2006, 10-06 Permit App: 06003919 Residence ' Project Number: 06003919 Inv: 1 Application Date: 10/6/2006 Page 1 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: , Permit Use: SFR,GAS HEAT,ON SEPTIC Contact: HOMESTEAD CONSTRUCTION Address: 312 S FARR RD C-S-Z: SPOKANE,WA 99206 Setbacks:Front Left: Right: Rear: Phone: (509)892-0454 Group Name: Project Name: Site In formation: Plat Key: Name: WATKINS ADDITION District: Sout Parcel Number: 45334.9042 Block: Lot: SiteAddress: 11610 E 41st AVE Owner:Name: HOMESTEAD CONSTRUCTION Address: 312 S FARR RD Location::CSV SPOKANE,WA 99206 Zoning: UR-7* Urban Residential-7* Water District: Hold: ❑ Area: 0 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth: 0 Right Of Way(ft): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Review Information: F w a . 4=124- -.EPWAPAIMM,MtLeE.V.i Review Flood Plain Released By: Originally Released: 10/6/2006 By: amblake Building Plan Review Released By: Originally Released: 10/6/2006 By: TMELBOU Driveway/Approach I Released By: _ Originally Released: 10/6/2006 By: amblake Septic Sys Review Released By: see sewer permit in file Originally Released: 10/6/2006 By: amblake Operator: AMB Printed By: AMB Print Date: 10/6/2006 Project Number: 06003919 Inv: 1 Application Date: 10/2/2006 Page 1 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: Permit Use: SFR,GAS HEAT,ON SEPTIC Contact: HOMESTEAD CONSTRUCTION Address: 312 S FARR RD C-S-Z: SPOKANE,WA 99206 Setbacks:Front Left: Right: Rear: Phone: (509)892-0454 Group Name: Project Name: Site Information: t .- .: t g: � = Plat Key: Name: WATKINS ADDITION District: Soot Parcel Number: 45334.9042 Block: Lot: SiteAddress: 11610 E 41st AVE Owner:Name: HOMESTEAD CONSTRUCTION Address: 312 S FARR RD Location::CSV SPOKANE,WA 99206 Zoning: UR-7* Urban Residential-7* Water District: Hold: ❑ Area: 0 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth: 0 Right Of Way(ft): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Review Information: �...�� �� . te Review Flood Plain Released By: ri— Building Plan Review ReleusedBy: o Cv Driveway/Approach Released By: Sys view Released By: Landuse/Zoning/HE Conditions Released By: Operator: AMB Printed By: AMB Print Date: 10/2/2006 Project Number: 06003919 Inv: 1 Application Date: 10/6/2006 Page 2 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Landuse/Zoning/HE Conditions Released By: Originally Released: 10/5/2006 By: mharnois Permits: ., x . Approach Contractor: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Firm: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Address: 3510 GREENWICH RD Phone: (208)640-3022 COEUR D ALENE ID 83815 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount APPROACH-CONST IN ROW 1 NUMBER OF $50.00 Permit Total Fees: $50.00 Building Permit Contractor: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Firm: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Address: 3510 GREENWICH RD Phone: (208)640-3022 COEUR D ALENE ID 83815 This Application: Total Project: Description Grp Type Notes Sq Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation 1&2 FAMILY R-3 VB 1,271 $109,776.27 1,271 $109,776.27 BASEMENT R R-3 VB 1,260 $6,300.00 1,260 $6,300.00 DECK OPEN R-3 VB 160 $2,400.00 160 $2,400.00 GAR WOOD U-1 VB 440 $8,360.00 440 $8,360.00 Totals: 3,131 $126,836.27 3,131 $126,836.27 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE 