17-002.07 MDM Excavation: Euclid Reconstruction Project !7-002,(1 I I .4011.16"444404, S""®kane "Valley CHANGE ORDER NO: 7 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 17-002 PROJECT: Euclid Avenue Reconstruction Project CONTRACT DATE: 5/4/2017 PRiME CONTRACTOR: MOM Construction,Inc dba MDM Excavation CIP NO: 251 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES' This Change Order pertains to Bid Schedule B,Sewer work,paid for by Spokane County. The change order pays for relocating a 16 inch Diameter Waterline,realigns the sewer mainline between Manhole C-7 to Manhole C-14. It also extends the sewer line and abandons and installs a new waterline east of Barker Road. The revised sewer work west of Barker Rd will be paid under existing contract bid items. The sewer work east of Barker Road and all waterline work is included in the bid items of this change order. Additional payments for Public Liaison Representative and Temporary Traffic Control,based on additional time,are also included in the change order, Item No. Description UnIt Quantity Unit Price lEtil 601 Public Liaison Representative LS 1 $ 673.00 $ 673.00 602 Project Temporary Traffic Control LS 1 $ 1,630,00 $ 1,630.00 603 PVC Pipe for Water Main 16 In.Diam. LF 1160 $ 107.00 $ 124,120.00 604 DI Pipe for Water Main 16 In.Diam.wl Concrete Collar LF 26 $ 182.00 $ 4,732.00 605 PVC Pipe for Water Main 12 in.Diam. LF 55 $ 93.50 $ 5,142.50 606 PVC Pipe for Water Main 8 In.Diam. LF 65 $ 21.50 $ 1,397.50 I 607 PVC Pipe for Water Main 6 In.Diam. LF 5 $ 14.50 $ 72.50 608 Furnished PVC Pipe for Water Main 12 In.Diem. LF 560 $ 36.00 $ 20,160.00 609 Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal LF 1830 $ 18.00 $ 32,940.00 610 Gate Valve,8 in. EA 1 $ 1,190.00 $ 1,190.00 611 Gate Valve, 12 in. EA 3 $ 2,175.00 $ 6,525.00 612 Butterfly Valve, 16 In. EA 2 $ 2,125.00 $ 4,250.00 613 Manhole,Type 1 •48 EA 4 $ 2,735.00 $ 10,940.00 614 Extra Depth Manhole VF i $ 86.50 $ 66.50 615 8-Inch Gravity PVC Sewer Pipe LF 1220 $ 49.50 $ 60,390.00 616 4-Inch Side Sewer Pipe IF 24 $ 51.00 $ 1,224.00 617 6-Inch Side Sewer Pipe LF 35 $ 54.00 $ 1,890.00 618 Side Sewer Riser 4-Inch EA 1 $ 42.00 $ 42.00 619 Side Sewer Riser 6-Inch EA 1 $ 82.00 $ 82.00 620 Side Sewer 8-Inch X 4-Inch Tee EA 1 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 621 Side Sewer 8-Inch X 6-Inch Tee EA 1 $ 96.50 $ 98.50 622 Trench Excavation Safety System LF 3240 $ 3.00 $ 9,720.00 623 Imported Pipe Bedding LF 3240 $ 3.10 $ 10,044.00 624 Crushed Surfacing Base Course,6 In.Depth SY 650 $ 7.90 $ 5,135.00 625 Open Dig Casing-18 Inch Diameter LF 180 $ 178.00 $ 32,040.00 626 Clearing and Grubbing LS 1 $ 4,190.00 $ 4,190.00 627 Trimming and Cleanup LS 1 $ 2,445.00 $ 2,445.00 628 Cement Concrete Driveway Approach SY 90 $ 87.00 $ 7,830.00 629 Remove and Re-Install Vinyl Fence and Gate LF 50 $ 42.50 $ 2,125.00 630 Relocate Chainlink Fence LF 120 $ 17.00 $ 2,040.00 631 Relocate Wire Fence and Gate LF 390 $ 8.10 $ 3,159.00 632 Temporary Fence LF 1500 $ 2.00 $ 3,000.00 633 Change Order Construction Surveying LS 1 $ 2,500.00 $ p.500.00 Subtotal 361,881.50 8.8%Tax $ 31,845.67 Total Amount of this Change Order(Incl.Tax): $ 393,727.07 COSV Form 0:512014 1 Euclid Avenue Reconstruction Project,CIP 0251 Change Order-8;Pg 2 of 2 Original Contract Working Days: 80 Revision By This Change Order. 35 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 6 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 121 :CONTRACT.AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 2,293,403.15 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through COie s) $ 25,676.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,319,079.15 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 393,727.07 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS ANGE ORDER S 2,712,806.22 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: 9/J+# J� The contractor hereby accepts this adjus ent under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. f RECOMMENDED BY: rte , DATE: ?