Resolution 17-017 Amends Master Speed Limit Schedule CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 17-017 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, REVISING AN ARTERIAL SPEED LIMIT PURSUANT TO SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL IPAL CODE CHAPTER 9.05,030; ANT) []TITER MATTERS RF'.T.ATED TFTFRETO, HJ RTAS, the City Council from time to time may modify arterial speed limits to better reflect changing traffic conditions and roadway characteristics; and WI I ERAS, the City Council adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 9.05.030, which, in part,provides [hat [he maximum speed lirnils for streets can be established by ordinance or resolution; and WI IEREAS, the City Council has authority under SVMC 9.05.030 to change speed limits, provided that such alteration shall be made on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, he reasonable and safe,and in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this City; and WHEREAS,these changes will be fisted in the Master Speed Limit Code adopted by the City. NOW TH1'RT FORF , he it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. rvlodifying an Arterial Speed Limit The speed limit on the following City road section shall be decreased from 35 mph to 30 mph: • lith Avenue from Pines Road to Sullivan Road. Section 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence or clause of this Resolution is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Resolution. Section 3. Effective Da[e. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this 14'h day of November, 2017, City F Sp ' ."Lc Valley ATT13S . 1 l.,R ,.411F, :yor fi•istineBainbridge, City .lerk Approved as to Forma: Offic /the "` oniey Resolution 17-017 Amend lviaster Speed limit Page 1 of 4 MASTER SPEED LIMIT SCHEDULE School Speed Zones SCHOOL SPEED ZONES The following road sections have been designated as school zones. The maximum speed allowable on the said road sections shall be 20 miles ler hour as designated with any of the signage options pursuant to Washington Administrative Code section 392-151-035 as adopted or amended. The Council shall establish any changes to speed limits or school speed zones by resolution. TWENTY MILES PER HOUR: 411‘ AVENUE from 600 feet west of Adams Road to 300 feet east of Adams Road; from 300 feet west of Bradley Street to 300 feet east of Coleman Street; and from 300 feet west of I.ong Road to Moen Street. #lth AVENUE from 300 feet west of Adams Road to 800 feet cast of Adams Road. Vh AVENUE from Herald Road to Felts Road. 10t1i AVENUE from Wilbur Road to Union Road. 12th AVENUE from Wilbur Road to l.Jnion Road. 16t1' AVENUE from 300 feet west of University Road to 300 feet east.of Glenn Road; from Woodlawn Road to Clinton Road; and from 300 feet east of Bolivar Road to 200 feet west of Warren Road. 24i1' AVENUE from Union Road to Pines Road and from 300 feet west of Calvin Road to 200 feet cast of Adams Road_ 32f11 AVENUE from 300 feet west of Pines Road to Woodlawn Road. ADAMS ROAD from 91 Avenue to 350 feet north of 4th Avenue and from 850 feet north of 246 Avenue to 241h Avenue. AT,TT AVENUE from Glenn Road to Pierce Road and from 400 feet west of Pines Road to Pines Road. BARKER ROAD from 750 feet south of Mission Avenue to 300 feet north of M ission Avenue. BOONE from 300 feet west of Farr Road to 300 feet east of Farr Road. BOWDISH ROAD from 201h Avenue to 24i1L Avenue and from 300 feet south of 11th Avenue to 300 feet north of 111h Avenue. BRADLEY ROAD from 511'Avenue to 3r1 Avenue. BROADWAY AVENUE from 400 feet west of Farr Road to 400 feet east of Fair Road; from 100 feet west of VanMartcr Road to Johnson Road; from 300 feet west of Progress Road to St. Charles Road; from 400 feet east of McDonald Road to Blake Road; from 300 feet west.of Felts Road to 300 feet east of Felts Road; and from 300 feet west of Ella Road to 300 feet east of Ella Road. BIJCKEVE AVENUE from 200 feet east of Park Road to 350 feet east of Center Road. CATALDO from Rudolf to MacArthur, CENTER ROAD fiom Marietta Avenue to Utah Avenue. CIMMARON DRIVE from Sunderland Drive to 300 feet cast of Woodruff Road. COLEMAN ROAD from 5L'` Avenue to 3`d Avenue. FARR ROAD from 300 feet south of Valley way Avenue to 350 feet north of Valleyway Avenue. FLORA ROAD from 600 feet south of Wellesley to Wellesley Avenue. HERALD ROAD from ] 111'Avenue to 911'Avenue. LONG RUM.) from 300 feet south of 4th Avenue to 2°d Avenue. MacARTFCUR from Boone to Cataldo MCDONALD ROAD from Broadway Avenue to Cataldo Avenue; from 350 feet south of 161 Avenue to 141 Avenue; and from 711' Avenue to 5th Avenue. MISSION AVENUE from 500 feet west of Bowman Road to Park Road;from SR-27 to 750 feet east of SR- 27; and from Barker Road to 500 fleet east of Barker Road. PARK ROAD fi.om 300 feet south of Mission Avenue to Nora Avenue and from 100 feet south of Carlisle Avenue to 400 feet north at Buckeye Avenue. Resolution 17- 017 Amend Master Speed limit Page 2 oro PINES ROAD from 25th Avenue to 23rd Avenue,from 