17-137.00 TVW: WA ST Law & Justice Committee Meeting Broadcast 17-121 AGREEMENT BETWEEN TVW AND CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TO PROVIDE VIDEO CONTENT OF WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATIVE LAW . AND JUSTICE COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 24,2017 The City of Spokane Valley (City) and TVW enter into this agreement for the purpose establishing the terms under which the City will provide,through a third-party provider(Twisted Pair Enterprises), a video copy of the Washington State Legislative Law and Justice Committee meeting(Meeting)to be held October 24,2017 in the City's City Council chambers. TVW desires to have a video copy of the Meeting, which will be held in the City's Council Chambers. The City contracts with Twisted Pair to produce any desired recordings of meetings in the Council Chambers,utilizing City equipment. The City shall provide a video copy of the October 24,2017 Meeting to TVW, at the actual cost to the City from Twisted Pair. The actual cost methodology for the City from Twisted Pair is as follows: $2 per minute for the length of the meeting(two man hours at$1 per minute)plus$1 per minute for set up and post show/cool shutdown. An additional 90 minutes is billed for setup plus 4 minutes for shutdown. The City shall make the video available through Twisted Pair no later than October 25,2017. Dated this234y of October,2017. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TVW: / (1.'5-Ltr\-- Mark Calhoun,City Manager By: Its: Authorized Representativ ATTEST: V Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk: APP VED�S T ORM: Office a Ci rney