•/9./ 2 G CO V Project Manager r ►` i DATE: 1 J ✓I�o / Jl APPROVED BY: po ane, County Construction Manager APPROVED BY: DATE: ct(ICI i p- Manag APPROVED BY: + DATE: r~0 a er `^ ATTACHMENTS: Sewer Plan Sheets 7,8&8A,Dated 9/13/17;WSDOT Std Plan L-20.10-03 Chain Zink Fence Driveway Approach Detail,CID 19 General Notes,&Std plans W1 and W6 Waterline Plan Sheets 1&2,Dated 9/13/17,CO 6 Special Provisions,CID 19 Std Plans, Collar Thrust Block Detail DistNbuffon: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department COSV Form 9/5/2014 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 2-02.1 Description Add the following: This work shall also consist of removing, handling, and disposing of asbestos concrete water pipe. 2-02.3 Construction Requirements Add the following: (September 30, 1996) Asbestos Handling And Disposal Prior to performance of any contract work, the Contractor shall obtain all permits from, and provide notification to, the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, the U.S. EPA, the local air pollution control agency, and other permitting and regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the work involving asbestos as the law requires. Prior to commencing asbestos related work, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with written verification of approvals and notifications that have been given and/or obtained from the required jurisdictional agencies, and the Contractor's schedule for all work involving asbestos removal. The schedule shall include the sequencing and scheduling of asbestos related work, and coordination with subcontractors. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when all approvals have been received and notifications have been made, as required by the agencies involved. The Contractor shall ensure the safety of all workers, visitors to the site, and the general public in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The Contractor shall designate a Washington State Certified Asbestos Supervisor(CAS)to personally supervise the asbestos removal and to ensure that the handling and removal of asbestos is accomplished by certified asbestos workers, pursuant to Washington State Department of Labor and Industries standards. The Contractor shall ensure that the removal and disposal of asbestos meets the requirements of EPA regulation 40 CFR Part 61, local health department regulations, and all other applicable regulations. 2-02.4 Measurement Add the following: Removal of asbestos cement pipe will be measured per linear foot, bagged and in the truck. 1 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions 2-04.5 Payment Add the following: "Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal", per linear foot. The unit price per linear foot of"Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal"shall be full payment for furnishing the tools, labor, and equipment necessary or incidental to remove the asbestos cement water main, fittings, valves, and other appurtenances and encapsulate the asbestos cement pipe in a leak-tight container and subsequent haul and disposal at an approved site. SECTION 6-03 STEEL STRUCTURES Add the following new section: SECTION 6-03.3(51) OPEN DIG CASING 6-03.3(51) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The work included in this Section consists of installing casing pipe using open dig construction methods including the installation of carrier pipe and casing spacers within the casing, welding of the casing pipe. The open dig casing shall be installed by following the procedures outlined in Section 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS of these Special Provisions. 6-03.3(51)A CASING REQUIREMENTS Casing Pipe The Steel Casing Pipe shall conform to ASTM 139, Grade B, and shall have a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi and a minimum wall thickness of 0.5-inch. The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting a pipe thickness based on construction conditions, the means and methods of construction, and the requirements of the permitting agency(s). No hydrostatic testing is required for the casing pipe; however, all other requirements for of ASTM 139, Grade B will apply. Ends of the steel casing pipe shall be beveled or field butt-welded joints in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C 206. All Casing Pipe shall be joined by a full penetration butt weld around the entire Casing Pipe. For Casing Pipe see Spokane County Standard Detail. The casing pipe shall have a difference in roundness between the major and the minor outside diameters not exceeding 1% of the specified nominal outside diameter, or % inch, whichever is less. The outside circumference shall be within 1% of the nominal circumference, or % inch, whichever is less. The allowable straightness deviation in any 10-foot length shall be 1/8 inch. Submittals The Contractor shall furnish a detailed description of the equipment and procedures to be employed during casing installation. The Contractor shall submit a Work Plan which includes the details