1978, 08-01 Permit: G1734 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division No. G 1734 SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington Property Address-. ... 48.th._AVENLJE,_..E..._11A17 ......... ---------------- PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, (Res_xx ALTERATION AND I OR REPAIR Permit for . ---- PLUMBIRG-JUSTALLATION ------ --- (Com ... ......... Owner------------ TED _ W&__+AMa-D ------------ .. ..... - --------- ..... --Address--- E:.___75?_0__Bever1y -------------------- --- Phone.. 926-0942 ........ Contractor ----- PRECISDON --- UEVEL-OPMEW, INC - -------- _ Address .... P..O.BOX --- 14094.,.- 0Pp,__99214Phone._535,,9876 NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets --- 3 -- ------- Bath Tubs Sinks.. -_1..--. Slop Sinks.-....._------ Wash Basins. -.-3. -------- Laundry Trays ------- Urinals-....._.__---- Separate Shower Baths .... Rain Leaders----------- ------- Garbage Disposal Units ....... I .......... Floor Drains ----- Fountains - ---- Bar Connections.-._.___..____ Dental Cuspidor --------- Automatic Washing Machines...-.-_ ........ LL Mechanical Dishwasher- -- ---- Refrigerators.__----.--- Sumps.-_------_. Water Softeners ---------------- Hot Water Tanks._................. .......... SprinklerSystem -- - ------ ----- - --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------­- ------- -- - - --- ---------- -- - -- -------------- ---- - -------------------------------------------------- . . ....................................................... --------­----------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I , — ---------------- ----- ............ .............................................. Fee Paid -1.5-o-50 ----------------------------- Authorize.Building Official PLUMBING I PECTION DIVISION Date Issued.-----RI ..... .............. 4 z�4 Inspection Called- ----------.......................... - ------ - ----- - --- ---- deputy InspectedBy & Date------------------------------------ (Test) -------------------------- --------- ... ........ ------­--------- -- -------------- .... ------------- ..... ----------------