1987, 01-20 Permit: 87000141 WoodstoveSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORM' 211 JEFFERSON SPOKANE WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I haveexamined this permit and statethat the Information contained in it and submitted by ma or my agent tocompile said permit is trueand correct. In addition. I have read and understand the NOTICE provisions Included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinancesgoverning this type of work will be compiled with whether specified herein or not. Thegranting of a permit does not presume togive authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE DATE== 01/20/87 .._........___..........._.......... ..............____._..._._...._ PERMIT INFORMATION ........:'........ PROJECT NUMBER= 07000141 PARCEL N(1MDER= 25532--0109 PERMIT USE= WOODSTI:JVE SITE STREET= 6225 E 17TH AVE ADDRESS== SPOKANE. WA 99212 PAGE= 01 PLAT= 2720 PLAT NAME= VALLEY VIEW HILLS LST ADD BLOCK= 1 LOT== 9 ZONE== AGSUB DISTv= E AREA= 00014000 F/A== F WIDTH= DEPTH= R/W= :g OF BLDGS'= 1 : DWELI_.I:NGS= 1 OWNER= TILLEY, GIERALD PHONE= 509 53.5 4860 STREET= 6225 E 17TI AVE ,ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 CONTACT NAME==- OWNER BUILD:LNG SETBACKS: FRONT== CONTR LIC4= OWNER CONTRACTOR= OWNER FIRM NAME= OWNER ARCH/ENG= STREET== ADDRESS= IONS NUMB LEFT= i:L GI -IT== MECHANICAL_ F'ERMIT PHONE= PHONE= REAR R= 509 -488 SOURCE: ELECTRIC= GAS= 0 .=, COAL= WOODS= Y .SOLAR== HEAT FUME -- ------ PERMIT FEES -------- ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QUANTITY FEE AMOUN PROCESSING FEE W00D5T0VE/INSERT Y OR BLANK Y 15.00 NUMBER OF 1 10.00 1 25.00 AMT PAID==== 2:EL00 .... ..........._._. .___ RECEIPT SUMMARY _-_-...._....... _...._....._................ F:AYMENT DATE RECEIPT PAYMENT AMOUNT 01/20/87 232 25.00 TOTAL DUE= .00 TOTAL PAID== 25.00