1 SELECT $1,144.95 WSBC SURCHARGE 1 SELECT $4.50 SF PLNS RVW<7999 SQ FT 1 SELECT $457.98 Permit Total Fees: $1,607.43 Mechanical Permit Contractor: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Firm: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Address: 3510 GREENWICH RI) Phone: (208)640-3022 COEUR D ALENE ID 83815 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU 1 NUMBER OF $12.00 Permit Total Fees: $12.00 Operator: AMB Printed By: AMB Print Date: 10/6/2006 • Project Number: 06003919 Inv: 1 Application Date: 10/6/2006 Page 3 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Plumbing Permit Contractor: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Firm: HOMESTEAD BUILDERS Address: 3510 GREENWICH RD Phone: (208)640-3022 COEUR D ALENE ID 83815 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount TOILETSBIDETS 3 NUMBER OF $18.00 SINKS 4 NUMBER OF $24.00 SHOWERS 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 TUBS 2 NUMBER OF $12.00 DISH WASHERS 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 CLOTHES WASHER 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 WATER HEATER-ELECTRIC 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 FLOOR DRAINS 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 WATER PIPING-DWV 3 NUMBER OF $18.00 Permit Total Fees: $102.00 Notes: � _ .. 4NISM6WINErdM,.. , . ,: .: r All driveway approaches to be constructed per Spokane County Standards as adopted by the City of Spokane Valley. Minimum of 7.5' from each property line,5' from crosswalks or intersection curb and minimum of 15' of separation between any two approaches. Flat portion of a residential approach to be minimum of 16'wide,maximum of 30' wide and combined approach width not to exceed 50%of total frontage. Payment Summary: .- _ u 4fi Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Approach $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 Building Permit $1,607.43 $1,607.43 $0.00 $1,607.43 Mechanical Permit $12.00 $12.00 $0.00 $12.00 Plumbing Permit $102.00 $102.00 $0.00 $102.00 $1,771.43 $1,771.43 $0.00 $1,771.43 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner(or person(s)authorized by the owner)has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct,and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for,or an approval of,any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: AMB Printed By: AMB Print Date: 10/6/2006 If _ 3i 1 9 Permit Center 1 j` -� ,; Sliokane 11707E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 SEP Viii--�`�r'F;s `t i _ '", ' Valle Spokane Valley,WA 99206 ,l t 2 9 2� ,{ � .; ,--..--,..;-7....::-...-s-7, - ,,,# Valley (509)688-0036 FAX:(509)688-0037 k� ...,....-r...-..,-. A,-,. „--� Community Development www.spokanevallev.ore.com i r-�) '/I i '�I' Residential Construction [b New Construction o Accessory Bldg Permit Application o Addition/Remodel o Deck ❑ Other: SITE ADDRESS \\ A- •-. Ac\s ASSESSORS PARCEL NO: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: \`�It L \�... \,.,c ..,.1 c% 4 4 , • ‘a µ4o�Y�iy1. � �V � . y`_•.....:.:_;" . (n. .. ;:zt(. 0 ‘ ..-S.a>��. ;s.:...•s`r�....i.a. ,�. , . !I10.1 �i` ii.l(rY ki.''•;.- tt', -1.1.2: �. . ." '-2-':.".'"..1.',.-%:':1 •r!i.k'u �^� i' to._r �_'-'2,-.1Z-. ?r;i:,•( ''.. • ..a.wz mr.'�. .Li Name: .,„ ._ - Name: Address: S. "'` \ Address: • Ci . Zi•: Phone: - . qr Fax: ' . c''%•1c4. Phone: Fax: _ Lic No: •..Date: Ci Business Lic No: .s - _ Name: __ ..