Ordinance 17-013 amends 2017 budget CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 17-013 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASiiiNGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 16-417, WiiiCH ADOPTEiI A BUDGET FOR TiiE PERIOD JANUARY 1,2017 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2017 AS SUBSEQUENTLY A14MTNIW.D BY ORDINANCE, 17-00S; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED 'Ji-1 k;RETO. WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 16-0[7 on November 8, 2016, which adopted the 2017 annual budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 17-008 on June 6, 2017, which amended the 2017 annual budget, and WHEREAS, subsequent to the November 8, 2016 adoption and June 6, 2017 amendmcn[ of the 2017 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to properly perform City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, ilie budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the 20117 annual budget was passed by the City Council; and VHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the 2017 budget to reflect unanticipated revenue, expenditures, transfers, and appropriating the same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1, Amended Revenues and Appropriations, Ordinance No. 16-017 adopted a budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017 and Ordinance 17-008 amended the budget for the same period. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund contained in Section 1 of Ordinance 16-017, as subsequently amended by Ordinance ]7-008, is hereby further amended as se[for[h in Attachment A to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 2. Severabilit.. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Vail y this 14th,.ay of November 2017. ATTs/ i li_R. l-Iiggins, pristine Bainbridge,City Clerk Date of Publication: -- 4 ' App v s . Dm: 1401 Effective Date: /f — ` Offic f the Cr' Attorney Ordinance 17-013 amending the 2017 budget Page 1 of 2 ,ATTAC]Th.•1FENT A Suurcts _ Uses Revenues Appropriations Estimated Beginning Ending fund Fund .kdnpteLivia Amendedvia Am.cnded3la Tots] Toml I Adopted via Amended via Amended via Tota] fund No. Annual:Approprism)n Fund Balance Ord. 16-017 Ord, 17-a08I Ord.17-013 Revenues Source. I Ord.16-017 Ord. 17-008 Ord.17-013 Appropriations Balance 0031 Licnc:al 29,072.:972 41..493,425 114200 120,000 42.2.27,62,5 71_0,1.597 42 443,672 .191.309 13'3.700 46,0,71.681 25,229,916 101 Street O&M 1,318,504 4,40.3,16 (200,000) 0 4203,168 5,521,672 48,51,244 ;192,000) 0 4,659,244 862,428 103 Paths&Trails 37,384 8,600 0 0 8,600 45,984 0 0 0 0 45,984 104 HotelNotat Tax-7tmrism:acuities 571232 377,000 0 250,000 627,000 1.198,232 0 0 0 0 1,198 32 105 Hoteli1oty: fax 219,790 580,500 0 0 580,500 800290 634.000 U 0 634,000 166,290 106 Solid Waste 79,122 151,8(10 0 0 151,800 230,922 151,800 0 0 151,800 79,122 107 PSG 240,34] 80,000 0 0 80,000 320,341 262,500 0 0 262,500 57,841 120 CenterPlacc Operating Reserve 300,000 0 0 0 0 304.000 0 0 0 0 300,000 121 Service Level Stabllizatiom 5,483,425 21,900 0 0 21,500 5,505,325 0 0 0 0 5,505,32.5 122 "inter Weather R scree 242,835 600 258.000 0 258,600 501,435 500,000 0 0 500,000 1,435 204 Debt Service LTGO 03 4,049 935,951 8.1.450 0 1,017,401 1,021,450 940,000 3,117 0 943,117 78,333 301 Capital Projects 1,746,393 801,700 0 200,000 ],001,700 2,748,093 1,456,986 24.085 (230,079) 1150,992 1,497,101 302 Special Capital Prpjects 2,300,560 801,700 0 200,000 1.001,700 3,302,260 1,913,134 24,085 0 1,937,219 1,365,041 303 Street Capital Projects 75,566 7,166,649 193,000 1,959,840 9,329,489 9,405,055 7.166,649 193,000 1,969,840 9,329,489 75,566 i 309 Parks Capital Projects 111.714 3,939,9 0 (1.617,700) 2;477V7 2,433,996 3,904,182 0 (1,614,90( 2289282 144,714 ' 310 Civi?Faw004ie C'.apia]Projects 1,333,159 1200 0 6,300 7,500 1,340,659 490,500 0 8,000 498,500 842,159 311 Pavane-Er Prescrratian 2953,564 2,682,300 0 0 2,682,300 5,635.864 3,050,000 0 0 3,050,0(0 2,585,864 312 Capital Reserve 4,310, 62 1,000 3,003,929 0 3,004,929 7,315,291 2.321,915 676.000 283,817 3.281,732 4,033,559 1 313 City Hall Construction 6.148,061 0 0 27,001 27,000 6,175,061 5,244,219 0 755,882 6,100,101. 74,96+0 ! 3]4 Railroad Grade Separation Projects 0 1,970,000 483,000 (420,0(0) 20.33,000 2,033,000 :970,000 483,000 (1,470,000) 983,000 1,050,000 1 56,550,033 65,917,475 3,933,579 735440 70 86°494 127,136 7 77400,801 4,705,596 (163,740) 51.942,557 45,193,870 I 1 Sources Uses Revenues Appropriations Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Working Adopted via Amended v ia Amended via Total 1'ota] Adopted via Amended via Amended via Intal Working N41. Working Capital rtuxls Capital Ord.1f-017 Ord_ 17-0118 Ord. 1 7-01 3 Revenues Sources Ord. 16-017 Ord. 1.7-008 Ord. 17-013 Appropriations Capital 402 Stormwater Managcmcu. 1,761,416 2072,500 0 2,072.500 3,833,916 2,459,072 1.90.0 0 2,463,972 1,369,944 403 Aquifer Protection Area 950,725 460,000 0 0 460,000 1.410,725 530.000 0 0 530,000 880,725 501 Equipment Rental&Replacement 1,136,951 185.029 0 0 185,029 1,321,980 0 150,4(0 83,400 233,800 1,088,180 502 Risk Management 233,687 350,000 0 0 350,000 583,687 350,000 0 0 350,000 233,687 4,082,779 3,067,529 0 0 3,007,529 7.150,308 3,339,072 155.300 83,400 3,577,772 3,572,536 Total of all Funds 60,632,812 68,985. 04 3.933 X79 735.440 73,654,023 134 280,835 80,739.1373 4,860,896 80,340) 85,520,429 48,766,406 Ordinance ]7-0[3 amending the 2017 budget Page 2 of