1977, 04-14 Permit: M0483 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENTNUMBER M (�48 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 RESIDERTIAL Land Use Or Structure Permit Property Address.___ 11.07---- East- $8th,-_............._�i�_ ..��........._. I, ? f r^up-------I------Type----- V----Zone---- Permit for ----- Res idence,_--ba5 em lit--.gara... Owner ---Michael .D... McGrath ............................. - E. 9808 Shannon, Spokane, 992 I�tA 6-f�f3� Add ress-- .� Architect ------------------------------------ -- ---- Address--------- --- 'o N's ----- Contractor D..---Mctirat ,S -- --------------------- -....... Address---- ��.-�Qk31't�l,..1�11.-�---�9�Of-- --------------__----Phone �--�"'---------------- �` Location: Parcel Number.pati..... # 44144"47,Sf►t...'1., B.Qky:'Q...►te l�.h..d• 1�11it1Rtu� .---...- �; Zer�ln0 set-ba kffi from s1l ........sfds -yA metre...... ff--- re4.tr ---.by'---------- 2on1N....Buildi.r*_- and/or --- Fire-- Codes ........ wk*..datector.... (s-)- required.-------- •----------------- a------------------------------------------------------------------ - -- - ---------- ---- -- ----------------­--- ------------------------------------------------------ s Bldg. Zone--1....... Fire Zone ---- 3 --- .--Size ,of Loi ---- 1QQ-_X13$--.-47'_X12_5.'_,_ -.------------.--Sewage--------_UP-t- C---.Const.---_ftm....................... u Stories- -1 ---Dimensions-5-_XII. -..6.-X24- - 24-X,28 - X54--------------------Total Sq. Ft.. - 2041 ------...Valuation.152.400-. 0--- 1 o I Rms5___-.-_BathsjRR_--1---____Basement-fa_l1_---Foundation- _--CMweU....Chimney._-_-qtr-Fireplace---__?._-Htg. System..slil-_-f_-I ........ r Type of RoofiRPake-- - --------------------- Ext. Finish „� - -Int. Wall Finish--- ----------------------- Bdrms------- 2----- LL Certificate of Occupancy Issued for-----.-- --i 38V1� �It lt9� and--heating- permi-t3--mv *qui "itd----------------------------------- Remarks.--EAC#j--STACK--OV-CONSTRUCTION --- MUST HAVE---I-K-SSE-CTIONS - CALM-, A S- -QUI-R ---Q-Y--CODE-.-------- . -MUST -----TTOq-AL-L--�COUNT-YY----t-ODE----R+EE-QUARE; >t4T-S,-r--FINAL- INSPECTION--MUST BE--- CCALL-ED----RR-f--- UPON♦------------- COl�&?L�F:T104-AND--fPlIOR O--OC-UPANC ---OF REST ERCE-,---�iALL- 4 36766- pri©T ir0- G',-00--4ifA-i"---�4Rj----- --Fal-icy--- appli-e -t-w-this--caro------Structure--ems-s--be---1-oca-te. 25' --radius--sea-sured--fror _ins-ido--lo -certner---(NE --- or-}s----- Must- -b*--located --- as--- %dioal-0d--orv-plat- THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the Countyof Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within_. �...y�r". from this date; after which time this permit will be vo' Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT April 14, 1978 F,'Z" i�j Permit Expires_ ......`` 661.50 ffm 4114M Building INSPECTOR FeePaid$................................... Date Issued ----------------------------------------- i i. ruUwua,! tun �----.��----_._., A � / . 2. STEEL .... �..,..3. FRAMIW 4, LAT140 qq*mqry,— Rip -3044 TILP,' .................. Iss Awn , ,> 8. GARAGE ....... 9. NEATIi1G SYSTum......_�._._....a.._...._..