2017, 07-25 Formal Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,July 25, 2017 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Staff Rod Higgins,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Caleb Collier, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Mike Munch, Cauncihnember Mark Werner, Police Chief Ed Pace, Counci'member Mike Stone, Parks& Rec Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst ABSENT: Adam Jackson,Planning&Grants Engineer Pam Haley, Councilmember Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Mike Graef of United Methodist Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Haley.It was moved by Councilmember Pace,seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Haley from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodward, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councihnembers Wood, Collier and Munch had no report. Councilmember Pace said he attended a 9-1-1 board meeting this morning as a substitute for Councilmember Collier. Deputy Mayor Woodard said he attended several Chamber of Commerce meetings and affiliated ribbon cuttings; went to the employee barbeque; attended the celebration regarding the purchase of the Valley Medical Center and met their CEO; and also met with Mr.John Colton, Senator Patty Murray's Eastern Washington Representative concerning our grade separations and other projects. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that lie also attended the Valley Medical Center celebration; said he attended the 80th birthday celebration of Krispy Kreme; went to Fairchild's Assumption of Command of the 1415£flight refueling, installing Colonel Deutscher as commander; attended the employee appreciation barbeque; went to the Visit Spokane Board of Directors meeting; and the Chamber's Valley Business Connection meeting. PROCLAMATION n/a PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins explained the procedure for the public to comment; he then invited public comment and no comments were offered. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-25-2017 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council:08-08-2017 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent ARenda. a.Approval of claim vouchers on July 25, 2017 Request for Council Action Form,Total: $2,528,219.26 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending July 15,2017: $371,747.26 c.Approval of July 11, 2017 Formal Council Meeting Minutes It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2.Motion Consideration: Law Enforcement Interlocal Agreement —Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services as provided by the Spokane County Sheriff's Office to the City of Spokane Valley. Mr. Koudelka gave a brief overview of the history leading up to tonight's agreement; said that two weeks ago Council went through those goals as shown on the attached"negotiated results"and said those are incorporated into the agreement, as well as other changes. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Mr. Al Merkel, Spokane Valley: after lie read a few excerpts about other contracts of law in another cities or counties, he said in his opinion as a professional contracting specialist, this is a time and materials contract which is not the most appropriate type; said it leads to a lack of public safety and the methods of payment are based on how many officers are on duty at any one time; said he also disagrees with the idea of a need for our City's identity, and said he didn't see a transition for how that identity is supposed to take place. There were no further public comments. Councihnember Pace said there has been an outcry for identity; said extensive studying was done to develop our new comp plan and one thing that was brought up in many town hall meetings was that City identity is important;said when the Chamber went through their Big 5 to develop a vision for Spokane Valley,that identity was also a big deal; and he extended thanks to the Sheriffs Office, and City and County staff for pulling those goals together in an outstanding contract. Councilmember Munch said he has been a contractor for fifteen years and concerning a time and material contract, both parties get what they are looking for; said it is a smarter way to go and we are experiencing a nationwide shortage of police officers; said this is a good contract and he commends staff and all parties involved. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Potential Transportation Grants Adam Jackson It was moved by Deputy,Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to apply for Transportation Improvement Board(TIB)grants for the following projects: (1)Mullan Road-Broadway to Indiana; (2) University Road-16" to Disluuau Mica; (3) Broadway Avenue Intersection Argonne and Mullan; and(4)Mission Avenue Sidewalk-Bowdish to Union. After Mr. Jackson briefly explained about the call for projects,Mayor Higgins invited public comment.No comments were offered. Mr.Jackson also noted that as was discussed last week about prioritizing the projects, he said that each project is evaluated on a stand-alone basis as each is unique, so there would be no need to prioritize. