2016 Annual Work Plan Sj1e Valle Y Annual Work Plan for 2016 2016 Budget Goals Including Tasks & Timeline and Department Objectives Executive &Legislative Support Operations &Administrative Services Community &Economic Development Public Works Parks &Recreation Public Safety/Police This page intentionally left blank 2016 Work Plan Table of Contents 2016 Budget Goals 1 Department Objectives Finance 2 Deputy City Manager 4 Community & Economic Development 6 Public Works 7 Parks & Recreation 12 Public Safety 16 2016 Budget Goals The 2016 budget reflects the distribution of resources consistent with the Council's determination of core services priorities. The following goals, listed in no particular order of priority, represent broad areas of concentration important to the well-being of the community. The City Manager works with the departments to ensure necessary resources are available and to ensure development and execution of the work plan toward achievement of the goals. 1. Continue to work with state and federal legislators for possible financial assistance for the Barker Road Grade Separation. 2. Develop a strategic plan for funding and completion of all grade separation projects. 3. Continue and expand, where possible, economic development efforts, including construction of the new City Hall. Complete retail and tourism studies, develop and implement strategies. 4. Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preservation program, to include sustained funding in the City's Street Fund #311 to address concerns beyond the year 2020. 5. Evaluate and discuss increasing costs to public safety, including law enforcement. Seek long-term solutions to keepings costs in check while better serving the community. 6. Work toward completion of the Comprehensive Plan update. Department Objectives Executive & Legislative Services Ql 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Finance Division AliJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Close the 2015 books and prepare the related annual i financial report with a CAFR opinion which will allow . • the City to issue an annual report under our own cover. 2. Successfully undergo an annual audit conducted by ilthe State Auditor's Office and receive a clean opinion. 3. Implement additional State Auditor suggestions and • 1 improve financial statement process and accuracy. 4. Coordinate 2017 Budget Development process 5. In conjunction with the City's Deputy City Manager and Legal Departments,work with a financial advisor and bond underwriter towards the issuance of limited • tax general obligation bonds,the proceeds of which 4 will be used towards the construction of a new City dm Hall building. 2015 Complete the 2016 Budget development process,2015 Budget amendment,property tax ordinance,fee COMPLETED resolution,outside agency funding process and lodg- ing tax award process. 2015 Close the 2014 books and prepare the related annual financial report with a CAFR opinion which will allow COMPLETED the City to issue an annual report under our own NMcover. 2 Department Objectives Executive & Legislative Services Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Information Technology Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Complete the third and final phase of a network switch replacement project. 2. Update cash register system at each of the three City swimming pools. • • IIII 3. Install Eden/Laserfiche System that will allow Finance Staff to scan expense voucher information into Laserfiche resulting in the ability to view check,in- . 0 voice,purchase order,and quote information electron- ically. 4.AReplace approximately 30 desktop computers that will reach the end of their life cycle. �. 5. Replace storage area network(SAN)device at Center Place. • 0 6. Continue process of acquiring and deploying IP i phones throughout City. • 0 7. Continue process of virtualizing physical servers using VMware. • 0 1 8. Plan for a seamless transfer of technology including computer network,desktop computers,phone system, • 0 TV studio(to record Council meetings)and Council IChambers. 2015 Replace 30 leased computer workstations that will ill reach the end of their life cycle. COMPLETED 2015 Complete phase 1 and 2 of a network switch replacement program. COMPLETED 3 Department Objectives Operations & Administrative Services Deputy City Manager Q12016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Division Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Provide support to Administration in the advancement and completion of Council Goals. 4 • 2. Evaluate and discuss increasing costs to public safety,including law enforcement. Seek long-term • • solutions to keeping costs in check while better serving the community(2015 Goal). 3. Evaluate Public Defender service,identifying the most efficient way to accommodate caseload • • standards. 4. Establish benchmarks and implement performance measures specific to recent implementation of • • staffing analysis recommendations. 5. Evaluate Public Safety contracts and agreements • • 6. In conjunction with the Finance and Legal Departments,work with a financial advisor and bond underwriter to towards the issuance of limited tax general obligation bonds,the proceeds of which will . • be used towards the construction of a new City Hall building. 7. Coordinate efforts of the City Hall construction team. . • 2015 Develop and implement methodology to account for COMPLETED 1Public Defender investigative standards. 