Ordinance 17-010 Snow Ice Public Sidewalks 1 \ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 17-010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,ADOPTING CHAPTER 7.45 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SNOW AND ICE ON PUBLIC SIDEWALKS,AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE 7.05.040(C)(3),AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS,the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted several provisions relating to the use and obstruction of sidewalks in the City within the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC); and WHEREAS,the accumulation of snow and ice on public sidewalks obstructs pedestrian traffic and creates an impediment to commercial activity. Allowing snow and ice to accumulate increases the likelihood that pedestrians will suffer injury while traveling on public sidewalks. Additionally, the obstruction may force pedestrians off public sidewalks and into the path of motorized traffic in attempts to find a safer route of travel. Finally,accumulations of snow and ice pose a significant hazard to school-aged children who require safe use of the public sidewalks to travel to and from school;and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is appropriate to protect the life, health, and safety of its citizens by adopting regulations regarding the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks. Such regulations are within the police power granted to cities by Article XI, Section 11 of the Washington State Constitution and those vested in legislative bodies of noncharter code cities by RCW 35A.11.020; and WHEREAS, as a result of the limited space in which to store accumulations of snow and ice being plowed from the streets, and in an attempt to conserve limited financial resources, the City Council is exercising its legislative policy-making discretion in allowing City snowplow crews to push snow and ice from the streets into bike lanes and along curbs where it may melt over time; and WHEREAS, setting up and implementing this new sidewalk snow removal program, including SVMC provisions, is anticipated to take a significant amount of time and effort. As a consequence, the City Council desires to only adopt enforcement regarding Tier I until such time as the Council takes further action to amend chapter 7.45 SVMC; and WHEREAS, the City desires to amend SVMC 7.05.040(C)(3) to remove (C)(3) regarding accumulations of snow and ice on public sidewalks as a nuisance because a violation will now be classified as an infraction. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 7.05.040 is hereby amended as follows: 7.05.040 Nuisances prohibited No person, firm, or entity shall erect, contrive, cause, continue, maintain, or permit to exist any public nuisances within the City, including any public rights-of-way abutting a person, firm, or entity's property. Prohibited public nuisances include,but are not limited to: *** C. Sidewalks. 1.Any protrusion, awning, or overhang that inhibits or obstructs use of a public walkway or sidewalk. Ordinance 17-010 Adopting SVMC 7.45—Snow and Ice on Public Sidewalks Page 1 of 4 2. Any object, construction, or damage that inhibits or obstructs the surface use of a public walkway or sidewalk. 3.Accumulations of dirt or debris not removed from a public sidewalk. *** Section 2. Adopting Spokane Valley Municipal Code chapter 7.45. A new chapter 7.45 is hereby adopted as follows: 7.45.010—Purpose and Authority. The purpose of chapter 7.45 SVMC is to regulate accumulations of snow and ice on sidewalks. This regulation is undertaken in order to promote the safe and efficient movement of pedestrian traffic on sidewalks within City limits and to promote greater economic activity. The provisions of this chapter are adopted pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020,and are to promote the health,safety,and welfare of the citizens of the City. 7.45.020—Definitions. Terms used within this chapter are defined as follows: "Accumulations of snow and ice"means snow and ice deposited by natural or artificial sources. "Artificial sources" means operations which result from human efforts that cause snow or ice to accumulate. These include,but are not limited to: 1. Snow removal operations conducted by the City; and 2. Snow removal operations conducted by private individuals or businesses. "Natural sources" means any natural occurrence which causes snow and/or ice to accumulate. These include,but are not limited to: 1. Snow storms; and 2. Freezing rain. "Sidewalks" means public sidewalks and does not include those sidewalks located entirely on private property. "Removal area"means areas classified Tier I priority or Tier II priority. "Tier I priority"areas include: 1. "Safe Route(s)to School" as delineated upon the official map, entitled Attachment A— Sidewalk Snow Removal Map; and 2. "Commercial, retail, and industrial areas"that currently include the following zoning districts as delineated on the official zoning map of the City: MU Mixed Use District CMU Corridor Mixed Use District P/OS Parks/Open Space NC Neighborhood Commercial District RC Regional Commercial District I Industrial District IMU Industrial Mixed Use Ordinance 17-010 Adopting SVMC 7.45—Snow and Ice on Public Sidewalks Page 2 of 4 "Tier II priority"areas include: "Residential areas"which currently include the following zoning districts,as delineated on the official zoning map of the City: R-1 Single-Family Residential Estate District. R-2 Single-Family Residential Suburban District. R-3 Single-Family Residential Urban District. MF Multifamily Residential District. 