of the casing installation as well as the sequence of operations that shall be utilized during all phases of construction. The work plan shall also include the following: 2 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions A. Material specifications and shop drawings of casing showing the pipe wall thickness and steel grade. A pipe certification of compliance shall be submitted. Casing Installation Requirements The CONTRACTOR shall install casing between the limits indicated on the Drawings to the specified lines and grades. Utilize methods that include due regard for safety of workers, adjacent structures and improvements, utilities, and the public. If the casing installation exceeds the specified tolerances, the CONTRACTOR is responsible for correcting the installation. The CONTRACTOR shall provide groundwater control as required for proper execution of the work. 6-03.3(51)8 Casing Spacers The Pre-Fabricated Casing Spacers shall be Model M-8-SS as manufactured by Calpico, Inc. or approved equal. Spacers shall be stainless steel or coated steel structures with dielectric insulators when ductile iron carrier pipes are specified. The spacing and the weight-bearing structure of steel casing pipe and the pre-fabricated spacers shall be designed for a full pipe condition. The design shall be stamped and signed by a registered engineer licensed in the state of Washington. The design shall verify that the carrier pipe will not be damaged during installation of the carrier pipe and spacers into the casing pipe. The Engineer will include the weight of the carrier pipe running full, the weight of the spacers and calculate any point loadings that could occur with the spacer support system. The Pre-Fabricated casing spacers shall be positioned and spaced per manufactures requirements and recommendations. At a minimum there shall be a total of three spacers per each per carrier pipe, one in the center and one located at 1'-6" in from each carrier pipe end/joint. The casing spacers shall be accepted by the Engineer prior to the Contractor ordering or installing the spacers. 6-03.3(51)D Casing Plugs Casing Plugs shall be installed at both ends of the casing pipe after the carrier pipe and casing spacers are installed and approved by the Engineer. For this the project the casing plugs will be a piece of%" plywood cut to fit tight inside the casing pipe and to accept the carrier pipe. A 2- inch thick watertight/non-shrink mortar plug will be installed over the entire plywood surface. 6-03.3(51)E Cleanup, Testing and Inspection The Contractor shall remove all construction debris, spoil, oil, grease, and other materials from the installed pipeline. Cleanup will be incidental to the construction. No separate payment shall be made for the cleanup. 6-03.4 MEASUREMENT Add the following: 3 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions Measurement for"Open Dig Casing 18 Inch Diameter'shall be by"Linear Foot"of casing pipe installed. 6-03.5 PAYMENT Add the following: Payment for "Open Dig Casing 18 inch Diameter" per "Linear Foot" will constitute full compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, appurtenances, and insurance necessary to complete the installation of the casing pipe including the installation and connection of the carrier pipe, including excavation, all required casing spacers, welding of the casing pipes, surveying, casing plugs, testing of the carrier pipe, providing work plans and other submittals, and other miscellaneous items necessary to complete the casing as specified including cleanup of the area(s) impacted by construction activity. SECTION 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.2 MATERIALS (******) Section 7-08.2 is supplemented with the following: All materials shall meet the requirements of the Contract Plans and Consolidated Irrigation District Standards and Standard Plans and the WSDOT Standard Specifications as applicable. 7-08.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.3(2)B PIPE LAYING GENERAL Section 7-08.3(2)B is supplemented with the following: Where the plans identify a water main connection to existing, or where specifically directed by the Engineer, the Contractor is required to excavate and verify the location and size of the existing water main to be connected to. All existing water main connection locations requiring verification shall be completed prior to the start of underground utility construction unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Locating, excavation and verification of existing water mains location and size shall be incidental to the appropriate contract item for the specific service. 