1976, 12-07 Permit: F0368 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division No. IF 0 *3 61 8 SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington Property Address --- 44th AVEVE, E. X508 --------------------------------------------- ----------------------- PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, `Res.- --- ALTERATION AND I OR REPAIR Permit for-PLUMBIRG --- INSTALUTIC111 ----------------------- ---------------- (Com. ----------- Owner ------ ----- --WIM ................. --------- --- --- Address --- Phone.9281w-5_707 ....... Contractor ------- Leo --3mwn- -Plumbing ------- --------- -- --- ---- Address ... Z. -WI.. 26th, - -.9.9-203 -------------------Phone-.7.1+7-!11.9--.------ NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets .... 4 ---- ---- Bath Tubs__ 3--_____- Sinks.. -.I__.. -- Slop Sinks_.........__. Wash Basins --- 5 ----- two Laundry Trays.____,.._____ Urinals-.____-__. Separate Shower Baths ------ I- ----- Rain Leaders .................... Garbage Disposal Units.____..._........ ,n Floor Drains 2._...._ Fountains-- Bar Connections -__-a,.___. Dental Cuspidor.._.__._-__-... Automatic Washing Machines-. 1 ---------------- Mechanical Dishwasher- 'I - ----- Refrigerators.__....._._ Sumps._.....___-- Water Softeners --- 1 ---- ---- Hot Water Tanks..... 1____._...._____. -_._ System-- ------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------- --- ------------------- -----------------_ --------- .... ---- _ -_ - -- ----------------------------- -------------------------- ---- I -- ----------------- ------ - ----------------------------- -- --------------------------------- --------- ­ ------ - --------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- ------ .-- --- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------- Fee Paid $...._4 7,00 --------------------------------------- Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION Date kWed ----- !;Z/.7/'7k ..................... 6� ......... e6_0 _:n� ............ ................... - - -- --------- Inspection Callecto-_*_d/74/1 .......... B, . ....... DInspector Inspected By & Date---------------------------------- .............. ......................................... ................................ ­ .......... iie-s-ti ------------------------------------ (Final) 49