2015 Work with staff to complete the move of the Finance COMPLETED Department and Permit Center to new location in the main building. 4 Department Objectives Operations & Administrative Services, continued Deputy City Manager Division Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Public Information Office Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Provide public information as necessary in support of the Council goal to pursue legislative financial assis- • • tance for the Barker Road Bridge Grade Separation. 2. Continue public information support that informs and engages the public for Sullivan Bridge Replacement • • (continued from 2015). 3. Send four quarterly full-city mailers of HotTopics • • newsletter. 4. Assist Public Works with implementation of CPG grant-funded activities,public information outreach, • • and budgeting/reporting. 5. Provide Community Development with public information support as needed for Economic Devel- • opment efforts,including construction of the new City Hall. (Council goal) 6. Work toward expanding public information services • using video capabilities. • 2015 Provide public information support for Council goals COMPLETED to pursue a legislative capital budget request or other grant/funding for the Appleway Trail project,City Hall,parkland acquisition,the Barker Road grade separation,and other major projects to be identified. (Council Goal). Ql 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Human Resources Division Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Enhance Wellness Program for the City (ONGOING) • • 2. Evaluate the City's Labor and Industries'programs to reduce labor costs • • 3. Continue to refine the City's Mobile App to market the City's attributes (ONGOING) • • 2015 Successfully negotiate a successor labor agreement Completed that continues to reward employees for high levels of performance and supports the City's financial goals. 5 Department Objectives Community & Economic Development Community & Economic Q1 2016 QZ 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Development Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. J Comprehensive Plan Update • a. Update Comprehensive Plan • b. Update development regulations • • c. Complete EIS • Manage Design process for City Hall • Economic Development • a. Implement retail recruitment strategy • b. Business recruitment and retention • c. Develop tourism program • d. Develop a marketing plan 4 • e. Continue to expand Express Permitting • f. Maintain efficient permitting process • g. Collaborate with economic development partners 4 • h. Expand civic and event opportunities • • 4. Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments • 0 5.4 Complete Floodplain restudies • 6. Develop GIS content, standards and workflows • • 7. Regional partnering for consistent permitting and in- • spection standards 8. Records management and retention • A 9. Coordinate in completing and implementing a regional • • Aspecial inspection and fabricator process 6 Department Objectives Public Works Administration Q12016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Continue to work with State and Federal legislators for possible financial assistance for the Barker Road • • Grade Separation. (Council Goal) 2. Develop a strategic plan for funding and completion of all grade separation projects. (Council Goal) • • Nip Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preservation program,to include funding • • beyond the year 2020. (Council Goal) 4. Develop 2017 annual PW budget to provide all neces- sary services and programs within the parameters set • • by the budget team and City Council. Provide Construction Management for new City Hall • 6. Manage the Solid Waste Program.Develop a RFP to solicit future collection services. • IVContinue to engage in the discussion surrounding Oil and Coal Train impacts to the Valley,region and the • • State. 8. Develop a maintenance program for traffic signal components to address aging infrastructure.Devise a • financial plan to address these needs and incorporate into the budget. 7 Department Objectives Public Works StormwaterQ1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug S ct Nov Dec Update six-year Stormwater Capital Improvement • • Plan(2017-2022) Renew and manage contracts with private contractors for Stormwater maintenance services(street sweeping, 4 0 landscape and storm drain cleaning) 2016 Small Works Projects • Lead the EW Stormwater Effectiveness Studies Project on behalf of Eastern Washington Communities 4 • and Counties-(Phases 2&3) Complete design for the Sprague LID Project 0 6. Continue to implement the Ecology Phase II 0 Stormwater permit Continue development and document the City's • stormwater inspection program 8. Complete stormwater assessment rolls—update • commercial impervious surfaces map for 1/5 of com- mercial parcels for 2017 9. Decant Canopy Project-(Phase 3) 0 10. Start design for Appleway,Farr to University storm drain Retrofits; Chester Creek Diversions • 11. Start design for Ponderosa Dr.