4 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions SECTION 7-09 WATER MAINS 7-09.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Section 7-09.3 is supplemented with the following: AU construction of water mains and appurtenances shall conform to Consolidated Irrigation District Standard Plans and General Notes for Water System Construction, these Special Provisions, the manufacturer's printed specifications and instructions, and to the standards of the American Water Works Association (AWWA)for installing the type of pipe used. 7-09.3(5) GRADE AND ALIGNMENT Section 7-09.3(5) is modified by changing the depth of cover in the first sentence of the third paragraph to 60 inches. 7-09.3(7) TRENCH EXECAVATION (***..*) Section 7-09.3(7) is supplemented with the following: Unless otherwise noted, the minimum depth of cover for new water mains is 60 inches. 7-09.3(19)A CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MAINS (***.**) Section 7-09.3(19)A is supplemented with the following: The connection of existing water mains shall be made on a clean, strong existing pipe. Extreme care shall be taken by the Contractor to keep the existing water lines, new fittings and water line clean and free of contaminants. The inside surface of valve, pipe, and fittings shall be thoroughly swabbed with or filled with a 75 part per million chlorine solution in accordance with AWWA C651, Section 9 prior to the installation of all fittings. 5 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions With proper notification, Consolidated Irrigation District will clean out valve boxes and operate any valve requiring closing prior to the need to close the valve. Consolidated Irrigation District will operate all valves during construction. The Contractor shall provide written notification to Consolidated Irrigation District 48 hours in advance of a requested shutdown of water services. 7-09.3(20) DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE (******) Section 7-09.3(20) is supplemented with the following: Tracer wire shall be installed over all water pipes. The wire shall be placed at the location where shown on the plans, or if not shown, approximately 18 inches above the top of the pipe over the entire length of the pipe. Tracer wire shall meet the requirements of Consolidated Irrigation District Standards and be incidental to the appropriate contract item for the specific service. 7-09.4 MEASUREMENT (******) Section 7-09.4 is supplemented with the following: Refer to Special Provision modifications to Sections 7-08.4 and 7-08.5—Measurement and Payment with regards to trench excavation, bedding and backfill, Trench Safety System. There shall be no separate measurement for payment for joint restraints, thrust blocks, caps, or blow-offs for testing, dewatering, verification of existing water line size and location. All cost for furnishing all labor, equipment, materials and all other incidentals to provide and install all fittings, tapping saddles, tees, reducers, couplings, connections to existing pipes, joints, unions, removal of existing water main as required shall be considered incidental to the unit price per foot of the applicable water pipe installed. 7-09.5 PAYMENT (******) Section 7-09.5 is supplemented with the following: 6 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions "PVC Pipe for Water Main In. Diam.", per linear foot. The unit price per linear foot for each size and kind of"PVC Pipe for Water Main— In. Diam."shall be full payment for furnishing the tools, labor, materials, and equipment necessary or incidental to the installation of the water main pipe and fittings including but not limited to trench excavation, bedding, laying and jointing pipe and fittings, backfilling,joint restraint, concrete thrust blocking,testing, disinfecting the pipeline, flushing, de-chlorination of the water used for flushing, and cleanup. Furnishing the tools, labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the connections to existing water mains is considered incidental to this pay item. "DI Pipe for Water Main_ In. Diam.", per linear foot. The unit price per linear foot for each size and kind of"DI Pipe for Water Main In. Diam." shall be full payment for furnishing the tools, labor, materials, and equipment necessary or incidental to the installation of the water main pipe and fittings including but not limited to trench excavation, bedding, laying and