In the Matter of
Notice of Determination of Non -Significance (DNS)
City of Spokane Valley
SEP -2017-0010; Trent Mini -Storage
County of Spokane
MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the EDITOR of the Spokane Valley News
Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior
to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane
County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of
publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of
the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in
regular issues commencing on the 18th day of August, 2017, and ending on the 18th day of August, 2017, all dates inclusive,
and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period:
Notice of Determination
of NdnSign6lcance(ONSJ
City et Spokane Valley
DATEISSUED:August 182017
FILE NUMBER &NAME: SEP -2017-0010,
Trent Min,Storage
a self-service storage facility comprised 00
15 buildingsaotaling 110,006 square feet ;I
and 630 storage unts. Site development
will cover 7.8 acres wnh antwipated earth
disturbance of 215,000 conic yards of nut Il @ ' 111
PROPOSAL LOA7ION�fPlrca� number �®D�g L3� cB',,
45011.9044; fcebldapprdso.restel 250fieet l`a �I
west of the intersection at Flora Read and � ,a°
T5011.9 ,n,teR290)' further located fnt25 ® \5S1QN"°= ®� s�
NE'kofthe . LO ,' 5echonY,Township25 ®'� F®°° y
North, Range44 Ess[, Willamette Meridian,: a O 'f -O
Spokane County, Washington i G AP� p.,. a„
OWNER: Greg McLeod, Tnple RC, LLC; r V �',q q� rn .
10615 North Government, Way; Hayden; �'Y d �°
1083835 ('gyr fn
LEAD AGENCY, City of Spokane Valley E7`P L ¢`
The lead agency for this proposal has a °
determined than does not have a prob-: p
able significant adverse impact on the ° S: ys_t 9 moo "
environment. An Environmental Impact `....... ,® m° e
Statement(EIS)isnotregsredunderRCW ' I,t Alf„ °'
42.210 030)2)(0). This decision was made 'fig,
v y�; r�`F^* ���aN
alter review completed: environmental
checklist an,01_,I. er Information on file wdn 1111 11%
the lead agency. This mtormation ,s avail-
able to the. public an request.
DETERMINATION: Thrs'DNl is issued.'
under WAC 187-11 340(2); the lead agency
wall notaot on this proposal torte days frsn-
the date issued.
STAFF CONTACT: Karen- Kendall, Plan-
ner, City of Spokane Valley. Permit Center;
11707E Sprague Avenue, Suite 108,
Spokane Valley, WA 99206, PH: (509)
720-5026/115 (509) 720-5075, klynaall6
fink navallayorg
AICP, Santer Pidnner
APPEAL: An appeal of thin detenninal,on
shall be submittedtothe Crnnmundy&Pub
tic Works Department within fsurteen (14)
calendar days after the date issued. The
appeal must be wrifen andspecificfagtuaF
objections made 10 the Gity's threshold
determination. Appealsshallbeconducted
in conformancew8h Spokane Valley Monier
pal Code (SVMC) 17.90 Appeals, adopted.
requiredlees pursuanttnthe City's adopted
Fee Schedule shell be paid at the time of
appealsubm,ttal. PursuanttoWAC197-11-
680,appeals shall be limited to a review of
a final threshold determination.
Chriatlne Bainbridge, MMC,
Spokane Valley Cdy Clerk
PUBLISH: August 16, ¢017
S ': SC `1 : ED and WS RN to before me
This 18th day of August, 2017
State of Washington
County of Spokane
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that
Michael Iluffman is the person who appeared before me,
and said person acknowledged that he signed this
instrument and acknowledged it to he his free and
voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the
Jolene`Rae. Wentz
Title: Notary Public
My appointment expires: 05-16-2019