&Havana Stormwater • Diversons 12, Continue retrofit work with pavement preservation • 13. Apply for 2018 stormwater construction grants as • approved by council,and if available 8 Department Objectives Public Works, continued Capital Improvement Q12016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dell Update six-year Transportation Improvement Plan for arterial roadways • 0 Identify&recommend new projects Public hearing on draft plan Seek Council approval of plan •—• Submit CMAQ,TA, CDBG,TIB &other grant re- quests as available Implement approved Capital Projects • • Broadway/Argonne/Mullan Concrete Intersection • 0 (ROW) Pines(SR27)&Grace Ave. Intersection Safety(ROW &Construction) Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)Infill- Broadway,Fancher,University(Construction) Indiana/Evergreen Transit Access Improvements • 0 (Design&Construction) Mission Avenue reconstruction—Flora to Barker • • (Design&ROW) McDonald Rd Diet- 16th to Mission(Construction) 4 0 Citywide Reflective Signal Back Plates • 0 Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Intersection(Design) • 0 Sullivan Road W.Bridge Replacement(Construction) 4 • Seth Woodard Elementary Sidewalk Imp-Mission& Park(Construction) • 0 Fancher Rd Bridge#3502 Expansion Joint Repair (Construction) City Hall(Design&Construction) • 0 Pines Rd/Mirabeau Parkway Traffic Signal(Design& • 0 Construction) Bowdish& 11th Sidewalk Imp(Design&Construc- • tion) Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements(Design) 4 Appleway Resurfacing-Park to Dishman Mica (Design) • 0 Appleway Shared Use Path-Pines Rd to Evergreen Rd(Design) • Appleway Trail-Sullivan Rd to Corbin Rd(Design) 4 0 9 Department Objectives Public Works, continued Capital Improvement Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 iimicontinued Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Overlay Projects,Arterials and Collectors • • Broadway-Sullivan to Moore Preservation • 0 32nd Ave-Dishman Mica to Pines Rd Preservation • 0 NB Sullivan Rd, Spokane River Bridge -North • 0 Preservation Residential/Local Street Overlay and • • Reconstruction Saltese-Houk to 24th • • N. Sullivan Corridor Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) • • 2015 Argonne Rd. Corridor Upgrade COMPLETED 2015 Citywide Safety Improvements(Bike/Ped) COMPLETED 2015 Mansfield Ave. Connection COMPLETED 2015 Sidewalk Infill Project—Phase 2 (Design& COMPLETED IConstruction) 2015 2015 Street Preservation—Sullivan Rd/Sprague to COMPLETED Mission(Design&Construction) 2015 Appleway Trail—University to Pines COMPLETED 2015 Sprague/Long Sidewalk COMPLETED 2015 Sullivan—Trent(SR-290 to Wellesley)overlay COMPLETED 2015 Montgomery—Dartmouth to University COMPLETED 2015 Houk-Sinto-Maxwell COMPLETED 20154 Misc.bridge repair COMPLETED 2015 Mullan St Preservation COMPLETED 20151 Citywide Traffic Sign Upgrade COMPLETED 20154 University Rd Overpass Study COMPLETED 2_0.11.5di Sullivan Rd Corridor Traffic Study COMPLETED 10 Department Objectives Public Works, continued Street Fund Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Operations & Maintenance Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Update the 2015 Street Master Plan ♦ • Ad 2. Issue/Renew annual contracts for Street Maintenance ♦ • activities 3.Manage the Bridge Maintenance Program 4. Bid and construct bridge maintenance projects on City Bridges and overpasses Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ant as. III 1. Optimize traffic signals on selected corridors and ♦ • implement timing plans 2. Attend monthly TTC, CMP& SRTC Board meetings ♦ • 3. Review and assist with traffic on all capital projects ♦ • i 4.j Reflective Backplate Installation ♦ • ill 6. . Implement,operate,and maintain City Transportation ♦ • Operation Center 7. Install new street signs and pedestrian countdown ♦ • heads 8. Provide assistance and review of Comprehensive Plan ♦ • 9. Review and monitor Mirabeau Sub-Area Traffic Study 10. Review of private development Traffic Studies ♦ • ill 11 Department Objectives Parks & Recreation Administration Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Maintenance Division Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Construct Splashpad and Championship Sand Volleyball Court at Browns Park Develop plans and specifications Bid project Complete Construction 2. Pursue land acquisitions for priority facilities such as disc golf, skateboard park,etc. Research and locate potential properties 3. Design Appleway Trail—Sullivan to Corbin Section Select consultant through RFQ process • 0 Prepare plans&specifications for 2017 construction • 0 4. Construct Pocket Dog Park—Phase 2 Complete plans, specification&bid process Complete construction 5. Install new park signs at Valley Mission,Edgecliff mil and Dog Park •—• 2015 Construct Edgecliff Park Picnic Shelter COMPLETED 2015 Construct Sand Volleyball Courts at Browns Park COMPLETED 2015 Pocket Dog Park—Phase 1 COMPLETED 2015 Discovery Playground Shade Structure COMPLETED 2015 Develop and finalize Centennial Trail Capital Repair COMPLETED 4 Program 2015 Construct Mission Trailhead COMPLETED 12 Department Objectives Parks & Recreation, continued Recreation /Aquatics Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Division Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Research and re-evaluate our pool rental pricing structure • • I 2. Update cash register systems at all three pools Research potential Wi-Fi upgrades Install upgrades at our pools • • 3. I Actively look for sponsorships opportunities within the Community for the summer outdoor movies 4. Design Recreation Brochure in-house utilizing Adobe • 0 1 Creative