jointing pipe and fittings, backfilling,joint restraint, concrete thrust collar, testing, disinfecting the pipeline,flushing, de-chlorination of the water used for flushing, and cleanup. Furnishing the tools, labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the connections to existing water mains is considered incidental to this pay item. "Furnished PVC Pipe for Water Main—In. Diam.", per linear foot. The unit price per linear foot for each size and kind of"Furnished PVC Pipe for Water Main_ In. Diam." shall be full payment for furnishing the tools, labor, and equipment necessary or incidental to the installation of owner furnished PVC water main pipe and fittings including but not limited to trench excavation, bedding, laying and jointing pipe and fittings, backfilling,joint restraint, concrete thrust blocking, testing, disinfecting the pipeline, flushing, dechlorination of the water used for flushing, and cleanup. No separate payment will be made for clearing and grubbing, removal of existing street improvements, furnishing and installing sand cushion, protection of existing utilities, and services, trench excavation and backfill, bedding the pipe, and compacting the backfill. These items are considered as incidental to the Work of constructing the water main and casing, and all costs thereof shall be included in the payment as specified in Section 7-09.5. SECTION 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAiNS 7 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions 7-12.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS (******) Section 7-12.3 is supplemented with the following: Adjusting Valve Box shall be in accordance with Section 7-05.3(1). Adjustment required for a new water valve box shall be incidental to the pay item for the water valve. 7-12.5 PAYMENT 8-06 Cement Concrete Driveway Entrances 8.06.3 Construction Add the following: Removal of entrances shall be at an existing construction joint as approved by the Engineer. Removal of existing entrances shall be included. Replacement shall be to the original footprint and the section as shown on the attached standard plan. The Driveway approach slab shall be constructed in two segments, to allow the resident access to at least one bay of the garage every night. 8-06.5 Payment Delete final sentence and add the following: All costs in removing the existing driveway approach; excavating and removing the existing subgrade material to the bottom of the crushed surfacing shown on the Driveway Approach plan; compaction of the subgrade and crushed surfacing to 95% of maximum density; constructing the concrete driveway approach slab per the Driveway Approach plan; in segments and installing and removing the temporary approach shall be included in the item unit price. SECTION 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE 8-12.1 Description (******) Add the following: This work also consists of removing an existing vinyl double gate and vinyl fence with posts and rails and re-installing it with footings encased in concrete where shown on the plans. 8 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions This work shall also consist or removing, temporarily storing and re-installing existing wire fencing and steel gate in a new location as shown on the plans. This work shall also consist or removing, temporarily storing and re-installing existing 4 foot high chain link fencing with concrete footings per WSDOT std plan L-20.10-03 in a new location as shown on the plans. This work also consists of furnishing, installing and removing temporary fencing with posts and fabric that will enclose small children and small animals such as ducks and dogs,where shown on the plans. 8-12.2 Materials (*******) Add the following: The Contractor shall examine the existing vinyl fence components at the northeast corner of the intersection of Barker Rd and Euclid Avenue. The Contractor shall remove and store the existing vinyl gate and fence components in a secure storage yard. The Contractor shall replace any parts or components of the vinyl fence that were damaged by his operations or caused by insecure storage. If commercially available, the Contractor shall submit components from the same manufacturer that match the color and style of the original fence. If the manufacturer of the existing fence is no longer in existence and the components are commercially unavailable, the Contractor shall submit a similar product that meets or exceeds the existing vinyl fence post and panel thickness. The temporary fence shall consist of the following: Posts shall be steel conforming to 9-16.2(1)A Fabric shall conform to 9-14.5(8) High Visibility Fencing Add the following: Chain Link Fence with Top Rail Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Concrete 6-02 Chain Link fence and Gates 9-16.1 Grout 9-20.3 9 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions Brace rails, top rails, line posts, brace posts, end posts, corner posts and pull post shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 181, Type 1 (zinc-coated steel), Grade 1 or 2, and shall include all round and roll-formed material. 