- «_ Phone: Describe the scope of work in detail: Cost of Project: $ \\``k ` • **************The following MUST be complete: (write N/A if not applicable)********************** HEIGHT Nck.AK: DIMENSIONS: #OF STORIES: TOTAL HABIT L SPACE: MAIN FLOOR TO SQ_ 2Nu FLOOR SQ. FTG: UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: IMPE VIOUS SURFACE FTG: 7 " \1 O 0 fe- AREA: 7.50 FINISHED BASEMENT GARAGE SQ. FTG: DECK/COV.PATIO SQ. FTG: 30°(0 SLOPES ON SQ. FTG: - a,, /(2 .. /t'o67 PROPERTY: #OF BEDROOMS: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAT(SOURCE: SEWER OR SEPTIC? \1C4YJ S.L ikc.•G DISCLAIMED The permitee verifies,acknowledges and agrees by their signature that 1) if this permit Is for construction of or on a dwelling,the dwelling ishvill be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal,state or local laws,codes or ordinances:6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted,and subsequentlyapproved before this application can be processed. • • Signature c.....\ Date ••*\..1, 1 - ). Method of Payment (Faxed permit applications will only be accepted with major bankcard) 0 Cash ❑ Check 0 Mastercard 0 VISA 0 Other Bankcard 0: Expires: VIN#: • Authorized Signature: . Permit Center . Spokane 11707 E Sprague Ave,Suite 106 PERMIT NUMBER: ......*Valley Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)688-0036 FAX:(509)688-0037 PERMIT FEE: Community Development www,spokanevalley.ore.com Mechanical Permit Application n Commercial lil Residential SITE ADDRESS: \-\lf.`3 e. . Ct\ac Building owner Name: `Phone: Fax: Address: City: State: Zip: Contractor Name: Phone: Fax: Address: City: State: Zip: License No: City Business License No: Contact . . Name: Phone: DESCRIPTION OF WORK #OF UNITS X COST = TOTAL AMOUNT 1 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE Equal to or less than 100,000 % X $12.00 = 2 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE More than 100,000 X $15.00 = 3 UNLISTED APPLIANCE(Additional Fee) Equal to or less than 400,000 X $50.00 = 4 UNLISTED APPLIANCE(Additional Fee) More than 400,000 X $100.00 = , 5 USED APPLIANCE(WSEC min.AFUE rating) Equal to or less than 400,000 X $50.00 = 6 USED APPLIANCE(WSEC min.AFUE rating) More than 400,000 X , $100.00 = 7 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 1-100M BTU X $12.00 = 8 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 101-500M BTU X $20.00 = 9 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 501-1,000M BTU X $25.00 = 10 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 1,001-1,750M BTU X $35.00 = 11 BOILER/REFRIGERATION More than 1,750M BTU X $60.00 = 12 GAS LOG,GAS INSERT,GAS FIREPLACE X $10.00 = 13 RANGE X $10.00 = 14 DRYER X $10.00 = 15 FUEL BURNING WATER HEATERX $10.00 = 16 MISC.FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE , X $10.00 = 17 GAS PIPING(each outlet) X $1.00 , _ 18 DUCT SYSTEMS , X $10.00 = 19 VENTILATING FANS X $10.00 = 20 AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) Equal to or less than 10,000 CFM X $12.00 = 21 AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) Greater than 10,000 CFM X $15.00 = 22 EVAPORATIVE COOLERS X $10.00 = 23 TYPE I HOOD X $50.00 24 TYPE II HOOD X $10.00 = 25 HEAT PUMP/AIR CONDITIONER 0-3 TON X $12.00 = 26 AIR CONDITIONER 3-15 TON X $20.00 = 27 AIR CONDITIONER 15-30 TON • X $25.00 = . 