Suite software 5. Continue to foster relationships with community partners • • (ONGOING) 6. Continue to provide quality recreation programs for 0 the Spokane Valley Community 7. Maintain full summer swimming program • 0 di (ONGOING) Install pool stairs at Valley Mission Pool • 411 2015. Install stairs and railing at Terrace View Pool COMPLETED 2015 Solicit Sponsorships for the summer outdoor movies COMPLETED 2015 Paint Park Road Pool COMPLETED 13 Department Objectives Parks & Recreation, continued Senior Center Division Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1. Offer more Tuesday evening classes in the Senior Wing of CenterPlace • • (ONGOING) 2. Develop and foster relationship with Walgreens to iibring pharmacy students to counsel seniors on medi- • ♦ cations,provide blood pressure checks and offering flu shots 3. Work closely with the Parks and Recreation Director elon programs being offered to seniors • • 4. Continue relationship with YMCA to offer reduced 4 daily rates for senior center members • • (ONGOING)45. Research and develop classes and training for seniors needing IT assistance Work with Community Colleges to develop program .--♦ and curriculum Implement program on a trial basis • 2015 Offer annual resource referral fair to provide COMPLETED All information to the senior population 2015, Continue relationship with YMCA to offer reduced COMPLETED daily rates for senior center members 2015 Develop and facilitate a new agreement with Meals on COMPLETED jiid Wheels 14 Department Objectives Parks & Recreation, continued CenterPlace Division Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Novec 1. Increase Events by 10%over 2015 (ONGOING) 2. Continue to repair Leaks in CenterPlace roof .11 Develop repair plans and complete repairs • 0 3 Improve sound in Small Dining Room Ensure a long-term catering contract iiii 2015 Renovate Lounge kitchen and replace Lounge carpet COMPLETED :2015Host 10th Anniversary Celebration Event COMPLETED 2015 Repair Roof Leaks COMPLETED 15 Public Safety/ Police Build Upon Our Multi-jurisdictional Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Working Partnerships imillik Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Continue to enhance departmental,regional and com- munity public safety efforts in cooperation with citi- • zens and businesses,with assistance of Crime Check • Increase interest in community involvement in pro- grams such as SCOPE,Neighborhood Watch, Crime • • Prevention,Reserves,Explorers,etc. Continue involvement in Inland Northwest Law En- forcement Leadership Group, sharing intelligence with • • state,federal and other public safety agencies. Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Continue to Work Toward Disaster Preparedness Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec II 1. Continue involvement in public safety table top exercises with other agencies, including Spokane Val- • • ley departments and Department of Emergency Man- agement. iiii Maintain compliance with National Incident Manage- • ment System(NIMS)training requirements. • Continue progression of the implementation of our collaborative Rescue Task Force,Active Shooter Emergency Response Team with Spokane Valley Fire • • Department. 4. Continue involvement and collaboration with Spokane Co.Dept. of Emergency Management in the Spokane County All Hazards Evacuation Plan and Comprehen- • • sive Emergency Management Plans. 2015 Continue progression of the implementation of our COMPLETED communications interoperability plan including train- ing and equipment installation. 19 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Staff Goals Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec A I Identify and implement specific training needs for • Spokane Valley Police Department. • Continue to provide effective leadership training to all supervisors to enhance our mission. • • Continue to implement crime prevention efforts to keep Spokane Valley a"safe city"to live and work. • S 16 Public Safety/ Police Staff Goals, continued Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Continue to improve the false alarm program with Public Safety Corp./Cry Wolf in an effort to further • • reduce false alarms in the City of Spokane Valley. Maintain the principles of Intelligence Led Policing through the use of RIG 9 Intelligence Group to identify crime trends to better utilize resources,and • 0 strengthen the relationship between Patrol and Detectives. 6. Enhance the public's perception of law enforcement through community education on recognized police • 0 best practices regarding accredited police services. 7. Continue to review accreditation files and focus on reaccreditation in 2019. • 0 8. The Traffic Unit will place a proactive emphasis on drivers who are texting/talking on cell phones while 0 driving. 9. In compliance with NIBRS (National Incident-Based Reporting System)maintain a high degree of accurate 0 report writing to reflect the crimes occurring in the City of Spokane Valley and values of property associated with those crimes. 10. Continue to plan and implement effective succession 4 • planning to ensure essential leadership positions are filled and work with Public Safety Testing to fill vacant positions to maintain safe staffing levels. 11. Implement a new CAD/RMS System to efficiently and accurately record crime stats and work load • 0 performance measures. 17