1987, 03-03 Permit: 87000481 Garage4 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certlfy(hat 1 haveexamined this permit and state that the Information Eontained in It and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting Ma permit does not presumeto give authority to violet$ or cancel the provisions of ady stateor local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. /'I SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT DATE= 43/03/97 n##1FiFiF#iF#4f1F#i4###iFivac#####101#{e PERMIT INFORMAT PR0JEC' APPLICATION /< DATE NUMBER= 87000481 PARCEL NUMBER= 05441-08'05 PERMIT USE== GARAGE S'I: YEi STREET= 10106 E 48TH ADDRESS== SPOKANE: WA 99206 AYE r7 PAGE= 0 PLATO=: 002085 PLAT NAME= PONDEROSA ACRES 3RD ADD BLOCK= 8 LOT:::: 4 ZONE= AG.SUB DIST;::::. D ATEA= 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= 1:33 DEPTH= 326 Ft/W= 60 (5F BL.DGS:=: :3 :I: DWELLINGS'== 1 OWNER= JOHNSON, D. E. PHONE= 509 924 515 TREET== 10106 IE 48THAVE 'ADDRESS= SPOKANE OA r 99206 CONIWIT NAME= WILL. HASTINGS BUILDING, SETBACKS: FRONT= LEFT= 5 RIGI-17= ##iF####ilii#1F#if##iFiF-0f )EiF 3t #ii if if if iF#### BLJI D:EN(. PERMIT ifr'FM if)F)F#3F1FlF**1k:A lfN###if 1E 1 CONTR LItCO= A TI...ASS#192BI( CONTRACTOR= ATLAS STEEL BUILDINGS PHONE= 569 484 2002 F9RM NAME= ATLAS STEEL BUILDINGS ARCH/ENG= PHONE= ' STREET= 1A1)1)RE.S S= PHONF, NUMBER= 509-484-2002 REAR= 20 NEW=: X REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE USE= DWELT_ UNITS= f 0C0I.IP. LD== BLDG HGT== STORIES:= BLDG Id X D = 28 78 SQ FT== 784 REG PARKING== '.HANDICAP= SEWER== N HYDRANT= N PERMIT VALUATION iFiFi63FiiiFlFiFih##ic#it###iFiFiF#iF##rc##in# 1 DESCRIPTION GROUP TYE* E SQ FT VALUATION 1 1 y I GARAGE:_ VN 784 4704.00 4 TOTAL VALUE=:......................4704.00 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I haveexamined this permit and state that the information contained In it and submitted by me or my agent to compile sald permit is true and correct. IA addition, I have read and understand the NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinancdsgoverning thistypeoi work will becomplied with whether specified herein or not.The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate it cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. APPLICATION DATE PAGE= 02 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT DATE= 04/03/87 PROJECrNUMBEP= SITE1 STREET= 'ADDRESS= 87000401 P'ARC:E:I... NLIMBER= 0`5441--01805 10106 E 411TH AVE, SPOKANE 3*# 3F##if #tF## #3E 3E# #3E 3E #3F## ## 4E4E ###4F#3E 1 ITEM DEE6CRIPTION RESIDENTIAL VALUATION STATE ,S1-1 RCHMRGE #N#3F3E* jf3F#3F#*4t3E3E4f#3E##i� PAYMENT DATE. 03/03/87 TOTAL DUE: - WA 99206 PERMIT FEES #*af3F3f3F*3F#####3f###3EM F*4F#####3f3f MEASURE QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT Y OR BLANK Y Y OR DLANI( Y AMT PAID 3F3E44 RECEIPT SUMMARY #4f4E4f#4f3E #34*4F*#0##}t##3F#*#####*#3f 4k#*##3f 1 vn REErE:IPTa 706 .00) TOTAL END OE REPORT 72.00 1.50 73.50 73.50 df 3E3f 3f df PAYMENT AMOUNT 73.50 =AID; 73.50 ####3f3E3f#3f3f3F#*3E3E3.#.3E.#_)a3e3EX*3P3a 3aE*