1979, 10-15 Code Violation Ltr 51.1 R(,r"/ 411.CEeet -- r. Edward B. Wilczak
- 9g.¢- 7 y�q. Building Codes
, 7
October 15, 1979
Mr. Robert Tart /-s4 '
E. 1371 Sprague Avenue j/ i ,k M" A ` J "
Spokane, WA 99216 I -, z/A-1
Re: Corrections to be made at East 11303-05 - 40th e
Avenue, East 11307-09 - 40th 'Avenu,e, East 11313-15 I
40th Avenue, East 11317-19 - 40th°'Avenue, East
11321-23 - 40thVAvenue, East 11405-07 - 40th
Avenue, East 11413-15 - 40th Avenue, South 3920-22
( Bowdish Road, and South 3919 Johnson Street
Dear Mr. Tart:
_,. 'The . po] rie"County..BiilBigCbds''bapartniidnt..: YaB. r. °:. ._ . .. . ,«
requested the assistance of this office as their statutory
legal counsel, to enforce compliance with the Uniform Building
Code relating to your property located at the above stated
Our files reflect that you were informed of the : , ,
alleged violas in a letter dated April 24, l979 from j, it
Mr. Kenneth All residential inspector for the Spokane
County Building Codes Departmentand,-;in another letter r;,.
dated July 12, 1979wfrom Mr. Edward B Wilczak r{Assistant ,' .
Director of the Spokane County Building Codes Deprtment.
Please find Mr. Wilazak's letter enclosed for reference to
the alleged violations. Both letters specifically requested
that you bring each `residence into compliances with the Uni
form Building Code Orovisions within ten days;,from the date
of that letter. Ong October 4, ` 979, land as oo this .date,
the Spokane County lding Cod ha 8determined that o
apparent attempts had ,e been made to1correct t'he violations
and no reinspections were called fob. ',:, : , ;k
Please be advised,thatsa violation, of the Uniform
Building Code is a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
Mr. Edward B. Wilczak
Building Codes
'Mr. Robert Tart
October 15, 1979
Page Two
shall be subject to a fine of not more than $300. 00 or by
imprisonment in the County Jail, for not more than 90 days
or by both fine and imprisonment.
Be further advised that you have ten days from the
date of this letter to secure compliance with the Uniform
Building Code provisions on the above described property or
make other arr-10Ments with the Spokane County Building
Codes Department relating to this matter in order to avoid
the filing of a criminal complaint against you based on the
alleged violations of the Uniform Building Code provision
being maintained on the above properties.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have
any questions regarding the above matter.
Very truly yours,
Richard T. Platt
Legal Intern
Civil Division
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cc: Mr. Edward B. Wilczak
Assistant Director
Spokane County Building Codes Dept.