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Extension of Library District Interlocal Agreement—Cary Driskell It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the 2017 Addendum to the 2012 Interlocal Agreement for Acquisition of Real Estate between the City of Spokane Valley and the Spokane County Library District as drafted City Attorney Driskell gave a brief history leading up to the original interlocal agreement as well as tonight's draft document; he mentioned the three documents included in Council's packet material: the 2012 agreement, and the draft agreement in redline form and clean version.Mr.Driskell mentioned the amount of land involved,the cost of the purchase, and of the failed ballot measures; and to clarify regarding cost, Mr. Driskell said the City would invest$1.3 million in joint use and the rest, estimated at $11-12 million, would all come from the Library District; he Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-25-2017 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council:08-08-20I7 mentioned the importance of continuing our relationship with the District to make sure this community has that important amenity; concerning the development, said we would work with the District on park improvements, sequencing, timing, etc., adding that the agreement includes the stipulation that if a bond measure were successful, the property for the library would be limited to library use only for the next fifty years. City Attorney Driskell said at the Library District's last meeting, the Board voted three to two to not approve the agreement, and one of the reasons for the dissenting vote was there was not enough public input; said if this agreement is approved, and if the Library Board wants to consider this again at a future Board meeting,he would suggest holding another public meeting, making sure the meeting would be widely noted and advertised,and to hold such a meeting in September at the new city hall, which is of course,across from the proposed library site. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. I. Ms. Tara Hall, Spokane Valley: said the voters want a new library, that the election results showed over 50% in favor; she urged Council to listen to the people as libraries provide numerous resources, and the grounds could even be used for a farmer's market,or small amphitheater; said she is sick of apartments being built in every piece of our city; that we don't want more chain stores or car lots, and the existing library is old and outdated, and we have outgrown it. 2.Ms.Charlene Woodard,Spokane Valley: said she is an advocate of the library and agrees with the previous speaker; that the library has numerous resources including programs for the children to teach them the importance of good books; and she asked that Council approve the agreement. 3. Mr. Tim Hattenberg, Spokane Valley: said he has been involved with this issue since it first carne about; he thanked Council for their cooperation in working together with the library,and commends the Library for their work; said we won't have another opportunity to find land like this and this is the best price and best location, and he urged support. 4.Ms.Judy Bellis,Spokane County:said she voted in favor the last time this came up;said she is disappointed that this issue needed 60% super majority; said libraries have been around for thousands of years and are a roaring success all over the world; this is a wonderful location and she is glad this is still being pursued; said it sounds like the Library Board is a little discouraged, perhaps because of the need for the 60% voter approval; and said she hopes Council will continue to support this project as even though she lives in the County, she frequents the Spokane Valley library. 5. Ms. Jaclyn Galion: said she supports the property; feels like the City missed out on a great opportunity with the Painted Hills Golf Course, which has been taken away; said it is crucial for the community to have places for families, and she encouraged use of that land for the library and park. 6. Mr. Kamiel Youseph, Mica Peak High School Principal: said he has received invaluable resources from the library in working with students with special needs and helping them transition from high school to independent, or co-dependent living. 7. Mr. Chris Jackson, Spokane Valley: said he is heartened to see so much support; that these types of development provide great opportunities for residents; that libraries are about community as well as knowledge; they have many resources, and without that opportunity, Spokane Valley will remain stagnate; seems with the prior 57% approval and working together,we could reach the 60% needed to pass. 8. Ms. Mi Bolt, Spokane Valley: she read her prepared statement; she asked Council to vote for the agreement;said she applauds the City's collaboration with the Library District to find ways to work together; that there is a great need in our city as our homeless and "doubled up student numbers remain over 800 for the 3 Valley School Districts;" said that census data found that over 40% of our households in Spokane Valley made less than $35,000 a year; said our highest poverty schools are located closest to the proposed Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 07-25-2017 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council:08-08-2017 library sites:the library offers many wonderful programs and resources;and she urges Council to commit for this expansion. 9. Ms. Isabel Gurtsen, Spokane Valley: said she is sixteen years old and did an internship with the library studio;and that she got to build a resume and she wouldn't have had that opportunity without the library; said the parking lot is always full, and there is always overwhelming support for library. 10. Mr. Al Merkel, Spokane Valley: said this seems like an important issue to a lot of people; now that the process failed, he asked about considering other types of special districts that could be used for this project that wouldn't require the 60% super majority; and he asked Council to work with the Library for more creative uses to fund this project. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Pace said he will vote in favor of this issue even though he voted no as a voter on the two bond issues and wrote a letter to the editor about his opposition; said he is a heavy user of the library and although he still doesn't like raising taxes, feels we can help with this project a little more aggressively perhaps through the Friends of the Library or another organization to pursue private foundation grants,corporate sponsorships, and/or individual donations;said he is grateful our City staff researched alternatives for building a less expensive building; and said that libraries are an important infrastructure investment. Councilmember Munch said the also will vote for this; that the location makes sense;that a remodel to the current building would be almost as much as a new building; and that it will still be up to the voters. Councilmember Collier said that lie and his family love the library,the issue is property taxes,and for that reason,he will vote against this. Mayor Higgins mentioned that in most elections, 57% is a landslide, but not in this instance, but it makes a statement. Vote by acclamation: In favor: Mayor Higgins,Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmembers Munch,Pace, and Wood Opposed:Councilmember Collier. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comment;no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Spokane Housing Authority, Revenue Bonds—Erik Lamb Deputy City Attorney Lamb explained that the Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) is in the process of issuing revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed$40,000,000 for finance acquisition and rehabilitation of three existing apartment projects, one of which is in our jurisdiction, and pursuant to federal tax law, approval is needed from the jurisdiction in which the project is located; lie said approval is solely to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code in order for the bonds to be issued, and that our City will not in any manner be financially responsible for the bonds nor would we incur any financial liability for SHA's repayments of those bonds. Mr. Lamb said that the SHA held a public hearing, apparently no one spoke to this issue; and that if Council moves this forward, it will come to Council again at the August 8 Council meeting for Council to consider approval of a resolution to approve the issuance by SHA of its revenue bonds. There were no objections from Council in moving this forward to the August 8 Council meeting. 6. Public Records Act Changes—Erik Lamb, Chris Bainbridge Deputy City Attorney Lamb explained the background and impact to our City, of two recently enacted bills regarding the Public Records Act, all as noted on the Request for Council Action form as well as the accompanying PowerPoint. Mr. Lamb also noted there will be additional costs in the form of staff time and City resources to create the required logs, as well as the annual report to the state if it is determined such annual report will be needed. Mr. Lamb said staff is doing additional research to reach a determination concerning that issue. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 07-25-2017 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council:08-08-2017 7.Police Dept.Monthly Report—Mark Werner Police Chief Werner hit the highlights of his monthly report, extending thanks and appreciation for the work the SCOPE members perform, and mentioned some of the more noteworthy incidents contained in the report. 8.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Pace mentioned lie is starting to hear complaints about suspected drug houses,so he would like to have a report on drug houses or nuisance properties, and perhaps what neighbors, city staff, and the police do, or perhaps even have resolutions/ordinances drafted and policy changes in order to address suspected drug houses,and to help educate citizens so they might be les frustrated while we work to speed up the process. City Attorney Driskell said he and Deputy City Attorney Lamb have been working with the County and the Sheriff's Office in that regard; mentioned that the City of Spokane has adopted a program so we might look at that to take the best parts of their legislation to determine what will be useful here; said the County is also working to adopt something similar; adding that he will be working with our Police Department on how to address these issues. Councilmember Munch mentioned a proposal from the Greater Spokane Emergency Management, and said he feels it needs a lot of help and that perhaps we could issue an RFQ (request for qualifications) for help forming an emergency management plan. Deputy Mayor Woodard said that there have been some questions about whether we are applying for and/or receiving enough grants, and that he would like a history for perhaps the last five or so years, to include that information. Mr. Calhoun said he will speak with Mr. Holman about putting together that data. Deputy Mayor Woodard also mentioned that he spoke to some businesses as there has been some questions about our registration fees; he said we have a flat rate of$13.50 for a business registration so being registered in Spokane Valley is not a cost of doing business here. Councilmember Munch mentioned that the City of Spokane's registration fees are about ten times that amount; and Councilmember Wood mentioned that registration occurs at the state level and can be accomplished on-line. The(9)Department Reports; and(10) Quarterly Permit Center Report were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Calhoun reminded everyone that there will be no meeting next week, August l' so Councilmembers can participate in the various National Night Out gatherings. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. M � ATT/ L.R.Higgins, iM': sr " Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-25-2017 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council:08-08-2017 Public Testimony given at Spokane Valley City Council meeting July 25, 2017 MJ Bolt, resident of Spokane Valley RE: 2017 Amendments to the 2012 Interlocal Agreement for Acquisition of Real Estate Between City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Library District. Good evening Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard and City Council members. My name is MJ Bolt and I am a Spokane Valley resident, a former CVSD School Board member, the co- founder and former leader of Greater Valley Support Network and currently the Eastern Washington Representative to the Washington State Board of Education. I am here tonight to ask you to please vote YES for the Interlocal agreement changes with the County Library District. l applaud the City in its collaboration with the Library District and finding ways to work together to bring more services to our citizens. This agreement helps pave a path forward and prevents closing the door in offering potential. We have great need in our City-- our homeless and doubled up student numbers remain over 800 for the 3 Valley School Districts. That represents a lot of households that are very needy. Looking at census data a few years ago through GVSN partnering with our library we found that over 40% of our households in Spokane Valley made less than $35,000 a year, showing the great needs that exist in our community. Our highest poverty schools are located closest to the proposed library sites: Broadway, N Pines, Progress, Opportunity and Adams as well as Greenacres. These areas were very supportive in the last library bond election. Our County Library offers so many wonderful and amazing programs for all community members, and especially for those most needy, providing access to Internet, resume building and job skills acquisition, as well as tons of other great programs and resources. Reading is critical for our childrens' academic success as well as future independency, ensuring they become great contributing citizens. We must consider the Return on Investment. Our Library offers many amazing programs to encourage reading success for all ages including providing storytime to over 10,000 children in just timespan of 9 months, many of which are in poverty. The potential with expansion would even be greater, which is necessary with our increasing population. Plus, through my own use of our library, I've personally realized the advantage of accessing over 10 other library collections plus the amazing digital resources that me and my kids continue to use like Lynda.com, ancestry etc that being part of the County Library system awards us. I ask that the City Councilmembers be bold and committed in their leadership for this expansion of library services understanding the increased services and programs this path forward can offer our citizens. Please vote yes for this agreement. Thank you for your time and consideration MJ Bolt 2' _ ? II CI Spokane Housing Authority Introduction AS part of our initiative to upgrade and rehabilitate our existing portfolio, the Spokane Housing Authority is undertaking a 379 unit rehabilitation of three of its assets in Spokane County. One of those properties is Valley 206 and is located at 2400 N. Wilbur Road in Spokane Valley, WA. Built in 1984, the property is the largest in SHA's portfolio consisting of 206 units and currently it has the most pressing capital needs. As part of this project, SHA plans to undertake an extensive renovation of the buildings on the 12 acre site including all new windows, new siding, and landscape improvements. On the interiors, we are planning selective renovations that vary based on the current condition of the units, but include flooring, fixtures, cabinets/cabinet doors, etc. The property will continue to be characterized as an affordable property based on the financing plan we have in place which will utilize Low Income Housing Tax Credits. As a result the property will be required to serve households at no more than 60% of Area Median Income. Project Goals: 1. Preserve and enhance existing physical housing stock by addressing deferred maintenance and critical life safety issues. 2. Stabilize the project's physical and financial hurdles to ensure that an acceptable living environment is maintained for the residents. 3. Minimize our long-term capital needs liability. Project Information Valley 206 is located at 2400 N Wilbur Road in Spokane Valley, WA.The project was constructed in 1984 and acquired by SHA in 1998. The 207-unit project consists of 19 two and three-story garden style apartment buildings, a community office building as well as an indoor pool/spa, workout facility, community kitchen, and playground available for resident use. Unit mix consists of both one and two-bedroom units. Valley 206 — Proposed Affordability As part of the concept plan, the project will be subject to a regulatory agreement with the Washington State Housing Finance Commission's (WSHFC). The units at Valley 206 will choose that 100% of their units be set-aside to those households whose incomes do not exceed 60%of the area median income. 1 Property Location: 2400 N. Wilbur Road, Spokane Valley, Wa cc Po Re:SA 0 Ells Lods., C4r: 0 Wei 2D6 Acadrrints Er E Lrfr.',4 ..„Zir2ce 0 e Cold 0 • Ea.fe Re EX•irts'edAce, 12 String EVerving a 0 7-fir-den lite Garners Haven Waste Spok..11.eVa':q,911A • E rer,Le E 1,1f y Fe A9C Sir..rage rzi 0 Go g 2