8-12.3 Construction Requirements (k*****) Add the following: The Contractor shall request the County to stake the location of the Right of Way line at least one week in advance of commencing fence work. Removing Fence Prior to removing any fencing the Contractor shall meet in the field with the Engineer and the adjacent property owner. The Contractor shall tell the adjacent property owner and the Engineer his removal method and schedule and ask for any known conflicts such as underground sprinkler line locations or underground utility locations_ The contractor shall remove existing fence at locations shown on the plans. The Contractor shall salvage and store all fence components and remove the concrete foundations from the existing fence posts. • The resulting fence post hole voids shall be backfilled with crushed surfacing top course (CSTC) compacted in accordance with Section 2-03 to 95 % of maximum density. The contractor shall reinstall the salvaged fence on the property line after all sewer work and road grading work has been completed. The Contractor shall furnish and replace with new materials any fence or gate components that are damaged by his removal and storage or that are damaged prior to relocation. (******) Add the following: Remove and Replace Vinyl Fence and Gate The Contractor shall remove, the existing vinyl fence posts, rails and gate and store the components in a secure storage area. Prior to digging post holes for the relocated fence posts, the Contractor meet with the adjacent property owner to discuss the location of buried utilities or underground irrigation lines. The Contractor shall call in Utility locates. 10 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions The Contractor shall re-install the vinyl fence after all water and sewer work has been completed. The Contractor shall replace, at his cost, all posts, rails and miscellaneous hardware, damaged by his operations. 8-12.4 Measurement Add the following: "Remove and Re-Install Vinyl Fence and Gate"will be measured per horizontal linear foot of fence re-installed. "Relocate Wire Fence and Gate"will be measured by the linear foot of re-installed fence. "Relocate Chainlink Fence"will be measured by the linear foot of re-installed fence. "Temporary Fence", will be measured by the linear foot of installed temporary fence. 8-12.5 Payment Add the following: "Remove and Re-Install Vinyl Fence and Gate" per linear foot. The unit Contract price per linear foot for"Remove and Re-Install Vinyl Fence and Gate"shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials to temporarily remove the existing vinyl fence and re-install at the location shown on the plans. "Relocate Wire Fence and Gate", per linear foot. The unit Contract price per linear foot for`Relocate Wire Fence and Gate", shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials to remove and store the existing wire gate and wire fence; salvaging the existing fence posts, wire encing, and hardware; and reinstalling the components in the new location shown on the plans after all sewer and road grading has been completed. "Relocate Chainlink Fence", per linear foot. 11 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project Change Order 7 Special Provisions The unit Contract price per linear foot for"Relocate Chainlink Fence", shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials to remove and store the existing chain link fence; salvaging the existing fence posts, wire mesh fencing, and hardware; and reinstalling the components in the new location shown on the plans after all sewer and road grading has been completed. "Temporary Fence", per linear foot. The unit Contract price per linear foot for "Temporary Fence", shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials to furnish and install new 4 foot high, High Visibility Fencing on 6 foot metal fence posts, driven 2 feet into the ground at 8 feet on center; and removing and disposing of fencing and fence posts. 