28 AIR CONDITIONER 30-50 TON X $35.00 = 29 AIR CONDITIONER More than 50 TON X $60.00 = 30 LPG STORAGE TANK X $10.00 = 31 WOOD OR PELLET STOVE/INSERT X $10.00 = 32 WOOD STOVE-FREE STANDING X $25.00 = 33 REPAIR&ADDITIONS X $15.00 = 34 VENTILATION SYSTEMS X $12.00 = 35 VENTILATION MECHANICAL EXHAUST X $12.00 = 36 INCINERATOR-RESIDENCE X $19.00 = 37 _ INCINERATOR-COMMERCIAL X $22.00 = METHOD OF PAYMENT: SUBTOTAL ❑CASH EICHECK ClVISA ❑MC DATE: PROCESSING FEE $35.00 CARD#: EXPIRES: TOTAL PERMIT FEE DUE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: REVISED 8/26/05 Permit Center IT' ` 11707 E Sprague Ave,Suite 106 SgOkane PERMIT NUMBER: valley Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)688-0036 FAX:(509)688-0037 PERMIT FEE: Community Development www.spokanevallev.ore Plumbing Permit Application n Commercial RI Residential SITE ADDRESS: \\ ..1•\Q ... - N\ti Building Owner _ M�ylt a GbM Name: `�, Phone: Fax: Address: City: State: Zip: Contractor Name: Phone: Fax: Address: City: State: Zip: License No: City Business Lic: Contact Name: Phone: DESCRIPTION OF WORK #OF UNITS X COST = TOTAL AMOUNT 1 TOILETS WATER CLOSET,BIDETS X $6.00 = 2 URINALS X $6.00 = 3 TUBS 1. X $6.00 = 4 SHOWERS(PER TRAP) BATH,STALL,ON-SITE BUILT ‘ X $6.00 = LAYS/BASINS,BAR,FLOOR,KITCHEN, 5 SINKS LAUNDRY,UTILITY,JANITOR,PHOTO, X $6.00 = X-RAY,FOOD,PREP/CULINARY MEAT 6 DISHWASHER \ X $6.00 = 7 CLOTHES WASHER 1 X $6.00 = 8 GARBAGE DISPOSAL X $6.00 = 9 WATER SOFTENERX $6.00 = 10 ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK NOTE: IF GAS,SEE MECHANICAL �l, X $6.00 = AREA,CASE,COIL,TRENCH, 11 FLOOR DRAINS CONDENSATE \ X $6.00 = 12 ROOF DRAINS/OVERFLOW DRAINSX $6.00 = 13 FOUNTAINS,DRINKING X $6.00 = WATER PIPING/DRAIN-IN WASTE, NSTALLATION,ALTERATION,REPAIR, X $6.00 14 VENT,PLUMBING,REVERSAL REVERSALS = 15 SEWAGE EJECTOR GRINDER,SUMP PUMP X $6.00 = ICE AN/OR COFFEE MAKER,HOSE BIB, 16 WATER USING DEVICE STEAMER X $6.00 = PROOFER,CARBONATOR,SWAMP COOLER VACUUM BREAKER,CHECK VALVE, AND R.P.B.P.D.FOR: VATS,TANKS, 17 CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE BOILERS X $6.00 = GREASE TRAP,SAND TRAP, 18 INTERCEPTORS CHEMICAL HOLDING TANK X $6.00 = 19 MEDICAL GAS(per outlet) NITROUS,OXYGEN X $6.00 = 20 MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING FIXTURE X $6.00 = 21 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAUSYS X $20.00 = 22 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INTERCEPTOR X $15.00 = SUBTOTAL METHOD OF PAYMENT: PROCESSING FEE OCASH ❑CHECK ❑VISA 0 MC EXPIRES: $35.00 Card# VIN: TOTAL PERMIT FEE DUE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: REVISED 8/26/05 Permit Center p©"kane 11707 E Sprague Ave,Suite 106 • /S alley Spokane Valley,WA 99206 PERMIT NUMBER: � (509)688-0036 FAX:(509)688-0037 PERMIT FEE: Community Development www.spokanevallev.ore Mechanical Permit Application E Commercial R Residential SITE ADDRESS: \\`,.\Q S. , 4(\.y�!' . Building Owner CI�..sl+.