1963, 11-19 Permit: F03061 GarageSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Court House, Spokane, Washington Land Use or Structure Permit NUMBER F 0306I Property Address 48th. Group.J-1...Type... 4... Zone Agri Permit for.StdE:rAQO...(pl'-1reen,...dfltached,..mooing.) Owner....Georgo. C./Vara-ton addrestent,341,. gpokane -_ Phor .. Architect .. Address .....Phone Contractor. Address. Phone Location. Ws._33B1--oft -ay.. 9281 of- Btook-9. .t16422-0132. *forint from ptYl. at'Maar -g;'Hisyror5i E.-.1331--o€.4.. -1531 .of- S-c-2%J3..to. -above- 3vcateYtm: --- -Er-front -of" at-3"ea"et..25;_.g..olda--gard of--at.--least .51--(15--8-from- fla nking-otreeta)--are--required. Bldg. Zone.l. Fire Zone Size of Lot ...3..Imre ... ._._Sewage Stories Material;`rtgyB....__...- .Dimensions 1-2x2. a -_.Total Sq. Ft gto Valuatiot���Qp.;�- , Room1.... Basement.... ......Foundation...._ bictk Chimney ..._.._....Fireplace .Heating System Miscellaneous: 411o. bond resqul-red--bub-*alM, -nett--ort--to--ooda) Certificate of Occupancy Issued for Garage (privates- detached) Th4fl Remarks.... rosidentinl..atae. on./yy_.1n-+teeordanen-vlth--Zon4s Ordinance. - THIS PERMIT m granted ttaon the express maditon that the building land which the permit h issued shall confona in all respneu n all the ordinances of the County of Spokane, regahpog the conro-uenoa use and oawpancy of holdings iu Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, failure of plant as approved. to comply with Paid ordinances. Io ideraCon of the Issuance ur the permit for the tion of signs the grantee must place. the rand signs where (Greeted by Couaw Officials and shall remove the mid d t the expvatoa of te perms unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within -3. Ott from this date; after which time this permit will be void. .Authorized by Buum��}iii Official ILDING COD ARTMENT ... Builds Permit ExptresDoeerobwry_.1964 Fee Paid $4,,tac..yeale to INSPECTOR 31/19/63 LForn 3109Atdp. Code -5.1H-11-61)