12 S c •p 0. 2, M G IàHkL. 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J !llij ts, f. fir. �\ � d di llimor r%' zni la ./ 7.1 i \ . , .. , . Ii NO Fia )-0 �a io mZ g8 0 C m g01'' `$ VO 2 K aw \ s A w NJ I a d � m z m El w 4wU qm j \<l v t 0 fel < rid■ g •o w \ � a s 1--- c z 'r / • c ad We w u_5 �® yE 1. o Q0 z y`* 1431101314 ABIOS 49 WYK FULL DEPTH GRADE TO MATCH BUILDING EXPANSION JOINT CONCRETE ELEVATION 2% 111111111111111111 NIAKOMPALKSIMAIIIMIIIIM 6" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 4" COMPACTED CSTC DRIVEWAY APPROACH NTS NN VP Y D C V5 Gx GENERAL NOTES 1. PLACE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL AT BUILDING FOUNDATION. 4 2. EXPANSION JOINT REQUIRED IF NEW DRIVEWAY APPROACH IS PLACED ADJACENT TO EXISTING DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 3. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 3000, AIR ENTRAINED. 4. ALL EXTERNAL EDGES TO BE TROWELLED WITH 1/4" RADIUS z EDGER. 8 s 5. DRIVEWAY APPROACH TO BE SCORED IN A RETANGULAR PATTERN WITH 3/8" DEEP CONTRACTION JOINTS, SIDE LENGTHS BETWEEN 6 AND 8 FEET. 3 6. MIN. 4" THICK CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE LAYER UNDER DRIVE APPROACH. cfrYa� i . Spokane CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 ,,,,IValley° PROJECT NO. SCALE: DATE: TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT City of Spokane Valley 0251 NTS 9/11/17 STREET Department of Public Works DESIGNED DY: CHECKED BY: DRAWING NO. 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 CWA CWA SPOKANE VALLEY, WA. 99206 1 OF 1 (509) 921-1000 DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: s MJH I 1. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH C.I.D. #19. A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES SHALL BE HELD PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. Z. ALL REQUIRED WATER LINE SHUTDOWNS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH C.I.D. #19. ALL CUSTOMERS AFFECTED BY THE SHUTDOWN SHALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. 3. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH C.I.D. #19 REGARDING INSPECTION. 4. ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE DRY AND NOT FROZEN. SAND BEDDING REQUIRED (3" UNDER-12" OVER TOP OF PIPE.) 5. ALL PROPERTY LINES, WATER MAIN LOCATION AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS SHALL BE STAKED PRIOR TO MAIN INSTALLATION. 6. WATER AND SEWER MAIN SEPARATION A. HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN A WATER MAIN AND A SEWER MAIN MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET B. VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN A WATER MAIN AND A SEWER MAIN MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES WITH SEWER UNE UNDER WATER UNE. VARIANCES MAY REQUIRED SEWER CASING PIPE 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH DISTRICT FOR DETAILED REQUIREMENTS OF WATER SERVICE SLEEVE NEAR SEWER. 8. LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UT1LI11ES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INDENTIFYING VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT LOCAL UTILITY COMPANIES AND RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED FACIUTIES. 9. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN A 5' MINIMUM COVER OVER WATER MAIN FROM TOP OF MAIN TO FINISHED GRADE. 10. ALL MAINLINE PIPING SHALL BE AWWA C-900, 150 PSI (DR18) PVC. 11. ALL VALVES SHALL BE RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 12. ALL SERVICE LINES SHALL BE 200 PSI (IPS) POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH FORD BALL TYPE STOP AND WASTE VALVES AT TERMINATION. INSTALL 4"x4" BLUE PAINTED MARKER POST AND METAL POST OVER VALVE. 13. ALL SERVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A DOUBLE STRAP TAPPING SADDLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.I.D. #19 DETAIL DWG W-2. 14. INSTALLATION AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.I.D. #19 SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS AND SPOKANE FIRE DISTRICT #1 STANDARDS. 15. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL TEES, BENDS. AND PLUGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.I.D. #19 STANDARDS. MEGA-LUG RESTRAINTS ARE ALLOWED IN LIEU OF CONCRETE BLOCKING. 16. ALL LIVE CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WATER MAINS SHALL BE MADE BY C.I.D. #19. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE THIS WORK. OWNER TO PAY C.I.D. FEES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 17. MAXIMUM DEFLECTION IN PIPE JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 75% OF ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION PER MANUFACTURER. 18. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.I.D. DRAWING W-4, WITH STEAMER PORT FACING THE ROADWAY. 19. ALL WATERLINE AND SERVICE LINES SHALL BE CHLORINATED AND TESTED AT 150 PSI FOR TWO HOURS WITHOUT PRESSURE LOSS. WATER SAMPLES FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING SHALL BE TAKEN BY C.L.D. #19. ALL TESTING SHALL BE WITNESSED BY C.I.D. #19. 20. NO.12.Cvilr-0-:,0 TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH WATER MAIN AND SHALL BE BROUGHT UP IN VALVE BOXES. 21. FLUSH POINT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.I.D. #19 DETAIL DRAWING W-3. 22. WATER METER INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE MADE BY C.L.D. #19 AND PAID BY DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR. 23. ALL INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.I.D. #19 STANDARDS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. B N V DATE:02/01/10 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION GENERAL NOTES FOR DISTRICT No.19 (C.I.D.#19) WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION 1 GREENACRES, WA 4c a o K 1f 0 W —c —c. —rt I ROAD o 0 U a PLAN/EAST — WEST STRfti N.T.S. { I I c_4+ GENERAL NOTES: 1. WATER MAIN MUST BE LAID TO GRADE FOLLOWING FINISHED ROAD ELEVATION. { { 2. COMPACTION AS REQUIRED BY SPOKANE COUNTY STANDARDS !, OR AS SPECIFIED BY THE DISTRICT. ec FINISHED GRADE/ROAD . 10'--,--. — BACKFILL CHARACTERISTICS -iTrilT- '1 ki-fr N1 NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 12" ir=5P--5i ri.�1r�T i 44 ��Vi t' ® DIAMETER { cv N2 NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 4" { I in m I WATER DIAMETER MAIN N2 N3 BEDDING-CLEAN, ROUND, CV? i>` e:; GRANULAR SAND OR GRAVEL IFI�.��;i:;T„ 3/5 INCH MINUS OR SMALLER COUNTY ROAD {`? ': RIGHT OF WAY M �z PLAN/NORTH -- SOUTH SWEETS TYPICAL SECTION N.T.S. N.T.S. q P.. DATE:02/01/10 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DRAWING No. DISTRICT No.19 (C.I.D.#19) WATER MAIN DETAIL GREENACRES, WA W1 kis-, RESTRAINED Orri TYPE CAP IP :;:...: , `if'ii jis"-?'.'fr,- l-`ia='_i. UNDISTURBED CAPPED END BEARING AREA EARTH (TYP.) PER TABLE MP.) :ri �ri5%r 90• ELBOW ANGLE ELB W THRUST BLOCK LOCATIONS N.T.S. PIPE BEARING AREA (SQ. FT.) DIAMETER TEE, CAP 90 BEND ' BEND 22-1/2 BEND]11-1/4 BEND 6 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 8 MIN. 2 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 10 MIN. 3 MIN. 5 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 12 MIN. 5 MIN. 6 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 MIN. 3 = GENERAL NOTES: 1. BEARING AREA BASED ON 4000 lbs/sq ft. ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE AND 150 PSI HYDRAULIC TEST PRESSURE. BEARING AREA SHALL BE PROPORTIONALLY ADJUSTED FOR DIFFERENT ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURES OR HYDRAULIC TEST PRESSURES. 2. ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE BASED UPON FIRM SANDY GRAVEL OR COMPACT COARSE OR MED. SAND. 3. PRE—CAST CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS ARE ALLOWED AND PREFERRED OVER POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE BLOCKING. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING TABLE FOR FITTINGS lit DATE:02/01/10 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DRAWING No. DISTRICT No.19 (C.I.D.#19) THRUST BLOCKING DETAILS GREENACRES, WA _ W61 #5 DOWELS @ 12" OC TYP EA WAY, SEE TABLE BELOW 1'-0" MIN -•- r- GROUND SURFACE 1 COLLAR NO. OF #5 '� PIPE THRUST DOWELS, NO. 3" CLR (TYP) — i 'B/2' SIZE BLOCKS OF HORIZ= 4 (N DIM NO. OF VERT 455 DIAD •,• ,4= �� B B (FT) I '8/2' 8 3.8 4 �-- - 10 4.3 4 12 4.7 6 16 5.6 6 '8/2' '8/2' 18 6 6 SECTION A-A * BASED ON 150 PSI TEST PRESSURE BEARING ? MIN 24" DIAx0" STL ? { - A CONC THRUST BLOCK • I - 2'_0" GRADE 60 REBAR 3000 PSI 28-DAY 3" CLR COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 1112' MIN 1=11 i Ili lam THRUST IIIA 9��1 MEGALUG RETAINER (BUTT TIGHT & BOLT TO BEARING ) LOCA' E NEW PIPE ON COMPRESSION SIDE OF COLLAR BLOCK, SEE NOTE 2 3" CLR TYP • 3" CLR TYP I - A PLAN NOTES: 1. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH ON SIDES & BOTTOM OR 95% COMPACTED GRANULAR BACKFILL. 2. FOR COLLAR BLOCKS ON EXIST PIPE, PROVIDE SPLIT MEGALUGS & BEARING AS REQ'D. SPLIT BEARING SHALL BE WELDED OR BOLTED TOGETHER. SCALE: N.T.S • ....��cc w: COLLAR THRUST BLOCK APP mut riaysmi h Y DETAIL DATE 8-31-2017 DWG NO.: 45