�a C.,, o K -r• Name: Phone: Fax: Address: City: State: Zip: Contractor Name: Phone: Fax: Address: City: State: Zip: License No: City Business Lic: Contact Name: Phone: DESCRIPTION OF WORK #OF UNITS X COST = TOTAL AMOUNT 1 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE Equal to or less than 100,000 X $12.00 = 2 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE More than 100,000 X $15.00 = 3 UNLISTED APPLIANCE(Additional Fee) Equal to or less than 400,000 X $50.00 = 4 UNLISTED APPLIANCE(Additional Fee) More than 400,000 X $100.00 = 5 USED APPLIANCE(WSEC min.AFUE rating) Equal to or less than 400,000 X $50.00 = 6 USED APPLIANCE(WSEC min.AFUE rating) ' More than 400,000 X $100.00 = 7 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 1-100M BTU X $12.00 = 8 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 101-500M BTU X $20.00 = 9 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 501-1,000M BTU X $25.00 = 10 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 1,001-1,750M BTU X $35.00 = 11 BOILER/REFRIGERATION More than 1,750M BTU X $60.00 = , 12 GAS LOG,GAS INSERT,GAS FIREPLACE X $10.00 = 13 RANGE X $10.00 = 14 DRYER X $10.00 = 15 FUEL BURNING WATER HEATER X $10.00 = 16 MISC.FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE X $10.00 = 17 GAS PIPING(each outlet) X $1.00 = 18 DUCT SYSTEMS X $10.00 = 19 VENTILATING FANS X $10.00 = 20 AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) Equal to or less than 10,000 CFM X $12.00 = 21 AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) Greater than 10,000 CFM X $15.00 = 22 EVAPORATIVE COOLERS X $10.00 = 23 TYPE I HOOD X $50.00 = 24 TYPE II HOOD X $10.00 = 25 HEAT PUMP/AIR CONDITIONER 0-3 TON X $12.00 = 26 AIR CONDITIONER 3-15 TON X $20.00 = 27 AIR CONDITIONER 15-30 TON X $25.00 = 28 AIR CONDITIONER 30-50 TON X $35.00 = 29 AIR CONDITIONER More than 50 TON X $60.00 = 30 LPG STORAGE TANK X $10.00 = 31 WOOD OR PELLET STOVE/INSERT X $10.00 = 32 WOOD STOVE-FREE STANDING X $25.00 = 33 REPAIR&ADDITIONS X $15.00 = 34 VENTILATION SYSTEMS X $12.00 = 35 VENTILATION MECHANICAL EXHAUST X $12.00 = 36 INCINERATOR-RESIDENCE X $19.00 = 37 INCINERATOR-COMMERCIAL X $22.00 = METHOD OF PAYMENT: SUBTOTAL ECASH ❑CHECK IDVISA ❑MC EXPIRES: PROCESSING FEE $35.00 CARD#: VIN: TOTAL PERMIT FEE DUE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: REVISED 8/26/05 65.00' 65.00' 1 1 13' BORDER I I EASEMENT —}�-I o') 23 1 6 22 Ln 21 I�jcli 0o Ln 61 6,361 S. F. �! n' - 0 N 6o., 321 S. F, ^'- 6,106 S.F.IN � I 13' BORDER rTi rri ' #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW EASEMENT +STIC CAP, MARKED f6 C7 "WELBORN 15043" PER (D) � 51.68' _C C8_ 54.20' �%9_� GAO 375.00' 41ST AVE !1 C1 C2 N87.07'36"E 65.00' 65.00' 26.40' C 74.90' C — — ��J--iB — — �� — — 6 4.30 — — L — ----. 9 13' BORDER `N ] I EASEMENT 6 L/) _ O LA 4Ln tii 7,800 S.F. m Im 65. Lo 0 5 1 N N 6 7,780 S.F. v 7,773 S.F. m 00' If - 65.00' N r . . I I CD N87'07'36"E rTl .0 Cn �opo N Cr " O 104.90' I l 13' BORDER---j-�j EASEMENT 1 00 8i 6,137 S.F. 104,90' t I 41 co p w 6, 703 S.F. t N87'07'36"E 1` UNf 103.23' 3 cn cn 6,717 S.F. C N87'07'36"E 103.44' co 2 6,725 S.F. N86'57'45"E 103.65' I l Ln 1 1 o 6,509 S.F. II N86'57'45"E 97.15' .I I i TRACT A* v c I l 3,466 S.F. a 19 19 `i 1. I 97.16' .. % - - - _t " N87'07'36"E t 488.16' BAR WITH YELLOW , MARKED "ABC 4 STRAND BARBED 4 STRAND BARBED U N P LA TTE D PER (H) MIRE FENCE, 0.17' WIRE FENCE, 0.21' NORTH NORTH UNE TABLE LENGTHWBEARING22.51'15.34'2.80' MVE TABLE NGTH TANGENT CHORD DELTA .85' 6.43' 12.85' 2'27'16" CONCAVE NORTH .37' 5.68' 11.37' 2'10'15" CONCAVE SOUTH 3 •30' SANITARY SEWER & UTILITY EASEMENT FOUND #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED 'ABC 7317/13315" PER (H) 4' STRAND BARBED WIRE FENCE, 21.20' EAST �\ N v 0 O L� ausY to