Phone.....92Q-9042---- NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets ------ 3....... Bath Tubs -..2 --- ....... Sinks --- 2...---- Slop Sinks ............... Wash Basins....3-...-..-- m Laundry Trays - ---_--- -_--- Urinals --------- ------ Separate Shower Baths --- .-1_. ...... .- Rain Leaders .................... Garbage Disposal Units ............. a Floor Drains--- ----------- Fountains-------------- Bar Connections.. --- .---------- Dental Cuspidor_ ----- ...------- Automatic Washing Machines....2-------------. E LL Mechanical Dishwasher --.2 ------ .---- Refrigerators---------------- Sumps -..---_---. Water Softeners ........----.--- Hot Water Tanks. .... ....... .................... SprinklerSystem ----------------- ------- ---- -----_--- -------------------_-----------------------------•--- -----------------------...-- t---------------------- ----------- •--------------------- --•......................................................... Fee Paid $- _-...-.45-.-50- --------- _------. ��' Authorized by,,�WIding Official Date Issued. --------101347$-- ------ - S PLUMBING ANSPECTION D(,VISION, !.... Inspection Called--------- - ------ --- - ------ of ... - - --- - -- •---Inspect ---- / Y Inspected By & Date._ ---- ....... -----------✓ - .-r (Test) •-^^ (Final) --- ------------