1968, 09-10 Permit: H2269 ShedSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Court House, Spokane, Washington Land Use or Structure Permit Group 1-2 Type. K .Zone A -le a. tUfl . $hthkr.-. n ,2 - � Address. .... °i�..L....... Owner}it:dG[L. u.. �.iS.CJ ..... .... .... Architectkhatem-harata--;:aseveletiu13 Address.__. Address. . --- - -. Contmctor.Pac;:.u.-.- - Location. i_ 441-ces.22. A-- z-4niL";'A21 G1 -6t slAt t --2417--e wines • 1/23t.r( , ne- ..dt.rr seta oxo--.rcxtt.i=rca.. .4...4.6. 6,...... iT-F.3f..ow-ra csy-'.•tfittYi.F.s ....€ n3 raaiau.ies-on AdJse rot prol,arty-r- NUMBER H 2269 Property Address/a.:.tlt....2St..1C22.6.. Permit forOl.eE.i.v'-: ..... Phone...aG_t-?_i.&:. . Phone.LZ.. r .351 Phone Trxaa'Pi-.ri-&ef-M-41--r ±7'izs*<skt•}...-- 9F: .. L'<YL.'v3„'.-tri-.:.f....tyg. rt-".u't�. Vic' Sewage. Bldg. Zone._t .Fire Zone. _._...Size of Ln ions r:.c J;y�-- �- Valuation' MateriaLl:Yr,.+..__3'L`!'� ,Dimensions. �"s.�iEX}2t ._.....Total Sq. Ft...33y?.. ,r3 y,36Gsi>t Rooms .. .._. Basement.. Foundation,itlz -... Chimney Fireplate.. Heating System -.-- Miscellaneous:. Certificate of Occupancy Issued for...cczn-L-s.'is -, hod uac+ta< ocz:z-.Se-toa.--' Remarks. as :tt..stago_-CL ti to e nanca TRrS myPERMIT ' ge, reg Pon the construe -bon, rand use that npaamyd.nk or land 4uvd ngs inSpokanfor e County, and may be ch the permit is re shall conform at nany timeauponeiae<v gua not any of the of me canon of Spokane, s, upon m n, ana. n eoat "'sa,aordinances n,. pruvinnc. of saidordinances,the t me of f ypent. as or the and ton psi withI tae said signs where directed by Cou.ti Officials And shall remove the Iniconsiderationewir of the tee per perms inl p<emit fm n, <reeuu ni vgm en. gmmee must Pare mid eiis tpe rmit wi l tee odonly mrvwb renewed. and the entire completion thereof within- Year Thisthpermit afterel whichbe good only for commencement willembnt of work within six months,' Authorized by Building Official from this date; time this permit be void. BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires'=_t ter 1ti _jt,t By. rLl- Date INSPECTOR