7.45.030—Duty to Remove Snow and Ice from Sidewalks. A.The owner or occupant of any real property located within or along a removal area shall remove or cause tobe removed all accumulations of snow and ice exceeding three inches from the sidewalks adjacent to the property so that a minimum 36 inch path for pedestrian travel is created pursuant to the Americans with Disability Act,42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12164. B. Accumulations of snow and ice exceeding three inches shall be removed from the sidewalk within 48 hours after the event causing it to accumulate has ceased. C. Tier I priority areas are the only areas which may be enforced until future action by the City Council to approve enforcement of Tier II areas. 7.45.040—Amnesty Periods. A. In the event accumulations of snow and ice are deposited in a manner or volume that makes their immediate removal impracticable,the City Manager may announce periods of amnesty during which failure to remove the accumulations of snow and ice will not result in a violation pursuant to SVMC 7.45.060. B. The announcement shall be accompanied by a public notice stating: 1.The circumstances necessitating the amnesty period; and 2.The amnesty period's duration, including the date and time that it will end. C. The City Manager may extend the amnesty period by issuing an additional announcement and public notice pursuant to SVMC 7.45.040(B). 7.45.050—Improper Removal. Removing and depositing snow and ice in a manner which obstructs or creates an obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian traffic constitutes the misdemeanor of disorderly conduct pursuant to SVMC 8.25.030 and RCW 9A.84.030. This section shall not constitute a separate misdemeanor violation. The City, in exercising its policy-making discretion, may choose to push snow and ice with plows from the travelled streets onto the edges of those streets where it may melt over time, and this shall not be considered improper removal. 7.45.060—Penalties. A.Any person or business found in violation of SVMC 7.45.030 shall be found to have committed a Class 4 civil infraction,and shall be subject to the monetary penalties set forth in RCW 7.80.120, as adopted or subsequently amended, including any applicable statutory assessments. Ordinance 17-010 Adopting SVMC 7.45—Snow and Ice on Public Sidewalks Page 3 of 4 B.After a citation has been issued,the violator shall have 48 hours to clear accumulated snow and ice from the sidewalk before an additional citation may be issued. C.Any person or business found in violation of SVMC 7.45.030 for a third time within a 12 month period, and all subsequent violations in that 12 month period, shall be found to have committed a Class 3 civil infraction, and shall be subject to the monetary penalties set forth in RCW 7.80.120, as adopted or subsequently amended, including any applicable statutory assessments. 7.45.070—Defense for Violation. It shall be a defense to a violation of SVMC 7.45.030 if: 1. The subject property is occupied as a residence,regardless of zoning designation; 2.The violator is 65 years or older,or possesses a physical disability that has been verified by a medical doctor which prevents them from removing accumulations of snow and ice from the sidewalk; and 3. The violator can provide documentation that shows reasonable efforts to obtain snow removal services were made but were unsuccessful. 7.45.080—Educational Program. The City Manager shall adopt and maintain a comprehensive program to educate the public about the importance of snow and ice removal from sidewalks and the enforcement requirements contained in this chapter,as well as lists as appropriate regarding potential resources that residents and businesses may choose to utilize at their discretion for removal of sidewalk snow and ice. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction,such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,sentence,clause,or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper cif the City. Passed this 3rd day of October,2017. d AT E L.R. Higgins, . u_ V Kristine Bainbridge,City Clerk Appr ed _ . • 'rm: / Office the Ci : 1. •rney Date of Publication: /6 —/,3 ' J2 Effective Date: /0 - J cP - ,31d/2 Ordinance 17-010 Adopting SVMC 7.45—Snow and Ice on Public Sidewalks Page 4 of 4 1 i Attachment A- Sidewalk Snow Removal Map 1.1 . _ ... -,..,-.(....e,, L --..- T----; •-•-,-...„- ---7 ,...- "" ----22..j-i'-7112,14tvk I h hl:011.....,.iquach.„1„,.1 dm. . ._,_ i .i. .:-.1 •, _ rlitet,"ummillp,ompislomilimravi,,,,witmggoll _00ageris— giar-orp „.............. ..,....„, _ , ........ 1 , . ci:-.EHT - • - awramillladipm== 1--mii..... ...11 Irl • __._ `4. "iftW'f;N--1, 717011"411L111 illlieri , _ EN. ...g. 3„:,;. -61,:. ow" Ail r4.1119ibiN , ',cm 10111-1 0---iilliiig. l'.1M1 ...-. ---,--'' FP. - ,.'1112114:Eli'llliMn1111000`,• _ C17121110110111111111-,1$51F4!! -.64iimElimmIllaw aL...ailll _...,041111.0nifit'i 1 iitdd,'.' ' 1-^1!,1,111111 la WI 1110•HilliPilli Il ies. 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