1974, 12-12 Permit: K6473 Residence--...n▪ om €€.,t E,fP T R!BRf €p -▪ . , SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Wash ngton 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit Group .......1 Type. k Zone.._Single-Family Res. RESIDENTIAL NUMBER K 6 4 d Property JOB Ad313dress...44th-Avenue; East 11204. - Permit for.....Rasideuce, basementgarage owner.. - H. M.. Raexes_S. Algot.. Inc., Address .......Box. 8436, -Manila -Station,. - Phone....247.4172 Architect ..._ Address.... Phone Cortractor...14— EL.Raevas d-Assoe....Int.,---Address Spotene,4iashtngton, 99203 Phone 747 -4172 --- Location ----- _.P.nrcel..fumber...04442=0303... Lot 3,. BLotk 3,-.1Wron Estates ••Rica. -2. Minimum -Zoning -- Sabbacks:...Frent.yard.oP at-least-25',.-aids-yard..of at least -5!.,....101.. for -2 -story --building, .15'_.flanktng..streets-.and-25' rear- yards -ars-required...-- - Bldg Zore 1... °ire Zane 3_. Size of Lot. 100!x.180'.. - .-_. --- Sewage..$e;Itfa. tank.._Stories..liy MatenaiErame .. Dimensions._ 2.?.a{1..2dxg5' Total Sq. Ft._ 207R. Valuation..437r500AG.... Rooms. 5.. u. 2 -baths.. ..... ..Basementfu. l Foundation.contrete Chimney Fireplace...2 Heating System. gas S_e..- Certificate of Occupancy Issued for see above--plumbing..and. beattng_permtts.are required. Remarks._EACH. STAGE..OE...CONSTRUCTION_MUST. HAYE..INSPECTIONS..CALLER-EDR,..As..REQUIREO_BY..CODE I4UST.COIIFORH TO ALL. COUNTY CODE.REQIIREMEITS_..... SINAI.-INSPECTIDN..MUST.-8E..CALIED..EDR,..l1PDN COMPLETION..ANO..PRIOLIO. OCCUPANCY .DE .RESIDENCE....CALL_A5&,3575 O_1C.._by--Stravens..8 Prosecutors .Office. 12/12/74. xis PtIMc ea pre _ .de buedine orend useMoth the sued shallgapes all theomnia a County Of Mecham .eget end u , lairs in Spkane Conty and may beE revolted et any time upon the in o, or am of the provisions ordinances said ordinances. o, re aoo,o*enn to tp with Sadat ora names me er o m, the ogee„on of signs me name. must place the Stud signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the em fror she o of ess regular 1 sspre . me pod Winnor opermit will be good only renewed commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within....L4ear Rom th.s date; after which time this permit will be void. r Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Pelma Expires. December 12, 1975 iti By ..- Fee Paid $ 43.00 NEC Date Issued 12/12/74 Building INSPECTOR L. FOUNDATION 2. STEEL 3. FRAMING 4. LATHING. 5. FINAL ._ ,- % 67- .S:1 .. 6. CHIMNEY 1. FIREPLACES 8. GARAGC 9. HEATING SYSTEM _ 10. MISC. . .2)(/0 2- 2//2. -3/377(1-0 .,14;t 34775 - ?