17-040.01 WM Winkler: Bowdish & 12th Sidewalks Spokane Val ley CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 17-040 01 PROJECT: Bowdish Rd. and 12th Ave. Sidewalk Project CONTRACT DATE: 4/4/2017 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Wm. Winkler Co. CIP NO: 239 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES -Additional paving on Bowdish Road between 8th Ave and 12th Ave (within project limits) Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 501 Bowdish Rd-Grind and HMA Inlay, 2 In. Depth LS 1 $23,669.20 $23,669.20 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl. Tax): $23,669.20 PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 35 Revision By This Change Order: 3 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 38 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 417,112.50 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 417,112.50 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 23,669.20 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 440,781.70 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: - DATE: b I �� The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment under a terms of of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: eigel, DATE: gAtii APPROVED BY: Project Manager DATE: g' //7 CIP Ma ger APPROVED BY: 4,4/ DATE: g City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Change Order Description Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor, Project File, Project Inspector, Finance Department S(1okane ValleChange Order 1 tj Construction Contract No: 17-040 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: City would like to extend the asphalt paving to the full width of northbound Bowdish from 12th Avenue to 8th Avenue within the project limits(Sta 12+06 to 26+06). The original Contract plans call for removing and replacing the eastern half of the roadway(6' Rt to 12' Rt)in order to install new curbing and patch the asphalt back to the curb meeting the Pavement Cut Policy. This would create two different pavement sections in one lane with a joint down the middle of the lane. City proposes to grind the western half of the lane(0' Rt to 6' Rt)a depth of 2 inches. Then the final 2"lift of asphalt can be placed the entire width of the lane,providing a smoother lane,removing existing wheel rutting and pavement distresses in the western half lane and moves the pavement joint to the center of the road,further away from typical tire paths. City submitted Request for Pricing#1 on 7/27/17 for the proposed work Wm. Winkler submitted price quote on 8/1/17 and a revised price on 8/2/17. Description of Change: This change order pays for all the work necessary to grind and pave back a depth of 2 inches of asphalt from Sta 12+06 to 26+06 between 0' Rt. to 6' Rt. Specification: No changes have been made to Contract Specifications because of this change. Plans: No changes have been made to Contract Plans because of this change. Time: Three additional days is added to the Contract due to this change. Measurement: There is no specific measurement for the new lump sum item"Bowdish Rd-Grind and HMA Inlay,2 In.Depth." Payment: Payment for new item#501-"Bowdish Rd-Grind and HMA Inlay,2 In. Depth"lump sum The lump sum price for`Bowdish Rd-Grind and HMA Inlay,2 In. Depth", shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor,tools,equipment,and materials to grind a 6ft width of pavement(2"depth),haul and dispose of pokane Change Order No: 1 Valley Construction Contract No: 17-040 grindings,clean and prepare surface for paving,HMA paving(2"depth),and adjust three manhole lids within the grinding area. Summary of Quantities: A new Schedule E is added to the Contract for this roadway work that will include the following item. Previous New Estim Bid hem Description Unit Qty Unit Price kmount Qty. Qty Change 501 Bowdish Rd-Grind and HMA L.S. - 1 +1 $23,669.20 $23,669.20 Inlay,2 In.Depth TOTAL $23,669.20 ii"kerne Bowdish Rd & 12th Ave. Sidewalk - #0239 41000 Val ley Aug 1 2017 Expenditure Accounts Budget PE Description Current Change New 303.000.239.595.10.10.00 Salaries &Wages 18,200 2,850 21,050 303.000.239.595.10.10.99 Overtime - - 303.000.239.595.10.20.00 Employee Benefits 6,350 1,700 8,050 303.000.239.595.10.20.99 Employee Benefits - - 303.000.239.595.10.41.02 Engineering &Architectural 20,000 (7,375) 12,625 303.000.239.595.10.41.06 Prof. Svcs -Survey 9,000 2,500 11,500 303.000.239.595.10.41.07 Prof. Svcs. -Geotech - - 303.000.239.595.10.41.17 Advertising 2,000 (775) 1,225 303.000.239.595.10.49.03 Printing & Binding 1,000 (350) 650 303.000.239.595.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services - - 303.000.239.595.10.99.99 PE Contingency 1,874 (1,874) - I Sub Total: 58,424 (3,324) 55,100 RW Description Current Change New 303.000.239.595.20.41.02 Engineering &Architectural - 3,775 3,775 303.000.239.595.20.41.05 Professional Services 20,000 (6,450) 13,550 303.000.239.595.20.61.01 ROW Acquisition 10,000 . (525) 9,475 I Sub Total: 30,000 (3,200) 26,800 CN Description Current Change New 303.000.239.595.61.10.00 Salaries &Wages 36,000 (11,000) 25,000 303.000.239.595.61.10.99 Overtime - - 303.000.239.595.61.20.00 Employee Benefits 12,600 (3,600) 9,000 303.000.239.595.61.20.99 Employee Benefits - - 303.000.239.595.61.41.08 Prof. Svcs. Mat.Testing 9,824 (2,824) 7,000 303.000.239.595.61.41.10 Prof. Svcs. -Consulting - - 303.000.239.595.61.41.17 Advertising - - 303.000.239.595.61.49.03 Printing & Binding - - 303.000.239.595.61.63.00 Construction: Sidewalks 325,458 25,242 350,700 303.000.239.595.61.99.99 CN Contingency: Sidewalks 4,036 (1,294) 2,742 402.000.239.595.40.63.00 Construction - Drainage 60,000 10,000 70,000 . Construction: Road - 25,000 25,000 Sub Total: 447,918 41,524 489,442 Project Total: I 536,342 35,000 571,342 Funding Accounts Budget PE Description Current Change New 0334.0380 TIB 253,430 253,430 0374.0380 TIB 30,000 30,000 0397.3010 301 222,912 222,912 0397.4020 402 30,000 10,000 40,000 311 - 25,000 25,000 I Project Total: 536,342 35,000 571,342 APPROVALS Project Manager Date CIP Manager Date Deputy City Manager Date Finance Director Date 3 Accounting will look up BARS code according to Description Notes -Moves unused PE & ROW funds to Construction -Budget increase of$10k from Fund 402 to cover the contract amount for storm improvements -Budget increase of$25k from Fund 311 to provide pavement preservation on Bowdish Rd.