1977, 01-20 Permit: F0660 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND OR REPAIR No. F0660 Property Address-----. -_ 48th- Avenue -,---East --- 10717 --------- Permit for ----- PLUMBr,',G_-INSTAL1AT1a4S ---------- [Res.____x.. (Com.__.........) g R---Phone--x}28-3380---- Owner ------------ W.,S -.,R-.___9-__A8SOC1ATES ------------------- _ -------------- Address--SQTM--3 2:ines.- d -.. --- 99206 -- Contractor -------- STEVE _WR1TE__PLTjn_1r.;.G ----- ------------------------- Address ------- B.* --- 1707 --- Butt.ercup ----- ------------- Phone....,535---57.,50. 992o6 NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets -------- p ------ Bath Tubs --------- 1 ... Sinks ----- I ------ Slop Sinks___.____.... Wash Basins. --_.._3_ Laundry asins.-------3- Laundry Trays- .- - Urinals_____-_-__--- Separate Shower Baths -------- 1 Rain Leaders.__-..___..___-. Garbage Disposal Units ------------ ------ Floor Drains __1_ ___ Fountains-.__-------_ Bar Connections__ ------------- Dental Cuspidor.__-.___-__--.-. Automatic Washing Machines-- .1._. --- __ Mechanical Dishwasher --- ---- 1 ------ - Refrigerators._--__---__. Sumps.____-_.__- Water Softeners........_.__._. Not Water Tanks ----- _ ---- 1 --------- -------- SprinklerSystem-- -------- ----- ------------------------------------- -- -- --- -- --- -- ----------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ------ I------ - -------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------- ­ ------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------ ---------------- - ------------- ---'--------'----'-'---------------------------- Fee ...................I-------------­------------ Fee Paid $.---_27-.00.-___-.__---___------_--- Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION Date Issued-..-. ........ 1/20/77_.._ Inspection�1/B y. ------- ------ ------.................Inspector InspectedBy & Date----- ...... -----------------------------------------_-------- --- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- (Test) (Final)