1141h Avenue to 500 feet north of 32"J Avenue, and from le Avenue to 20th Avenue. PROGRESS ROAD from 65O feet south of Broadway Avenue to I3roadway Avenue and from Widlcsley Avenue to Crown Avenue. RUDOLF from Boone [o Cataldo. SCHAFER ROAD from 300 feet south of Cimmaron Drive to 300 feet north of Cimmaron Drive_ SR-27 from 200 feet sou[h of Mirabeau Parkway to 100 feet north of Pinecroft Way and from 300 feet north of Broad wily Avenue to 300 feet south of Broadway Avenue. UNION ROAD from 1.2th Avenue to IOu'Avenue. UNI ERSiTYROADfrom 19'nAvenue to 161 Avenue. VAT.T.EY\VAY AVENUE from 300 feet west of Marguerite Road to 150 feet east of Hutchinson Street. VISTA ROAD from Frederick Avenue to 200 feet south of Buckeye Avenue. WELLESLEY AVENUE from 700 feet west of Adams Road to 200 feet eas[of Bums Road and from Conklin Road to Flora Road. WILIWR ROAD from i21 Avenue to I0a`Avenue_ WOODRUFF ROAD from 300 feet south of Cimmaron Drive to 300 feet north of Cimmaron Drive, 1'lyground Speed Zones PLAYGROIND SPEED JONES The following road sec[ions have been designated as playground zones_ The maximum speed allowable on said road sections shall he as shown below when signs are in place. TWENTY MILES PER HOUR: MISSION AVENUE from 250 feet west of Bowdish Road to 1,500 feet west of I3owdish Road. TWENTY-FIVE MUTES PER HOUR: MIRABEAU PARKWAY from 1,000 feet east of Pinecroft Way to 1,300 feet north of Mansfield Avcnuu. Sr>eed Limits The following road sections have maximum speed limits higher than 25 miles per hour. '1'H[lll'Y NILES PER HOUR: 3"a AVENUE from west city limits to Fancher Road. S[h AVENUE from Pines Road to Sullivan Road. INDIANA PARKWAY from Indiana Avenue: to Flora Road, MISSION AVENUE from Pines Road to Sullivan Road and from Flora Road to Barker Road. MISSION PARKWAY from Indiana Parkway to Flora Road. MONTGOMERY DRIVE from Argonne Road to Dartmouth Lane. THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR: 1s1 AVENUE from Eastern Road to Thierman Road. 4ah AVENUE from west city limits to Eastern Road. San AVENUE from west city limits to Park Road; from Dishrnan-Mica Road to lin iversity Road; and from Barker Road to Hodges Road. fah AVENUE from Tishman-Mica Road to Sullivan Road. 32°d AVENUE from Dishman-Mica Road to Best Road, 4481AVENUE from Locust Road to Sands Road. APPLEWAY AVENUE from Sprague Avenue to cant city limits. APPLEWAY BOULEVARD from -Merman Road to University Road. Resolution 17- 017 Amend Master Speed limit Page 3 al'4 ARGONNF ROAD from Lishman-Mica Road to SR-290. BARICER ROAD from south city limits to 420 feet north of Bridgeport Avenue, BLAKE ROAD from SR-27 to Saltese Road. BOWDISII ROAD from Sands Road to Mission Avenue. BROADWAY AVENUE from I lavana Street to Flora Road. CARNAHAN ROAD from south city limits to 86 Avenue. DISHMAN ROAD from 8th Avenue to Appleway Avenue. DIsHMAN-MICA ROAD from 300 feet south of 8"h Avenue to Sprague Avenue. EUCLID AVENUE from Sullivan Road to 1~lora Road; from Flora Road to Barker Road; and from Barker Road to east city limits_ EVERGREEN ROAD from 32.' Avenue to Indiana.Avenue and from SR-290 to Forker Road. 1i'ANCHER ROAD from the Freeway(PSH No. 2) access on 3rd Avenue to SR-290. FLORA ROAD from Sprague Avenue lo Montgomery Avenue and from the north side of the Spokane River to Wellesley Avenue, 1NI1A1NA A.VFNIJE from SR-27 to Indiana Parkway. INDIANA AVENUE from Sullivan Road to Indiana Parkway. MADISON ROAD fiom Thorpe Road to Pines Road, MANSFIELD AVEN tiE from Montgomery Avenue to M iraheau Parkway. MARIETTA 1'TA AVEN[[E from Sullivan Road to Euclid Avenue. McDONAT,T) ROAD from 16" Avenue to Mission Avenue, MIRABEAU PARKWAY from SR-27 to Indiana Avenue. MISSION AVENUE fiony Argonne Road to SR-27 and from Barker Road to east city limits. MONTGOMERY DRIVE from Dartmouth lane to SR-27. MULLAN ROAD from Appleway Avenue to Indiana Avenue, PARK ROAD from Beverly Drive to Bridgeport Avenue_ PINES ROAD from Madison Road to 16"b Avenue. PROGRESS ROAD from Wellesley Avenue to Crown Avenue, RTITTER AVENUE from west city l irn its to Park Road. SALTESE ROAD from 16th Avenue to Blake Road. SANDS ROAD from 4416 Avenue to Bowdish Road, SCHAFER ROAD from 44'x' Avenue to Llishman-Mica Road. SPRAGUE AVENUE from west city limits to cast city limits_ SR-27 from SR-290 to 500 feet south of 16thAvenue. SULLIVAN ROAD from Saltese Road to Wellesley Avenue. Tri{)RPE ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Madison Road. UNIVERSITY ROAD from Dishman-Mica Road to Mission Avenue, WELLESLEY AVENUE.from McDonald Road to Flora Road_ FORTY MMES PER HOT IR: BARKER ROAD from Euclid Avenue to SR-290 SR-290 from west city limits to 1,200 feet west of University Road. FORTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR.: DISHMA.N-MICA ROAD from south city limits to 300 feet south of 8"h Avenue. SR-27 from 500 feet south of lbs' Avenue to south city limits. F FTY MILES PER HOUR: SR-290 from 1,200 feet west of University Road to cast city limits. Resolution 17. 0[7 Amend Master Speed limit Page 4 of 4