2014, 01-10 Permit: BLD-2014-0035 GarageCity of Spokane Valley l.:W.m community Development - 11703 E. Sprague Ave.. Suite B-3 YQI Spalmne Valley, WA WOOD SPDKANE VALLEY, WA 99203 ame 7265200 COMPASS CaraymuCTION L m: COMPA(1LW(tS 0 mm�artminyons whey are BLD -2014-0035 Exams: BLD -RES -AGCY PROJECT NAME: ISSUED: 01MM014 SITEADDRESS: 11707EBROADWAYAVESPOI(ANEVALLEY EXPIRES : 01/108018 PROJECTDESCM"M: REBUILDFIREOM%GEOGMAGEUSINGE STINGFOUNDATION PARCEL: 45161.1IN VALUATIONS: APPLICANT: RARTLEY, LARRY D BDIPNE OWtdy; NPATLEY, LARRY D 6 DIME 117V E RROADWAY AVE SPOWiE VRLEY. 11717 E BROADWAY AVE WAMN SPDKANE VALLEY, WA 99203 GENERAL COMMCTOR: COMPASS CaraymuCTION L m: COMPA(1LW(tS 2624N NEVADA Exams: 62116 14 SPOKANE, WAMN 5B "Mir55 VALUATIONS: FEES: paid DNA Residential famous/ 572.00 a10,B50.00 Bulding Man Review- $48.81 Will storage buildings lwaod Aomori frame) Susdry Permit $195.25 $0.00 Wasbirgtan Stam Building Coda S450 $0.00 Crwrud Suxtwrgs Residential Site Man Review $60M WD) Toml: $10,86B.O0 Tariffs: $288.56 0.00 The ownership of a Spokane Valley Development Permit will inure to the propery, owner. The permit applicant, by definition, is the property owner or an authorized agent Of the property owner. It is the responsibility of the applicant / parmiDee that the use descrebed on the front of this moral complies with applicable codes and that required inspections are" nested. Failure to request Inspections as listed below and cal In the necessary approvals before progressing beyond the point where Inspections are required and may necessitate removal of certain parts of the construction are the applicam's f permidee'a or property owner's expense. Owner/Agent -�� Dam